15:37:07 RRSAgent has joined #w3process 15:37:07 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/01/06-w3process-irc 15:37:09 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:37:09 Zakim has joined #w3process 15:37:11 Zakim, this will be 15:37:11 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 15:37:12 Meeting: Revising W3C Process Community Group Teleconference 15:37:12 Date: 06 January 2014 15:37:16 Zakim, this will be 24277 15:37:16 ok, koalie; I see Team_JEFF()11:00AM scheduled to start in 23 minutes 15:37:22 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Jan/0001.html 15:37:25 chair: SteveZ 15:37:58 -> http://www.w3.org/2013/12/16-w3process-minutes.html Previous (2013-12-16) 15:38:03 scribe: Coralie 15:38:06 scribenick: koalie 15:38:25 s/ ->/ ->/G 15:53:46 agenda+ Propose closing issue 39 15:53:55 agenda+ Review Revised Chapter 7 Organization 15:54:09 agenda+ Discuss raised issues 15:54:15 agenda+ Preparation of a Final Process Document for AC Review 16:00:32 mchampion has joined #w3process 16:00:44 SteveZ has joined #w3process 16:01:10 jeff has joined #w3process 16:01:17 zakim, code? 16:01:17 the conference code is 24277 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), jeff 16:01:34 Team_JEFF()11:00AM has now started 16:01:40 +Jeff 16:01:57 +Mike_Champion 16:02:02 +SteveZ 16:02:36 +koalie 16:02:44 zakim, who is on the phone 16:02:44 I don't understand 'who is on the phone', SteveZ 16:02:59 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:02:59 On the phone I see Jeff, Mike_Champion, SteveZ, koalie 16:03:12 regrets: Ralph 16:03:52 +fantasai 16:06:31 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Jan/0001.html 16:06:54 koalie has changed the topic to: 6-Jan CHAP7 meeting: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Jan/0001.html 16:06:57 q+ 16:06:58 Zakim, take up item 1 16:06:59 agendum 1. "Propose closing issue 39" taken up [from koalie] 16:07:08 issue-39? 16:07:08 issue-39 -- Managing the transition to a new TR cycle -- open 16:07:08 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/39 16:07:12 ack jeff 16:07:43 Jeff: During the break, I had an opportunity to do a fairly extensive review of the revisions; sent comments to chaals 16:08:47 ... In terms of closing issue-39, I don't recall if I've reviewed it or it it's something else 16:09:09 SteveZ: The text was published on 2-Dec 16:09:10 Text for issue 39: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2013Dec/0008.html 16:09:46 SteveZ: People seemed to be happy with it when we discussed it at the 16-Dec call 16:10:04 -> http://www.w3.org/2013/12/16-w3process-minutes.html#item01 16-Dec Call discussion of issue-39 16:11:35 Mike: I'm OK, it's what we agreed on last time we talked. 16:11:40 q+ 16:12:07 ack jeff 16:12:39 Jeff: On re-reading the new process, I learned that when we enter candidate rec, there's an AC review 16:13:01 ... I was surprised because you don't say that anywhere 16:13:31 ... There's a section 7.4 called Candidate Recommendation 16:14:01 ... in it it says AC reps can appeal, but nowhere does it say there is a review. 16:14:28 SteveZ: OK. 16:14:44 ... I thought it did at one time; I tend to agree, looking at it now. 16:15:13 Jeff: I have a variety of questions 16:15:33 ... including one with starting the review as candidate rec 16:15:49 ... we should state it, if we want the AC review to start at Candidate Rec 16:15:56 s/review as/review at/ 16:16:22 Jeff: "provisional approval" is mentioned, but what are the conditions? when does that happen? 16:17:08 SteveZ: It doesn't even say who makes the request for provisiional approval 16:18:15 Jeff: Further, it should be implicit that a group should close things, namely AC review, in order to publish under the new process. 16:18:39 ... So I don't know if that belongs to issue-39 16:18:52 ... but I'd be hesitant to close it until I had a chance to have a dialogue with chaals 16:19:06 SteveZ: My first choice would be to fix 7.4 so we clearly start an AC review 16:19:18 ... and 7.1 so it's clear what starts a provisitional approval 16:19:25 ... and that 39 stays the way it is. 16:19:33 ... 39 is just a transition document 16:19:53 ... not necessarily part of the process, at some point it ceases to have value. 16:20:06 ... I think you should raise the two issues we talked about; they are important. 16:20:27 ... I'm not sure what happened there; I'm reasonably sure chaals is on board with that. 16:20:32 Jeff: Yes. 16:20:40 ... he confirmed it was the intent. 16:20:54 ... but then I did a more complete review and noticed discrepancies. 16:22:24 Jeff: If you send a document at CR and features are dropped, the AC wouldn't know about it. 16:23:30 SteveZ: 7.5.1 documents that 16:24:03 Jeff: I see that, what's missing is the meaning of "provisional approval" (not dropping features) 16:24:18 Mike: Let's not reinvent what a Candidate Recommendation is. 16:24:25 SteveZ: The change is subtle 16:24:28 s/Candidate/Proposed/ 16:25:05 SteveZ: Provisional approval that the Director says this really is the LC and you have 28 days to raise and close an issue 16:25:51 ... the attempts is to say that the AC review starts at CR and 28 days after LC. 16:26:02 Jeff: Yes, so long as it's clearly documented. 16:26:16 Mike: How is that different from PR status 16:26:30 SteveZ: PR @@ AC Review 16:27:05 Mike: I agree with the substance of the change that AC review is welcome at LCCR (or whatever we call it these days) 16:27:08 s/@@/starts/ 16:27:10 Mike++ 16:27:37 ... we have a dilemma: keeping familiar words or creating words that sound different but are so similar 16:27:53 ... Is that change worth the confusion it causes? 16:28:22 Fantasai: One thing to notice is that we're giving a heads-up on things not meant to change and you have 4 weeks to object 16:28:45 q+ 16:28:46 ... we have the exact same thing at WD to CR where we want to give heads-up 16:29:25 ... I agree to not have a different W3C status, we should be treating them the same in the Process 16:30:02 Mike: I've liked the philosophy all along of signaling and making things explicit 16:30:50 Jeff: To support some of Mike's points with the provisional approval notion, it's not just a change of name, we're also asking the Director to jump in the middle of the process at CR 16:31:09 ... Somewhere in the middle the Director is to give his provisional approval and we're still in CR 16:32:03 SteveZ: I'm ambivalent on that. Chaals had strong feelings. It might be a topic to take up with the full AB. 16:32:48 Jeff: The more immediate problem is to fix the text. 16:32:58 SteveZ: +1 16:33:14 ... Do we know when chaals is back from vacation? 16:33:22 fantasai: He sent an e-mail 16:33:39 ... but I got the date wrong, nevermind. 16:34:22 SteveZ: Jeff, if you could submit the issues, that would be helpful. 16:34:37 ... about what needs to go in 7.4 and 7.5.1 16:34:41 Jeff: Yes. 16:34:50 SteveZ: Let's go back to issue-39... 16:35:16 ... If we fix 7.4 and 7.5.1, your issue isn't an issue because the process will tell you what to do 16:35:27 ... Do we have agreement to close issue-39 with the text Ralph sent? 16:35:29 [none] 16:35:46 RESOLUTION: we have agreement to close issue-39 with the text Ralph sent 16:35:54 close issue-39 16:35:54 Closed issue-39. 16:36:22 issue-39: CHAP7 TF agreed to close issue-39 with Ralph's text http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2013Dec/0008.html 16:36:22 Notes added to issue-39 Managing the transition to a new TR cycle. 16:36:27 Zakim, close this item 16:36:27 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, koalie 16:36:31 q? 16:36:36 q- jeff 16:36:39 Zakim, close this item 16:36:39 agendum 1 closed 16:36:40 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:36:40 2. Review Revised Chapter 7 Organization [from koalie] 16:38:38 Zakim, take up item 2 16:38:38 agendum 2. "Review Revised Chapter 7 Organization" taken up [from koalie] 16:39:57 [discussion of classes of changes and substantive change] 16:40:48 SteveZ: I'll ask chaals to make a combination of change as described in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Jan/thread.html#msg0 16:41:46 Zakim, close this item 16:41:46 agendum 2 closed 16:41:47 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:41:47 3. Discuss raised issues [from koalie] 16:42:19 SteveZ: With chaals not on this call, it doesn't make sense to take up topic 4 "Preparation of a Final Process Document for AC Review" 16:42:43 ... Jeff, does it make sense to discuss the 16 issues you raised? 16:43:08 Zakim, take up item 3 16:43:09 agendum 3. "Discuss raised issues" taken up [from koalie] 16:43:19 -> http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/raised Raised issues 16:47:03 Jeff: In 7.3.1 and 7.2.2 @@ 16:49:14 [discussion about maturity levels and what criteria apply] 16:51:26 s/@@/conflict @@/ 16:51:57 Jeff: in 7.5.2 talks about testing requirement, but 7.4 doesn't have testing requirement 16:52:27 SteveZ: 3rd bullet in 7.4 16:52:38 ... "must document how adequate implementation experience will be demonstrated," 16:53:33 ... 7.5.2 has two similar statements that could be combined 16:54:25 ... bullet 2 and 6 16:55:27 Jeff: If testing isn't required, bullet 6 in 7.5.2 shouldn't mention it. 16:55:35 ... I'm raising the issue. 16:55:40 SteveZ: It's a valid issue. 16:56:04 ... a possible quick fix is merging bullet 2 and 6, perhaps with an "e.g." 16:56:37 ... Anything else for this call? 16:56:41 q? 16:56:49 -Mike_Champion 16:57:08 SteveZ: Thanks all, and thanks Jeff for this extended review. 16:57:26 ... next meeting 13-Jan 16:57:31 -Jeff 16:57:37 -fantasai 16:57:45 trackbot, end meeting 16:57:45 Zakim, list attendees 16:57:45 As of this point the attendees have been Jeff, Mike_Champion, SteveZ, koalie, fantasai 16:57:50 -koalie 16:57:53 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:57:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/01/06-w3process-minutes.html trackbot 16:57:54 -SteveZ 16:57:54 RRSAgent, bye 16:57:54 I see no action items 16:57:55 Team_JEFF()11:00AM has ended 16:57:55 Attendees were Jeff, Mike_Champion, SteveZ, koalie, fantasai