
eGovernment Interest Group Teleconference

Minutes of 25 March 2009

John Sheridan, José Alonso, Kevin Novak, Unknown AIA, Unknown ocr
Kevin Novak, John Sheridan
José Alonso



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15:00:02 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/03/25-egov-irc

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/03/25-egov-irc

15:00:04 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs public

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs public

15:00:06 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be EGOV

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be EGOV

15:00:06 <Zakim> ok, trackbot; I see T&S_EGOV()11:00AM scheduled to start now

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot; I see T&S_EGOV()11:00AM scheduled to start now

15:00:07 <trackbot> Meeting: eGovernment Interest Group Teleconference
15:00:07 <trackbot> Date: 25 March 2009
15:01:46 <josema> zakim, who's here?

José Alonso: zakim, who's here?

15:01:46 <Zakim> T&S_EGOV()11:00AM has not yet started, josema

Zakim IRC Bot: T&S_EGOV()11:00AM has not yet started, josema

15:01:48 <Zakim> On IRC I see john, RRSAgent, Zakim, josema, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see john, RRSAgent, Zakim, josema, trackbot

15:02:09 <Zakim> T&S_EGOV()11:00AM has now started

Zakim IRC Bot: T&S_EGOV()11:00AM has now started

15:02:16 <Zakim> +berrueta

Zakim IRC Bot: +berrueta

15:02:26 <josema> zakim, berrueta is me

José Alonso: zakim, berrueta is me

15:02:26 <Zakim> +josema; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +josema; got it

15:05:01 <josema> josema has changed the topic to: chairs call

José Alonso: josema has changed the topic to: chairs call

15:05:14 <josema> zakim, who's here?

José Alonso: zakim, who's here?

15:05:14 <Zakim> On the phone I see josema

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see josema

15:05:15 <Zakim> On IRC I see john, RRSAgent, Zakim, josema, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see john, RRSAgent, Zakim, josema, trackbot

15:09:12 <Zakim> +AIA

Zakim IRC Bot: +AIA

15:11:29 <josema> zakim, who's here?

José Alonso: zakim, who's here?

15:11:29 <Zakim> On the phone I see josema, AIA

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see josema, AIA

15:11:31 <Zakim> On IRC I see john, RRSAgent, Zakim, josema, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see john, RRSAgent, Zakim, josema, trackbot

15:18:48 <Zakim> + +0203334aaaa

(No events recorded for 7 minutes)

Zakim IRC Bot: + +0203334aaaa

15:19:43 <josema> zakim, aaaa is john

José Alonso: zakim, aaaa is john

15:19:43 <Zakim> +john; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +john; got it

15:20:09 <john> Kevin, is there as US red tape cutting website? If so, whats the url?

John Sheridan: Kevin, is there as US red tape cutting website? If so, whats the url?

15:23:35 <josema> http://www.ombwatch.org/ ??

José Alonso: http://www.ombwatch.org/ ??

15:24:41 <josema> [not much scribing today if anything at all]

José Alonso: [not much scribing today if anything at all]

15:24:58 <josema> chair: kevin, john
15:25:05 <josema> scribe: josema

(Scribe set to José Alonso)

15:25:23 <josema> [kevin debriefs participation at AC Meeting]

[kevin debriefs participation at AC Meeting]

15:25:40 <josema> [looks like we are building momentum and getting more attention from Members]

[looks like we are building momentum and getting more attention from Members]

15:25:51 <josema> [2 new Group Members: Adobe and Mitre]

[2 new Group Members: Adobe and Mitre]

15:27:06 <josema> [some even asked for next F2F to participate]

[some even asked for next F2F to participate]

15:27:21 <josema> I think this means it won't be difficult to re-charter :)

I think this means it won't be difficult to re-charter :)

15:38:15 <john> discussed MOU with world bank

(No events recorded for 10 minutes)

John Sheridan: [discussed MOU with world bank]

15:38:42 <josema> s/discussed MOU with world bank/[discussed MOU with world bank]
15:38:54 <john> kevin: update on interview with GCN

Kevin Novak: update on interview with GCN [ Scribe Assist by John Sheridan ]

15:43:28 <josema> ACTION: jose to add column with email addresses to list of attendants

ACTION: jose to add column with email addresses to list of attendants

15:43:28 <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - jose

Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, couldn't find user - jose

15:43:34 <josema> ACTION: josema to add column with email addresses to list of attendants

ACTION: josema to add column with email addresses to list of attendants

15:43:34 <trackbot> Created ACTION-50 - Add column with email addresses to list of attendants [on José Manuel Alonso - due 2009-04-01].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-50 - Add column with email addresses to list of attendants [on José Manuel Alonso - due 2009-04-01].

15:47:44 <josema> [encourage people in the Group to talk about what they are working on, help make contributions]

[encourage people in the Group to talk about what they are working on, help make contributions]

15:50:16 <john> I really hate wiki syntax!

John Sheridan: I really hate wiki syntax!

15:50:41 <john> give me html or a rich text editor, not some html variant

John Sheridan: give me html or a rich text editor, not some html variant

15:51:37 <josema> [discuss by email, encourage one comment per email]

[discuss by email, encourage one comment per email]

15:58:13 <josema> [future, 2nd charter should be discussed in Group call]

(No events recorded for 6 minutes)

[future, 2nd charter should be discussed in Group call]

15:58:32 <josema> [topics of interest: OGD, Design Patterns]

[topics of interest: OGD, Design Patterns]

16:01:07 <josema> [to discuss: splitting policy and technology]

[to discuss: splitting policy and technology]

16:02:21 <Zakim> -AIA

Scribe problem: the name 'AIA' does not match any of the 44 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Aldo Gangemi Amit Parashar Anne Washington Ari Schwartz Bede McCall Benjamin Nguyen Christopher Testa Dalila Chiadmi Daniel Bennett Dave McAllister David Osimo Ilker Karakas Joe Carmel John Sheridan John Wonderlich Jonathan Gray José Alonso Juan Rodríguez Rodríguez Katie Haritos-Shea Kevin Novak Laila Benhlima Luigi Selmi Malcolm Crompton Martin Mollema Oscar Azanon Esteire Owen Ambur Pasquale Popolizio Peter Krantz Pietro Russo Rachel Flagg Richard Murphy Rinke Hoekstra Roberto Castaldo Robin Berjon Rowan Smith Tanya Gupta Tim McMahon Tom van Engers Trond Undheim Vagner Diniz Vassilios Peristeras Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Zakim IRC Bot: -AIA

16:02:26 <Zakim> -josema

Zakim IRC Bot: -josema

16:02:27 <Zakim> -john

Zakim IRC Bot: -john

16:02:27 <Zakim> T&S_EGOV()11:00AM has ended

Zakim IRC Bot: T&S_EGOV()11:00AM has ended

16:02:29 <Zakim> Attendees were josema, AIA, +0203334aaaa, john

Zakim IRC Bot: Attendees were josema, AIA, +0203334aaaa, john

16:03:04 <josema> [to discuss: go ahead more in depth with just 1-2 topics or more broadly as we are currently doing?]

[to discuss: go ahead more in depth with just 1-2 topics or more broadly as we are currently doing?]

16:03:08 <josema> [ADJOURNED]


16:03:19 <josema> rrsagent, draf minutes

rrsagent, draf minutes

16:03:19 <RRSAgent> I'm logging. I don't understand 'draf minutes', josema.  Try /msg RRSAgent help

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I'm logging. I don't understand 'draf minutes', josema. Try /msg RRSAgent help

16:03:25 <josema> rrsagent, make minutes

rrsagent, make minutes

16:03:25 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/03/25-egov-minutes.html josema

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/03/25-egov-minutes.html josema

16:15:11 <ocr> hi all - this is Oscar

Scribe problem: the name 'ocr' does not match any of the 44 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Aldo Gangemi Amit Parashar Anne Washington Ari Schwartz Bede McCall Benjamin Nguyen Christopher Testa Dalila Chiadmi Daniel Bennett Dave McAllister David Osimo Ilker Karakas Joe Carmel John Sheridan John Wonderlich Jonathan Gray José Alonso Juan Rodríguez Rodríguez Katie Haritos-Shea Kevin Novak Laila Benhlima Luigi Selmi Malcolm Crompton Martin Mollema Oscar Azanon Esteire Owen Ambur Pasquale Popolizio Peter Krantz Pietro Russo Rachel Flagg Richard Murphy Rinke Hoekstra Roberto Castaldo Robin Berjon Rowan Smith Tanya Gupta Tim McMahon Tom van Engers Trond Undheim Vagner Diniz Vassilios Peristeras Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'ocr' does not match any of the 44 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Aldo Gangemi Amit Parashar Anne Washington Ari Schwartz Bede McCall Benjamin Nguyen Christopher Testa Dalila Chiadmi Daniel Bennett Dave McAllister David Osimo Ilker Karakas Joe Carmel John Sheridan John Wonderlich Jonathan Gray José Alonso Juan Rodríguez Rodríguez Katie Haritos-Shea Kevin Novak Laila Benhlima Luigi Selmi Malcolm Crompton Martin Mollema Oscar Azanon Esteire Owen Ambur Pasquale Popolizio Peter Krantz Pietro Russo Rachel Flagg Richard Murphy Rinke Hoekstra Roberto Castaldo Robin Berjon Rowan Smith Tanya Gupta Tim McMahon Tom van Engers Trond Undheim Vagner Diniz Vassilios Peristeras Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

(No events recorded for 11 minutes)

Unknown ocr: hi all - this is Oscar

16:22:39 <josema> oscar, ya acabamos, por el cambio de hora fue a las 4

(No events recorded for 7 minutes)

oscar, ya acabamos, por el cambio de hora fue a las 4

16:22:50 <josema> rrsagent. make minutes

rrsagent. make minutes

16:22:54 <josema> rrsagent, make minutes

rrsagent, make minutes

16:22:54 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/03/25-egov-minutes.html josema

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/03/25-egov-minutes.html josema

16:28:04 <josema> rrsagent, stop

(No events recorded for 5 minutes)

rrsagent, stop

Formatted by CommonScribe