
Provenance Working Group Teleconference

Minutes of 29 November 2012

Curt Tilmes, Daniel Garijo, Graham Klyne, Hook Hua, Ivan Herman, James Cheney, Jun Zhao, Khalid Belhajjame, Luc Moreau, Paolo Missier, Paul Groth, Sam Coppens, Satya Sahoo, Simon Miles, Stephan Zednik, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Ted Thibodeau, Timothy Lebo, Tom De Nies, Trung Huynh
Paolo Missier, Hook Hua, Ivan Herman
Paul Groth
Curt Tilmes
  1. Minutes of Nov. 22, 2012 telcon link
  2. release of PROV-Overview as a FPWD link
  3. release of PROV-Links as a FPWD link
  4. Release of PROV-DC as a FPWD link
  1. Admin

    Minutes were approved

  2. Actions

    Outstanding actions were stepped through. Most were complete.

  3. Congratulations

    The editors of the recommendation track documents were congratulated on making their documents available in-time to send the request for candidate recommendation. Jun was also thanked for putting together the response to the Organization Ontology

  4. PROV-Overview

    Paul went over the PROV-Overview. There was no objection for releasing the document as FPWD from email reviews. Paul agreed to make the suggested changes before staging the document next week. The group voted to make prov-overview a first public working draft. The timetable for staging and publication request was reviewed again. All note editors agreed they could make this time.

  5. PROV-Links

    Luc went over the feedback on PROV-Links. Graham noted he had several comments but these were not blocking and he would try to get them before Friday. The group voted to release PROV-Links as a first public working draft.

  6. PROV-DC

    Daniel went over the current status of PROV-DC. He is working through all the reviews. Luc felt that his issue to do with constraints in the document needed to be addressed before publication as a draft. Daniel agreed to focus on that issue and place marking notices for other outstanding issues. The group voted to release PROV-DC as a first public working draft.

  7. Implementation Questionnaire

    Stephan went over the current status of the implementation survey. The group discussed the benefits and disadvantages of using the W3C WBS system for the questionnaire. The group felt that the benefits outweighed the disadvantages and would continue on this track.

  8. Constraints Test cases

    Dong updated the status of the constraints document. Additional test cases have been added as well as a coverage appendix. Goal is to now work on making the introduction to the document more accessible to developers. The naming convention was now fixed. Stian suggested to add the serialization used to the response submissions, Dong agreed.

  9. Other Documents

    The primer is staged and ready to go except for perhaps a change in the figure colors. Likewise, xml is staged as well incorporating all feedback from the F2F meeting. The group then discussed the issue of multiple XML schemas for each note. It was unclear if this was possible using the same namespace as with the OWL ontologies. The group agreed to investigate further.

15:56:31 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/11/29-prov-irc

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/11/29-prov-irc

15:56:33 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs world

15:56:34 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be PROV

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be PROV

15:56:34 <Zakim> ok, trackbot, I see SW_(PROV)11:00AM already started

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot, I see SW_(PROV)11:00AM already started

15:56:35 <trackbot> Meeting: Provenance Working Group Teleconference
15:56:36 <trackbot> Date: 29 November 2012
15:56:51 <pgroth> Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2012.11.29
15:57:04 <pgroth> Chair: Paul Groth
15:57:13 <pgroth> Scribe: Curt Tilmes

(Scribe set to Curt Tilmes)

15:57:18 <pgroth> Regrets: Paolo Missier, Hook Hua, Ivan Herman
15:57:30 <pgroth> rrsagent, make logs public

Paul Groth: rrsagent, make logs public

15:58:22 <Zakim> +Curt_Tilmes

Zakim IRC Bot: +Curt_Tilmes

15:59:42 <pgroth> Zakim, who is on the call?

Paul Groth: Zakim, who is on the call?

15:59:42 <Zakim> On the phone I see [IPcaller], Curt_Tilmes

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see [IPcaller], Curt_Tilmes

15:59:53 <pgroth> Zakim, [IPcaller] is me

Paul Groth: Zakim, [IPcaller] is me

15:59:53 <Zakim> +pgroth; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +pgroth; got it

16:00:10 <Zakim> + +44.238.059.aaaa

Zakim IRC Bot: + +44.238.059.aaaa

16:00:25 <Luc> zakim, +44.238.059.aaaa is me

Luc Moreau: zakim, +44.238.059.aaaa is me

16:00:25 <Zakim> +Luc; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +Luc; got it

16:00:38 <Zakim> +??P13

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P13

16:00:49 <Zakim> +OpenLink_Software

Zakim IRC Bot: +OpenLink_Software

16:00:55 <MacTed> Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me

16:00:55 <Zakim> +MacTed; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +MacTed; got it

16:00:57 <MacTed> Zakim, mute me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, mute me

16:00:57 <Zakim> MacTed should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: MacTed should now be muted

16:00:58 <smiles> zakim, ??P13 is me

Simon Miles: zakim, ??P13 is me

16:00:58 <Zakim> +smiles; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +smiles; got it

16:01:07 <pgroth> Topic: Admin

1. Admin

Summary: Minutes were approved

<pgroth> Summary: Minutes were approved
16:01:14 <pgroth> http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/meeting/2012-11-22

Paul Groth: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/meeting/2012-11-22

16:01:20 <pgroth> Minutes of Nov. 22, 2012

Paul Groth: Minutes of Nov. 22, 2012

16:01:28 <Curt> 0 (not present)

0 (not present)

16:01:36 <smiles> +1

Simon Miles: +1

16:01:38 <MacTed> MacTed has changed the topic to: PROV WG -- http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/ -- current agenda http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2012.11.29

Ted Thibodeau: MacTed has changed the topic to: PROV WG -- http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/ -- current agenda http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2012.11.29

16:01:39 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

16:01:53 <Zakim> + +1.315.330.aabb

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.315.330.aabb

16:02:19 <pgroth> Accepted: Minutes of Nov. 22, 2012 telcon

RESOLVED: Minutes of Nov. 22, 2012 telcon

16:02:41 <Curt> pgroth: open action items

Paul Groth: open action items

16:02:46 <Zakim> +??P19

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P19

16:02:50 <Zakim> +SamCoppens

Zakim IRC Bot: +SamCoppens

16:03:03 <GK> zakim, ??P19 is me

Graham Klyne: zakim, ??P19 is me

16:03:03 <Zakim> +GK; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +GK; got it

16:03:32 <pgroth> Topic Congratulations

Paul Groth: Topic Congratulations

16:03:33 <Curt> pgroth: action 153 should be complete -- will double check

Paul Groth: ACTION-153 should be complete -- will double check

16:03:35 <Luc> q+

Luc Moreau: q+

16:03:47 <Curt> pgroth: request for transition to CR sent out

Paul Groth: request for transition to CR sent out

16:04:40 <pgroth> Topic: Actions

2. Actions

Summary: Outstanding actions were stepped through. Most were complete.

<pgroth> Summary: Outstanding actions were stepped through. Most were complete.
16:05:04 <Luc> it's for december

Luc Moreau: it's for december

16:05:04 <Zakim> +??P9

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P9

16:05:07 <Curt> tlebo: 116 -- haven't done yet, will soon

Timothy Lebo: 116 -- haven't done yet, will soon

16:05:14 <dgarijo> Zakim, ??P9 is me

Daniel Garijo: Zakim, ??P9 is me

16:05:14 <Zakim> +dgarijo; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +dgarijo; got it

16:05:29 <pgroth> close Action-128

Paul Groth: close ACTION-128

16:05:30 <trackbot> ACTION-128 Add a statement on informative and normative in prov-o closed

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-128 Add a statement on informative and normative in prov-o closed

16:05:38 <Zakim> +Luc.a

Zakim IRC Bot: +Luc.a

16:05:45 <pgroth> close action-129

Paul Groth: close ACTION-129

16:05:46 <trackbot> ACTION-129 Editor check prov-o closed

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-129 Editor check prov-o closed

16:05:47 <TomDN> Zakim, TomDN is with SamCoppens

Tom De Nies: Zakim, TomDN is with SamCoppens

16:05:47 <Zakim> +TomDN; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +TomDN; got it

16:05:56 <Curt> pgroth: action 122 still open, complete by next week

Paul Groth: ACTION-122 still open, complete by next week

16:06:03 <Zakim> +jcheney

Zakim IRC Bot: +jcheney

16:06:06 <pgroth> close action-133

Paul Groth: close ACTION-133

16:06:06 <trackbot> ACTION-133 Draft a first one page overview closed

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-133 Draft a first one page overview closed

16:07:00 <Curt> SamCoppens: action 134, timetable for prov-dictionary has been proposed

Sam Coppens: ACTION-134, timetable for prov-dictionary has been proposed

16:07:17 <Luc> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/model/prov-dictionary.html

Luc Moreau: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/model/prov-dictionary.html

16:07:40 <Luc> we said we would do an "internal" release

Luc Moreau: we said we would do an "internal" release

16:07:41 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

16:07:45 <pgroth> ace Luc

Paul Groth: ace Luc

16:07:51 <Luc> q-

Luc Moreau: q-

16:07:56 <Curt> pgroth: after dec 14, there is a moratorium until after xmas -- then we can release prov-dict FPWD

Paul Groth: after dec 14, there is a moratorium until after xmas -- then we can release prov-dict FPWD

16:08:13 <pgroth> close action-134

Paul Groth: close ACTION-134

16:08:13 <trackbot> ACTION-134 draft a timetable for prov-dictionary for the next teleconference closed

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-134 draft a timetable for prov-dictionary for the next teleconference closed

16:08:22 <pgroth> close action-135

Paul Groth: close ACTION-135

16:08:22 <trackbot> ACTION-135 Create a mention of document closed

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-135 Create a mention of document closed

16:08:24 <Luc> @Sam, did you see the current draft for dictionary

Luc Moreau: @Sam, did you see the current draft for dictionary

16:08:45 <Zakim> +Satya_Sahoo

Zakim IRC Bot: +Satya_Sahoo

16:08:47 <TomDN> yes, we did, thanks Luc

Tom De Nies: yes, we did, thanks Luc

16:08:52 <Curt> pgroth: 3 actions on stephan on questionnaire will discuss later

Paul Groth: 3 actions on stephan on questionnaire will discuss later

16:08:59 <Luc> @Tom, great!

Luc Moreau: @Tom, great!

16:09:01 <TomDN> Good place to start :)

Tom De Nies: Good place to start :)

16:09:14 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

16:09:25 <pgroth> Topic: Congratulations

3. Congratulations

Summary: The editors of the recommendation track documents were congratulated on making their documents available in-time to send the request for candidate recommendation. Jun was also thanked for putting together the response to the Organization Ontology

<pgroth> Summary: The editors of the recommendation track documents were congratulated on making their documents available in-time to send the request for candidate recommendation.  Jun was also thanked for putting together the response to the Organization Ontology
16:09:32 <pgroth> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-prov-wg/2012Nov/0295.html

Paul Groth: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-prov-wg/2012Nov/0295.html

16:09:58 <Luc> @Tom, you may want to move this document into a separate directory in hg

Luc Moreau: @Tom, you may want to move this document into a separate directory in hg

16:10:16 <TomDN> @Luc: ok, will do

Tom De Nies: @Luc: ok, will do

16:10:20 <Luc> PROV WG is in good company, HTML5 went CR at same time as us

Luc Moreau: PROV WG is in good company, HTML5 went CR at same time as us

16:10:27 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

16:11:03 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

16:11:15 <pgroth> Topic: PROV-Overview

4. PROV-Overview

Summary: Paul went over the PROV-Overview. There was no objection for releasing the document as FPWD from email reviews. Paul agreed to make the suggested changes before staging the document next week. The group voted to make prov-overview a first public working draft. The timetable for staging and publication request was reviewed again. All note editors agreed they could make this time.

<pgroth> Summary: Paul went over the PROV-Overview. There was no objection for releasing the document as FPWD from email reviews. Paul agreed to make the suggested changes before staging the document next week. The group voted to make prov-overview a first public working draft. The timetable for staging and publication request was reviewed again. All note editors agreed they could make this time.
16:11:22 <pgroth> https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/overview/overview.html

Paul Groth: https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/overview/overview.html

16:11:38 <Curt> pgroth: special thanks to editors of standards and Jun for org ont feedback

Paul Groth: special thanks to editors of standards and Jun for org ont feedback

16:11:49 <GK> Jun say's she's received offline ack of org ontology feedback

Graham Klyne: Jun say's she's received offline ack of org ontology feedback

16:12:13 <Curt> pgroth: small PROV-Overview for intro to PROV

Paul Groth: small PROV-Overview for intro to PROV

16:12:17 <SamCoppens> zakim, mute me

Sam Coppens: zakim, mute me

16:12:17 <Zakim> SamCoppens should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: SamCoppens should now be muted

16:12:43 <Curt> pgroth: feedback from khalid, paolo, one other, minor changes, concerns about picture, all approved going to FPWD

Paul Groth: feedback from khalid, paolo, one other, minor changes, concerns about picture, all approved going to FPWD

16:12:44 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

16:12:47 <smiles> I read it through and seemed good

Simon Miles: I read it through and seemed good

16:13:10 <dgarijo> @curt: the other was me

Daniel Garijo: @curt: the other was me

16:13:15 <pgroth> proposed: release of PROV-Overview as a FPWD

PROPOSED: release of PROV-Overview as a FPWD

16:13:20 <tlebo> +1

Timothy Lebo: +1

16:13:21 <dgarijo> +1

Daniel Garijo: +1

16:13:22 <smiles> +1

Simon Miles: +1

16:13:24 <Curt> +1


16:13:25 <zednik> +1

Stephan Zednik: +1

16:13:28 <Dong> +1

Trung Huynh: +1

16:13:28 <TomDN> +1

Tom De Nies: +1

16:13:30 <jun> +1

Jun Zhao: +1

16:13:30 <jcheney> +1

James Cheney: +1

16:13:32 <SamCoppens> +1

Sam Coppens: +1

16:13:34 <GK> +1

Graham Klyne: +1

16:13:41 <satya> +1

Satya Sahoo: +1

16:13:52 <pgroth> accepted: release of PROV-Overview as a FPWD

RESOLVED: release of PROV-Overview as a FPWD

16:14:11 <Curt> pgroth: will add recommended changes next week

Paul Groth: will add recommended changes next week

16:14:16 <Luc> q+

Luc Moreau: q+

16:14:26 <pgroth> ack Luc

Paul Groth: ack Luc

16:14:49 <Curt> pgroth: timetable to release discussed last week

Paul Groth: timetable to release discussed last week

16:14:53 <Luc> Luc summarized the timetable to CR publication. CR documents must be ready by noon GMT on November 26th, for final check by chairs and Ivan. Announcement on Nov 27th. CR transition teleconference on Dec 6, and planned publication on Dec 11th. Notes to be ready for staging on Dec 5th. Vote for release of notes on Nov 29th. Questionnaires must be ready by Dec 11th.

Luc Moreau: Luc summarized the timetable to CR publication. CR documents must be ready by noon GMT on November 26th, for final check by chairs and Ivan. Announcement on Nov 27th. CR transition teleconference on Dec 6, and planned publication on Dec 11th. Notes to be ready for staging on Dec 5th. Vote for release of notes on Nov 29th. Questionnaires must be ready by Dec 11th.

16:16:56 <Curt> Luc: many documents being released, we would like to go by the 4th noon

Luc Moreau: many documents being released, we would like to go by the 4th noon

16:17:16 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

16:17:20 <dgarijo> very clear

Daniel Garijo: very clear

16:17:20 <GK> Plan fopr PROV-AQ?

Graham Klyne: Plan fopr PROV-AQ?

16:17:25 <smiles> Yes

Simon Miles: Yes

16:17:57 <GK> OK.

Graham Klyne: OK.

16:18:01 <Curt> pgroth: postponing PROV-AQ for now for review

Paul Groth: postponing PROV-AQ for now for review

16:18:01 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

16:18:09 <pgroth> Topic: PROV-Links

Summary: Luc went over the feedback on PROV-Links. Graham noted he had several comments but these were not blocking and he would try to get them before Friday. The group voted to release PROV-Links as a first public working draft.

<pgroth> Summary: Luc went over the feedback on PROV-Links. Graham noted he had several comments but these were not blocking and he would try to get them before Friday. The group voted to release PROV-Links as a first public working draft.
16:18:24 <pgroth> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/links/prov-links.html

Paul Groth: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/links/prov-links.html

16:18:57 <Curt> Luc: extracted text from mention from PROV-DM, N, CONSTRAINTS, O, XML and added the intro, editted into a note

Luc Moreau: extracted text from mention from PROV-DM, N, CONSTRAINTS, O, XML and added the intro, editted into a note

16:19:08 <Curt> Luc: paolo reviewed and recommended release

Luc Moreau: paolo reviewed and recommended release

16:19:18 <smiles> I skimmed it, and it looked fine to me

Simon Miles: I skimmed it, and it looked fine to me

16:19:25 <jcheney> q+ to ask a pedantic question

James Cheney: q+ to ask a pedantic question

16:19:25 <GK> q+ to say I've reviewed links docs, have some issues with a couple of points but not fatal

Graham Klyne: q+ to say I've reviewed links docs, have some issues with a couple of points but not fatal

16:19:26 <Curt> Luc: Curt pointed out a typo, recommended releasse

Luc Moreau: Curt pointed out a typo, recommended releasse

16:19:36 <pgroth> ack GK

Paul Groth: ack GK

16:19:36 <Zakim> GK, you wanted to say I've reviewed links docs, have some issues with a couple of points but not fatal

Zakim IRC Bot: GK, you wanted to say I've reviewed links docs, have some issues with a couple of points but not fatal

16:19:56 <Zakim> +[IPcaller.a]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller.a]

16:20:13 <jun> zakim, [IPcaller.a] is me

Jun Zhao: zakim, [IPcaller.a] is me

16:20:13 <Zakim> +jun; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +jun; got it

16:20:15 <Zakim> +[IPcaller.a]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller.a]

16:20:17 <Curt> GK: have read the document, I have significant comments I will write up, but ok to release as a draft

Graham Klyne: have read the document, I have significant comments I will write up, but ok to release as a draft

16:20:30 <pgroth> ack jcheney

Paul Groth: ack jcheney

16:20:30 <Zakim> jcheney, you wanted to ask a pedantic question

Zakim IRC Bot: jcheney, you wanted to ask a pedantic question

16:20:31 <Curt> GK: will write up and send after this call

Graham Klyne: will write up and send after this call

16:20:56 <Curt> jcheney: as a note, it should only have informative references

James Cheney: as a note, it should only have informative references

16:21:04 <smiles> q+

Simon Miles: q+

16:21:11 <pgroth> ack smiles

Paul Groth: ack smiles

16:21:11 <Curt> Luc: right, will fix

Luc Moreau: right, will fix

16:21:38 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

16:21:49 <pgroth> proposed: Release of PROV-Links as a FPWD

PROPOSED: Release of PROV-Links as a FPWD

16:21:58 <smiles> +1

Simon Miles: +1

16:21:59 <dgarijo> +1

Daniel Garijo: +1

16:21:59 <Curt> +1


16:22:03 <tlebo> +1

Timothy Lebo: +1

16:22:03 <stain> +1

Stian Soiland-Reyes: +1

16:22:10 <zednik> +1

Stephan Zednik: +1

16:22:10 <GK> +1

Graham Klyne: +1

16:22:10 <Dong> +1

Trung Huynh: +1

16:22:14 <satya> +1

Satya Sahoo: +1

16:22:18 <TomDN> +1

Tom De Nies: +1

16:22:20 <jcheney> +1

James Cheney: +1

16:22:33 <pgroth> accepted: release of PROV-Links as a FPWD

RESOLVED: release of PROV-Links as a FPWD

16:22:42 <pgroth> Topic: PROV-DC


Summary: Daniel went over the current status of PROV-DC. He is working through all the reviews. Luc felt that his issue to do with constraints in the document needed to be addressed before publication as a draft. Daniel agreed to focus on that issue and place marking notices for other outstanding issues. The group voted to release PROV-DC as a first public working draft.

<pgroth> Summary: Daniel went over the current status of PROV-DC. He is working through all the reviews. Luc felt that his issue to do with constraints in the document needed to be addressed before publication as a draft. Daniel agreed to focus on that issue and place marking notices for other outstanding issues. The group voted to release PROV-DC as a first public working draft.
16:22:46 <stain> quick Q: would the XML bit work as an extension to PROV-XML when it is using the same namespace?

Stian Soiland-Reyes: quick Q: would the XML bit work as an extension to PROV-XML when it is using the same namespace?

16:22:56 <pgroth> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/dc-note/Overview.html

Paul Groth: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/dc-note/Overview.html

16:23:00 <Curt> dgarijo: reviews from craig, luc, simon

Daniel Garijo: reviews from craig, luc, simon

16:23:12 <Curt> dgarijo: haven't discussed with kai (?) yet

Daniel Garijo: haven't discussed with kai (?) yet

16:23:46 <Curt> dgarijo: will contact him and discuss and ready by next tuesday

Daniel Garijo: will contact him and discuss and ready by next tuesday

16:23:59 <Zakim> +[IPcaller.aa]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller.aa]

16:24:02 <SamCoppens1> +1 fro release of PROV-links (just got disconnected when voting)

Sam Coppens: +1 fro release of PROV-links (just got disconnected when voting)

16:24:09 <GK> @stian hopefully the PROV-XML spec will have extension points that can be "colonized" by the links/mention elements.  Haven't actually looked, though.

Graham Klyne: @stian hopefully the PROV-XML spec will have extension points that can be "colonized" by the links/mention elements. Haven't actually looked, though.

16:24:11 <khalidBelhajjame> zakim, [IPcaller.aa] is me

Khalid Belhajjame: zakim, [IPcaller.aa] is me

16:24:11 <Zakim> +khalidBelhajjame; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +khalidBelhajjame; got it

16:24:37 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

16:24:38 <Curt> pgroth: are the changes blockers to FPWD?

Paul Groth: are the changes blockers to FPWD?

16:24:42 <Luc> q+

Luc Moreau: q+

16:24:58 <dgarijo> YES, I'll do that today

Daniel Garijo: YES, I'll do that today

16:25:03 <dgarijo> thanks, Simon

Daniel Garijo: thanks, Simon

16:25:04 <Curt> dgarijo: no, some references need to fix, actual content no blockers

Daniel Garijo: no, some references need to fix, actual content no blockers

16:25:08 <pgroth> ack Luc

Paul Groth: ack Luc

16:25:33 <GK> @smiles … you can include Luc's references quite easily - I've done that for PROV-AQ; it's quite easy

Graham Klyne: @smiles … you can include Luc's references quite easily - I've done that for PROV-AQ; it's quite easy

16:25:59 <dgarijo> +q

Daniel Garijo: +q

16:26:07 <Curt> Luc: the example for figure 2 was valid, not invalid as document indicated -- must be fixed to clarify constraints

Luc Moreau: the example for figure 2 was valid, not invalid as document indicated -- must be fixed to clarify constraints

16:26:50 <Curt> dgarijo: correct, I need to fix that, will work on that before week-end

Daniel Garijo: correct, I need to fix that, will work on that before week-end

16:27:28 <Curt> pgroth: add a box noting some sections are still under discussion prior to draft

Paul Groth: add a box noting some sections are still under discussion prior to draft

16:27:33 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

16:27:35 <pgroth> ack dgarijo

Paul Groth: ack dgarijo

16:27:45 <Curt> pgroth: but should fix the constraint now

Paul Groth: but should fix the constraint now

16:27:51 <pgroth> proposed: Release of PROV-DC as a FPWD

PROPOSED: Release of PROV-DC as a FPWD

16:27:57 <smiles> +1

Simon Miles: +1

16:27:58 <dgarijo> +1

Daniel Garijo: +1

16:27:58 <TomDN> +1

Tom De Nies: +1

16:27:59 <tlebo> +1

Timothy Lebo: +1

16:27:59 <satya> +1

Satya Sahoo: +1

16:27:59 <jcheney> +1

James Cheney: +1

16:28:00 <SamCoppens1> +1

Sam Coppens: +1

16:28:01 <zednik> +1

Stephan Zednik: +1

16:28:01 <stain> +1

Stian Soiland-Reyes: +1

16:28:06 <Curt> +1


16:28:21 <pgroth> accepted: Release of PROV-DC as a FPWD

RESOLVED: Release of PROV-DC as a FPWD

16:28:37 <Curt> pgroth: all notes should be ready before next tuesday

Paul Groth: all notes should be ready before next tuesday

16:28:46 <pgroth> Topic: Implementation Questionnaire

7. Implementation Questionnaire

Summary: Stephan went over the current status of the implementation survey. The group discussed the benefits and disadvantages of using the W3C WBS system for the questionnaire. The group felt that the benefits outweighed the disadvantages and would continue on this track.

<pgroth> Summary: Stephan went over the current status of the implementation survey. The group discussed the benefits and disadvantages of using the W3C WBS system for the questionnaire. The group felt that the benefits outweighed the disadvantages and would continue on this track.
16:29:04 <zednik> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/99999/prov-implementation-survey

Stephan Zednik: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/99999/prov-implementation-survey

16:29:06 <stain> Zakim, [IPcaller.a] is me

Stian Soiland-Reyes: Zakim, [IPcaller.a] is me

16:29:06 <Zakim> +stain; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +stain; got it

16:29:06 <Curt> zednik: looked at WBS to host survey

Stephan Zednik: looked at WBS to host survey

16:29:49 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

16:29:49 <Luc> q+

Luc Moreau: q+

16:29:51 <Curt> zednik: have implemented implementation questionnaire -- need feedback

Stephan Zednik: have implemented implementation questionnaire -- need feedback

16:29:53 <pgroth> ack Luc

Paul Groth: ack Luc

16:30:15 <Curt> Luc: can 1 individual submit multiple implementation reports

Luc Moreau: can 1 individual submit multiple implementation reports

16:30:48 <Curt> zednik: you can do it by logging in with multiple email addresses, otherwise it retrieves your old report

Stephan Zednik: you can do it by logging in with multiple email addresses, otherwise it retrieves your old report

16:30:53 <Curt> (that's a kludge)

(that's a kludge)

16:31:12 <stain> perhaps you can do the + trick for making additional email addresses.. for instance:   stian@s11.no, stian+anotherone@s11.no, stian+blah@s11.no

Stian Soiland-Reyes: perhaps you can do the + trick for making additional email addresses.. for instance: stian@s11.no, stian+anotherone@s11.no, stian+blah@s11.no

16:31:45 <Curt> pgroth: some questions are awkward to ask with WBS

Paul Groth: some questions are awkward to ask with WBS

16:32:53 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

16:32:55 <Curt> pgroth: should we pursue with WBS given the issues?

Paul Groth: should we pursue with WBS given the issues?

16:33:00 <Luc> the good think is that we see all questions that are being asked

Luc Moreau: the good think is that we see all questions that are being asked

16:33:06 <Luc> the good thing is that we see all questions that are being asked

Luc Moreau: the good thing is that we see all questions that are being asked

16:33:23 <Luc> q+

Luc Moreau: q+

16:34:11 <Curt> Luc: I understand the issues, they're awkward, but acceptable -- what do you recommend?

Luc Moreau: I understand the issues, they're awkward, but acceptable -- what do you recommend?

16:34:26 <Luc> +1

Luc Moreau: +1

16:34:33 <Curt> pgroth: I think WBS is a bit better than google docs, can return and continue editting

Paul Groth: I think WBS is a bit better than google docs, can return and continue editting

16:34:57 <Curt> pgroth: most respondents will already have a W3C account, tallying is nice, on W3C site is good

Paul Groth: most respondents will already have a W3C account, tallying is nice, on W3C site is good

16:34:58 <tlebo> returning to the survey is +100. It's reassuring for a tentative implementer.

Timothy Lebo: returning to the survey is +100. It's reassuring for a tentative implementer.

16:35:34 <Curt> pgroth: a little annoying with multiple implementations, (e.g. vocabulary + application), but those

Paul Groth: a little annoying with multiple implementations, (e.g. vocabulary + application), but those

16:35:48 <Curt> pgroth: are already separate questionnaires

Paul Groth: are already separate questionnaires

16:35:58 <stain> Feature Coverage" should have some more details about using the +++ ratings for different feature level. Add "Indicate covered features by selecting one of the following in the dropdown lists"

Stian Soiland-Reyes: Feature Coverage" should have some more details about using the +++ ratings for different feature level. Add "Indicate covered features by selecting one of the following in the dropdown lists"

16:36:01 <Curt> pgroth: could easily work around the multiple email issue

Paul Groth: could easily work around the multiple email issue

16:36:40 <Curt> zednik: very nice to be able to come back to it, email in responses works too, a lot of advantages, some awkwardness in questions, but we can cope with it

Stephan Zednik: very nice to be able to come back to it, email in responses works too, a lot of advantages, some awkwardness in questions, but we can cope with it

16:36:56 <Curt> zednik: reporting is nice, haven't seen in detail yet

Stephan Zednik: reporting is nice, haven't seen in detail yet

16:37:11 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

16:37:14 <pgroth> ack Luc

Paul Groth: ack Luc

16:37:25 <stain> oh hang on, I can fix it myself. Done!

Stian Soiland-Reyes: oh hang on, I can fix it myself. Done!

16:37:46 <tlebo> @stian ;-)

Timothy Lebo: @stian ;-)

16:37:47 <zednik> text version of the questionnaire: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/99999/prov-implementation-survey/text

Stephan Zednik: text version of the questionnaire: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/99999/prov-implementation-survey/text

16:37:50 <Curt> pgroth: it may be easier in putting together the implementation report -- can refer to these results

Paul Groth: it may be easier in putting together the implementation report -- can refer to these results

16:37:52 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

16:38:00 <Luc> Stephan and Paul, thanks for doing this!

Luc Moreau: Stephan and Paul, thanks for doing this!

16:38:09 <pgroth> Topic: Constraints Test cases

8. Constraints Test cases

Summary: Dong updated the status of the constraints document. Additional test cases have been added as well as a coverage appendix. Goal is to now work on making the introduction to the document more accessible to developers. The naming convention was now fixed. Stian suggested to add the serialization used to the response submissions, Dong agreed.

<pgroth> Summary: Dong updated the status of the constraints document. Additional test cases have been added as well as a coverage appendix. Goal is to now work on making the introduction to the document more accessible to developers. The naming convention was now fixed. Stian suggested to add the serialization used to the response submissions, Dong agreed.
16:38:31 <pgroth> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/testcases/process.html

Paul Groth: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/testcases/process.html

16:38:31 <Dong> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/testcases/process.html

Trung Huynh: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/testcases/process.html

16:39:27 <Curt> Dong: lots of test cases, examples from documents, a table in the doc describes coverage by test cases

Trung Huynh: lots of test cases, examples from documents, a table in the doc describes coverage by test cases

16:39:46 <Curt> Dong: can do gap analysis to figure out which we still need

Trung Huynh: can do gap analysis to figure out which we still need

16:40:09 <Luc> @zednik, is it possible to change the URL and have them point to the date urls for the CR documents? also, can we have links for everything?

Luc Moreau: @zednik, is it possible to change the URL and have them point to the date urls for the CR documents? also, can we have links for everything?

16:40:12 <Curt> Dong: I've done categorization, but could use help with that

Trung Huynh: I've done categorization, but could use help with that

16:40:31 <Curt> pgroth: several comments online about doc organization

Paul Groth: several comments online about doc organization

16:40:56 <Luc> @Dong, same comment as for Stephan, we need to use urls to CR documents

Luc Moreau: @Dong, same comment as for Stephan, we need to use urls to CR documents

16:40:58 <Curt> Dong: Haven't revised doc yet, plan is to restructure doc for implementors

Trung Huynh: Haven't revised doc yet, plan is to restructure doc for implementors

16:41:11 <Curt> Dong: will do that very soon

Trung Huynh: will do that very soon

16:41:26 <Luc> q+

Luc Moreau: q+

16:41:29 <stain> q+

Stian Soiland-Reyes: q+

16:41:32 <pgroth> ack Luc

Paul Groth: ack Luc

16:41:56 <Curt> Luc: table for coverage, is it complete?

Luc Moreau: table for coverage, is it complete?

16:42:12 <Curt> Dong: we cover all constraints, but some only pass, not fail yet

Trung Huynh: we cover all constraints, but some only pass, not fail yet

16:42:13 <zednik> @Luc, is your question concerning the links in the Feature Coverage question?  If so, yes.  I will need to determine the best link anchor for the Person, Organization, etc.

Stephan Zednik: @Luc, is your question concerning the links in the Feature Coverage question? If so, yes. I will need to determine the best link anchor for the Person, Organization, etc.

16:42:50 <pgroth> ack stain

Paul Groth: ack stain

16:43:23 <Curt> stain: it says the implementation can use the representation to test the constraint -- would be good to know which representation was used for each case

Stian Soiland-Reyes: it says the implementation can use the representation to test the constraint -- would be good to know which representation was used for each case

16:44:09 <Curt> Dong: good idea -- would be good to have representations equivalent, but in some cases that may not be perfect.  That is doable, we'll add that to the cases and extract into the repot

Trung Huynh: good idea -- would be good to have representations equivalent, but in some cases that may not be perfect. That is doable, we'll add that to the cases and extract into the repot

16:44:12 <Luc> q+

Luc Moreau: q+

16:44:25 <Curt> pgroth: have we decided on the test case naming convention?

Paul Groth: have we decided on the test case naming convention?

16:45:04 <Curt> Dong: arbitrary name + pass/fail + constraint number

Trung Huynh: arbitrary name + pass/fail + constraint number

16:45:34 <Curt> pgroth: other two tables from PROV-O examples / test cases, those don't have constraint numbers

Paul Groth: other two tables from PROV-O examples / test cases, those don't have constraint numbers

16:45:58 <Curt> Dong: yes, they are complex and cover multiple constraints, they aren't unit tests, but they should still pass the validator

Trung Huynh: yes, they are complex and cover multiple constraints, they aren't unit tests, but they should still pass the validator

16:46:14 <pgroth> ack Luc

Paul Groth: ack Luc

16:47:11 <Curt> Luc: the links to the documents should point to the dated URLs to the other docs (questionnaire document too)

Luc Moreau: the links to the documents should point to the dated URLs to the other docs (questionnaire document too)

16:48:04 <Curt> Dong: will do for release

Trung Huynh: will do for release

16:48:14 <Curt> Luc: we want them prior to the telecon

Luc Moreau: we want them prior to the telecon

16:48:17 <Curt> Dong: will do

Trung Huynh: will do

16:48:24 <pgroth> Topic: Other Documents

9. Other Documents

Summary: The primer is staged and ready to go except for perhaps a change in the figure colors. Likewise, xml is staged as well incorporating all feedback from the F2F meeting. The group then discussed the issue of multiple XML schemas for each note. It was unclear if this was possible using the same namespace as with the OWL ontologies. The group agreed to investigate further.

<pgroth> Summary: The primer is staged and ready to go except for perhaps a change in the figure colors. Likewise, xml is staged as well incorporating all feedback from the F2F meeting. The group then discussed the issue of multiple XML schemas for each note. It was unclear if this was possible using the same namespace as with the OWL ontologies. The group agreed to investigate further.
16:49:02 <Curt> smiles: working on other docs, will update primer this week-end

Simon Miles: working on other docs, will update primer this week-end

16:49:04 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

16:49:11 <Zakim> -[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: -[IPcaller]

16:49:31 <Curt> pgroth: XML status? voted to release as FPWD already, all staged and ready to go?

Paul Groth: XML status? voted to release as FPWD already, all staged and ready to go?

16:49:39 <zednik> discconnected from audio, calling back in

Stephan Zednik: discconnected from audio, calling back in

16:50:02 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

16:50:06 <zednik> back

Stephan Zednik: back

16:50:24 <Curt> Curt: I think the changes were all made and everything is staged

Curt Tilmes: I think the changes were all made and everything is staged

16:50:38 <Curt> zednik: it is staged now, the CR links don't resolve

Stephan Zednik: it is staged now, the CR links don't resolve

16:51:11 <Luc> q+

Luc Moreau: q+

16:51:12 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

16:51:21 <pgroth> ack Luc

Paul Groth: ack Luc

16:51:38 <Curt> Luc: Curt raised a question about how to handle XML namespace

Luc Moreau: Curt raised a question about how to handle XML namespace

16:52:06 <Curt> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-prov-wg/2012Nov/0311.html


16:52:17 <Dong> Sorry, I have to go.

Trung Huynh: Sorry, I have to go.

16:52:24 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

16:52:25 <pgroth> \

Paul Groth: \

16:52:26 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

16:52:30 <Curt> pgroth: we merge the various namespaces together for PROV-O, can we do something similar for PROV-XML?

Paul Groth: we merge the various namespaces together for PROV-O, can we do something similar for PROV-XML?

16:52:30 <Dong> Bye all.

Trung Huynh: Bye all.

16:53:16 <Curt> Luc: If you look at the ontology, we have mentionOf defined in a separate document, but it still uses the prov: namespace

Luc Moreau: If you look at the ontology, we have mentionOf defined in a separate document, but it still uses the prov: namespace

16:54:06 <pgroth> yes

Paul Groth: yes

16:54:36 <stain> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/xml/releases/WD-prov-xml-20121211/Overview.html uses   <xs:any namespace="##other"/>  -- so here you can't extend this using the same namespace

Stian Soiland-Reyes: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/xml/releases/WD-prov-xml-20121211/Overview.html uses <xs:any namespace="##other"/> -- so here you can't extend this using the same namespace

16:54:41 <stain> you would have to use <xs:any />  instead

Stian Soiland-Reyes: you would have to use <xs:any /> instead

16:54:43 <Curt> Luc: a separate ontology defines mention, but the subject/object are prov entities, is that ok?  I don't think we can do that with XML.

Luc Moreau: a separate ontology defines mention, but the subject/object are prov entities, is that ok? I don't think we can do that with XML.

16:55:07 <Curt> pgroth: with PROV-O, you can load both files into your reasoner

Paul Groth: with PROV-O, you can load both files into your reasoner

16:55:37 <stain> q+

Stian Soiland-Reyes: q+

16:55:48 <pgroth> ack stain

Paul Groth: ack stain

16:55:50 <Curt> Luc: will this work with XML?

Luc Moreau: will this work with XML?

16:56:17 <Curt> stain: I don't think that will work with XML

Stian Soiland-Reyes: I don't think that will work with XML

16:56:42 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

16:56:56 <Curt> q+


16:57:04 <pgroth> ack Curt

Paul Groth: ack Curt

16:57:34 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

16:57:36 <Luc> q+

Luc Moreau: q+

16:57:39 <pgroth> ack Luc

Paul Groth: ack Luc

16:57:48 <Curt> Curt: could manually maintain separate complete XSDs, one with just core, one with core+extensions

Curt Tilmes: could manually maintain separate complete XSDs, one with just core, one with core+extensions

16:58:40 <Curt> Luc: this can affect overall extensibility approach

Luc Moreau: this can affect overall extensibility approach

16:58:50 <stain> @Curt two schema versions could be tricky - if I import a schema which is using the 'core' schema, then I can't (easily!) use the 'extended' schema.

Stian Soiland-Reyes: @Curt two schema versions could be tricky - if I import a schema which is using the 'core' schema, then I can't (easily!) use the 'extended' schema.

16:59:09 <Curt> Luc: I don't think we can use the same approach to extend XML we use for OWL

Luc Moreau: I don't think we can use the same approach to extend XML we use for OWL

17:00:21 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

17:00:27 <Curt> pgroth: XML is a note, so we could just put all the notes extensions together

Paul Groth: XML is a note, so we could just put all the notes extensions together

17:00:34 <Curt> pgroth:  it isn't a specification

Paul Groth: it isn't a specification

17:01:13 <Curt> Luc: that may give more weight to dictionaries, mention, etc. than we intend to have

Luc Moreau: that may give more weight to dictionaries, mention, etc. than we intend to have

17:01:37 <GK> "Can't do it with XML schema" sounds wrong to me.  I'm not expert on XML, but I don't see what breaks if one has multiple schema documents that define different aspects of an XML structure, creating some elements in a common namespace.  The main thing that I see is that the core schema MUST have suitable extension points.

Graham Klyne: "Can't do it with XML schema" sounds wrong to me. I'm not expert on XML, but I don't see what breaks if one has multiple schema documents that define different aspects of an XML structure, creating some elements in a common namespace. The main thing that I see is that the core schema MUST have suitable extension points.

17:01:42 <Luc> yes you can import

Luc Moreau: yes you can import

17:01:48 <Curt> pgroth: Can we check to see if we can technically handle it by combining them?

Paul Groth: Can we check to see if we can technically handle it by combining them?

17:01:58 <zednik> q+

Stephan Zednik: q+

17:02:17 <pgroth> no

Paul Groth: no

17:02:25 <Curt> zednik: dictionary/mention will have notes, could we use separate namespaces for them?

Stephan Zednik: dictionary/mention will have notes, could we use separate namespaces for them?

17:02:46 <Curt> pgroth: wouldn't be consistent with other docs, want to use just one namespace

Paul Groth: wouldn't be consistent with other docs, want to use just one namespace

17:02:56 <satya> * sorry have to leave now

Satya Sahoo: * sorry have to leave now

17:03:01 <satya> bye

Satya Sahoo: bye

17:03:10 <Zakim> -Satya_Sahoo

Zakim IRC Bot: -Satya_Sahoo

17:03:17 <tlebo> q+ to ask if xml terms overlap with prov-o terms.

Timothy Lebo: q+ to ask if xml terms overlap with prov-o terms.

17:03:22 <Curt> I'd like to experiment a bit before making a decision

I'd like to experiment a bit before making a decision

17:03:28 <stain> I can try to experiment as well

Stian Soiland-Reyes: I can try to experiment as well

17:03:46 <Curt> Luc: add a note in the document that the namespace may change

Luc Moreau: add a note in the document that the namespace may change

17:03:47 <tlebo> I still need to play with it, too.

Timothy Lebo: I still need to play with it, too.

17:03:51 <TomDN> gotta go, bye

Tom De Nies: gotta go, bye

17:04:23 <tlebo> q?

Timothy Lebo: q?

17:04:25 <stain> but there is a reason why XML community has moved away from XSD and over to lightweight, less strict formats like RelaxNG

Stian Soiland-Reyes: but there is a reason why XML community has moved away from XSD and over to lightweight, less strict formats like RelaxNG

17:04:31 <Curt> Luc: there may not be a technical solution, we want the schema to validate

Luc Moreau: there may not be a technical solution, we want the schema to validate

17:04:34 <zednik> q-

Stephan Zednik: q-

17:04:56 <pgroth> all of them

Paul Groth: all of them

17:05:02 <Curt> there is no overlap

there is no overlap

17:05:27 <Curt> but if you use mentionof and validate against core without links, it should fail

but if you use mentionof and validate against core without links, it should fail

17:05:56 <Luc> xml does not work with uri, per se

Luc Moreau: xml does not work with uri, per se

17:06:28 <stain> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/xml/releases/WD-prov-xml-20121211/Overview.html shows lots of overlap and non-overlap, for instance <prov:wasGeneratedBy> (overlaps with prov:wasGeneratedBy) and <prov:time> (not overlapping with prov:atTime)

Stian Soiland-Reyes: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/xml/releases/WD-prov-xml-20121211/Overview.html shows lots of overlap and non-overlap, for instance <prov:wasGeneratedBy> (overlaps with prov:wasGeneratedBy) and <prov:time> (not overlapping with prov:atTime)

17:07:19 <tlebo> q-

Timothy Lebo: q-

17:07:35 <Curt> Address in next revision past FPWD

Address in next revision past FPWD

17:08:02 <Luc> I also would like to check that this is implementable

Luc Moreau: I also would like to check that this is implementable

17:08:07 <GK> I would assume we can have multiple schemas defining terms in a common namespace, and do some background checking with XML experts.

Graham Klyne: I would assume we can have multiple schemas defining terms in a common namespace, and do some background checking with XML experts.

17:08:17 <Curt> It's just a note, and its just FPWD, people know it might change

It's just a note, and its just FPWD, people know it might change

17:08:31 <tlebo> +1 curt

Timothy Lebo: +1 curt

17:08:54 <stain> I'm going now, but I'll check. Have we got an ISSUE for this (common email thread) ?

Stian Soiland-Reyes: I'm going now, but I'll check. Have we got an ISSUE for this (common email thread) ?

17:08:54 <dgarijo> bbye

Daniel Garijo: bbye

17:08:55 <tlebo> bye bye!

Timothy Lebo: bye bye!

17:08:57 <Zakim> -stain

Zakim IRC Bot: -stain

17:08:58 <SamCoppens1> bye

Sam Coppens: bye

17:09:01 <Zakim> -dgarijo

Zakim IRC Bot: -dgarijo

17:09:02 <Curt> I'll make an issue

I'll make an issue

17:09:03 <Zakim> -pgroth

Zakim IRC Bot: -pgroth

17:09:05 <Zakim> - +1.315.330.aabb

Zakim IRC Bot: - +1.315.330.aabb

17:09:06 <Zakim> -SamCoppens

Zakim IRC Bot: -SamCoppens

17:09:07 <Zakim> -khalidBelhajjame

Zakim IRC Bot: -khalidBelhajjame

17:09:09 <Zakim> -jcheney

Zakim IRC Bot: -jcheney

17:09:10 <Zakim> -Luc

Zakim IRC Bot: -Luc

17:09:10 <Zakim> -jun

Zakim IRC Bot: -jun

17:09:12 <Zakim> -[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: -[IPcaller]

17:09:12 <Zakim> -Curt_Tilmes

Zakim IRC Bot: -Curt_Tilmes

17:09:13 <pgroth> curt, i'll sort out the minutes

Paul Groth: curt, i'll sort out the minutes

17:09:13 <Zakim> -smiles

Zakim IRC Bot: -smiles

17:09:21 <Zakim> -MacTed

Zakim IRC Bot: -MacTed

17:09:23 <pgroth> rrsagent, set log public

Paul Groth: rrsagent, set log public

17:09:27 <pgroth> rrsagent, draft minutes

Paul Groth: rrsagent, draft minutes

17:09:27 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/11/29-prov-minutes.html pgroth

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/11/29-prov-minutes.html pgroth

17:09:32 <pgroth> trackbot, end telcon

Paul Groth: trackbot, end telcon

17:09:32 <trackbot> Zakim, list attendees

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, list attendees

17:09:32 <Zakim> As of this point the attendees have been Curt_Tilmes, pgroth, Luc, MacTed, smiles, [IPcaller], +1.315.330.aabb, SamCoppens, GK, dgarijo, TomDN, jcheney, Satya_Sahoo, jun,

Zakim IRC Bot: As of this point the attendees have been Curt_Tilmes, pgroth, Luc, MacTed, smiles, [IPcaller], +1.315.330.aabb, SamCoppens, GK, dgarijo, TomDN, jcheney, Satya_Sahoo, jun,

17:09:35 <Zakim> ... khalidBelhajjame, stain

Zakim IRC Bot: ... khalidBelhajjame, stain

17:09:40 <trackbot> RRSAgent, please draft minutes

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, please draft minutes

17:09:40 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/11/29-prov-minutes.html trackbot

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/11/29-prov-minutes.html trackbot

17:09:41 <trackbot> RRSAgent, bye

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, bye

17:09:41 <RRSAgent> I see no action items

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I see no action items

Formatted by CommonScribe