Research and Development Working Group Teleconference

28 May 2014

See also: IRC log


Simon, Vivienne, Markel, Bim, Shadi, Annika, Christos, Justin
Klaus, Giorgio


Accessible Wayfinding Progress

vivienne: progress on accessible wayfinding progress - topic is up there, but haven't added anything

Christos: hasn't had time to work on the wayfinding, but from this week on will be able to put work into it

I should be able to put some stuff into it this weekend too

<sharper> http://www.w3.org/WAI/RD/charter4

SH: charter shows we have 8 symposiums within the next charter period. First was Justin/Sylvia in eLearning (November 2013), one was for March, July and November
... ranking will be based on the remaining topics
... accessible wayfinding will be something perhaps for November. Too late for July one, but could be for November. We want to cover the entire set of symposia. If we can run this one in November, we will need to have confirmed symposium and ready to go to announcement for July.
... need catalogue topic - need to make announcement in September.

Christos: timeline is do-able

annika: should be able to get catalogue items ready - should be okay with this time

SA: aren't we still prioritizing topics? good to create a catalogue items, but what about the 'web of things' as we were hoping to get people from one of the other working groups. We could have 1 for October too.

SH: should be able to have them close together. We have some to make up. We did this with Easy to Read and Text Customization
... should have this ready end of July - people will be away in August so people won't be available then. We need to be ready to go for beginning of September

Need everything that should be ready for end of July

SH: welcome Bim Egan to the group - has done lots of work looking at the draft reports

BE: provided an introduction - part of WAI-ACT project. Started work on tutorials, but now doing more on communications/accessibility. Worked for RNIB as Senior Accessibility Technologist, Web Author BBC.

introductions by the group members for Bim

SH: thanks to Bim for helping with getting reports sorted - reading and editing for the metrics note

Ranking of Research Priorities

<shadi> http://www.w3.org/WAI/RD/wiki/Research_Topics

SH: will edit the wiki in real time, some will be shelved, some will be catalogue topics, some will be symposia
... look at raw topics first
... will announce the topic and we can discuss

good luck on minuting this!

<markel> +1

<christos> +1


SH: authoring accessibility (Simon's addition).

<justin> shelve

Don't know?

okay, makes sense - I say shelve it

MV: vote for keep it in list

<christos> I agree with shelving it... too many other interesting topics

SA: at least as a catalogue topic

<sharper> * [[Authoring Accessibility]] (Simple, Authoring Language, Rapid Development.)

SH: summary - suggested shelving it, but some of the email and on the call suggest we keep it in top most wanted.

Item 2: guideline specification languages

SH: suggest catalogue topic

Christos: could be interesting - agree for catalogue topic

SA: borderline - catalogue & shelving
... might take quite a bit of research to get ready

SH: shelve it for now

Item 3: open research frameworks & toolkits

SH: was thinking about ACTF toolkit and others. Can't see anyone wanting to have this from emails. Suggest shelve
... no comments - so shelve it

Item 4 - Web Inclusion

SA: a number of people expressed interest in the email. Need the research questions to be clearly identified.

I'd like it on the list

SH: this one is on the list

Item 4 - web page sampling

SH: shelve? maybe a catalogue topic

Markel - like the topic but needs specialised people

Shadi - we have lots of evaluation topics already

Annika - sampling topic has been discussed in Eval Method and reviews there.

Christos - agree


Suggest we leave this one off

<christos> shelved

SH: shelve
... Ubiquitous Web Accessibility - 3 people have it in their top 5

SA: relates to web of things and wearables
... if its combined with wearables it could be good

Markel: some things could be joined - this could be in Internet of Things

<christos> +1 on merging...

SH: see about combining with Internet of Things?


SH: propose to combine it with Web of Things

User Evaluation Methods for Web Accessibility Evlauation

SH: should it be in most-wanted or on the top 10?

SA: want this one as a catalogue entry - too narrow for a symposium. Would take a lot of resources to agree on the scope

Christos: it is an interesting topic - we have discussed this some already - based on a process rather than checklist. This falls within the process realm and could be interesting.

SA: how much could we do in a symposia

Christos: could find out

SA: don't have hope we can get consensus, could highlight different methods on which is the best way in a symposium
... suggest that Vivienne and Annika put it in a wiki topic - would the research questions look like?

SH: put it into a catalogue topic because the 3 people who are most vocal are the ones doing some of the next symposiums

<christos> 2 in the price of 1!

SH: could put it in a catalogue topic and then it could be developed further into a symposium in the future

Vivienne/Christos/Annika okay with that - put it into a catalogue topic

Benefits of Accessibility - there isn't anything in there

<shadi> +1 to catalog for user evaluation - would highlight the research questions

Accessible Security - isn't on anyone's list.

MV: means authentication methods and similar - could be joined to another

Christos: privacy in terms of mechanisms to ensure privacy - not sure of the other aspects

SH: put this into the catalogue topic and Markel could look at security/privacy aspects - could be brought back to the group for a symposium later

MV: happy to go with a catalogue topic first

Cloud Computing Accessibility

SH: suggest adding Cloud to Ubiquitous

<justin> agrred

SH: put them into a catalogue topic initially

<christos> +1


<justin> +1

<annika> +1

SH: there are good questions to ask here in this topic.

Accessible Ads

<christos> don't like it as well

SA: a good idea, relating to benefits of accessibility. We have lots of other topics - suggest shelving it for now.

MV: Peter would be able to give more information on this - can be put back in later

Personally I'd like to see video ads with captions, then I'd be happy!

CSS accessibility

SA: very broad topic - shelve for now
... people with visual impairments other than blindness have been under-served with assistive technology. Could be potentially interesting for researchers - using CSS in different ways for people who haven't been served well with AT

SH: bin it for now?

Technology for accessibility such as voice and Braille interface

SH: shelve it?

Virtual realty & augmented reality - combine?

SH: these have been put on the list by quite a few people

SA: there is a cluster of related topics - augmented, wearable, accessible way-finding, cloud

SH: could provide the basis for good research if we can get these topics out there
... tangible/wearables are related also

<shadi> [[waerables - augmented - open linked data - way-finding - privacy - cloud ...]]

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

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$Date: 2014/05/28 18:44:37 $