13:58:43 RRSAgent has joined #webtv 13:58:43 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/12/11-webtv-irc 13:58:49 Zakim has joined #webtv 13:58:51 zakim, agenda? 13:58:52 I see nothing on the agenda 13:58:56 zakim, this will be webtv 13:58:56 ok, kaz, I see UW_WebTVIG()9:00AM already started 13:59:04 agenda+ review gap analysis 13:59:14 zakim, call kazuyuki-617 13:59:14 ok, kaz; the call is being made 13:59:16 +Kazuyuki 13:59:19 +Paul_Higgs 13:59:56 zakim, who is here? 13:59:56 On the phone I see ??P14, Kazuyuki, Paul_Higgs 13:59:57 On IRC I see RRSAgent, jcverdie, ddavis, PaulHiggs, skim13, kaz, sangwhan, timeless, schuki, trackbot 14:00:05 whyun has joined #webtv 14:00:51 zakim, ??P14 is whyun 14:00:51 +whyun; got it 14:00:52 igarashi has joined #webtv 14:01:01 zakim, who is here? 14:01:01 On the phone I see whyun, Kazuyuki, Paul_Higgs 14:01:02 On IRC I see igarashi, whyun, Zakim, RRSAgent, jcverdie, ddavis, PaulHiggs, skim13, kaz, sangwhan, timeless, schuki, trackbot 14:01:45 +Jean-Charles 14:01:58 +[IPcaller] 14:02:04 +gmandyam 14:02:09 zakim, [ is skim13 14:02:09 +skim13; got it 14:02:23 +??P20 14:02:28 gmandyam has joined #webtv 14:02:33 zakim, ??P20 is me 14:02:33 +ddavis; got it 14:03:00 +[GVoice] 14:03:12 zakim, [ is giuseppe 14:03:12 +giuseppe; got it 14:03:14 giuseppep has joined #webtv 14:03:21 zakim, who is here? 14:03:21 On the phone I see whyun, Kazuyuki, Paul_Higgs, Jean-Charles, skim13, gmandyam, ddavis, giuseppe 14:03:23 On IRC I see giuseppep, gmandyam, igarashi, whyun, Zakim, RRSAgent, jcverdie, ddavis, PaulHiggs, skim13, kaz, sangwhan, timeless, schuki, trackbot 14:03:23 Giri Mandyam, Qualcomm Innovation Center, on the call 14:03:54 Bin_Hu has joined #webtv 14:04:33 Louay has joined #webtv 14:04:51 Sheau has joined #webtv 14:04:58 +Bin_Hu 14:05:15 +sheau 14:05:28 Present: Wook, Kaz, Paul, JC, Sunghei, Giri, Daniel, Giuseppe, Bin, Sheau 14:05:32 zakim, who is here? 14:05:32 On the phone I see whyun, Kazuyuki, Paul_Higgs, Jean-Charles, skim13, gmandyam, ddavis, giuseppe, Bin_Hu, sheau 14:05:34 On IRC I see Sheau, Louay, Bin_Hu, giuseppep, gmandyam, igarashi, whyun, Zakim, RRSAgent, jcverdie, ddavis, PaulHiggs, skim13, kaz, sangwhan, timeless, schuki, trackbot 14:05:48 +??P26 14:06:04 zakim, ??P26 is Louay 14:06:04 +Louay; got it 14:06:10 Present+ Louay 14:06:10 regrets+ Cyril Rickelton-Abdi 14:08:14 i am :) 14:08:19 -Jean-Charles 14:08:22 excellent :) 14:08:24 but i can't unmute (skype crashed) 14:08:33 please go ahead Bin, I'm calling back 14:08:35 zakim, who is here? 14:08:35 On the phone I see whyun, Kazuyuki, Paul_Higgs, skim13, gmandyam, ddavis, giuseppe, Bin_Hu, sheau, Louay 14:08:37 On IRC I see Sheau, Louay, Bin_Hu, giuseppep, gmandyam, igarashi, whyun, Zakim, RRSAgent, jcverdie, ddavis, PaulHiggs, skim13, kaz, sangwhan, timeless, schuki, trackbot 14:08:50 i will join soon. What is the passcode. 14:08:56 zakim, code? 14:08:57 WEBTV1 14:08:59 the conference code is 932881 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), kaz 14:09:39 scribe: Giuseppe 14:09:46 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvACjV6qSvmxdEctdjYwa2JOalZLOG10elE1LVRZNlE#gid=1 14:09:49 scribenick:giuseppep 14:09:53 scribenick: giuseppep 14:09:55 +??P19 14:10:03 +Jean-Charles 14:10:07 zakim, ??P19 is Igarashi 14:10:07 +Igarashi; got it 14:10:10 Present+ Igarashi 14:10:27 Topic: gap analysis 14:10:30 s|https|-> https| 14:10:44 s|gid=1|gid=1 gap analysis document| 14:10:51 rrsagent, make log public 14:10:52 Bin: it seems we only have few question marks to address 14:10:56 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:10:58 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/12/11-webtv-minutes.html kaz 14:11:00 ... also need to finilize email discussions 14:11:32 Meeting: Web and TV IG - Media APIs TF call 14:11:53 Chair: Bing 14:11:53 Chair: Bin 14:11:59 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:11:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/12/11-webtv-minutes.html kaz 14:12:39 Bin: NSD doesn't have device autentication in scope 14:12:51 so B11 should probably be blank 14:13:10 s/so B11/... so B11/ 14:13:14 ...do people agree? no objection 14:13:41 zakim, mute me 14:13:41 sorry, jcverdie, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you 14:14:26 zakim, who is here? 14:14:27 On the phone I see whyun, Kazuyuki, Paul_Higgs, skim13, gmandyam, ddavis, giuseppe, Bin_Hu, sheau, Louay, Igarashi, Jean-Charles 14:14:27 On IRC I see Sheau, Louay, Bin_Hu, giuseppep, gmandyam, igarashi, whyun, Zakim, RRSAgent, jcverdie, ddavis, PaulHiggs, skim13, kaz, sangwhan, timeless, schuki, trackbot 14:14:36 ... req7 also should go to bank, agree? agreed 14:14:50 zakim, Jean-Charles is jcverdie 14:14:50 +jcverdie; got it 14:15:04 q+ 14:15:05 s/bank/blank/ 14:17:21 s/req7/req7 (B7)/ 14:17:21 q? 14:17:21 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:17:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/12/11-webtv-minutes.html kaz 14:17:21 ack ddavis 14:17:21 .. for B12, there is ongoing discussion on the mailing list, so let's take it later. 14:17:21 Bin: let's go to col C 14:19:22 Bin: I propose to set C9 blank as HTML5 doesn't address authentication directly 14:19:34 ... agreed? No objection 14:20:12 s/req7 (B7)/req7 (B12)/ 14:20:55 Bin: col D only one comment on tuner API, how should we resolve it 14:21:07 giuseppe: it will be solved as part of the tuner API discussion, so comment can be closed 14:21:21 i/Bin:/(C9, C10, C11 turned into blank)/ 14:21:44 Bin: one left, B30 14:22:39 s/B30/D30/ 14:22:46 D30 14:23:36 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:23:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/12/11-webtv-minutes.html kaz 14:23:50 Giri: recording is part of WebRTC 14:24:08 ... is probably reasonable to say that is not in scope for HTML5 14:24:45 ... but maybe there should be something in html5.1 to make recording of a video element possible 14:26:41 q+ 14:26:46 giuseppe: then maybe we should leave it red as would be good to bring it up with the HTML WG 14:27:04 Giri: yes I agree, but one comment here 14:27:33 ... there is a green in the webrtc column because for some use cases WebRTC can certainly be used 14:27:42 .. but this is not for all use cases 14:27:54 s/../.../ 14:28:22 q- 14:28:27 Sheau: if we have a red here, shouldn't we say the same for authentication? 14:29:19 Giri: I'm not sure what the relevance is for html5 of all of them 14:30:31 giuseppe: I think the requirement is too highlevel to drive work/discussion in HTML5 14:30:40 ... if we want something to happen we need to dive into the details 14:30:48 ... and point out what is missing 14:30:56 Giri: agree 14:31:04 q+ 14:31:10 ... [makes some examples from the TV industry] 14:31:44 Sheau: it seems to me that at this point we don't know exactly what we mean 14:31:58 ... so we don't have enough elements to decide 14:32:56 q+ to ask if "HTML 5.1" here means "possible HTML extensions other than all the existing specs" 14:33:52 Sheau: maybe we should actually put green as html5 enables authentication 14:34:27 giuseppe: I agree with Sheau 14:36:24 Bin: so let's close D30 red 14:37:37 .. and let's change D9-10-11 to green 14:37:56 ... same for c9-10-11 14:38:17 q? 14:38:24 ack k 14:38:24 kaz, you wanted to ask if "HTML 5.1" here means "possible HTML extensions other than all the existing specs" 14:40:25 Kaz: should we split the html5.1 column to alos future version of 5.x? 14:40:31 giuseppe: no. 14:40:33 Bin: no 14:41:14 Bin: I propose to address question marks first 14:41:18 ... next is G7 14:41:37 s/G7/G27/ 14:41:58 s/to alos/into two, (1) the existing HTML 5.1 and (2) the/ 14:42:24 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:42:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/12/11-webtv-minutes.html kaz 14:42:31 ... there is a suggestion to leave that blank 14:42:57 .. since the eme doesn't prevent nor prescribe support for offline, is not a matter of såpec but of implementation 14:43:18 ... what do you think? 14:43:21 giuseppe: agree 14:43:48 Bin: any objection? none 14:43:56 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:43:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/12/11-webtv-minutes.html kaz 14:44:10 Bin: after that there is clumn J 14:44:59 ... J6/7 proposal to leave it blank 14:45:07 simce the req. is not related to offline storage capability 14:45:29 s/såpec/spec/ 14:45:40 s/simce/since/ 14:45:59 Bin: any objection? none 14:46:00 s/clumn/column/ 14:46:10 -ddavis 14:46:47 ... same applies to other questionmarks in column J 14:46:53 +??P20 14:46:56 zakim, ??P20 is me 14:46:56 +ddavis; got it