HTML5 Chinese Interest Group Charter comments

The story about how the proposal originated is unnecessary.

Remove the first part of Scope about how the IG's proposal originated(The proposal for the group ... with others in their regions).

Lots of things that should be links aren't.

Add links for the HTML Working Group, the IG Wiki, the Internationalization Working Group, the HTML5 Chinese Interest Group page, the mailing list, the CJK mailing list.

I hope the group also provides feedback on accessibility issues, and perhaps SVG, and would like to see that reflected in the groups it may report to besides HTML. such as CEA608 or CEA708, or developed by groups such as SMPTE, DECE and EBU."

Put the WAI and SVG WG to the Dependencies and Liaison section.

Formal Objection: The communication mechanisms should be clear in the charter, and in particular, the group should use its own page to communicate. If W3C China wants to replicate information for wider distribution, that's fine, but there should be a minimal requirement for people who want to track this group but not the rest of W3C china's activity.

It will may things easier if we simply announce that "Any meetings the group schedules will be announced on the list" and "The group will use the HTML5 Chinese Interest Group and Wiki to provide updated public information about its activities".

My name should probably be removed from the authors of this charte.

Remove the names of the former editors.