
Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group Teleconference

Minutes of 06 January 2014

Alexandre Bertails, Arnaud Le Hors, Ashok Malhotra, Cody Burleson, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Henry Story, John Arwe, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Roger Menday, Sandro Hawke, Steve Battle, Steve Speicher, Ted Thibodeau
Steve Battle
Arnaud Le Hors
John Arwe
  1. Dec 16 minutes approved without objection link
  2. Arnaud will close the 2 actions above link
  3. Open ISSUE-92 link
  4. Define the containment relationship (whether materialized or not) link
14:59:56 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/01/06-ldp-irc

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/01/06-ldp-irc

14:59:58 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs public

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs public

15:00:00 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be LDP

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be LDP

15:00:00 <Zakim> ok, trackbot, I see SW_LDP()10:00AM already started

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot, I see SW_LDP()10:00AM already started

15:00:01 <trackbot> Meeting: Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group Teleconference
15:00:01 <trackbot> Date: 06 January 2014
15:00:06 <Zakim> +??P5

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P5

15:00:09 <Zakim> +Ashok_Malhotra

Zakim IRC Bot: +Ashok_Malhotra

15:00:14 <pchampin> zakim, ??P5 is me

Pierre-Antoine Champin: zakim, ??P5 is me

15:00:15 <Zakim> +pchampin; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +pchampin; got it

15:01:00 <Zakim> +Arnaud

Zakim IRC Bot: +Arnaud

15:01:18 <Zakim> +[IBM]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IBM]

15:01:31 <SteveS> Zakim, [IBM] is me

Steve Speicher: Zakim, [IBM] is me

15:01:31 <Zakim> +SteveS; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +SteveS; got it

15:02:37 <Zakim> +Roger

Zakim IRC Bot: +Roger

15:02:44 <Zakim> +Alexandre

Zakim IRC Bot: +Alexandre

15:02:55 <Zakim> +JohnArwe

Zakim IRC Bot: +JohnArwe

15:03:05 <Zakim> -Alexandre

Zakim IRC Bot: -Alexandre

15:03:07 <Zakim> +OpenLink_Software

Zakim IRC Bot: +OpenLink_Software

15:03:13 <TallTed> Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me

15:03:13 <Zakim> +TallTed; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +TallTed; got it

15:03:15 <TallTed> Zakim, mute me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, mute me

15:03:15 <Zakim> TallTed should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: TallTed should now be muted

15:03:19 <JohnArwe> almighty zakim seems tired today

John Arwe: almighty zakim seems tired today

15:03:26 <JohnArwe> I hear nothing

John Arwe: I hear nothing

15:03:35 <JohnArwe> now I hear Arnaud

John Arwe: now I hear Arnaud

15:03:48 <JohnArwe> question is, which state is preferred ;-)

John Arwe: question is, which state is preferred ;-)

15:04:15 <Arnaud> zakim, who's on the phone?

Arnaud Le Hors: zakim, who's on the phone?

15:04:15 <Zakim> On the phone I see +1.214.537.aaaa, Sandro, pchampin, Ashok_Malhotra, Arnaud, SteveS, Roger, JohnArwe, TallTed (muted)

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see +1.214.537.aaaa, Sandro, pchampin, Ashok_Malhotra, Arnaud, SteveS, Roger, JohnArwe, TallTed (muted)

15:04:17 <Zakim> +Alexandre

Zakim IRC Bot: +Alexandre

15:04:27 <codyburleson> +Cody

Cody Burleson: +Cody

15:04:47 <codyburleson> Cody here; dunno how to add to Zakim

Cody Burleson: Cody here; dunno how to add to Zakim

15:05:41 <Zakim> +bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: +bblfish

15:05:42 <Zakim> -Alexandre

Zakim IRC Bot: -Alexandre

15:05:56 <bblfish_> hi

Henry Story: hi

15:07:05 <bblfish_> ah yes, Sebastien also had an issue with his little laptop. I think it's a Galaxy S4 too - that's the one that comes with Linux pre-installed right?

Henry Story: ah yes, Sebastien also had an issue with his little laptop. I think it's a Galaxy S4 too - that's the one that comes with Linux pre-installed right?

15:07:09 <Arnaud> zakim, who's on the phone?

Arnaud Le Hors: zakim, who's on the phone?

15:07:09 <Zakim> On the phone I see +1.214.537.aaaa, Sandro, pchampin, Ashok_Malhotra, Arnaud, SteveS, Roger, JohnArwe, TallTed (muted), bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see +1.214.537.aaaa, Sandro, pchampin, Ashok_Malhotra, Arnaud, SteveS, Roger, JohnArwe, TallTed (muted), bblfish

15:07:47 <Arnaud> zakim, aaaa is cody

Arnaud Le Hors: zakim, aaaa is cody

15:07:49 <Zakim> +cody; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +cody; got it

15:08:35 <JohnArwe> Scribe: JohnArwe

(Scribe set to John Arwe)

<JohnArwe> agenda: http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2014.01.06
<JohnArwe> chair: arnaud
<JohnArwe> regrets: stevebattle
15:08:43 <betehess> also, I'm deeply sorry towards JohnArwe, couldn't/didn't take time to answer http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2013Dec/0076.html ...

Alexandre Bertails: also, I'm deeply sorry towards JohnArwe, couldn't/didn't take time to answer http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2013Dec/0076.html ...

<JohnArwe> Topic: Admin

1. Admin

15:09:07 <JohnArwe> Proposed: approve Dec 16 minutes

PROPOSED: approve Dec 16 minutes

15:09:59 <JohnArwe> Resolution: Dec 16 minutes approved without objection

RESOLVED: Dec 16 minutes approved without objection

15:10:09 <Arnaud> http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/ldp/2013-12-16

Arnaud Le Hors: http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/ldp/2013-12-16

15:10:40 <Zakim> +Alexandre

Zakim IRC Bot: +Alexandre

15:10:45 <JohnArwe> Next meeting Mon next week, resuming weekly, 90 minutes until we get to LC 2

Next meeting Mon next week, resuming weekly, 90 minutes until we get to LC 2

15:10:15 <JohnArwe> Topic: Actions

2. Actions

15:12:41 <JohnArwe> http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/actions/122 see note

http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/actions/122 see note

15:13:22 <JohnArwe> http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/actions/119 was pretty simple

http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/actions/119 was pretty simple

15:14:51 <JohnArwe> Resolution: Arnaud will close the 2 actions above

RESOLVED: Arnaud will close the 2 actions above

15:15:04 <JohnArwe> Cody: I closed one on Best Practices

Cody Burleson: I closed one on Best Practices

15:15:20 <JohnArwe> Arnaud: hope to get spec done soon and turn full attn to other docs

Arnaud Le Hors: hope to get spec done soon and turn full attn to other docs

15:15:24 <JohnArwe> Topic: Paging

3. Paging

15:16:35 <JohnArwe> TimBL responded to our response to his LC comments, he thinks the 200 solution "there be dragons"

TimBL responded to our response to his LC comments, he thinks the 200 solution "there be dragons"

15:16:48 <JohnArwe> TimBL email at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-comments/2013Dec/0000.html

TimBL email at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-comments/2013Dec/0000.html

15:18:42 <Ashok> q+

Ashok Malhotra: q+

15:19:42 <JohnArwe> Arnaud summarizes options/history, convergence issues if we define at w3c now and run it in ietf later.

Arnaud summarizes options/history, convergence issues if we define at w3c now and run it in ietf later.

15:19:50 <Arnaud> ack Ashok

Arnaud Le Hors: ack Ashok

15:20:24 <JohnArwe> Ashok: if we defined 209 would help other wgs too.  could we work with anyone from those other wgs to move this along?

Ashok Malhotra: if we defined 209 would help other wgs too. could we work with anyone from those other wgs to move this along?

15:20:40 <SteveS> FYI, not exactly what we are talking about but found this TAG-57 http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/awwsw/issue57/20120202/#status-code

Steve Speicher: FYI, not exactly what we are talking about but found this TAG-57 ISSUE-57/20120202/#status-code">http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/awwsw/ISSUE-57/20120202/#status-code

15:22:18 <JohnArwe> Arnaud: anyone could use this, that's one reason TimBL thought it a good idea to define (and was hoping we'd finally be the ones to do it, instead of punting to "someone else").  No other natural owner, aside from IETF.  TimBL raised it with TAG, initial response before holidays was "why do you need this".

Arnaud Le Hors: anyone could use this, that's one reason TimBL thought it a good idea to define (and was hoping we'd finally be the ones to do it, instead of punting to "someone else"). No other natural owner, aside from IETF. TimBL raised it with TAG, initial response before holidays was "why do you need this".

15:24:42 <JohnArwe> Not asking for a decision today; let TAG discussion proceed for a while.  Last we talked in this WG, we seemed mostly ok with reverting to 303 in LDP.  Depending on how likely it seems that someone else will take this on, we might choose differently.  Obviously we don't want TimBL raising this at LC2.

Not asking for a decision today; let TAG discussion proceed for a while. Last we talked in this WG, we seemed mostly ok with reverting to 303 in LDP. Depending on how likely it seems that someone else will take this on, we might choose differently. Obviously we don't want TimBL raising this at LC2.

15:24:55 <JohnArwe> Topic: Issue-92

4. ISSUE-92

15:25:24 <JohnArwe> issue-92?


15:25:24 <trackbot> issue-92 -- Change rel=type to rel=profile for client introspection of interaction model -- raised

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-92 -- Change rel=type to rel=profile for client introspection of interaction model -- raised

15:25:24 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/issues/92

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/issues/92

15:26:47 <SteveS> FYI URLs in Data recommends rel=profile for document properties used within data http://www.w3.org/TR/urls-in-data/#locating-property-documentation

Steve Speicher: FYI URLs in Data recommends rel=profile for document properties used within data http://www.w3.org/TR/urls-in-data/#locating-property-documentation

15:26:50 <JohnArwe> profile is defined in RFC 6906 at http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6906#section-3.1

profile is defined in RFC 6906 at http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6906#section-3.1

15:27:25 <bblfish_> q+

Henry Story: q+

15:27:33 <SteveS> q+

Steve Speicher: q+

15:27:44 <Arnaud> ack bblfish

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bblfish

15:28:57 <JohnArwe> bblfish: disagrees with the argument that type is wrong

Henry Story: disagrees with the argument that type is wrong

15:29:18 <JohnArwe> ...just now sent email to list

...just now sent email to list

15:29:39 <Arnaud> ack SteveS

Arnaud Le Hors: ack SteveS

15:30:10 <JohnArwe> I can tell you Henry that I round-tripped with Erik W (the RFC author) and he thought using profile this way was reasonable.

I can tell you Henry that I round-tripped with Erik W (the RFC author) and he thought using profile this way was reasonable.

15:30:49 <betehess> was rel=profile deployed in other specs/products?

Alexandre Bertails: was rel=profile deployed in other specs/products?

15:30:59 <bblfish> profile, seems to be very syntactic http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6906#section-3.1

Henry Story: profile, seems to be very syntactic http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6906#section-3.1

15:32:18 <Arnaud> http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/ldp/2013-12-16#Issue_91

Arnaud Le Hors: http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/ldp/2013-12-16#Issue_91

15:32:32 <JohnArwe> @betehess, I don't know of any products that it's deployed in.  It's Informational RFC in IETF, which Erik explained is usually what they do now for something that sounds mostly-reasonable but is not currently widely deployed.

@betehess, I don't know of any products that it's deployed in. It's Informational RFC in IETF, which Erik explained is usually what they do now for something that sounds mostly-reasonable but is not currently widely deployed.

15:33:02 <betehess> makes sense

Alexandre Bertails: makes sense

15:33:34 <JohnArwe> ... the urls-in-data link SS provided has this, since I know you're not hearing the conv well: 4.4 Locating Property Documentation

... the urls-in-data link SS provided has this, since I know you're not hearing the conv well: 4.4 Locating Property Documentation

15:33:34 <JohnArwe> The previous sections have discussed how important it is to have documentation that includes information about how URLs used within data should be interpreted and specifically whether properties within the data apply to the content found at a URL or to something that content describes. This documentation should be published somewhere such that it's possible for those developers to find it. Possible routes for doing this explicitly include:

The previous sections have discussed how important it is to have documentation that includes information about how URLs used within data should be interpreted and specifically whether properties within the data apply to the content found at a URL or to something that content describes. This documentation should be published somewhere such that it's possible for those developers to find it. Possible routes for doing this explicitly include:

15:33:34 <JohnArwe>     if the data is provided through a protocol that supports it, such as through HTTP, by explicitly indicating the media type of the data, and registering that media type such that documentation can be found for it through the IANA media type registry

if the data is provided through a protocol that supports it, such as through HTTP, by explicitly indicating the media type of the data, and registering that media type such that documentation can be found for it through the IANA media type registry

15:33:35 <JohnArwe>     if the media type is generic (such as application/json), by providing supplementary documentation through a profile link relationship, for example within a HTTP Link header

if the media type is generic (such as application/json), by providing supplementary documentation through a profile link relationship, for example within a HTTP Link header

15:33:35 <JohnArwe>     embedding links to the documentation within the data itself, for example through a resolvable XML namespace or @xsi:schemaLocation attribute in XML or by using resolvable URLs for classes and properties in RDF

embedding links to the documentation within the data itself, for example through a resolvable XML namespace or @xsi:schemaLocation attribute in XML or by using resolvable URLs for classes and properties in RDF

15:33:58 <JohnArwe> ...those last 3 are bullet points; the doc is a FPWD

...those last 3 are bullet points; the doc is a FPWD

15:34:18 <Arnaud> q?

Arnaud Le Hors: q?

15:34:38 <SteveS> +1 for opening

Steve Speicher: +1 for opening

15:34:42 <Arnaud> PROPOSED: Open ISSUE-92


15:34:46 <pchampin> +1

Pierre-Antoine Champin: +1

15:34:47 <bblfish> +1 for opening

Henry Story: +1 for opening

15:34:47 <betehess> +1

Alexandre Bertails: +1

15:34:48 <SteveS> +1

Steve Speicher: +1

15:35:09 <roger> +1

Roger Menday: +1

15:35:17 <JohnArwe> +1


15:35:26 <sandro> issue-92?

Sandro Hawke: ISSUE-92?

15:35:26 <trackbot> issue-92 -- Change rel=type to rel=profile for client introspection of interaction model -- raised

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-92 -- Change rel=type to rel=profile for client introspection of interaction model -- raised

15:35:26 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/issues/92

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/issues/92

15:35:33 <TallTed> +1

Ted Thibodeau: +1

15:35:35 <codyburleson> +1

Cody Burleson: +1

15:35:39 <Ashok> +1

Ashok Malhotra: +1

15:36:32 <Arnaud> RESOLVED: Open ISSUE-92


15:36:49 <JohnArwe> Arnaud: do not want to re-open whole discussion of how many headers etc, just what syntax we use to express the semantics we've already agreed to

Arnaud Le Hors: do not want to re-open whole discussion of how many headers etc, just what syntax we use to express the semantics we've already agreed to

15:36:56 <JohnArwe> Topic: Issue-89

5. ISSUE-89

15:36:59 <JohnArwe> issue-89?


15:36:59 <trackbot> issue-89 -- Tie the interaction model with the LDP data model through the notion of Managed Resources -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-89 -- Tie the interaction model with the LDP data model through the notion of Managed Resources -- open

15:36:59 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/issues/89

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/issues/89

15:37:17 <Zakim> +ericP

Zakim IRC Bot: +ericP

15:37:34 <JohnArwe> (from agenda) PROPOSED: define the containment relationship as proposed by Alexandre Issue-89 Proposal 3

(from agenda) PROPOSED: define the containment relationship as proposed by Alexandre ISSUE-89 Proposal 3

15:38:07 <sandro> betehess, where are you?

Sandro Hawke: betehess, where are you?

15:38:16 <bblfish> do you have a normal lnadline phone betehess?

Henry Story: do you have a normal lnadline phone betehess?

15:39:28 <bblfish> http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/wiki/Issue-89

Henry Story: ISSUE-89">http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/wiki/ISSUE-89

15:39:33 <JohnArwe> Arnaud: summarizes proposal 3 ... formally define a relationship already in spec today: containment, as ldp:contains

Arnaud Le Hors: summarizes proposal 3 ... formally define a relationship already in spec today: containment, as ldp:contains

15:40:01 <JohnArwe> ...summarizes proposal 4

...summarizes proposal 4

15:42:55 <JohnArwe> ...notes that proposal 3 implies (for a simplecontainer) no change in # triples (membership=contains), for an indirect container also members!=contains, for direct containers members=contains-set so 2x as many triples which people were not crazy about.

...notes that proposal 3 implies (for a simplecontainer) no change in # triples (membership=contains), for an indirect container also members!=contains, for direct containers members=contains-set so 2x as many triples which people were not crazy about.

15:43:51 <JohnArwe> ...summarizes proposal 5, which provides a way to filter out the subset of the links you don't want/like (so in the 2x for direct containers case, clients can get only the subset of the triples that they really want)

...summarizes proposal 5, which provides a way to filter out the subset of the links you don't want/like (so in the 2x for direct containers case, clients can get only the subset of the triples that they really want)

15:44:33 <JohnArwe> Alexandre confirms summary, since he cannot speak (bad connection)

Alexandre confirms summary, since he cannot speak (bad connection)

15:44:45 <JohnArwe> EricP: how does proposal 5 differ from what we have now?

Eric Prud'hommeaux: how does proposal 5 differ from what we have now?

15:44:48 <bblfish> q+

Henry Story: q+

15:44:56 <Arnaud> ack bblfish

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bblfish

15:45:03 <JohnArwe> Arnaud: if we reject 3, 5 is irrelevant

Arnaud Le Hors: if we reject 3, 5 is irrelevant

15:45:26 <SteveS> q+

Steve Speicher: q+

15:45:50 <betehess> PROPOSAL 5 is about how to opt-in or opt-out and choose from the following types of triples being returned: membership triples, containment triples, other server-managed triples, inlined triples, application specific triples, etc.

Alexandre Bertails: PROPOSAL 5 is about how to opt-in or opt-out and choose from the following types of triples being returned: membership triples, containment triples, other server-managed triples, inlined triples, application specific triples, etc.

15:46:02 <betehess> should be adapted depending on the use-cases

Alexandre Bertails: should be adapted depending on the use-cases

15:46:47 <JohnArwe> bblfish: defining containment should be non-controversial, renaming :created ditto, then rest can be "reliably" discussed once you agree on the terms you're using

Henry Story: defining containment should be non-controversial, renaming :created ditto, then rest can be "reliably" discussed once you agree on the terms you're using

15:47:12 <Arnaud> ack SteveS

Arnaud Le Hors: ack SteveS

15:47:20 <JohnArwe> henry pls make sure I got all of your thoughts correctly, my parser not quite as fast as your speaking

henry pls make sure I got all of your thoughts correctly, my parser not quite as fast as your speaking

15:48:01 <JohnArwe> SteveS: some of wiki content is outside proposal but seems to bear on this, like replacing :member with :contains

Steve Speicher: some of wiki content is outside proposal but seems to bear on this, like replacing :member with :contains

15:48:09 <betehess> right, containement and membership are different things, do not remove membership at all

Alexandre Bertails: right, containement and membership are different things, do not remove membership at all

15:49:17 <JohnArwe> SteveS: so accepting any of these proposals as currently written would not incorporate (from the wiki) the stmt: replaces ldp:member with ldp:contains to align the containment triples and the membership triples in the case of the SimpleContainer.

Steve Speicher: so accepting any of these proposals as currently written would not incorporate (from the wiki) the stmt: replaces ldp:member with ldp:contains to align the containment triples and the membership triples in the case of the SimpleContainer.

15:50:17 <JohnArwe> @betehess, that phrase was simply placed outside the proposal headers so Steve apparently was unsure if the intent was to incorporate it in one of the them (as a simple reading might imply) or not

@betehess, that phrase was simply placed outside the proposal headers so Steve apparently was unsure if the intent was to incorporate it in one of the them (as a simple reading might imply) or not

15:50:54 <JohnArwe> @betehess, can you state your intent (on IRC since that's all we have for you)?

@betehess, can you state your intent (on IRC since that's all we have for you)?

15:51:41 <betehess> JohnArwe, yes, we should align the triples

Alexandre Bertails: JohnArwe, yes, we should align the triples

15:51:49 <JohnArwe> bblfish: if we used rules/sparql, we could do that in either direction.  it shows that the concept is important and belongs in the spec.

Henry Story: if we used rules/sparql, we could do that in either direction. it shows that the concept is important and belongs in the spec.

15:52:08 <JohnArwe> ...how we deal with inferencing etc is a separate question.

...how we deal with inferencing etc is a separate question.

15:53:04 <JohnArwe> Arnaud: agree value in clarifying spec.  maybe accepting proposal 3 is a first step, since that does not talk about how/if to materialize the concept

Arnaud Le Hors: agree value in clarifying spec. maybe accepting proposal 3 is a first step, since that does not talk about how/if to materialize the concept

15:53:07 <JohnArwe> q+


15:53:12 <Arnaud> ack JohnArwe

Arnaud Le Hors: ack JohnArwe

15:53:40 <ericP> JohnArwe: i asked of the list: what is the intent of proposal 3?

John Arwe: i asked of the list: what is the intent of proposal 3? [ Scribe Assist by Eric Prud'hommeaux ]

15:53:56 <ericP> ... is it to say that they MUST be exposed? MAY be exposed?

Eric Prud'hommeaux: ... is it to say that they MUST be exposed? MAY be exposed?

15:54:28 <betehess> those triples must be exposed if they resulted from the LDP interactions, or can be enforced eg. something contained can be DELETEd

Alexandre Bertails: those triples must be exposed if they resulted from the LDP interactions, or can be enforced eg. something contained can be DELETEd

15:54:29 <JohnArwe> @betehess, can you speak to your intent?  i.e. answer the questions I posed on the list?

@betehess, can you speak to your intent? i.e. answer the questions I posed on the list?

15:54:49 <JohnArwe> ok so "MUST" is the intent?

ok so "MUST" is the intent?

15:54:54 <betehess> yes

Alexandre Bertails: yes

15:55:02 <bblfish> I'd say that to start with whether they get exposed always, should not be an issue.

Henry Story: I'd say that to start with whether they get exposed always, should not be an issue.

15:55:20 <bblfish> The ldp:contains, really helps to write down rules.

Henry Story: The ldp:contains, really helps to write down rules.

15:55:32 <SteveS> and I say it is, ldp:contains can be inferred

Steve Speicher: and I say it is, ldp:contains can be inferred

15:55:32 <JohnArwe> Arnaud: we can separate them.  as written, proposal 3 does not force materialization.

Arnaud Le Hors: we can separate them. as written, proposal 3 does not force materialization.

15:55:39 <betehess> you don't know if you can DELETE a member in the general case, for example

Alexandre Bertails: you don't know if you can DELETE a member in the general case, for example

15:56:12 <JohnArwe> Arnaud: first step would be to define and talk about "containment" as a concept, and separate off the materialization aspect

Arnaud Le Hors: first step would be to define and talk about "containment" as a concept, and separate off the materialization aspect

15:56:30 <JohnArwe> EricP: not convinced there is value in having a name for the concept, but not opposed

Eric Prud'hommeaux: not convinced there is value in having a name for the concept, but not opposed

15:57:12 <JohnArwe> Arnaud: could use the sparql queries we used for the discussion, even if not normative.  could be appendix/whatever.

Arnaud Le Hors: could use the sparql queries we used for the discussion, even if not normative. could be appendix/whatever.

15:57:51 <bblfish> Here I show how one goes from one to the other:

Henry Story: Here I show how one goes from one to the other:

15:57:52 <bblfish> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2013Dec/0043.html

Henry Story: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2013Dec/0043.html

15:57:57 <TallTed> Zakim, unmute me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, unmute me

15:57:57 <Zakim> TallTed should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: TallTed should no longer be muted

15:58:05 <JohnArwe> Arnaud: anyone disagree that we have been talking about 2 distinct relationships?  defer for now which are represented explicitly.

Arnaud Le Hors: anyone disagree that we have been talking about 2 distinct relationships? defer for now which are represented explicitly.

15:58:09 <bblfish> CONSTRUCT { ?subject ldp:contains ?ldpr }

Henry Story: CONSTRUCT { ?subject ldp:contains ?ldpr }

15:58:09 <bblfish> WHERE{

Henry Story: WHERE{

15:58:09 <bblfish>   { ?ldpc a ldp:DirectContainer;

Henry Story: { ?ldpc a ldp:DirectContainer;

15:58:11 <bblfish>           ldp:containerResource ?subject;

Henry Story: ldp:containerResource ?subject;

15:58:13 <bblfish>           ldp:containsRelation ?predicate.

Henry Story: ldp:containsRelation ?predicate.

15:58:15 <bblfish>     ?subject ?predicate ?ldpr.

Henry Story: ?subject ?predicate ?ldpr.

15:58:17 <bblfish>   }

Henry Story: }

15:58:19 <bblfish>    UNION

Henry Story: UNION

15:58:21 <bblfish>  {

Henry Story: {

15:58:23 <bblfish>      ?ldpc a ldp:DirectContainer;

Henry Story: ?ldpc a ldp:DirectContainer;

15:58:25 <bblfish>            ldp:containerResource ?object;

Henry Story: ldp:containerResource ?object;

15:58:27 <bblfish>            ldp:containedByRelation ?predicate.

Henry Story: ldp:containedByRelation ?predicate.

15:58:29 <bblfish>      ?ldpr ?predicate ?object .

Henry Story: ?ldpr ?predicate ?object .

15:58:31 <bblfish>   }

Henry Story: }

15:58:33 <bblfish> }

Henry Story: }

15:58:34 <betehess> both notions are important, just solve different problems

Alexandre Bertails: both notions are important, just solve different problems

15:58:35 <bblfish> CONSTRUCT { ?subjet ?predicate ?object }

Henry Story: CONSTRUCT { ?subjet ?predicate ?object }

15:58:37 <bblfish> WHERE {

Henry Story: WHERE {

15:58:39 <bblfish>  { ?ldpc a ldp:DirectContainer;

Henry Story: { ?ldpc a ldp:DirectContainer;

15:58:41 <bblfish>           ldp:containerResource ?subject;

Henry Story: ldp:containerResource ?subject;

15:58:43 <bblfish>           ldp:containsRelation ?predicate;

Henry Story: ldp:containsRelation ?predicate;

15:58:45 <bblfish>           ldp:contains ?ldpr.

Henry Story: ldp:contains ?ldpr.

15:58:47 <bblfish>     BIND (?ldpr AS ?object)

Henry Story: BIND (?ldpr AS ?object)

15:58:49 <bblfish>   }

Henry Story: }

15:58:51 <bblfish>    UNION

Henry Story: UNION

15:58:53 <bblfish>   {

Henry Story: {

15:58:55 <bblfish>      ?ldpc a ldp:DirectContainer;

Henry Story: ?ldpc a ldp:DirectContainer;

15:58:57 <bblfish>            ldp:containerResource ?object;

Henry Story: ldp:containerResource ?object;

15:58:59 <bblfish>            ldp:containedByRelation ?predicate;

Henry Story: ldp:containedByRelation ?predicate;

15:59:01 <bblfish>            ldp:contains ?ldpr.

Henry Story: ldp:contains ?ldpr.

15:59:03 <bblfish>    BIND (?ldpr AS ?subject)

Henry Story: BIND (?ldpr AS ?subject)

15:59:05 <bblfish>   }

Henry Story: }

15:59:07 <bblfish> }

Henry Story: }

15:59:11 <bblfish> one rule to go from membership triples to ldp:contains and the other way.

Henry Story: one rule to go from membership triples to ldp:contains and the other way.

16:00:02 <JohnArwe> TallTed: which of the 2 is most important is context-specific.  I don't think we can say either is primary.  If it's equally easy to transition from one to the other, define both and how to transition.

Ted Thibodeau: which of the 2 is most important is context-specific. I don't think we can say either is primary. If it's equally easy to transition from one to the other, define both and how to transition.

16:00:06 <bblfish> Tall Ted that's why we're trying to define ldp:contains :-)

Henry Story: Tall Ted that's why we're trying to define ldp:contains :-)

16:00:18 <bblfish> because ldp:conains is not clearly defined yet.

Henry Story: because ldp:conains is not clearly defined yet.

16:00:28 <JohnArwe> ...within any WG, you'd never get real consensus if the conditions above apply.

...within any WG, you'd never get real consensus if the conditions above apply.

16:00:35 <TallTed> Zakim, mute me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, mute me

16:00:35 <Zakim> TallTed should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: TallTed should now be muted

16:00:49 <JohnArwe> ...real consensus on *this one* being primary, that is

...real consensus on *this one* being primary, that is

16:01:34 <Arnaud> PROPOSED: define the containment relationship (whether materialized or not)

PROPOSED: define the containment relationship (whether materialized or not)

16:01:48 <codyburleson> +1

Cody Burleson: +1

16:01:50 <pchampin> +1

Pierre-Antoine Champin: +1

16:01:53 <betehess> +1

Alexandre Bertails: +1

16:01:53 <bblfish> +1

Henry Story: +1

16:02:06 <TallTed> +1

Ted Thibodeau: +1

16:02:15 <SteveS> +0.5

Steve Speicher: +0.5

16:02:22 <ericP> +0

Eric Prud'hommeaux: +0

16:02:30 <JohnArwe> +0.5 (seems useful in some cases, just not those I'm after, but nothing wrong with it for sure)

+0.5 (seems useful in some cases, just not those I'm after, but nothing wrong with it for sure)

16:02:42 <roger> -0.5 i don't really like where this could end up

Roger Menday: -0.5 i don't really like where this could end up

16:03:10 <Zakim> -Roger

Zakim IRC Bot: -Roger

16:04:03 <Arnaud> RESOLVED: Define the containment relationship (whether materialized or not)

RESOLVED: Define the containment relationship (whether materialized or not)

16:04:07 <SteveS> roger, perhaps you could -1 whatever thing that might come up in the future that rubs you the wrong way

Steve Speicher: roger, perhaps you could -1 whatever thing that might come up in the future that rubs you the wrong way

16:04:23 <bblfish> And add it to the ontology :-)

Henry Story: And add it to the ontology :-)

16:04:25 <Zakim> +Roger

Zakim IRC Bot: +Roger

16:06:42 <JohnArwe> Roger: wanted to say something but hit wrong button; understand all this for sure, can see doing it piece by piece, so I should be ok with just this much.  I didn't -1 it for that reason.  I think what's important is what's returned in the hypermedia to clients, the filesys case is a niche.  Complicating spec, harder to understand, can't imagine anyone else wanting to implement it.

Roger Menday: wanted to say something but hit wrong button; understand all this for sure, can see doing it piece by piece, so I should be ok with just this much. I didn't -1 it for that reason. I think what's important is what's returned in the hypermedia to clients, the filesys case is a niche. Complicating spec, harder to understand, can't imagine anyone else wanting to implement it.

16:07:36 <Arnaud> PROPOSED: replace ldp:created/ldp:memberResource with ldp:contains

PROPOSED: replace ldp:created/ldp:memberResource with ldp:contains

16:07:38 <codyburleson> +1

Cody Burleson: +1

16:07:47 <bblfish> +1

Henry Story: +1

16:07:51 <SteveS> +1

Steve Speicher: +1

16:08:03 <Ashok> +1

Ashok Malhotra: +1

16:08:06 <betehess> +1

Alexandre Bertails: +1

16:08:29 <ericP> does contains have any implications re: deletion of the container?

Eric Prud'hommeaux: does contains have any implications re: deletion of the container?

16:08:35 <JohnArwe> Arnaud: agree there is a slight difference (created-only originally, now contained regardless of how created)

Arnaud Le Hors: agree there is a slight difference (created-only originally, now contained regardless of how created)

16:08:39 <bblfish> ( It's not quite the same link but, we don't need the subtlety of ldp:created - I iniitially put ldp:created because I was trying to go for something that would be clearly HTTP based, )

Henry Story: ( It's not quite the same link but, we don't need the subtlety of ldp:created - I iniitially put ldp:created because I was trying to go for something that would be clearly HTTP based, )

16:09:30 <JohnArwe> Ericp: if I have a system that allows creating members but deleting the container does not result in the container deleting created-members, does this proposal change that?

Eric Prud'hommeaux: if I have a system that allows creating members but deleting the container does not result in the container deleting created-members, does this proposal change that?

16:09:45 <TallTed> Zakim, unmute me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, unmute me

16:09:45 <JohnArwe> Arnaud: I think it would

Arnaud Le Hors: I think it would

16:09:47 <Zakim> TallTed should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: TallTed should no longer be muted

16:10:21 <SteveS> +1 to ldp:created with ldp:contains, the ldp:memberResource is a different part and only for ldp:SimpleContainer

Steve Speicher: +1 to ldp:created with ldp:contains, the ldp:memberResource is a different part and only for ldp:SimpleContainer

16:10:24 <bblfish> q+

Henry Story: q+

16:10:31 <Arnaud> ack bblfish

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bblfish

16:10:31 <JohnArwe> TallTed: membership and containment are 2 different things, that we both need

Ted Thibodeau: membership and containment are 2 different things, that we both need

16:10:31 <pchampin> q+

Pierre-Antoine Champin: q+

16:11:14 <pchampin> q-

Pierre-Antoine Champin: q-

16:12:22 <JohnArwe> bblfish: same as above I put in IRC.  :contains is core of the spec.  spec already says that delete has side effects, so if you believe a correspondence exists with membership, this is not a new consequence.

Henry Story: same as above I put in IRC. :contains is core of the spec. spec already says that delete has side effects, so if you believe a correspondence exists with membership, this is not a new consequence.

16:12:53 <betehess> the proposals don't say anything about that, but invariants are the answers: containment means that you have the triples *and* the contained resources, so if you remove the containment triples (DELETE on Container), then you should recursively delete the contained resources

Alexandre Bertails: the proposals don't say anything about that, but invariants are the answers: containment means that you have the triples *and* the contained resources, so if you remove the containment triples (DELETE on Container), then you should recursively delete the contained resources

16:13:05 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

16:13:17 <codyburleson> Zakim, IPcaller is me

Cody Burleson: Zakim, IPcaller is me

16:13:17 <Zakim> +codyburleson; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +codyburleson; got it

16:13:23 <Zakim> -cody

Zakim IRC Bot: -cody

16:13:30 <betehess> DELETE on Container, or even a PATCH to delete the triple I guess :-)

Alexandre Bertails: DELETE on Container, or even a PATCH to delete the triple I guess :-)

16:13:53 <JohnArwe> bblfish: I don't think this changes anything for the moment.  in my sys, you cannot delete a non-empty container.

Henry Story: I don't think this changes anything for the moment. in my sys, you cannot delete a non-empty container.

16:14:05 <betehess> I'd say that we ignore that for today, and I can write a proposal for next week

Alexandre Bertails: I'd say that we ignore that for today, and I can write a proposal for next week

16:14:33 <JohnArwe> SteveS: actually already covered

Steve Speicher: actually already covered

16:14:46 <JohnArwe> ...link coming

...link coming

16:15:12 <codyburleson> (I'm now in as codyburleson rather than cody because I switched from cell phone to Skype)

Cody Burleson: (I'm now in as codyburleson rather than cody because I switched from cell phone to Skype)

16:15:21 <JohnArwe> SteveS: 5.6.4 has it

Steve Speicher: 5.6.4 has it

16:15:27 <SteveS> https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ldpwg/raw-file/default/ldp.html#ldpc-HTTP_DELETE

Steve Speicher: https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ldpwg/raw-file/default/ldp.html#ldpc-HTTP_DELETE

16:16:29 <betehess> https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ldpwg/raw-file/default/ldp.html#ldpc-5_6_4

Alexandre Bertails: https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ldpwg/raw-file/default/ldp.html#ldpc-5_6_4

16:16:56 <JohnArwe> SteveS: on your proposal you listed memberResource; I thought that was only for SimpleContainer

Steve Speicher: on your proposal you listed memberResource; I thought that was only for SimpleContainer

16:17:20 <JohnArwe> Arnaud: nononononono memberResource is something else

Arnaud Le Hors: nononononono memberResource is something else

16:17:47 <JohnArwe> ...link to document, and link to member

...link to document, and link to member

16:18:13 <JohnArwe> Ericp roots for "document" here

Ericp roots for "document" here

16:18:23 <roger> +1 to memberDocument

Roger Menday: +1 to memberDocument

16:18:36 <JohnArwe> Arnaud: containment is all about the documents, membership is not (always)

Arnaud Le Hors: containment is all about the documents, membership is not (always)

16:19:03 <ericP> how about this? containment is about the docs, membership is about RDF nodes

Eric Prud'hommeaux: how about this? containment is about the docs, membership is about RDF nodes

16:19:36 <bblfish> yes, ldp:contains is relationship between HTTP resources. membership extends outside into the real world

Henry Story: yes, ldp:contains is relationship between HTTP resources. membership extends outside into the real world

16:19:38 <JohnArwe> @ericp worth you proofing the draft for this ;-)

@ericp worth you proofing the draft for this ;-)

16:19:55 <ericP> oops. roger that

Eric Prud'hommeaux: oops. roger that

16:20:06 <bblfish> but since our protocol is about HTTP interactions, it is very important to have the ldp:contains relation

Henry Story: but since our protocol is about HTTP interactions, it is very important to have the ldp:contains relation

16:20:48 <betehess> eric's question was about deleting in cascade, wasn't it?

Alexandre Bertails: eric's question was about deleting in cascade, wasn't it?

16:21:30 <betehess> right, you can't do that for members, only for contained resources

Alexandre Bertails: right, you can't do that for members, only for contained resources

16:22:14 <roger> +q

Roger Menday: +q

16:22:17 <JohnArwe> EricP: in our discussions, not in spec, in containment rel when you delete the container you "must" delete any remaining members. if we're changing that, maybe variations on contained get ugly.

Eric Prud'hommeaux: in our discussions, not in spec, in containment rel when you delete the container you "must" delete any remaining members. if we're changing that, maybe variations on contained get ugly.

16:22:25 <Ashok> That's my understanding of Eric's point

Ashok Malhotra: That's my understanding of Eric's point

16:23:03 <JohnArwe> bblfish: would the proposed replacement result in some new consequence ?

Henry Story: would the proposed replacement result in some new consequence ?

16:23:35 <JohnArwe> EricP: hard to tell on the fly, since not all of what we discussed was directly reflected in the spec

Eric Prud'hommeaux: hard to tell on the fly, since not all of what we discussed was directly reflected in the spec

16:23:39 <betehess> where does the spec *today* defines what ericP is talking about?

Alexandre Bertails: where does the spec *today* defines what ericP is talking about?

16:24:23 <JohnArwe> @betehess, EricP said earlier that this is how we've discussed things, differentiating from what spec says.

@betehess, EricP said earlier that this is how we've discussed things, differentiating from what spec says.

16:24:33 <JohnArwe> ...realizing you still have white noise

...realizing you still have white noise

16:25:19 <JohnArwe> TallTed: that is where spec is today, leaves things open because when we discussed earlier we realized that specifying this would require lots of new careful definition that we didn't otherwise need

Ted Thibodeau: that is where spec is today, leaves things open because when we discussed earlier we realized that specifying this would require lots of new careful definition that we didn't otherwise need

16:25:48 <betehess> I disagree with ericP: if the server says that { X ldp:contains Y } then DELETEing X, or even deleting { X ldp:contains Y }, then Y must disappear as well, same than DELETEing Y must remove the triple. They are bound together, it's an invariant

Alexandre Bertails: I disagree with ericP: if the server says that { X ldp:contains Y } then DELETEing X, or even deleting { X ldp:contains Y }, then Y must disappear as well, same than DELETEing Y must remove the triple. They are bound together, it's an invariant

16:26:20 <betehess> not implementation specific

Alexandre Bertails: not implementation specific

16:26:25 <JohnArwe> EricP: we were worried about, if we accepted new reqts/refinements on :contains, we'd either rule out certain use cases or need lots of new definitions

Eric Prud'hommeaux: we were worried about, if we accepted new reqts/refinements on :contains, we'd either rule out certain use cases or need lots of new definitions

16:27:04 <betehess> Containment is an invariant managed by the server

Alexandre Bertails: Containment is an invariant managed by the server

16:27:22 <JohnArwe> bblfish: http delete has to operate on resources with uris.  created has to be a subset of contains as the spec is today, so why not simplify and remove the overly-precise one.

Henry Story: http delete has to operate on resources with uris. created has to be a subset of contains as the spec is today, so why not simplify and remove the overly-precise one.

16:27:56 <JohnArwe> EricP: historically we've used "containment" to mean: if you delete a non-empty container, those members must be deleted

Eric Prud'hommeaux: historically we've used "containment" to mean: if you delete a non-empty container, those members must be deleted

16:28:08 <JohnArwe> TallTed: disagree; we've used 'containment' several ways

Ted Thibodeau: disagree; we've used 'containment' several ways

16:28:54 <JohnArwe> EricP: as long as we're not committing to specify deletion of non-empty container... ericp help pls... doesn't limit future

Eric Prud'hommeaux: as long as we're not committing to specify deletion of non-empty container, for which we historically used the term "containment" doesn't limit future

16:29:23 <JohnArwe> Arnaud: need to be sure of the effects before agreeing to this.

Arnaud Le Hors: need to be sure of the effects before agreeing to this.

16:29:25 <JohnArwe> q+


16:30:01 <JohnArwe> Arnaud: people should look at EricP's case

Arnaud Le Hors: people should look at EricP's case

16:30:03 <Arnaud> ack roger

Arnaud Le Hors: ack roger

16:30:17 <JohnArwe> Roger: will paste

Roger Menday: will paste

16:30:19 <Arnaud> ack john

Arnaud Le Hors: ack john

16:30:23 <roger> I think if we use "containment" a lot less, and "document" (in conjunction with member) a lot more - then it might be a better

Roger Menday: I think if we use "containment" a lot less, and "document" (in conjunction with member) a lot more - then it might be a better

16:30:28 <ericP> s/... ericp help pls.../, for which we historically used the term "containment"/
16:31:28 <JohnArwe> JohnArwe: was this incorporated as part of proposal 3 approval?  as SteveS noted, not really within its scope: replaces ldp:member with ldp:contains to align the containment triples and the membership triples in the case of the SimpleContainer.

John Arwe: was this incorporated as part of proposal 3 approval? as SteveS noted, not really within its scope: replaces ldp:member with ldp:contains to align the containment triples and the membership triples in the case of the SimpleContainer.

16:31:59 <JohnArwe> Arnaud: no; we're sticking with proposal 3 strictly as written, so it's a pure add at this point

Arnaud Le Hors: no; we're sticking with proposal 3 strictly as written, so it's a pure add at this point

16:32:10 <JohnArwe> Ericp: why can't we do that?

Eric Prud'hommeaux: why can't we do that?

16:32:20 <JohnArwe> Arnaud: the document != member in all cases

Arnaud Le Hors: the document != member in all cases

16:32:29 <JohnArwe> EricP: ok

Eric Prud'hommeaux: ok

16:32:32 <roger> +q

Roger Menday: +q

16:32:54 <Arnaud> ack roger

Arnaud Le Hors: ack roger

16:33:21 <JohnArwe> so is ericp's rename proposal to be handled as a new issue?

so is ericp's rename proposal to be handled as a new issue?

16:33:32 <codyburleson> What is a "document"? Do you mean an LDPR? Versus some subset of an entire LDPR?

Cody Burleson: What is a "document"? Do you mean an LDPR? Versus some subset of an entire LDPR?

16:33:40 <JohnArwe> Roger: document instead of member would be useful to clarify spec.

Roger Menday: document instead of member would be useful to clarify spec.

16:33:50 <Arnaud> PROPOSED: rename ldp:created with ldp:memberDocument

PROPOSED: rename ldp:created with ldp:memberDocument

16:34:30 <betehess> I don't see the point, as PROPOSAL 4 will rename it as ldp:contains

Alexandre Bertails: I don't see the point, as PROPOSAL 4 will rename it as ldp:contains

16:34:34 <SteveS> and also add 'document' to terminology

Steve Speicher: and also add 'document' to terminology

16:34:49 <JohnArwe> @cody: in REST-speak, "document" is a less-scary way of saying "information resource".  vs "resource" which can be a document OR a cat/person/concept

@cody: in REST-speak, "document" is a less-scary way of saying "information resource". vs "resource" which can be a document OR a cat/person/concept

16:36:17 <Zakim> -Ashok_Malhotra

Zakim IRC Bot: -Ashok_Malhotra

16:36:23 <bblfish> happy new year

Henry Story: happy new year

16:36:31 <Zakim> -TallTed

Zakim IRC Bot: -TallTed

16:36:32 <Zakim> -SteveS

Zakim IRC Bot: -SteveS

16:36:33 <Zakim> -bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: -bblfish

16:36:34 <Zakim> -Sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: -Sandro

16:36:35 <Zakim> -Roger

Zakim IRC Bot: -Roger

16:36:35 <Zakim> -Alexandre

Zakim IRC Bot: -Alexandre

16:36:36 <Zakim> -ericP

Zakim IRC Bot: -ericP

16:36:37 <codyburleson> @JohnArwe - Thanks, got it

Cody Burleson: @JohnArwe - Thanks, got it

16:36:38 <JohnArwe> Arnaud: at some point we need to make decisions on some time-bounded issues like next F2F

Arnaud Le Hors: at some point we need to make decisions on some time-bounded issues like next F2F

16:36:38 <Zakim> -Arnaud

Zakim IRC Bot: -Arnaud

16:36:38 <Zakim> -pchampin

Zakim IRC Bot: -pchampin

16:36:43 <Zakim> -JohnArwe

Zakim IRC Bot: -JohnArwe

16:36:45 <Zakim> -codyburleson

Zakim IRC Bot: -codyburleson

16:36:47 <Zakim> SW_LDP()10:00AM has ended

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_LDP()10:00AM has ended

16:36:47 <Zakim> Attendees were +1.214.537.aaaa, Sandro, Ashok_Malhotra, pchampin, Arnaud, SteveS, Roger, Alexandre, JohnArwe, TallTed, bblfish, cody, ericP, codyburleson

Zakim IRC Bot: Attendees were +1.214.537.aaaa, Sandro, Ashok_Malhotra, pchampin, Arnaud, SteveS, Roger, Alexandre, JohnArwe, TallTed, bblfish, cody, ericP, codyburleson

18:02:05 <Arnaud> ok, it worked this time

(No events recorded for 85 minutes)

Arnaud Le Hors: ok, it worked this time

18:02:10 <Arnaud> don't know why

Arnaud Le Hors: don't know why

18:02:20 <Arnaud> but I can live with that :)

Arnaud Le Hors: but I can live with that :)

18:02:45 <sandro> phew.     The error was that the date part of your URL couldn't be split on the '-' char.    Strang.

Sandro Hawke: phew. The error was that the date part of your URL couldn't be split on the '-' char. Strang.

18:03:19 <Arnaud> oh

Arnaud Le Hors: oh

18:08:52 <Arnaud> well, it works now, thanks!

(No events recorded for 5 minutes)

Arnaud Le Hors: well, it works now, thanks!

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