16:54:46 RRSAgent has joined #aria 16:54:46 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/06/16-aria-irc 16:54:48 RRSAgent, make logs member 16:54:48 Zakim has joined #aria 16:54:50 Zakim, this will be WAI_PF 16:54:50 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_PFWG(ARIA)1:00PM scheduled to start in 6 minutes 16:54:51 Meeting: Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference 16:54:51 Date: 16 June 2014 16:54:51 chair: Rich 16:55:00 meeting: W3C WAI-PF ARIA Caucus 16:56:42 SteveF has joined #aria 16:57:04 jongund has joined #aria 16:57:50 WAI_PFWG(ARIA)1:00PM has now started 16:57:57 +Rich_Schwerdtfeger 16:58:13 RRSAgent, make log public 16:58:27 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pfwg/2014Jun/0091.html 16:58:35 +??P5 16:58:44 +??P11 16:58:57 zakim, ??P5 is Janina 16:58:57 +Janina; got it 16:59:09 +[IPcaller] 16:59:32 zakim, IPcaller is me 16:59:32 +SteveF; got it 17:00:39 + +1.541.678.aaaa 17:01:11 + +1.603.882.aabb 17:01:11 zakim, aaaa is Matt_King 17:01:12 +Matt_King; got it 17:01:21 zakim, aabb is Joanie_Diggs 17:01:21 +Joanie_Diggs; got it 17:01:38 jongund has joined #aria 17:02:22 mattking has joined #aria 17:02:47 clown has joined #aria 17:03:21 +[IPcaller] 17:03:22 -[IPcaller] 17:03:30 scribe: mattking 17:03:32 scribe: matt_king 17:03:37 +[Microsoft] 17:03:43 +Jon_Gunderson 17:03:46 cgallello has joined #aria 17:03:55 scribe: mattking 17:04:03 +[GVoice] 17:04:15 zakim, who's on the phone? 17:04:15 On the phone I see Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Janina, Michael_Cooper, SteveF, Matt_King, Joanie_Diggs, [Microsoft], Jon_Gunderson, [GVoice] 17:04:16 zakim, GVoice is Joseph_Scheuhammer 17:04:17 +Joseph_Scheuhammer; got it 17:04:26 zakim, I am Joseph_Scheuhammer 17:04:26 ok, clown, I now associate you with Joseph_Scheuhammer 17:04:55 zakim, Microsoft is Chris_Gallello 17:04:55 +Chris_Gallello; got it 17:05:19 TOPIC: ARIA in HTML 5 17:06:21 JS: html5 2nd last call will happen this week and then could go to Proposed Recommendation after that 17:06:44 JS: We are not sure that the strong semantics are testable as stated. 17:06:48 http://htmlwg.org/heartbeat/WD-html5-20140617/dom.html#sec-strong-native-semantics 17:07:06 JS: So perhaps it should be informational in html5 and then normative at a later time. 17:07:24 +[IPcaller] 17:07:46 JS: Perhpas the authoring guidance should be normative and the UA guidance should be informative 17:08:10 +James_Nurthen 17:08:12 LJWatson has joined #aria 17:08:16 q? 17:08:19 q+ 17:08:21 jamesn has joined #aria 17:08:38 zakim, who ison the phone? 17:08:38 I don't understand your question, LJWatson. 17:08:43 ack 17:08:49 zakim, who is on the phone? 17:08:49 On the phone I see Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Janina, Michael_Cooper, SteveF, Matt_King, Joanie_Diggs, Chris_Gallello, Jon_Gunderson, Joseph_Scheuhammer, [IPcaller], James_Nurthen 17:09:04 zakim, [IPcaller] is LJWatson 17:09:04 +LJWatson; got it 17:09:49 RS: We can test the restrictions on which roles on which elements 17:10:11 RS: those most important part to test; can be done with validators. 17:10:32 q? 17:10:34 RS: We definitely need a MUST on those restrictions. 17:10:35 ack 17:10:44 q? 17:10:53 + +1.215.518.aacc 17:10:53 ack richardschwerdtfeger 17:10:59 q? 17:11:22 andrewlarkin has joined #aria 17:11:43 http://htmlwg.org/heartbeat/WD-html5-20140617/dom.html#sec-implicit-aria-semantics 17:13:21 +[Microsoft] 17:13:30 http://stevefaulkner.github.io/html-mapping-tests/ 17:17:15 q+ to say doesn't the "restrictions" column in the HTML5 spec limit what happens when we get new roles in ARIA? 17:18:31 SF: Strong native semantics define author restrictions. Implicit semantics define UA requirements for mapping native elements to ARIA roles. 17:19:16 SF: Over weekend wrote test cases for implicit semantics. 17:19:38 SF: which are currently MMUSTS in html5 spec 17:20:17 FS: dialog and details are in 5.1 not 5 17:20:51 RS: however, separater and image could be a problem. 17:21:17 SF: Most of the issues are not contraversial; requirements are clear. 17:22:33 SF: My test table currently includes some elements with no implementation reqs; I will remove those. I will also remove things not in html5. 17:22:52 SF: If you take those things out, about 90% pass. 17:24:31 SF: Need to correct heading mapping in last call. 17:25:03 RS: surprised link didn't pass. 17:27:31 SF: the link element was mistakenly mapped to the link role in aria. 17:27:58 SF: This the link ement, not the anchor element. 17:28:55 q? 17:29:26 JS: If Steve gets the bugs filed and they get resolved, what should the status be? Normative or informative? 17:29:53 RS: If they get resolved, we could keep it as normative. 17:31:45 SF: for the limited requirements that html 5 makes, we are probably safe keeping this normative. Keep in mind, there are many other requirements that the html5 spec does not cover, eg, name calculation. 17:32:40 JS: Should we mark this at risk? 17:33:33 SF: Because number issues is small, we should aim for getting them resolved. We do not have to put the whole section at risk due to these issues. 17:34:30 SF: In some cases there is "no role" but there is still an attribute, eg read-only. 17:35:24 RS: When we say there is no mapping, that means there is no required mapping, right? 17:36:14 q+ to ask if we can still log bugs against all of this because there seem to be things missing 17:36:31 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/dom.html#concept-role-none 17:36:50 SF: That link points to the meaning of "no role" in html 5. 17:37:15 SF: I will clean up the table and then we can have another look. 17:37:51 JS: Should I withdraw the pref to put this at risk? 17:38:10 ack me 17:39:13 MC: It does not hurt to continue marking it at risk. That can push getting the defects resolved. 17:39:27 RS: Does that force them to go back to last call? 17:39:46 MC: You have to say what will be done if risk condition is met. 17:41:00 JS: The risk response could be to mark it informative rather than striking it. 17:43:13 RS: we need to make sure the info that is there is accurate even if it is informative. 17:43:32 RS: For example, the heading not having a mapping. 17:43:47 SF: It is still accurate, it just means there is not a required mapping. 17:44:15 SF: 5.1 spec still maps Hn to heading and aria-level n 17:45:58 SF: The vast majority pass. We could just pull the specific assertions that fail by making those at risk. 17:46:08 JS: we have onhours to do that. 17:46:41 s/onhours/only hours/ 17:47:41 SF: I will provide Janina with the list of assertions that are potentially at risk. 17:47:47 -SteveF 17:48:15 ack me 17:48:27 JN: how does it work when we add new roles to ARIA? 17:49:14 JN: What about using role none in place of presentation? 17:49:32 JN: does that specifically have to be written into the html 5 spec? 17:51:06 JN: The way this is written in html5, we can not use new roles because the way this is written. 17:51:57 MC: We could have them make it clear that it is referencing aria 1.0 and then add some language that would give us some wiggle room for later versions. 17:52:13 html is in a dev continuous cycle they can be added to 5.1/5.2 etc 17:52:57 q? 17:52:59 JN: Who is reviewing this. Brian posted several issues. 17:54:56 uh oh 17:55:05 i am now on mute 17:55:59 issue-655? 17:55:59 issue-655 -- Consider creating annotations roles for comments, spell-check errors, etc -- open 17:55:59 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/655 17:56:01 TOPIC: Issue 655, anotation 17:56:05 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/655 17:56:09 issue-655? 17:56:09 issue-655 -- Consider creating annotations roles for comments, spell-check errors, etc -- open 17:56:09 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/655 17:56:15 rrsagent, make minutes 17:56:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/16-aria-minutes.html janina 17:56:31 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-wai-pf/2014AprJun/0161.html 17:57:10 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-wai-pf/2014AprJun/0161.html 18:00:11 CG: attributes on annotated elements and attribs on anotation elements are described in the e-mail post. 18:00:26 q+ to ask/suggest that aria-annotationtype is a global attribute 18:00:31 can we add an annotation type of "moreinfo"? 18:00:37 q- 18:00:56 CG: An onotated element would preserve role of the element; the annotation is an attrib. 18:01:53 … ? 18:02:02 JN: Can we have an annotation type of something like "more info"? 18:02:29 RS: I would like something other than "true"; something like "author defined". 18:03:49 -Chris_Gallello 18:03:49 I lost audio 18:04:08 RS: for aria-annotationtype, proposing that instead of "true" we have a value like "Custom". 18:04:22 +[Microsoft.a] 18:04:24 JN: Proposing another like "MoreInfo" 18:05:59 MK: Could make it aria-hasannotation then true makes sense 18:06:09 CG: Could be aria-annotation 18:09:49 ….

This is the annotations

18:09:50 ? 18:10:13 CG: aria-hasannotation well say if there is an annotation and its type. This is on the element that is annotated. 18:10:31 CG: aria-annotatedby would point to the annotation. 18:13:27 Some text ….

18:14:10 CG: Annotations may not be in the DOM at the time doc is loaded, eg, Word online may have ref to a footnote but foot note is loaded on demand. 18:14:55 18:14:59 CG: could put multiple annotation types on the aria-hasannotation attrib 18:15:15 and the multiple ids and they would need to be in same order. 18:15:22 CG: that was proposed. 18:15:27 18:16:07 CG: alternatively could wrap w/multiple spans 18:17:34 RS: Better to use the layered spans 18:18:39 MK: If you have a space delimted list, then making a mod, e.g., deleting onw of the annotations, would require modifying the attrib, which would be unreliable. 18:19:39 RS: do we need a false? 18:19:44 http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-1.1/#aria-invalid 18:20:02 Joanie: Convenient for scripting for turning it off; equals undefined. 18:20:55 RESOLUTION: s/Joanie:/CS:/ 18:21:25 s/Joanie:/CS:/ 18:23:35 RESOLUTION: add aria-hasannotation attribute with values: comment, footnote, endnote, reference, insertion, deletion, modification, true, false, more where aria-hasannotation has only one value at a time 18:24:03 action: jcraig add aria-hasannotation attribute with values: comment, footnote, endnote, reference, insertion, deletion, modification, true, false, more where aria-hasannotation has only one value at a time 18:24:03 Created ACTION-1454 - Add aria-hasannotation attribute with values: comment, footnote, endnote, reference, insertion, deletion, modification, true, false, more where aria-hasannotation has only one value at a time [on James Craig - due 2014-06-23]. 18:24:31 Note that the email for that action will go to just the private list. 18:29:49 RS: should it refer to one or multiple refs in aria-annotatedby? 18:30:09 RESOLUTION: aria-annotatedby where it takes IDREFS as a value and must only be applied when that same element has aria-hasannotation 18:30:46 Action: jcraig add aria-annotatedby where it takes IDREFS as a value and must only be applied when that same element has aria-hasannotation 18:30:53 janina:rich http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-admin/2014Jun/0045.html 18:31:10 results updated and at risk email sent 18:31:13 ack me 18:31:40 actio: jcraig to add aria-annotatedby where it takes IDREFS as a value and must only be applied when that same element has aria-hasannotation 18:31:41 Action: jcraig to add aria-annotatedby where it takes IDREFS as a value and must only be applied when that same element has aria-hasannotation 18:31:41 Created ACTION-1455 - Add aria-annotatedby where it takes idrefs as a value and must only be applied when that same element has aria-hasannotation [on James Craig - due 2014-06-23]. 18:32:33 Action: galello provide defintions in action 1454 for each of the annotation types 18:32:33 Error finding 'galello'. You can review and register nicknames at . 18:33:06 Action: gallello provide defintions in action 1454 for each of the annotation types 18:33:06 Created ACTION-1456 - Provide defintions in action 1454 for each of the annotation types [on Christopher Gallello - due 2014-06-23]. 18:33:31 -Michael_Cooper 18:33:38 -James_Nurthen 18:33:45 RESOLUTION: close issue 655 with actions 1454-1456 18:34:38 FWIW: bugzilla about annotaions for mapping guides: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=26106 18:34:41 rrsagent, make minutes 18:34:41 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/16-aria-minutes.html mattking 18:35:25 -[Microsoft] 18:35:42 -Jon_Gunderson 18:35:51 -LJWatson 18:35:53 - +1.215.518.aacc 18:35:55 -Joanie_Diggs 18:35:57 -[Microsoft.a] 18:35:59 -Joseph_Scheuhammer 18:35:59 zakim, bye 18:35:59 Zakim has left #aria 18:36:01 leaving. As of this point the attendees were Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Michael_Cooper, Janina, SteveF, +1.541.678.aaaa, +1.603.882.aabb, Matt_King, Joanie_Diggs, Jon_Gunderson, 18:36:01 ... Joseph_Scheuhammer, Chris_Gallello, James_Nurthen, LJWatson, +1.215.518.aacc, [Microsoft] 18:36:27 rrsagent, make minutes 18:36:27 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/16-aria-minutes.html mattking 18:54:25 clown has joined #aria 19:36:15 janina has joined #aria 20:14:55 jcraig has joined #aria 20:59:25 clown has left #aria 21:24:15 SteveF has joined #aria 23:32:26 jcraig has joined #aria