11:47:21 RRSAgent has joined #i18nits 11:47:21 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/06/11-i18nits-irc 11:47:27 meeting: ITS IG 11:47:29 chair: felix 11:47:35 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its-ig/2014Jun/0010.html 11:47:53 topic: roll call 11:47:57 checking attendance 11:48:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/11-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 11:54:47 Arle has joined #i18nits 11:55:28 present+ Arle 11:56:10 \msg fsasaki Felix, I may not be able to pay attention for the entire call due to some urgent deadlines. If I do not respond to something I need to, please send me a Skype ping. Sorry about that. 11:56:51 Yves_ has joined #i18nits 11:59:18 Renat has joined #i18nits 11:59:38 present+ Renat 12:00:33 Jirka has joined #i18nits 12:01:13 Tatiana has joined #i18nits 12:01:30 Good afternoon and greetings from Latvia! :) 12:01:43 Ankit has joined #i18nits 12:01:55 present+ Ankit 12:02:01 Cannot dial in and join you via IRC 12:02:03 present+ Yves 12:02:08 hi Tatiana, still waiting for the call to be started by the organizer 12:02:12 present+ felix 12:02:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/11-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 12:03:16 dF has joined #i18nits 12:03:26 present+ dF 12:04:04 present+ tatiana, dave 12:04:28 present+ Jirka 12:05:38 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its-ig/2014Jun/0010.html 12:05:42 chriLi has joined #i18nits 12:06:00 dave: Open Data Management for Public Automated Translation Services 12:06:27 dave: felix, I and others were at the LREC conference two weeks ago 12:06:38 .. there was a workshop about infrastructure in language technology 12:06:48 .. some things were academic, but otheres more practical 12:07:27 .. andrjes Vasilijevs and Hans Uszkoreit talked about what the EU is planning to do in terms of concrete services 12:07:35 .. one service will be automated machine translation 12:07:58 .. the MLI project is gathering technical requirements for machine translation services 12:08:38 dave: I, felix and asun gomez perez talked to these guys after the workshop 12:08:54 .. it seems that so far people have not looked at the data management side of things 12:09:00 .. e.g. how to use open lexical resources 12:09:04 .. and other items 12:09:11 .. ITS does not have all solutions for this 12:09:25 .. but some data categories can help, e.g. Terminology, Provenance, maybe even LQI 12:09:43 .. I, Asun and Felix wrote a document 12:09:44 .. https://www.w3.org/International/its/wiki/Open_Data_Management_for_Public_Automated_Translation_Services 12:09:52 .. with high level requirements 12:10:10 .. e.g. how to collect parallel texts, how to determin if the content has been created by MT etc. 12:10:23 .. e.g. one use case being annotation of parallel text with ITS metaata 12:10:29 s/aata/data/ 12:10:41 .. we put this up on the ITS IG wiki to see if people have feedback 12:11:05 ... and flesh out technical requirements, but also look into other groups like LD4LT and the LIDER project 12:11:19 .. and then give that feedback to the MLI project 12:11:26 .. any feedback so far? 12:11:36 present+ serge 12:11:50 serge: who is the driver of the MLI project? 12:12:43 daveL has joined #i18nits 12:13:01 present+ DaveLewis 12:13:11 http://mli-project.eu/ 12:13:19 Serge has joined #i18nits 12:14:05 dave: DCU is involved, coordinated by INMARK (based in SPAIN), various other companies and ELDA 12:14:31 dave: they started just to get going, since the EU had not yet announced CEF broadly 12:14:46 https://www.w3.org/International/its/wiki/Open_Data_Management_for_Public_Automated_Translation_Services 12:14:54 [see partners list at http://mli-project.eu/?page_id=14 ] 12:15:18 dave: there is a lot of expertise on the language technology side of things and how to run e.g. cloud services 12:15:28 .. there is also a call out to look into interop and standards 12:15:42 .. it seems to assume that the services will be provided by the EU MT service 12:16:08 .. from an interop point of view it sounds like it may be operated by the MT@EU project 12:16:40 .. from an interop point of view it sounds like a good opportunity to promote ITS, linked data things, TBX / TMX as well 12:16:42 Sorry, was away from keyboard for a few minutes: about MLi 12:17:01 At the end of June there is a deliverable to be submitted by MLi 12:17:47 dave: andrejs Vasilijevs and Hans Uszkoreit said that the project is looking currently for input 12:18:13 serge: it is critical to include the data component in this 12:18:43 MLi deliverable in June will recommend on the pilot services 12:18:55 serge: if the data component has been negleted we need to step in, make contributions 12:19:23 I believe, there should be a tight collaboration between LIDER, MLi, and relevant initiatives within W3C 12:19:44 +1 12:19:47 +1 12:19:49 Dave, yes, MLi now is gathering input from users 12:20:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/11-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 12:21:07 https://www.w3.org/International/its/wiki/Open_Data_Management_for_Public_Automated_Translation_Services 12:21:44 felix: we are making the dicussion here in public also to get broad input from people not directly involved in MLi 12:22:01 Thank you for this link, I will forward it to my colleague who is directly involved in the MLi work 12:22:20 His task is to collect user requirements 12:22:39 tatiana, what date would be good to aim for to submit this as a contribution to MLi after gathering further input, e.g. from GALA 12:22:55 serge: clear, we will contribute, and everybody should, see if things are missing etc. 12:24:54 If it is OK with the ITS community, this doc might be shared with MLi (at Tilde, at least) and kept updating 12:25:17 as soos as there is input from the ITS community 12:25:30 tatiana, sure, that is also why we do this in public - also, see dave's question on the timeline for feedback 12:25:36 christian: about the document you drafted 12:25:48 In this way, both parties will be updated 12:25:54 .. do you want to give that as a position statement of the ITS IG, or of the editors? 12:26:08 .. that's a different aspect 12:26:17 serge: good point - should be an ITS IG position 12:26:37 christian: not necessarly - we need clarity - an IG position or compiled by members of the IG 12:26:51 serge: there is a lot of discussion now about European language cloud 12:27:02 .. if we imagine in the future the European language cloud 12:27:12 .. that should be the data model for ITS, MQM, industrial implementations 12:27:20 .. that should be coordinated 12:27:44 .. otherwise we will get a zoo of tools and mess with the data 12:27:56 dave: to answer christian: 12:28:10 .. we put this up on the wiki, not proposing that this should be an ITS IG position statement 12:28:23 .. happy to move that elsewhere if that is a conflict or out of scope 12:28:47 .. the scope is broader than ITS, but I thought the ITS group is a good place to put it 12:28:59 .. there is a lot of other people interested in this, also outside the ITS IG 12:29:17 .. so if people want to contribute we can do that and e.g. add names of editors 12:29:27 .. so would you feel happy to host the discussion here 12:29:58 christian: for me this is the ITS IG 12:30:09 .. ITS1.0 and 2.0 fit well with automated translation services 12:30:24 .. so discussions related to automated translation services should be mentioned here as well 12:30:34 .. so bringing this into the group and discussing it here is great 12:32:41 discussion on where this should be discussed - ITS IG seems to be a good open forum for this 12:34:06 christian: if we want to have an official ITS IG statement - what would be the procedure ? 12:34:35 felix: for interest groups there are no formal voting procedures 12:34:58 david: if the IG wants to make collective statements the note has to go through the process 12:36:25 http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-i18n-bp/ 12:36:49 www.w3.org/TR/ 12:38:15 felix explaining the concept of a W3C note 12:38:18 serge: this group is very active and elaborate, working on ITS etc. 12:38:39 .. if we formulate general terms - how do we see as a group the proper implementation of a language cloud, and publish this as a note 12:39:44 felix: a bit afraid that the time is not sufficient to discuss and publish a note 12:40:22 christian: would be helpful to have a more focused link 12:40:36 .. I see link to MLi project page - but where to find background info that is in the doc 12:41:00 .. is there such a targeted link, or are there workshop notes? 12:41:16 dave: we can get Andrjes MLi notes, which were fairly general 12:41:35 .. there is EU information - I can dig out a link about the current call from the EU for feedback 12:43:08 action: daveL to find out what the timeline is for giving feedback (and felix too) to check if ITS IG would have time to produce an official W3C note 12:43:08 Created ACTION-47 - Find out what the timeline is for giving feedback (and felix too) to check if its ig would have time to produce an official w3c note [on David Lewis - due 2014-06-18]. 12:43:23 christian: CEF is a funding scheme from the EU 12:43:47 .. they will ask to create several infrastructues, one is related to public automated translation services 12:44:02 .. so you suggest to give some input of baseline requirements 12:44:18 dave: broadly, though I am not sure it will be a public procurement process 12:44:41 .. the preparatory call says: the expection says that the MT@EU will be the basis 12:44:55 .. it won't necessarily a fully public tender 12:44:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/11-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 12:48:32 felix: will schedule another call next week so that we can continue this and other topics 12:48:42 topic: CSS attribute selectors 12:48:49 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its-ig/2014Jun/0001.html 12:48:58 http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-nonelement-1/ 12:50:49 jirka: is there an implementation already using CSS selectors? 12:51:35 felix: I am aware of bluegriffon IIRC, but that development is not moving forward it seems 12:51:46 jirka: the motivation of the draft is to use CSS selectors with ITS 12:51:52 .. so it needs some implementations 12:52:10 .. don't remember who originally proposed this, e.g. some implementation or a general comment 12:53:01 action: felix to check with Cocomore if they would be interested in implementing the CSS attribute selector 12:53:02 Created ACTION-48 - Check with cocomore if they would be interested in implementing the css attribute selector [on Felix Sasaki - due 2014-06-18]. 12:53:22 Sorry, I need to go. Speak to you all later. 12:53:43 felix: may also be interesting for Logrus 12:54:35 felix: no timeline for the draft - without implementations it just will not move forward? 12:54:37 jirka: right 12:54:51 .. they won't stop us from working on this due to some deadlines 12:55:06 daveL has joined #i18nits 12:55:19 topic: Review of FEISGILTT outcomes 12:55:33 http://www.localizationworld.com/lwdub2014/feisgiltt/Program.pdf 12:55:40 david: we had a good working event 12:55:49 .. there will be proceedings published via localization focus issue 12:55:57 .. deadline is end of July for camera ready papers 12:56:05 .. there was interesting discussions 12:56:19 .. there was XLIFF symposium and linked data track 12:56:31 .. most interesting thing was requirement gathering 12:56:42 .. e.g. doing object model + json serialization for XLIFF 12:57:10 .. that was nicely aligned with requirements on future of ITS that was discussed in Marid, MLW WS 12:57:24 .. we also discussed ITS mapping into XLIFF 12:57:40 .. there was some discussion of XLIFF module dependencies 12:57:57 .. ITS support can be in several modules, since the support will be in several categories 12:57:59 Have to leave already, sorry! Talk to you later and looking forward to reading the minutes. Bye! :) 12:59:00 .. once the have ITS on the XLIFF TC agenda we can discuss details 12:59:24 felix: we can discuss this next week again if that makes sense 13:00:09 david: about the linked data topic: 13:00:26 .. several people said that licensing of linked data is an important topic is important 13:00:44 dave: also, several people said not so much publishing of linked data but modeling with linked data is important 13:00:55 .. as we discussed via mail with Arle about MQM mappings 13:01:24 .. RDF modeling works well to build broad consensus and have specializations in sub classes etc. 13:01:42 .. need to move forward with people who don't have much experience with writing ontologies 13:01:50 .. other important point is API discussion 13:02:01 .. also looking into JSON-LD for the payload 13:02:14 .. that relates to XLIFF / API discussion as well 13:02:36 .. people said: a data model is great - but to use it you will need an API as well 13:02:44 .. for different use cases, like in HTML5 13:03:01 david: people from XLIFF community got really interested in linked data agenda 13:03:04 .. which was good 13:03:22 .. was successful in bringing together the two communities and detecting themes and topics 13:03:31 dave: discussion and feedback went really well 13:03:40 .. me and felix are writing up some notes on this as well 13:04:23 topic: aob 13:04:58 will have another call next week, same time, to discuss at least three topics: ITS/MQM, Open Data Management for Public Automated Translation Services, and ITS/XLIFF 13:05:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/11-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 13:05:30 present- DaveLewis 13:05:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/11-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 13:05:56 present+ christian 13:05:57 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/11-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 13:27:41 rrsagent, bye 13:27:41 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2014/06/11-i18nits-actions.rdf : 13:27:41 ACTION: daveL to find out what the timeline is for giving feedback (and felix too) to check if ITS IG would have time to produce an official W3C note [1] 13:27:41 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/06/11-i18nits-irc#T12-43-08 13:27:41 ACTION: felix to check with Cocomore if they would be interested in implementing the CSS attribute selector [2] 13:27:41 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/06/11-i18nits-irc#T12-53-01