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New thoughts on citations

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Different perspectives

  • I have a dataset and I want to “tell” other people about my dataset referencing articles etc.
  • I have a journal article and I want to “tell” other people about the data I used as a basis of my study

Even Newer Thoughts on citations November 6, 2015

Newer thoughts on citations

Current Model

Current Model Overview


  • Is a citation an information blog or actual machine readable structures?
    • Example: Do we model the authors (agents)? YES!
  • Do we care only about IDs based on web best practices or any identifiers?
  • Do we care about concepts like retractions?


Standards (Not necessarily web) Activity Examples

Additional Examples

Path forward on building the model

  • There isn't a clear single standard way of citing data on the Web, and we need to acknowledge this at some level.
    • Perhaps one way is reusing existing properties from other vocabularies, but not attempting to reuse vocabulary fragments
  • We need to borrow heavily from standards citations efforts and bring them to the web.
  • Citations can be used in a number of ways:
    • Part of feedback
    • As a reference to a QA document
    • A users guide for the data.