
OWL Working Group

Minutes of 26 March 2009

Alfred Neumann, Eric Prud'hommeaux (W3C), Mark Twain, Matt Womer (W3C), Ralph Swick (W3C), Sandro Hawke, Tim Berners-Lee
Mark Twain, Alfred Neumann, Tim Berners-Lee, Matt Womer (W3C), Eric Prud'hommeaux (W3C), Ralph Swick (W3C)


20:15:58 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/03/26-owl-irc

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/03/26-owl-irc

20:16:01 <sandro> Testing commonscribe....

Sandro Hawke: Testing commonscribe....

20:16:17 <sandro> RRSAgent, make log public

Sandro Hawke: RRSAgent, make log public

20:17:43 <sandro> Guest: Mark Twain
20:17:52 <sandro> Guest: Alfred E. Neumann
20:21:51 <sandro> Guest: Tim Berners-Lee, http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee
20:28:47 <sandro> Guest: Matt Womer, http://www.w3.org/People/mdw/, W3C, http://www.w3.org
20:29:11 <sandro> Guest: Eric Prud'hommeaux, W3C, http://www.w3.org
20:29:24 <sandro> Guest: Ralph Swick, W3C
20:38:55 <sandro> foo

(No events recorded for 22 minutes)

Sandro Hawke: bar

20:38:58 <sandro> s/foo/bar
20:38:59 <sandro> baz

Sandro Hawke: baz

21:09:55 <sandro> a

(No events recorded for 30 minutes)

Sandro Hawke: a

21:09:56 <sandro> b

Sandro Hawke: b

created using i/c/between b and c

Sandro Hawke: between b and c

21:09:57 <sandro> c

Sandro Hawke: c

21:09:58 <sandro> d

Sandro Hawke: d

created using i/a/before a/

Sandro Hawke: before a

21:10:08 <sandro> i/c/between b and c
21:10:22 <sandro> i/a/before a/
21:10:55 <sandro> s/w3.org/example.org/g
21:11:06 <sandro> and onto the future:

Sandro Hawke: and onto the future:

21:11:18 <sandro> s/mixednuts/G

Sandro Hawke: s/mixednuts/G (warning: replacement failed)

21:11:21 <sandro> in

Sandro Hawke: in

21:11:22 <sandro> the

Sandro Hawke: the

21:11:24 <sandro> future

Sandro Hawke: future

21:11:38 <sandro> s/1234/12345/G
21:11:40 <sandro> la

Sandro Hawke: la

21:11:40 <sandro> la

Sandro Hawke: la

21:11:41 <sandro> la

Sandro Hawke: la

21:11:51 <sandro> .....hello1234bye!

Sandro Hawke: .....hello12345bye!

21:11:56 <sandro> more1234more

Sandro Hawke: more12345more

21:11:58 <sandro> testing.

Sandro Hawke: testing.

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