16:55:19 RRSAgent has joined #css 16:55:19 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/02/19-css-irc 16:55:24 Zakim, this will be Style 16:55:25 ok, glazou_; I see Style_CSS FP()12:00PM scheduled to start in 5 minutes 16:55:30 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:55:55 sgalineau has joined #css 16:55:58 Style_CSS FP()12:00PM has now started 16:56:06 +plinss 16:56:12 +SylvaIng 16:56:47 +??P4 16:56:50 Zakim, ??P4 is me 16:56:50 +glazou_; got it 16:56:57 +dael 16:57:14 ScribeNick: dael 16:57:56 + +1.917.207.aaaa 16:58:06 Zakim, aaaa is dauwhe 16:58:06 +dauwhe; got it 16:58:57 + +1.206.992.aabb 16:59:09 Zakim, +1.206.992.aabb is me 16:59:10 +MaRakow; got it 16:59:38 +fantasai 16:59:53 +krit 16:59:57 +BrianKardell 17:00:05 rhauck has joined #css 17:00:14 +??P14 17:00:17 Zakim, ??P14 is me 17:00:17 +SimonSapin; got it 17:00:46 koji has joined #css 17:00:52 +Stearns 17:01:07 +[Koblenz] 17:01:18 + +1.415.231.aacc 17:01:19 Zakim, Koblenz is me 17:01:19 +rhauck; got it 17:01:35 no idea who Koblenz even is 17:01:39 +[Apple] 17:01:45 Zakim, Apple has me 17:01:45 +hober; got it 17:02:40 zakim, +1.415.231.aacc is me 17:02:40 +koji; got it 17:03:20 +Plh 17:04:03 +dbaron 17:04:22 lots of regrets today 17:04:32 smfr has joined #css 17:04:36 +TabAtkins 17:05:06 +[Bloomberg] 17:05:15 zakim, who is making noise? 17:05:26 +smfr 17:05:27 plinss, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: dael (4%), fantasai (2%) 17:05:45 plinss: Let's start 17:05:56 ...: I saw the note about adding writing modes, anything else? 17:06:06 ??: I have some things about transitions that happened this week 17:06:14 Andrey has joined #css 17:06:18 plinss: It went to CR, no one posted anything 17:06:23 glazou: I tweeted about ti fromt he account 17:06:37 plinss: Pub is done by Bert, nothing else for us except work on test suites 17:06:43 ...: But transitions are going 17:06:48 ...: Anything else to add? 17:06:56 +Bert 17:07:12 s/??: I have/SimonSapin: I heard/ 17:07:13 plinss: Bert, we were just talking about the transitions, do you need anything? 17:07:20 bert: No, everything is in process. 17:07:30 bert: I haven't started. 17:07:43 bert: It's not online yet, maybe tomorrow 17:07:51 plinss: Koji, you wanted to do writing modes 17:08:05 koji: Yes, I think fantasai and I think we're ready 17:08:17 plinss: Ok. On obj to taking to CR? 17:08:39 plinss: fantasai you had a note on IRC, should that be at risk? 17:08:45 Webkit implements -epub-text-combine 17:08:49 fantasai: No, we have to impl. webkit and epub 17:08:57 MSFT implements -ms-text-combine-horizontal 17:09:13 fantasai: they're not compat and don't follow spec, but basic use-cases are compat 17:09:24 ...: Only concern is I don't like the name. -horizonal is confusing. 17:09:37 ...: Does glyph horozontal only apply in text. 17:09:58 ...: Horozontal only applys to horozontal text and that this applies to veritical too it's inconsistant 17:10:11 koji: So are you happy to go to CR now? 17:10:18 fantasai: I don't want to hold up the spec 17:10:24 ...: I'm just unhappy with that aspect. 17:10:35 plinss: Okay. Any objections? 17:10:45 fantasai: Anyone else have comments on that issue? 17:10:51 plinss: Suggestions for a better name? 17:10:54 s/bert: I haven't started.// 17:10:59 +Lea 17:11:06 fantasai: I think jdagget once suggested text combine upright 17:11:12 dbaron: I have one other question 17:11:21 ...: Do you think the stuff on mixed directions is solid? 17:11:27 fantasai: Not as much as I would like. 17:11:39 ...: I think it's poorly expained and confusing and may be wrong in some cases 17:11:56 dbaron: I think I'm okay with that as long as we understand that impl will lead to changes. 17:12:01 fantasai: That will be helpful 17:12:07 dbaron: And lead to another LC in CR 17:12:16 fantasai: I think that will happen, but I haven't gotten anyone to help review 17:12:27 dbaron: I think impl will help since implters will have to review 17:12:29 fantasai: I agree 17:12:38 plinss: Any notes in spec about that? 17:12:44 fantasai: About unstable, no. I can add some 17:13:01 plinss: I'm not sure if we want to call it unstable as they won't impl. Maybe say we want feedback 17:13:05 tantek has joined #css 17:13:07 plinss: But that's the point of CR 17:13:22 dbaron: It might be good to have a not that we're particularly interested in feedback in that section 17:13:27 plinss: Any other comments? 17:13:28 s/not/note/ 17:13:37 fantasai: Anything else on text combine horizontal? 17:13:51 plinss: Apperently not 17:13:58 fantasai: If no one cares, lets rename 17:14:09 plinss: to text combine upright? Fine with me. Any obj? 17:14:16 ...: I think it's better from what you said 17:14:41 RESOLVED: Changed text-combine-horizontal to text-combine-upright and take it to CR adding the note from dbaron 17:14:46 Topic: Follow up on Selectors subject indicator 17:14:53 plinss: Let's try and resolve this. 17:15:00 TabAtkins: I have the results written up.. 17:15:01 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2014Feb/0441.html 17:15:27 TabAtkins: So they were extremely clear in both ! and ^ comparision over 80% liked the combinator 17:15:34 ...: Most of the reasons were what we had given 17:15:49 ...: most common refrain is people prefered has because it was easier to nderstand 17:15:58 ...: They liked characters instead of askii 17:16:10 ...: I think it's clear we should switch to ::has psuedo-class 17:16:14 plinss: Any other thoughts? 17:16:15 s/characters/words/ 17:16:38 fantasai: I can't obj to consistant survey results 17:16:50 TabAtkins: We have over 1000 responces so it's good size 17:17:15 dbaron: One thought I had was thinking about how one would impl and one strategy that wouldn't work for has, but I don't know if it would work for anything. 17:17:24 TabAtkins: They should be equivallent 17:17:28 dbaron: Not the chain. 17:17:35 TabAtkins: Youcan do it with subject indicators 17:17:44 fantasai: That's why we banned it originally 17:17:50 s/Not the chain/With :has you can have more than one downward chain/ 17:17:54 plinss: To be clear, we're not exculding multiple has 17:17:59 s/originally/originally from :matches()/ 17:18:25 tabatkins: I'd like to not. Theoretically there's not reason. This will be slow anyway so it will fall into complete, not fast. 17:18:51 fantasai: Basic syntax, subject indicator doesn't allow branching of the slector, but :has does allow it. 17:19:07 ...; IN the first casse you'd have to allow :matchs, but for :has you have it from the beingning 17:19:11 dbaron: I think I'm okay. 17:19:22 plinss: I presume we want to excluse nested has? 17:19:26 TabAtkins: I'm fine either way 17:19:33 plinss: I'm not sure what it would mean 17:19:48 TabAtkins: You're reevaluating based on it's children. Their usefullness is extremely niche 17:20:02 ...: I don't want restirctions, but I'm fine with exlusing if it's glitchy 17:20:09 ??: does matches exclude nesting? 17:20:26 TabAtkins: It does, but we need to fix that. We were planning on revisiting based on last F2F discussion 17:20:29 question was me 17:20:42 plinss: Thinking about nested has you can ignore the nested, but I'm not sure if that' relevent 17:20:56 plinss: Any obj to adopting :has as subject selector? 17:21:06 RESOLVED: Use :has as subject selector 17:21:35 TabAtkins: For alises you can remove psuedo-class and use has for impl 17:21:44 Topic: Follow up on Shadow DOM 17:22:02 plinss: There's lots of talk on www-style. Let's see if we can get traction 17:22:24 TabAtkins: We haven't made any major changes since F2F. We've shifted syntax of combinators from ascii to /shadow 17:22:47 ...: Based on fantasai suggestion, it's not /shadow/ so it's more a combinator and avoids odd whitespace rules 17:22:54 ...: 2 issues to resolve 17:23:06 ...: Original combinators are eq. of shadow-all 17:23:19 ...: I added/shadow which only selects childreno f shadow roots. 17:23:30 ...: They wanted shortest path that wasn't a definitive combinator. 17:24:01 ...: However, later there was an objection that using /shadow to select children make you more depentant on other elements, but shadow-all lets you be more knowledge-free 17:24:15 ...: He thought it would make more sense for the shortest and easiest thing to be less fragine. 17:24:35 ...: There's an author-concern about it being shorter and a useablility consern about the child selection 17:24:53 ... The pref consern isn't as strong. during matching it's cheap to move from arbitary element to it's host 17:25:17 ...: For matching purposes they're the same, but for updating purposes then the child variant does have an impact. 17:25:23 ...: I'm not sure how to fix this 17:25:33 dbaron: Did Boris and Janis get a chance to respond? 17:25:41 s/Janis/Jonas/ 17:25:50 s/respond/respond to Elliott's response/ 17:25:51 fantasai: ON a related note, you sent and e-mail about if we should use pseudo class or combintor syntax. 17:26:06 so the concern is related to a change to an element in the parent document requires reevaluation? 17:26:26 .foo /shadow/ .bar 17:26:32 ...: Based on an e-mail about this it seemed to be a psuedo-element is better then combinator so you don't have to select everything. You're in the tree and you don't have to have different for child vs decendant. 17:26:39 ...: It's just a straight-up selector 17:26:55 TabAtkins: One aregument against that, we'll still have super-decendant 17:27:13 ...: Even if we change child vs decendant, we'll still have anothe combinator. It feels off to have both 17:27:36 fantasai: One that pieces all if it's a psuedo element it would be strange you can use a child combinator and it would select decendants. 17:27:53 TabAtkins: I'm not sure what it means and I think at that point you're using psuedo-element as combinator 17:28:16 plinss: I think this is about my proposal. What I said was if you use pseudo-element to expose, it's a different model to expose. 17:28:22 TabAtkins: That's another question. 17:28:49 fantasai: What it means is shadow creates and access to one evel down and shadow-all is the combination of all shadow treess. 17:28:58 ...: So it's consistant to use psuedoelement for both 17:29:11 ...: And would be consistant with ::first-child if we allow selection inside 17:29:19 TabAtkins: That works regardless of approach 17:29:22 fantasai: But it's consistant 17:29:36 ...: My conclusion is it's better to use psuedo element 17:30:06 plinss: So there's combinator, psuedo-element to piece shadow tree or psuedo-element to expose inside 17:30:19 TabAtkins: I thinkt the 3 is seperate and dependant on webapps 17:30:30 ...: I don't htink we should encapsulate when JS does it. 17:30:43 +[Microsoft] 17:30:49 ???: There was concessus in webaps to add a flag to allow opt-in/out 17:31:04 ...: Putting aside the default, I think in CSS we should design assuming the flag exists 17:31:10 ...: I think we need to use the falg 17:31:16 TabAtkins: That's easier to resolve. 17:31:18 s/???/hober/ 17:31:39 ...: If they have the flag we should shut down completely. Then we do what plinss has proposed to expose sepecific things 17:31:55 hober: Right now you have /shadow/ etc. Suppose that was /customize/ 17:32:08 ...: And if you wanted to expose the whole tree you could do that with shadow 17:32:19 ...: If there were particular things to expose you could do that. 17:32:29 ...: I think syntax should be the same for public and private 17:32:30 dael: I think he said "slash custom ident" not "/customize/" 17:33:02 TabAtkins: I'd rather not consume the syntax for shadow DOM. We didn't want to swap syntax just for shadow. I wanted /foo/ to be how we do combinators 17:33:11 hober: So /ident/ is how you get at stuff 17:33:22 TabAtkins: That's a viable way forward assuming we end up in that world 17:33:45 hober: I think we will be in that world. Let's assume the flag will be added. I think it could go either way, but flag is concencus 17:34:00 TabAtkins: We know what we would do if the flag exists and have plans, I think that's all we need to do 17:34:17 hober: Any way to add a note in spec that it may only select what's permitted 17:34:29 TabAtkins: We'll edit accordingly 17:34:44 hober: I'm just worried about resolving syntax before webapps makes a decision 17:34:46 deal: "any way to add a note ..." was me 17:35:00 TabAtkins: All our syntax plans have extensions for only exposing pieces. 17:35:17 TabAtkins: So original conversation is psuedo vs combinators 17:35:31 ...: since we already have child vs decentant, we shouldn't reinvent? 17:35:44 fantasai: And there's no reason pseduo-element is inconsitant 17:35:53 +1 17:36:02 ...: We don't need magic combinator and psuedo element lets you go into an alt tree. 17:36:17 s/inconsitant/inconsistent with how we use pseudo-elements elsewhere/ 17:36:23 TabAtkins: My only prob is pseudo matches nothing. It's a root of a pretend tree. It seems inellegant. 17:36:40 hober: Maybe nee new syntax for doc element where you can't apply property directly 17:36:56 TabAtkins: That's what combinator is trying, but it's got the inellegance of repetition 17:37:05 fantasai: Does shodow tree always have a root? 17:37:09 TabAtkins: Yes 17:37:28 fantasai: It's it's rep. doc frag thing? One happens to be styleable and the other isn't 17:37:33 TabAtkins: You mean first line? 17:37:35 s/doc element/DocumentFragment/ 17:37:36 fantasai: Yes 17:37:49 TabAtkins: The first line is odd, but you can style it. It's a thing 17:38:08 -smfr 17:38:13 fantasai: In context of CSS you can style. In another enviroment you can grab. In that case psuedo would rep. fragment 17:38:22 s/grab/grab fragment things/ 17:38:40 /shadow/ /shadow>/ 17:38:43 TabAtkins: Idea: Rather than making named varients, what if we did what Tab is about to type 17:38:46 ::shadow> 17:38:50 TabAtkins: I don't know if that look wierd 17:38:53 fantasai: It does 17:38:56 ::shadow > foo 17:39:00 TabAtkins: Wierder then that? 17:39:06 /shadow >/ 17:39:13 fantasai: No wierder then that. It looks normal 17:39:27 TabAtkins: This can also be taken to all combinators that are similar 17:39:33 ...: And you can do same with pseudo 17:39:55 ...: This lets you not create new names for ascii combinators without exposing wierd of non-existant pseudo element 17:40:14 TabAtkins: We're almost there. 17:40:37 fantasai: I'm pretty confident that pseudo is the right way to go 17:40:53 ...: I don't see any arguements on the other side. They're all against your previous ascii combinator 17:41:02 TabAtkins: My main areguement is it doesn't rep. anything 17:41:16 fantasai: Not in CSS. It could be some APi does elements or fragmenty things 17:41:25 hober: I think this is not jsut shadow DOM. 17:41:29 s/does/that returns either/ 17:41:36 ...: They exist elsewhere and we should talk about it 17:41:52 TabAtkins: That would be similar to adder where CSS doesn't care, but specialize do. 17:41:59 s/adder/attr/ 17:42:01 ..: WE could have something that returns shadow root in JS 17:42:03 s/attr/::attr/ 17:42:12 hober: You can picutre passing this to query selectors 17:42:25 hober: It's not a pseudo element, it's a psuedo fragment 17:42:33 ...: I like the syntax being ascii, but not :: 17:42:50 s/syntax being ascii/pseudo-element-like syntax/ 17:42:52 fantasai: I htink the point is to use pseudo element syntax b/c it's like one and acts like one in the context of selectors 17:43:14 ...: if we do regions, you can to ::region and select the things inside regions, then you want to do ::first line 17:43:24 ...: These are all structurally similar. 17:43:33 s/first line/first-line/ 17:43:36 ...: It's not inconsistant with psuedo elements so we should use that 17:43:47 s/text combine horizonta/text-combine-horizontal/g 17:43:50 TabAtkins: I want to give this more thought to makes ure there's nothing I'm missing, but I think it sounds good 17:43:59 ...: Can we defur until next week? 17:44:03 s/horizontall/horizontal/g 17:44:05 hober: I'm also for not-resolving 17:44:12 s/defur/defer 17:44:14 plinss: That's fine for me. 17:44:23 plinss: Progress of a sort. 17:44:31 plinss: Anything else? 17:44:37 TabAtkins: I have a process q 17:44:45 plh, Charter progress ? 17:44:54 ...: We resolved to take ? to CR, but in the few weeks since there's been a ton of feedback 17:45:13 ...: I've been replying as they come, but does that effect CR since there's changes between approval and now? 17:45:15 didn't receive all the internal comments yet. only comments are very minor and not worth mentioning here 17:45:24 fantasai: You'll have to edit disp. of comments and get another resolution 17:45:29 should be done with this by next call 17:45:35 and the charter should go out next week 17:45:38 plh, ok thanks 17:45:40 TabAtkins: I'll void the previous res. and treat this like a delayed LC 17:45:53 fantasai: TabAtkins Did you want to rename still available? 17:45:55 http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-sizing/#width-height-keywords 17:46:08 TabAtkins: Small issue, I've intrduced several new words. 17:46:10 liam has joined #css 17:46:25 TabAtkins: I've introduced still-available which basically selects what's left at 100% 17:46:43 s/still/fill/ 17:46:48 ...: Issue is we think this is a long name and call it fill 17:47:00 TabAtkins: If no one obj we'll jsut do the quick rename 17:47:13 fantasai: We'll also looking for a new name for repudiate-float 17:47:20 dael, how often will i be used? 17:47:22 TabAtkins: We're not finishing this with that in there. 17:47:27 s/ i / it / 17:47:36 ??: We want to renaim still available to fill 17:47:40 fantasai: yes 17:47:49 s/still available/fill-available/ 17:47:51 ??: We use fill elsewhere and there might be issues 17:47:59 font-weight: phat; 17:48:12 TabAtkins: It's jsut a keyword and the ones you're talking about is graphical and this is geometry 17:48:19 ...: I think context disabbiguates. 17:48:21 s/repudiate-float/repudiate-floats/g 17:48:23 s/??/krit/ 17:48:32 krit: I think there's other with geometry 17:48:38 plinss: Anywhere we'd use shorthand? 17:48:40 TabAtkins: No 17:48:51 ...: Don't they use a purpose with min/max? 17:49:04 krit: It increases size 17:49:15 TabAtkins: This is still be as big as it should be, which is reasonably close 17:49:27 krit: I jsut want to make sure there's no conflicts with background 17:49:33 TabAtkins: They won't collide gramtically 17:49:46 plinss: Do you want a resolution, or is this editorial? 17:49:56 fantasai: We need a resolution 17:50:05 RESOLVED change fill-available to fill 17:50:14 TabAtkins: Sep. question for named-space. 17:50:35 ...: I've been making edits about attr selector and it turns out the grammer is worthless b/c doesn't allow wildcard subject 17:50:46 ...: The only place it's used is selectors and this part. 17:51:04 ...: How difficult is it for me to eddit the named spaces spec to make it more useful. 17:51:08 s/named-space/namespace spec/ 17:51:08 fantasai: What't hs issue? 17:51:24 TabAtkins: When selected have a named space you can have a selector before or after the bar. 17:51:46 ...: However the named spaces spec doesn't allow wildcard. It requires ident after the bar 17:51:54 ...: So no where can use the named spac selector? 17:51:56 s/named space/namespace/ 17:52:08 dbaron: Since when does it require wildcard names? 17:52:17 TabAtkins: pseudo element allows wildcard 17:52:37 s/require wildcard names/allow * for the attribute name/ 17:52:40 TabAtkins: You need to compeletely redefine the name of grammer for pseudo elements 17:52:55 plinss: It doesn't include the ident aft erh named space. 17:53:06 TabAtkins: It doesn't include the * after the named space. 17:53:19 http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-namespace/#css-qnames 17:53:28 TabAtkins: If you lookat named space grammer, there's only an ident prefixed with named space or with ident. 17:53:36 s/named space/namespace 17:53:36 plinss: I'm looking at it and I don't see the ident. 17:53:47 fantasai: Ah, you're looking at the ED 17:53:56 fantasai: We never updated the TR version. 17:54:02 http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-namespaces/ 17:54:03 ...: I'm happy to add a windcard thing. 17:54:09 I guess we need to publish this :) 17:54:11 ...: I guess we need to pub. 17:54:17 s/windcard/wildcard 17:54:18 TabAtkins: So what are we adding? 17:54:28 fantasai: grammer for other spec to refer to 17:54:31 TabAtkins: You're sure? 17:54:34 fantasai: Positive. 17:54:43 s/TabAtkins/dbaron/ (twice) 17:54:45 wqwname : wqname_prefix? [ ident | '*' ] 17:54:46 http://www.w3.org/Style/2011/REC-css3-namespace-20110929-errata.html notes it is empty 17:55:09 plinss: Let me backup, why are there differences? 17:55:17 fantasai: I think we just never updated the TR. 17:55:26 plinss: Okay. The TR is wrong. 17:55:38 q+ 17:55:43 Action: fantasai update namedspaces and figure out what we need to put it on to TR 17:55:43 Created ACTION-619 - Update namedspaces and figure out what we need to put it on to tr [on Elika Etemad - due 2014-02-26]. 17:55:58 fantasai: It has no performance implications to anyone anywhere 17:56:04 s/performance/conformance/ 17:56:21 Bert: If I may, I think there's two parts and you'll need to publish again 17:56:29 s/bert/plh/ 17:56:32 fantasai: Yes, we'd need to pub a new edition. 17:56:52 plinss: So you'll update and come back? 17:56:55 fantasai: Yes. 17:57:06 fantasai: Bert, did you pub the LC for backgrounds and borders? 17:57:13 bert: I don't remember, maybe not? 17:57:22 fantasai: You pub the doc, I'm wondering about the announcement 17:57:27 bert: Probably not then. 17:57:29 Bert, would you like to do that or should I/ 17:57:30 ? 17:57:41 bert: Should I or do you want to? 17:57:47 fantasai: I'm happy for you to do it 17:57:54 plinss: Is that it for the week? 17:57:57 -[Bloomberg] 17:57:58 -dbaron 17:58:00 -[Apple] 17:58:01 ...: Sounds like it. Thanks everyone. 17:58:02 -TabAtkins 17:58:03 -dauwhe 17:58:03 -Plh 17:58:03 -SylvaIng 17:58:04 -SimonSapin 17:58:04 -rhauck 17:58:04 -glazou_ 17:58:05 -koji 17:58:06 -BrianKardell 17:58:07 -fantasai 17:58:08 -Lea 17:58:09 -plinss 17:58:10 -krit 17:58:10 -dael 17:58:12 -Stearns 17:58:15 -Bert 17:58:43 -MaRakow 18:02:11 fantasai: You doing the Namespaces edits, or should I? 18:02:25 I can bikeshed it at the same time, woo! 18:02:37 um 18:02:43 I think it's fine... 18:04:15 Issue is that I need some definitions marked up properly, and it's verbose to do so outside of Bikeshed. 18:04:36 And also I need to add some PER boilerplate, which I haven't had an excuse to do so far. 18:04:36 myakura has joined #css 18:05:00 disconnecting the lone participant, [Microsoft], in Style_CSS FP()12:00PM 18:05:02 Style_CSS FP()12:00PM has ended 18:05:02 Attendees were plinss, SylvaIng, glazou_, dael, +1.917.207.aaaa, dauwhe, MaRakow, fantasai, krit, BrianKardell, SimonSapin, Stearns, rhauck, hober, koji, Plh, dbaron, TabAtkins, 18:05:03 ... [Bloomberg], smfr, Bert, Lea, [Microsoft] 18:05:31 I'm replying on Bert to handle publishing, so if it works for him, sure 18:05:54 But otherwise no, because editing a REC is enough annoyance 18:06:02 that I don't want to add wrestling with bikeshed to it 18:07:36 You don't have to do a thing! 18:10:56 Hehe 18:15:43 rhauck has joined #css 18:27:32 adenilson has joined #css 18:32:16 dauwhe_ has joined #css 19:04:21 fantasai: the ED is at css-namespaces, but the TR is at css-namespace. Which shortname should we be using? 19:04:51 This might have been an accidental typo during the renaming. 19:05:28 No, it looks like we were aware of this. I guess we were just standardizing on pluralization during the Rename. 19:10:30 myakura has joined #css 19:13:17 TabAtkins: right. The /TR is css3-namespace 19:13:21 TabAtkins: it is unrenamed :) 19:13:35 Yeah, I was just making sure the rename was intentional. kk 19:13:56 TabAtkins: btw, should I plan a trip to MV next week? 19:14:15 Sure, I'll be around. Let me check my calendar real quick. 19:14:47 I guess I should finish the Flexbox stuff on Thursday 19:14:52 er, tomorrow 19:16:11 dauwhe has joined #css 19:17:40 oh, and, uh, finish the f2f minutes >_< 19:21:19 Yeah, this week is out unless you wanna come by Friday. 19:21:29 I'm in vegas through tomorrow. 19:23:12 adenilson has joined #css 19:40:03 myakura has joined #css 19:45:15 TabAtkins: so, next week? 19:51:45 I have an interview on Monday which ends at 11:15, right around when you arrive. 19:51:49 I'm free the rest of the week. 20:05:40 Zakim has left #css 20:41:50 TabAtkins: I can't do Monday, but Tues or Thurs could work. Any preference? 20:42:29 tue 21:05:55 sgalineau has joined #css 22:02:26 jcraig has joined #css 22:33:11 jet has joined #css 22:34:49 emalasky has joined #css 23:08:31 emalasky has joined #css 23:21:04 jcraig has left #css 23:40:07 tantek has joined #css