15:20:36 RRSAgent has joined #w3process 15:20:36 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/02/03-w3process-irc 15:20:38 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:20:38 Zakim has joined #w3process 15:20:40 Zakim, this will be 15:20:40 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 15:20:41 Meeting: Revising W3C Process Community Group Teleconference 15:20:41 Date: 03 February 2014 15:20:46 Zakim, this will be chap7 15:20:46 ok, koalie; I see Team_JEFF()11:00AM scheduled to start in 40 minutes 15:20:53 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Feb/0000.html 15:21:08 koalie has changed the topic to: 3-Feb CHAP7: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Feb/0000.html 15:21:38 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Jan/0026.html Previous (2014-01-27) 15:21:43 chair: SteveZ 15:21:46 scribe: Coralie 15:21:47 s/ 15:21:54 scribenick: koalie 15:22:10 s/ ->/ ->/G 15:25:48 agenda+ Complete closure of issues 56-58, 67, 70, 72, 81 15:25:59 agenda+ Discuss Issues 6, 69, 79, 80, 83 and 84 15:26:24 agenda+ Review the Process within CR (Issues 59, 77) 15:54:41 SteveZ has joined #w3process 15:57:23 Team_JEFF()11:00AM has now started 15:57:30 +SteveZ 16:02:47 +Mike_Champion 16:03:11 +koalie 16:03:11 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:03:11 On the phone I see SteveZ, Mike_Champion, koalie 16:05:27 zakim, code? 16:05:27 the conference code is 24277 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), chaals 16:05:37 +[IPcaller] 16:05:52 zakim, [ip is me 16:05:52 +chaals; got it 16:07:54 Zakim, take up item 1 16:07:54 agendum 1. "Complete closure of issues 56-58, 67, 70, 72, 81" taken up [from koalie] 16:08:16 issue-56? 16:08:16 issue-56 -- How are groups outside the W3C, but with dependencies on a specification notified of a pending LCCR? -- closed 16:08:16 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/56 16:08:29 SteveZ: I closed 56 16:08:37 ... I closed issues after our last meeting 16:08:57 chaals: 72, 74, 78 are "pending review" 16:09:40 SteveZ: 56-58, 67, are closed 16:09:50 chaals: 78 and 84 are also pending review 16:09:58 ... Want me to talk through what I did? 16:10:01 SteveZ: Yes. 16:10:05 issue 72? 16:10:08 issue-72? 16:10:08 issue-72 -- Rationalising the definition of different types of change -- pending review 16:10:08 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/72 16:10:32 chaals: 72: @@@ 16:10:42 issue-74? 16:10:42 issue-74 -- Must specs describe next steps? -- pending review 16:10:42 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/74 16:11:05 chaals: 74: @@@ 16:11:22 s/@@@/I moved the section defining changes to the earlier definitions section, as agreed/ 16:11:48 rrasgent, draft minutes 16:12:10 chaals: Current draft's date is 2 February 16:12:35 -> https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/AB/raw-file/default/tr.html Current draft 16:13:41 chaals: 7.2.5 Classes of Changes 16:14:20 SteveZ: I closed issue-74 16:14:24 issue-78? 16:14:24 issue-78 -- Requirements for public discussion and wide review of rescindment request are redundant -- pending review 16:14:24 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/78 16:14:31 chaals: I removed the redundant requirement 16:14:55 issue-83? 16:14:55 issue-83 -- Explicitly allow WGs to customize process steps in their charters -- pending review 16:14:55 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/83 16:15:04 chaals: I wrote e-mail about issue-83 16:15:21 SteveZ: We'll leave that one pending. 16:15:34 issue-84? 16:15:34 issue-84 -- Reinstate Proposed Recommendation -- pending review 16:15:34 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/84 16:15:49 chaals: part of issue-77 16:15:54 ... and related to e-mail I sent 16:16:02 SteveZ: OK, we'll leave it pending. 16:16:43 Zakim, close this item 16:16:43 agendum 1 closed 16:16:44 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:16:44 2. Discuss Issues 6, 69, 79, 80, 83 and 84 [from koalie] 16:16:47 Zakim, next item 16:16:47 agendum 2. "Discuss Issues 6, 69, 79, 80, 83 and 84" taken up [from koalie] 16:17:22 Item: 2. Discuss Issues 6, 69, 79, 80, 83 and 84 16:17:45 SteveZ: suggested ways to resolve outstanding issues 16:17:50 ... I'd like to postpone 6 16:17:54 issue-6? 16:17:54 issue-6 -- Producing Recommendations when we know they need to be refined -- raised 16:17:54 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/6 16:18:12 chaals: I can live with postponing 6 16:18:25 ... I think we @@ 16:18:53 SteveZ: We can bring it up next Monday's phone call 16:19:00 chaals: I can live with postponing. 16:19:03 SteveZ: OK 16:19:27 Mike: I'm not unhappy about it. 16:19:48 s/@@/need to deal with it, but maybe not immediately 16:20:04 issue-69? 16:20:04 issue-69 -- Chapter 7: get Wide Review of Chapter 7 from other SDOs -- raised 16:20:04 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/69 16:20:09 SteveZ: I think it's moot 16:21:16 ... my proposed resolution for that was we notify SDOs of the update 16:21:43 chaals: I think we should ensure ISO in particular is aware 16:22:13 s/the update/the update when we have a full draft/ 16:22:52 Mike: Let's run it with the AB 16:23:15 SteveZ: Can I close it or do we want "pending review" on this one? 16:23:27 Mike: We need to make sure the AB thinks about this 16:23:39 SteveZ: Chaals, OK with closing? 16:23:44 chaals: Yes, sure. 16:24:16 issue-79? 16:24:16 issue-79 -- Don't require republication after 6 months of no publication -- raised 16:24:16 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/79 16:26:37 SteveZ: The message trail has Ian it would be OK to not require republication after 6 months 16:26:40 s/rrasgent, draft minutes// 16:27:07 chaals: I would like an Updated status for a document on TR to publishing a document on TR 16:27:19 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:27:19 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/02/03-w3process-minutes.html chaals 16:28:21 SteveZ: If I accept your definition of publishing, I understand. I'm not sure anybody reading this document would catch on to that. 16:28:27 chaals: Propose something? 16:28:35 s/@@@/I moved the section defining changes to the earlier definitions section, as agreed/ 16:28:44 SteveZ: I don't want to overspecify "pubrules" 16:29:06 ... if the only change is an update to status section, that can be done in place. 16:29:16 chaals: We don't say what publishing or making changes in place means 16:29:25 SteveZ: I can live with your interpretation 16:29:45 s/74: I moved the section defining changes to the earlier definitions section, as agreed/74: Changed the "should document expectations of next steps" to a must/ 16:30:13 SteveZ: Closed. 16:30:27 s/78 and 84 are/83 and 84 are/ 16:31:10 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:31:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/02/03-w3process-minutes.html chaals 16:32:02 issue-80? 16:32:02 issue-80 -- Publishing Note to end unfinished REC should only be SHOULD -- raised 16:32:02 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/80 16:32:32 SteveZ: Must turn work into a note. Chaals said you can't put that on a WG because the likely cause is that the WG disappear 16:32:48 ... I suggested that someone has to declare the work unfinished 16:33:00 ... There is nothing in 7.3.2 16:33:05 mchampion has joined #w3process 16:33:08 s/e-mail about issue-83/email explaining that I would address the part of issue-83 relevant to this chapter in the next editor's draft/ 16:34:12 ... How about we say "The Working Group, or the W3C Team, must publish the document as a Working Group Note" with appropriate status? 16:34:33 Mike: So after a certain amount of time the MUST must be clear 16:35:08 chaals: the WG has a should, while active 16:35:48 Mike: any kind of timeline when the group is active? 16:35:58 chaals: next transition 16:36:10 Mike: So it's a MUST on the Team 16:36:18 ... does the current process say anything about it? 16:36:29 chaals: I don't think the current process says anything at all about it. 16:37:05 Mike: The proposal is to make it a MUST on the Team and a SHOULD on the WG? 16:37:10 SteveZ: Yes 16:37:31 Mike: OK. 16:37:59 SteveZ: "The Working Group SHOULD, or the Team MUST" is my current wording 16:39:29 chaals: If the Director wants a WG to stop, he closes the WG. @@@@ 16:40:11 SteveZ: In the case not covered, I wanted to add "W3C team MUST publish the document as a WG Note" 16:40:33 chaals: Someone should, otherwise someone has to. 16:40:44 ... "W3C MUST" 16:40:53 ... you can taked out "Working Group SHOULD" 16:40:59 s/taked/take/ 16:43:10 ... the responsibility is a SHOULD, and we should leave it with the Working Group. 16:43:28 s/'W3C MUST"/If you add "W3C MUST" then 16:43:54 s/SHOULD"/SHOULD". But I don't think that is a good idea/ 16:44:04 SteveZ: My problem is that the way I read Ian's note, he's not complaining about the Team having the responsibility, but the difference between a WG that closes and the Director requires a WG to discontinue. 16:44:32 s/. @@@@/ and accepts the responsibility of publishing unfinished work on behalf of the team./ 16:45:11 ... We can leave this for discussion next Monday. 16:45:32 chaals: I don't know of many cases when the Director requires a WG to stop 16:45:44 Mike: [yeah] 16:46:37 s/cases/case/ 16:47:22 SteveZ: Changing issue-80 from RAISED to OPEN 16:47:56 s/requires a WG to stop/has required a WG to stop a particular work item while continuing. I don't think there is a real problem to be solved and don't think the nice symmetry in process is worthwhile for this issue/ 16:48:11 issue-59? 16:48:11 issue-59 -- The 24-Oct-2013 Draft of Ch7 has some organizational issues and readability suffers -- closed 16:48:11 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/59 16:48:48 chaals: issue-77 includes issue-59, 84 and 76 16:49:38 ... I'd like to see feeback on my proposal 16:49:47 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Feb/0002.html Clarifying the steps from CR to Rec 16:50:17 chaals: My recommendation is to require pre-approval 16:51:16 ... delegated to the Team contact 16:51:27 s/pre-approval/Team approval/ 16:52:13 SteveZ: Do we agree that @@changes require a new patent exclusion period? 16:52:26 Mike: Wide review certainly 16:52:28 s/@@changes/substantive changes/ 16:54:06 chaals: section 7.4 16:55:00 ... the PP isn't clear about what the exclusion opportunity covers 16:55:25 ... We should let it sit and request some sense from the PSIG 16:57:38 ... It would certainly most always trigger a new exclusion opportunity 16:58:03 s/PSIG/PSIG - not because it would change what we will do here since it makes no real difference, but because clarity would be helpful/ 16:58:42 scribenick: SteveZ 16:58:55 s/difference/difference to what goes in the process here/ 16:59:08 changes are: 1 change "repeat the full process of publication" to "re-issue the publication" and define a process for "re-issue" 16:59:26 s/changes are:/SteveZ: Changes are:/ 16:59:41 2. Require the approval of the Team Contact to do the re-issue (and that is the only approval required) 17:00:09 s/2. /... 2. / 17:00:09 3 begin a new "Patent Exclusion Period" on the new delta 17:00:28 s/3 begin/... 3. Begin/ 17:00:29 scribenick: koalie 17:01:12 chaals: I think we require the Director's approval but this is largely delegated 17:01:31 ... Requiring the TEam contact approval, a) it doesn't happen anywhere else 17:01:38 SteveZ: I'm fine with that 17:02:11 chaals: We should note a new patent exclusion period @@@@@ 17:02:29 SteveZ: We're overtime... 17:02:41 ... Out of politeness, we should do a @@@document 17:02:58 ... Those are best done in Text files in the CSS WG 17:03:13 s/a @@@document/an issue document/ 17:03:27 s/an issue document/a disposition of comment document/ 17:03:40 chaals: Issue tracker tracks the comments 17:04:29 SteveZ: ... notifying those who raised issues to see if they accept the resolution 17:04:54 s/note a new patent exclusion period @@@@@/not prescribe a new patent exclusion period, but provide a pointer to the Patent Document and note that an exclusion may arise as a result of new publication/ 17:05:43 -Mike_Champion 17:06:00 Zakim, list attendees 17:06:01 As of this point the attendees have been SteveZ, Mike_Champion, koalie, [IPcaller], chaals 17:06:03 koalie++ #scribing a rambling conversation like this on dodgy connections 17:06:10 -chaals 17:06:26 -SteveZ 17:06:31 -koalie 17:06:33 Team_JEFF()11:00AM has ended 17:06:33 Attendees were SteveZ, Mike_Champion, koalie, [IPcaller], chaals 17:06:36 RRSagent, make minutes 17:06:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/02/03-w3process-minutes.html koalie 17:08:38 s/"W3C MUST"/If you add "W3C MUST" then/ 17:09:38 RRSagent, make minutes 17:09:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/02/03-w3process-minutes.html koalie