ACTION-179: Identifying Mechanisms Dataset Usage Vocabulary

Identifying Mechanisms Dataset Usage Vocabulary

Sumit Purohit
Due on:
May 1, 2015
Created on:
April 15, 2015
Associated Product:
Data Usage Vocabulary
Related emails:
  1. Re: Dataset Usage Vocabulary Team (from on 2015-04-16)
  2. Re: Dataset Usage Vocabulary Team (from on 2015-04-16)
  3. Re: Dataset Usage Vocabulary Team (from on 2015-04-16)
  4. dwbp-ACTION-179: Identifying Mechanisms Dataset Usage Vocabulary (from on 2015-04-15)
  5. Dataset Usage Vocabulary Team (from on 2015-04-14)

Related notes:

Work with Annette Greiner to identify mechanisms and usage patterns for using the Dataset Usage Model. Review the current best practices document that rely on Data Usage Requirements as possible motivational examples.

Document illustrative examples that can be used to illustrate dataset usage from the perpective of the data publisher, producer, consumer and collaborator.

Eric Stephan, 15 Apr 2015, 01:12:57

I think this is a bit unrealistic to accomplish all of this by next Tuesday, I've extended the deadline to May 1. Let me know if this works better for you Sumit.



Eric Stephan, 19 Apr 2015, 15:07:55

Display change log.

Chair, Staff Contact
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