07:06:53 RRSAgent has joined #svg 07:06:53 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/04/08-svg-irc 07:06:55 RRSAgent, make logs public 07:06:55 Zakim has joined #svg 07:06:57 Zakim, this will be GA_SVGWG 07:06:57 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 07:06:58 Meeting: SVG Working Group Teleconference 07:06:58 Date: 08 April 2014 07:06:58 ScribeNick: krit 07:07:06 chair: ed 07:07:30 heycam: [presentation about his proposal for new SVG DOM] 07:07:43 zakim, remind us in 8 hours to go home 07:07:43 ok, ed 07:08:37 heycam: ...want to improve SVG DOM... secuirty bugs in old DMO 07:08:42 heycam: no one likes it 07:09:01 heycam: new features are harder to add... especially looking forward to a new API 07:09:04 http://dev.w3.org/SVG/proposals/improving-svg-dom/ 07:09:11 heycam: should a new API be consistent with SVG DOM or HTML? 07:09:21 heycam: that is why I thought about new API 07:09:30 heycam: more HTML like API without breaking content 07:09:36 heycam: but didn't really work out 07:09:48 heycam: eg SVGAnimatedLength stuff 07:09:58 heycam: svg.width = something would be great 07:10:13 heycam: but there is no way we can still keep the SVGAnimated object on there 07:10:24 heycam: and have numbers as argument at the same time 07:10:54 heycam: from there I though if we need to want a new DOM... the authors should have a way to use the new API and have a fallback for the old API 07:11:09 heycam: to opt in to new SVG DOM should be known at element creatiion 07:11:21 heycam: NS would be a way to indicate new elements 07:11:32 heycam: SVG NS would get old API 07:11:41 heycam: no NS (HTML NS) will get new API 07:12:29 heycam: you can create elements without NS suffix 07:12:41 heycam: that puts element sin the HTML NS by default 07:12:51 heycam: null NS allows elements in XML NS 07:13:23 heycam: I hope that the fact that there are 2 NS versions of an element is not too big of a problem to implementations 07:14:13 heycam: we don't want to have inline SVG stuff to get suddenly a new API 07:14:21 heycam: we need to tag them differently 07:14:41 heycam: so that old content doesn't end up with new API while the JS code still addresses the old NS 07:14:48 s/NS/API. 07:14:50 s/NS/API/ 07:15:03 heycam: the tricky part is the img element 07:15:17 heycam: "image" creates the element, not 07:16:06 krit: what about createElement("image") 07:16:13 heycam: hm, need to think about it 07:16:55 heycam: while in HTML actually creates , creareElement("image") might not 07:17:01 heycam: [does checking and confirms] 07:18:17 krit: what about innerHTML = ""? 07:18:24 heycam: maybe we need another flag 07:18:37 ed: authors might not want to have 2 different image elements 07:18:42 heycam: probably 07:18:50 heycam: haven;t looked into the APIs 07:19:29 heycam: so not sure if the images are compatible 07:19:42 krit: both elements would need the attributes of the other 07:20:14 heycam: the proposal rests on having two APIs where one gets dropped over time 07:20:31 heycam: don't think it is possible to drop SVG content completely 07:20:40 s/content/API/ 07:21:12 pdr: what about having both APIs on the same element 07:21:17 heycam: that is how I started 07:21:31 heycam: element.x = .... [see problem above] 07:22:24 heycam: for inline SVG we would need a new root to get the new API 07:22:31 heycam: this would create a new viewport 07:22:59 heycam: all attributes need to be lowercase 07:23:47 heycam: same for elements 07:24:34 heycam: maybe even do dashed limitingConeAngle -> limiting-cone-angle 07:25:16 heycam: some element need to be unified like script, style, a 07:26:20 heycam: still needs to be defined what happens when you mix SVG and HTML-SVG elements 07:28:40 heycam: [explains some API specific things that do not allow to simply combine old and new SVG DOM] 07:28:50 heycam: [all in his document] 07:30:54 ed: you can not check equality of SVGAnimated objects in Blink anymore 07:31:39 pdr: we broke that intently 07:31:51 rect.x === rect.x will return false in blink 07:32:00 krit: some one from Google said that on the mailing list www-svg 07:32:17 birtles: yes, and bz was clearly against that 07:32:23 birtles: we can not do it 07:32:35 pdr: we made it and it makes the implementation much simpler 07:33:41 heycam: going HTML allows us to avoid duplication from many things that didn't move up to Element 07:33:46 heycam: like tabIndex 07:35:34 heycam: all SVGAnimated* types get basic types like SVGBoolean to boolean SVGString to DOMString 07:35:44 heycam: int -> long 07:42:21 tbah has joined #svg 07:42:42 heycam: [explaining different lists in his proposal] 07:46:48 ed: did you measure SVG DOM usage? 07:46:55 heycam: I plan to do it 07:47:15 pdr: we coudldn't in Blink. We wanted to do the measuring 07:48:08 s/SVG DOM usage?/SVG DOM usage? particularly the pathSeg DOM 07:52:06 pdr: why do you keep normalized paths around? IIRC just Presto ever implemented normalized path with synchronization? 07:52:15 heycam: yeah, we might get rid of it. 07:52:26 pdr: not sure why we need normalized paths at all 07:52:32 pdr: canvas doesn't have it 07:52:49 krit: canvas paths are not that difficult as SVG paths 07:54:08 heycam: [goes on with aspectratio] 07:54:39 heycam: if there is a need for preserveAspcetRatio that can not be solved with CSS we may need to keep it but as string instead of enum 07:57:21 ScribeNick: birtles 07:57:33 pdr: I like this proposal 07:57:49 heycam: One of my concerns is the duplication of code and the burden it would be 07:57:53 ... I hope it wouldn't be too much 07:57:58 ... same functionality but a different API 07:58:03 pdr: yes, that is a concern 07:58:19 ... what about making SVG2 be a clean break altogether? 07:58:43 ... why not remove backwards compatibility altogether when you have as top-level? 07:58:49 krit: that would lead to two implementations 07:59:00 pdr: but in the future we would hope to remove the old implementation 07:59:07 heycam: I think this proposal does that 07:59:46 pdr: this maintains features like SMIL for example 08:00:08 krit: in general I like this idea of SVG inheriting from HTMLElement 08:00:22 ... I think this is worthwhile but I see the problems with and