14:57:59 RRSAgent has joined #webfonts 14:57:59 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/01/08-webfonts-irc 14:58:01 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:58:01 Zakim has joined #webfonts 14:58:03 Zakim, this will be 3668 14:58:03 ok, trackbot; I see IA_Fonts()10:00AM scheduled to start in 2 minutes 14:58:04 Meeting: WebFonts Working Group Teleconference 14:58:04 Date: 08 January 2014 14:58:41 ChrisL has joined #webfonts 14:58:56 rrsagent, here 14:58:56 See http://www.w3.org/2014/01/08-webfonts-irc#T14-58-56 14:59:44 vlad, updated evaluation report at http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/WOFF2ER/ 15:00:38 IA_Fonts()10:00AM has now started 15:00:45 +Vlad 15:01:28 Thanks, Chris 15:01:41 +ChrisL 15:02:09 kuettel has joined #webfonts 15:02:13 +??P18 15:03:40 fil has joined #webfonts 15:04:05 scribenick: fil 15:04:31 chair: vlad 15:04:38 zakim, who is here? 15:04:38 On the phone I see Vlad, ChrisL, ??P18 15:04:39 On IRC I see fil, kuettel, ChrisL, Zakim, RRSAgent, Vlad, trackbot 15:04:49 zakim, ??p18 is fil 15:04:49 +fil; got it 15:05:14 I haven't been able to join the conference call just yet. Trying again 15:05:56 + +1.408.921.aaaa 15:06:34 regrets: jonathan 15:07:24 Topic: predictive points 15:07:31 discussing email from jonathan 15:08:34 vlad: expected minimal benefit, but didn't expect large increase in size 15:09:25 vlad: From the data can conclude that predictive points aren't useful. It was a great idea and exploration 15:10:04 I summarised this here http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/WOFF2ER/#preproc 15:10:12 but without the data yet 15:10:20 even though we can get reduction of font input, once it goes through the entropy coder there is a penalty 15:11:51 ChrisL: wants to keep specs terse and easily implementable, and keep data in the appendices 15:13:42 Topic: pattern 15:13:48 Update from Fil on patents 15:14:01 s/pattern/patent 15:14:39 Vlad giving quick background on the topic 15:15:43 The question that came up before, was what IP policy / path is being pursued for Brotli 15:16:06 Chris, said that the precedent is to use a patent grant 15:16:51 Vlad: is the goal to pursue the RFC track? 15:17:50 Fil: reached out to the open source / patent team internally 15:18:14 Fil: the team suggested that the W3C patent policy could accomplish the goal 15:19:18 Fil: with the RFC track (and precedent for spdy work), there would be a disclosure / grant 15:19:21 SPDY disclosure: https://datatracker.ietf.org/ipr/1692/ 15:19:24 Fil: posting an example link 15:20:11 Chris: eager to research this further and confirm that this would be a good path to pursue 15:20:28 Fil: also noting that the code was released under the Apache license 15:20:56 Fil: thus, in using the code it would be a non-issue 15:21:08 Fil: but we would still like to explore the disclosure 15:21:40 Fil: patent team is eager to take the steps necessary to ensure that others can fully implement Brotli / WOFF 2.0 without issue 15:22:23 Vlad: a broader grant (not just limited to W3C use) would be ideal 15:22:48 Fil: let's confirm in the next meeting w/ Chris that this is the right path to pursue 15:22:58 Topic: Brotli security 15:23:10 Chrome and Google Fonts have started security testing, initally with fuzz testing 15:23:22 Work has started and it's looking good 15:23:38 ChrisL: Will that work be published anywhere, and what is the extent? 15:23:56 kuettel: Will reach out to Chrome team to ask about what can be released 15:24:31 Topic: Goals for next few months 15:24:44 Almost done with evaluation report, so can hopefully publish soon. 15:25:18 If Brotli is published as RFC, W3C group can focus on WOFF pieces 15:26:03 kuettel: To follow up with Raph about the draft progress 15:26:50 vlad: Probably will cancel next week's call 15:28:14 Vlad: should ask on email for call for consensus, ask for objections within a week 15:28:24 Topic: FPWD 15:28:39 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/WOFF2ER/ 15:28:41 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/WOFF2ER/ 15:29:30 Vlad: call for objections to FPWD, will do call for consensus on mailing list as well 15:29:57 resolved: publish FPWD pending confirmation i=on mailing list 15:31:46 Next step: need a draft that can be presented to group members 15:31:58 Does it make sense to start working on longer-term projects like conformance tests? 15:32:29 Will want to run the same tests like WOFF 1 15:32:57 Look at all statements in the spec that were testable assertion, and write tests for them 15:33:15 So, there's a need for a stable spec before tests are written. 15:33:52 Vlad: because of departures from WOFF1, won't be able to reuse a lot of the tests 15:34:48 With two-step (preprocessing, entropy coder), might want to test steps separately. 15:35:36 Bitwise comparison might not be accurate -- eg with hint code, might have same functionality without same bits 15:35:45 Vlad: We should focus on spec work 15:36:12 Topic: Changes from original MTX submisssion 15:36:36 ChrisL: Can't find where there were pieces of the original MTX that were removed 15:36:49 Vlad thinks that this is in font-compression-reference on google code 15:36:53 https://code.google.com/p/font-compression-reference/source/browse/docs/WOFFUltraCondensedfileformat.pdf 15:37:11 great, thanks 15:38:22 Topic: actions cleanup 15:38:38 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/track/ 15:39:37 Actually, here is the right link for the font-compression-reference document: 15:39:37 http://wiki.font-compression-reference.googlecode.com/git/img/WOFFUltraCondensed.pdf 15:39:49 close action-105 15:39:49 Closed action-105. 15:40:41 close action-110 15:40:41 Closed action-110. 15:40:59 close action-111 15:40:59 Closed action-111. 15:41:02 close action-112 15:41:02 Closed action-112. 15:41:35 action-115? 15:41:35 action-115 -- Chris Lilley to And Vlad to put together the draft for top-level font registration, possibly based on text from previous attempts. -- due 2012-11-08 -- OPEN 15:41:35 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/track/actions/115 15:42:30 related to action-121 15:43:08 Vlad: need to document why it is needed 15:43:41 Vlad: have earlier drafts as a basis, its the rationale that is crucial here 15:43:59 close action-115 15:43:59 Closed action-115. 15:44:21 close action-119 15:44:22 Closed action-119. 15:44:50 we can also close 123 and 124 as those were done 15:45:22 close action-117 15:45:22 Closed action-117. 15:45:30 done, tools open source 15:46:08 close action-123 15:46:08 Closed action-123. 15:46:10 close action-124 15:46:11 Closed action-124. 15:46:52 action: chris to reach out on patent for brotli 15:46:53 Created ACTION-125 - Reach out on patent for brotli [on Chris Lilley - due 2014-01-15]. 15:48:09 action: david to check publication of security review 15:48:09 Created ACTION-126 - Check publication of security review [on David Kuettel - due 2014-01-15]. 15:49:05 ChrisL: Has Brotli been used for other data types, like SVG? 15:49:30 Kuettel: Doesn't think so, mostly been compressing text with brotli. 15:50:03 MPEG meeting next week, might want to try compressing a few examples before. 15:50:33 Vlad: might get an indication of compression by compressing xml. 15:51:13 ChrisL: Svg has a lot of path data, which was designed to be working well with gzip. 15:51:42 action: kuettel to work with ChrisL to try compressing a few svgs with Brotli 15:51:42 Created ACTION-127 - Work with chrisl to try compressing a few svgs with brotli [on David Kuettel - due 2014-01-15]. 15:52:37 http://people.mozilla.org/~jkew/opentype-svg/GeckoEmoji.ttf 15:52:48 http://people.mozilla.org/~jkew/opentype-svg/GeckoEmoji.woff 15:53:00 http://people.mozilla.org/~jkew/opentype-svg/soccer.otf 15:53:08 http://www.w3.org/2013/10/SVG_in_OpenType/ 15:53:25 Vlad: has there been anything done before to preprocess XML for compression? 15:55:27 action: chris to report on svg binaryxml as a preprocessing step 15:55:27 Created ACTION-128 - Report on svg binaryxml as a preprocessing step [on Chris Lilley - due 2014-01-15]. 15:59:14 -ChrisL 15:59:18 -fil 15:59:18 (adjourned) 15:59:25 zakim, list attendees 15:59:25 As of this point the attendees have been Vlad, ChrisL, fil, +1.408.921.aaaa 15:59:28 -Vlad 15:59:32 - +1.408.921.aaaa 15:59:33 IA_Fonts()10:00AM has ended 15:59:33 Attendees were Vlad, ChrisL, fil, +1.408.921.aaaa 15:59:45 zakim, +1 is kuttel 15:59:45 sorry, ChrisL, I do not recognize a party named '+1' 15:59:49 sigh 16:00:23 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:00:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/01/08-webfonts-minutes.html Vlad 16:00:25 Present: Vlad, ChrisL, fil, kuettel 16:00:35 chair: vlad 16:00:41 Scribe: fil 16:00:50 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:00:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/01/08-webfonts-minutes.html ChrisL 18:02:43 Zakim has left #webfonts