Data Activity Coordination Group monthly

07 May 2014

See also: IRC log


phila, David_Wood, Arnaud, Ivan, deirdrelee, JeniT, ericP, Guus_Schreiber, Yaso, Tom_Baker, danbri, +44.208.224.aabb
Phil A
David Wood



Arnaud: Headed for CR. May have a formal objection, but only one person disagrees.
... There is a "very healthy" list of implementations coming up. People might find issues when running tests, but initial interop actually worked.

…a final report is still in progress, so the LDP WG will ask for a 6-month extension.

…LDP Next proposals are being made now. There is a lot of material for a future version.

<danbri> sorry :( joining shortly

…LDP Next could turn into a list of smaller specs that focus on specific features.

<Zakim> davidwood, you wanted to calm Arnaud re formal objections

Phil: You might find it easier to keep the momemtum. Recharter now.
... What about protocols other than HTTP for shifting around data?

Arnaud: No :)


JeniT: Things going well. We have a few working drafts out and are refining them.

…Also draft specs on converting CSV to RDF and other formats.

Data on the Web WG

yaso: Working on best practices document. Starting the core now. Have started some WDs.

Phil: Will something be ready to show by the end of the month.

yaso: Maybe, will try.

RDF Data Shapes

Tom: 8 Oct is DC Conference. There is interest in a presentation on shape expressions.

…Eric Miller will be there speaking about application profiles for BibFrame (MARC replacement as Linked Data).

<phila> Bibframe

…People will be coming to DC Conference looking for tools and ideas to deploy.

<phila> The DC event in October

…Eric Miller puts less emphasis on a language and more on tool support.

<Guus> the term "shape expressions" appears to me to be too nebulous; outsiders will have no clue

+1 to Guus

Naming is hard.

<Guus> too geeky

Eric said something interesting that I missed.

<phila> +1 Guus - hence we're moving to 'RDF Data Shapes'

Arnaud: IBM has tools, but the shapes are composed by hand.

<tom> +1 for something like 'data shapes'

<danbri> do these shapes compile down to pure sparql?

…Relevant software is buried within Rational products.

Eric cannot get to DC in the absence of airfare.

I volunteer to present shape expressions at DC, if needed. Others might be better.

<Arnaud> dan, oslc resource shapes can be expressed as sparql asks, although we don't currently do that

Tom: Not aware of anyone who has deployed shape expressions yet. Matias Palmer (sp?) has done some prototype work.

<Arnaud> eric's extensions won't though

Eric: Trying to get a working group on shape expressions and maybe a ftf on the US West Coast.

…David can handle the DC presentation.

<danbri> yup

Phil: There is space reserved for the proposed RDF Validation and Social Web WGs.

Eric: HCLS WG will not be expected at TPAC.


Eric: There is work on modeling biological structures with scary Greek names.

<danbri> for ref, CSVW meet at TPAC on Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 October.

…Big demo coming up at FDA next Wed.

…If FDA adopts for tabular structure for clinical trial format, might also allow RDF submissions.

<tom> Re: RDF validation - Matthias Palmer's tool, based on SHAME project prototype: https://bitbucket.org/metasolutions/rdforms

<danbri> there was some collab around ontology design patterns <-> patterns from actual rdf data, eg. somewhere around http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/Main_Page

<Guus> not sure, will have to check details

Deirdre: Would be interested in discussing heritage modeling with Guus.

<danbri> "schema.org - the new build. Lessons/pointers for us? The context file etc. (Dan)"

Danbri: Schema.org Web presence has been rebuilt. It is a collaborative venture run by the search engines. It has been moved to GitHub and run by Google's App Engine.

…It has an RDF parser.

…The schemas and examples are also on GitHub.

…The search engines have been wary of sharing the link widely because they don't think it is representative of where they eventually want to go.

…Has spent time at FB recently getting developers to install the infrastructure on laptops - hope that will speed adoption and development.

…License is currently Apache 2. There is ongoing discussion.

<danbri> see also http://applinks.org/documentation/

…Moving toward weekly pushes.

<danbri> re bib schemas, https://www.w3.org/wiki/WebSchemas/BibextendBibframeMapping from ericm/danbri collab

Ivan: The Digital Publishing IG is looking at defining ONIX Lite. Might be interested in migrating to schema.org for wider use. BISG (Book Industry trade organization) is discussing with the IG.

<danbri> http://www.w3.org/community/schemabibex/

<tom> https://www.bisg.org/ - Book Industry Study Group (BISG)

Danbri: Schema.org likes to delegate to the wider world and watch for consensus. The library community has argued around bibliographic modeling for a long time.

<danbri> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ONIX_for_Books

<Arnaud> sorry but I have to drop off

<Arnaud> I wanted to say that I'm rather confused about the goal of the web of things workshop

<danbri> 'external enumerations'

<Arnaud> IBM is very involved in the Internet Of Things and we don't see much benefit in starting a new branding

<Arnaud> but of course we do have researchers interested (we always do :-)

<danbri> (we have a proposal for a small subset of skos to be echoed into schema.org, https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webschema/file/default/schema.org/ext/miniskos.html … could work for this?)

<Arnaud> I've talked to Dave already

Danbri: They have a sandbox running a JSON-LD prototype.

<danbri> json-ld is at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2014Apr/0023.html

<phila> http://www.w3.org/2014/02/wot/

Phil and Danbri discussed the benefits of W3C supporting schema.org and how owl:sameAs support would help show links to the Open Web.

The Web of Things

Phil: There will be a Web of Things workshop, that focuses on services.

…The closing date for submissions is 10 May.

Danbri: When will Social Web charter be available?

Phil: Soon, I hope.
... The Social Web charter is going to the membership soon.

The next meeting is 4 June.