00:08:17 rhauck1 has joined #css 00:24:00 dauwhe has joined #css 00:43:45 we have a washroom attendant for the meeting room. not sure I'm really comfortable with that 00:45:03 is he a spy for WHATWG? 00:45:17 rhauck has joined #css 00:54:06 dauwhe_ has joined #css 01:03:38 cabanier has joined #css 01:03:55 cabanier1 has joined #css 01:09:07 dbaron has joined #css 01:13:15 jeff has joined #css 01:18:02 leif has joined #css 01:18:22 plh has joined #css 01:20:03 yamamoto has joined #CSS 01:20:35 Zakim has joined #css 01:20:43 zakim, this is style 01:20:43 sorry, plinss, I do not see a conference named 'style' in progress or scheduled at this time 01:21:03 rrsagent, this meeting spans midnight 01:21:37 zakim, remind us to go home in 10 hours 01:21:37 I don't understand 'remind us to go home in 10 hours', plinss 01:22:41 zakim, remind us in 10 hours to go home 01:22:41 ok, plinss 01:26:32 sgalineau has joined #css 01:26:48 ChrisL has joined #css 01:27:08 scribenick~; ChrisL 01:27:16 scribenick: ChrisL 01:27:23 topic: agenda 01:27:30 koji has joined #css 01:27:43 israelh has joined #CSS 01:27:50 plinss: see wiki. we have some joint meetings also 01:27:52 http://wiki.csswg.org/planning/tpac-2013 01:27:59 Rossen_ has joined #css 01:28:12 rrsagent, this meeting spans midnight 01:28:33 (some requests for slot movement due to people not here on Sunday) 01:28:55 krit: when is SVG joint meeting? 01:29:08 (tuesday) 01:29:41 plinss: tab should be calling in 01:30:08 krit: can we discuss css image 01:30:15 fantasai: yes, I'm here 01:31:10 dwim: digital publishing related not Monday 01:31:54 dino has joined #css 01:32:36 s/dwim/dauwhe 01:32:47 fantasai: wait for shapes until simon and leah get here, but today ok 01:33:16 plinss: text and writing modes tuesday morning 01:34:05 http://wiki.csswg.org/planning/tpac-2013 01:34:22 topic: gcpm 01:35:08 dwim: seemed unresolved on conference call, been writing tet cases, would like to co-edit 01:35:46 plinss: hakon has decised to work outside the group, we need to work inside the group for patent policy 01:35:54 ... david is willing to edit 01:36:14 Bert: hakon wants the group to not do anything for some months 01:36:36 ... think this is a good idea 01:36:56 s/david/dauwhe/ (just to disambiguate) 01:36:57 Rossen_: which one, the one we decided to split? 01:37:44 dino: there is a very easy solution to 'avoiding confusion' 01:38:23 heycam: as long as its different names for different proposals, no problem 01:39:12 dauwhe_: so wait a few months or not? it should stay in the css fold 01:39:19 krit: your preference? 01:39:41 dauwhe_: press on. I'm interacting with him if he wants to continue contributing ideas 01:40:07 plinss: any objections 01:40:51 resolved: david is the editor of GCPM 01:41:06 (discussion on spec naming and disambiguation) 01:41:51 ChrisL: good decision, start with last (split) editors draft 01:42:19 dauwhe_: would like some cleanup time before publication. noticed some holes while writing testst 01:42:56 ChrisL: looking for reviewers for tests? 01:43:06 plinss: familiar with the test format? 01:43:11 dauwhe_: learning 01:44:12 dauwhe_: noticing lots of small differences even in property naming between implementations 01:44:51 plinss: implementations are not done by members of wg so be aware of patent policy. lean towards what can be implemented by others 01:45:17 dauwhe_: larger question of how much we build on that spec and how much we build on regions 01:45:32 plinss: : the more we can leverage from existing work, the better 01:46:15 kawabata2 has joined #css 01:46:44 topic: camvas, video, css image 01:47:14 krit: (learns airplay) 01:47:41 krit: (demo) 01:48:06 ... would like to add a canvas function for a canvas2d graphics context 01:48:15 to 01:48:16 ... draw into and use directly as a css image 01:49:02 ... many authors like this 01:49:14 ChrisL: downsides? 01:49:49 krit: need to reference a dom elememnt directly to be selectable, canvas is created directly 01:51:05 dino: on the document element you ask for the context directly 01:51:23 ChrisL: can it be treated as a seperate single element dom tree? 01:51:55 fantasai: similar issue with a css element map that was in an earlier draft 01:52:12 ... could put things into the map that were not in the document tree 01:52:49 dino: element function has security issues with access to pixels, spell dict, etc. cancvas is clearer, page author drew into it 01:53:08 ???: can be a webgl context? 01:53:22 s/???/israelh/ 01:53:51 dbaron: want to see a writen proposal 01:54:07 q? 01:54:08 krit: fine, wanted to get reactions from group before writing it down 01:54:41 dbaron: ... so I can get reactions from others at Mozilla. 01:54:56 heycam: where does canvas size come from? what if you call the function multiole times with different sizes 01:55:38 dino: these are completely independent, can be displayed at any size 01:56:03 plinss: intrinsic size? 01:56:17 dino: dont know, maybe 300x150? 01:56:27 q+ 01:56:53 Rossen_: should be the same as what canvas does 01:57:20 plh: can you query the size? normally you quertry the canvas element not the context 01:57:29 dino: that would be real handy 01:57:41 plh; needs to be added to context and to webgl as well 01:57:42 s/quertry/query/ 01:58:25 http://adobe-webplatform.github.io/Demo-for-Food-Network-Cupcakes/ 01:58:41 plh: can take a video element and draw that into the canvas 01:58:43 dino: yes 01:59:28 dino: proposed webgl extension with live update from video into canvas 02:00:14 ... its very complex, keeping audio and video in sync, loose audio sync is messing with video frames, need to resync 02:00:31 ... so for v1 make it a static snapshot from the video 02:01:03 sgalinea_ has joined #css 02:01:06 cabanier1: canvas has no memory 02:01:09 http://adobe-webplatform.github.io/Demo-for-Food-Network-Cupcakes/src/#page/view-cover 02:02:21 cabanier1: does the canvvas have a lifetime? 02:02:27 dino: reference count 02:03:03 ChrisL: display: none vs visibility: hidden which keeps the canvas context 02:03:20 krit: next step is a spec proposal since there is interest 02:03:38 resolved: would like to see work on canvas for css image 02:03:54 action: krit to write up canvas for css4 images 02:03:54 Created ACTION-588 - Write up canvas for css4 images [on Dirk Schulze - due 2013-11-17]. 02:04:01 fantasai: ok 02:04:46 krit: video function 02:05:37 ... we could think about a video background, adding an element mixes markup and style 02:05:57 dbaron: video as a background image, what about the audio, is there a mute button 02:06:05 heycam: pause etc? 02:06:13 krit: no audio, just the video 02:06:27 because pause/play/etc. is on the DOM element itself 02:07:12 topic: device pixel ratio 02:07:37 (tab not here. we look at our shoes) 02:08:11 dino: apple seems to be in the minority here. its not window.devicepixelratio 02:08:20 ... hixie wants to add it to html 02:08:31 ... mozilla changes it based on full zooming 02:09:21 dbaron: on desktop we have two types of xzoonm, one changes only font size and the default one zooms all measurements and thus chjanges the device pixel ratio. so the width in css pixesl is shrinking 02:09:42 Rossen_: we have the exact same behaviour 02:10:00 dbaron: so this should be reflected in the media query 02:10:35 dbaron: pinch zoom means having two viewports, logical viewport scrolls intoa real viewport 02:10:46 dino: authors want to know those values too 02:11:03 dbaron: for compat the media queries need to be lkogical viewport 02:11:32 dino: intended a fixed value of device pixels:css pixcels so it is always 1 or 2 on apple devices 02:11:45 ... live ratio is a different thinhg 02:11:57 SimonSapin: is this acessible from javascript or mq? 02:12:06 dino: both, with same value 02:12:36 Rossen_: so you account for dpi into dpr? 02:12:46 ChrisL has joined #css 02:12:50 dino: : no, always 2 or 1 regardless of zoom# 02:13:36 Rossen_: we persist high dpi, same as user zoom, (user can change dpi) 02:13:54 ... anything to do with device adapatation 02:14:10 .. like text size adjust 02:14:18 israelh: static vs dynamic 02:15:13 dino: hixie on whatwg list said he would like toexpose these persistent properties as a new property but robert said it should just be dpr 02:15:35 israelh: also a proposal to add a second api 02:15:54 dino: difficult to change now, would break content 02:16:55 (missed) 02:17:06 Bert: what is the value for print 02:17:16 dino: 1. hmm. not sure 02:17:26 ChrisL: so its a retina y/n value 02:17:29 dino: yes 02:17:46 plinss: gecko and ie show the actual ratio 02:17:56 dbaron: yes its a float 02:19:26 dino: would like to see something new that gives you all this info: actiual display pixels, page (user) zoom, viewport within that 02:19:49 ChrisL has joined #css 02:20:12 dino: can't replace a lores with a hires image for example 02:21:01 ChrisL: relayout and replacement of assests are different 02:21:25 Rossen_: currently for us its just a transform, no impact on layout 02:22:04 plinss: if you have an image source that has multiople respolutions it should respond 02:22:38 heycam: what about mapping where you want new layers to come in diring a gesture 02:22:53 dbaron: a mapping app is not using the browser zoom 02:23:11 dino: people add event listeners to detect pinch zoom 02:23:28 dino: want ui to be fixed size 02:23:42 sgalinea_: can zoom a sub frame 02:24:25 dbaron: we cant do different levels of detailautomatically as they zoom in 02:24:25 IE10+ allows the author to say a sub-frame can be pinch-zoomed independently from the host page 02:25:59 heycam: proposed a way to do this in tokyo, response to kddi tiling but using media queries 02:26:18 ... hard if pinch to zoom not exposed to media queries 02:26:51 Rossen_: we have two different types of zoom to address, one is static and persists actoss sessions and the other is dynamic 02:27:15 dbaron (above): Would like to expose API for pinch zoom to the Web platform 02:27:16 ... original discussion was around th static one. so can we settle that one first? 02:27:49 dino: prefer what we come up with is a new solution wth new names so old content does not break. better to design together 02:28:03 Rossen_: so deprecate dpr and make up two new things 02:28:26 israelh: suppose you have a device that is 1.5 but user setting is 1.25 02:28:43 jeff has joined #css 02:29:30 ChrisL: deprecating in favour of a richer solution is the only clear way to interop 02:29:46 dino: and the new api has more fiunctionality so iy will get used 02:29:58 dbaron: write a specdefining these terms 02:30:42 dino ted will do it 02:31:06 Rossen: I'll volunteer Matt Rakow. 02:31:15 ted == hober == Edward O'Connor 02:31:31 krit: is it part of MQ? 02:31:42 Rossen_: sounds like a new proposal 02:31:48 sylvain: or the device adaptation document? 02:32:44 SimonSapin: are these all media queries? 02:32:59 dino: also properties on window 02:33:22 ... and if media query values change its good 02:34:28 plinss: device adaptation module covers similar ground, coordinate 02:35:35 action: hober and matt to write a proposed resolution to resolve the proposal about device resolution (using unambiguous terms) 02:35:35 Created ACTION-589 - And matt to write a proposed resolution to resolve the proposal about device resolution (using unambiguous terms) [on Edward O'Connor - due 2013-11-17]. 02:36:38 plinss: we have this spead over several documents 02:36:49 Rossen_: could consolidate them all 02:36:50 s/spead/spread/ 02:37:24 israelh: will this define the final overall zoom? 02:37:27 Rossen_: yes 02:37:48 plinss: define which is exposed to mq, when they update and so on 02:38:47 Rossen_: and we need a backwards compat way to map old stuff to new properties 02:40:31 dbaron: willing to make changes 02:40:45 (more likely to be willing to not-change-with-zoom than to use only 1.0 and 2.0) 02:41:33 koji has joined #css 02:52:47 zcorpan has joined #css 02:53:50 zcorpan has joined #css 03:03:05 zcorpan has joined #css 03:05:01 xiaoqian has joined #css 03:05:11 ChrisL has joined #css 03:07:22 zcorpan_ has joined #css 03:07:31 ChrisL has joined #css 03:09:43 ScribeNick: fantasai 03:10:05 Topic: Shapes Syntax 03:10:12 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013Oct/0695.html 03:10:49 israelh has joined #CSS 03:10:50 Rossen_ has joined #css 03:12:08 Alan: Issue is shapes draft has set of shapes functions that are derived from how shapes are defined in SVG 03:12:29 astearns: They have arguments of position and extent 03:12:47 astearns: fantasai pointed out that we have similar aruments in CSS, e.g. in gradients 03:12:58 astearns: In such syntax extent is before positioning, and all arguments are optional 03:13:10 Present: Chris Lilley, fantasai, Simon Peters, Leif Arne Storset, Dave Cramer, Bert Bos, Simon Sapin, David Baron, Lea Verou, Rossen Atanassov, Alan Stearns, Dean Jackson, Dirk Schultze, Sylvain Galineau, Israel Hilerio, Peter Linss, Rik Cabanier, Cameron McCormack, Kazutaka Yamamoto, Taichi Kawabata, ???, ???, Philippe Le Hegaret 03:13:23 astearns: The main difference is that SVG shapes and CSS shapes is that percentages in the position are handled differently 03:13:31 ChrisL has joined #css 03:13:41 astearns: My proposal is to keep the shapes syntax in the draft now, and in L2 create CSSy shape function 03:13:49 astearns: that would use radial-gradient syntax 03:13:53 q+ 03:14:27 astearns: fantasai points out that this will result in an SVG circle and ellipse function and a CSS circle and ellipse function that pretty much do exactly the same thing 03:14:36 astearns: and she's objecting to that duplication 03:14:48 yamamoto has joined #CSS 03:15:09 astearns: We're at a standstill: understand each others positions, but disagree on conclusions 03:15:47 rectangle (x y w h) 03:16:09 shape (rectangle w h ) 03:16:21 was it this email: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013Oct/0734.html ? 03:16:43 chrisl: We changed a lot of syntax in CSS gradients 03:16:49 chrisl: SVG has been around a lot longer 03:16:56 ack ChrisL 03:17:08 ChrisL: Better to have that 03:17:22 ChrisL: because it's consistent with expectations 03:17:36 sylvaing: Shape functions also used in clip-path in SVG 03:17:40 or this email: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013Oct/0520.html ? 03:17:45 sylvaing: so consistency with SVG might make sense 03:17:51 sylvaing: But working with HTML+CSS ... 03:18:13 Rossen: Initial motivation for adding shapes was so that we could have syntax close to SVG as possible 03:18:30 Rossen: even an ask of why even have CSS inline function, instead of referencing SVG 03:18:37 rossen: Plan to have this in L2, actually 03:18:45 Rossen: But having basic shapes close to SVG is the right way to go 03:19:05 shepazu: Canvas differed from SVG in subtle ways, and ppl didn't like that 03:19:32 fantasai: We already have conventions in CSS; you're proposing that instead of being consistent with the rest of CSS we be consistent with SVG. 03:19:51 fantasai: We've had shapes in CSS in gradients, and positioning syntax in CSS since CSs1 03:19:59 plh has joined #css 03:20:13 s/CSs1/CSS1/ 03:20:24 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013Oct/0520.html was the email fantasai meant 03:20:42 fantasai: my point in that email was that we have this desire for consistency 03:20:45 fantasai: we have desire for consistency, you can argue for consistency in either in either direction 03:21:25 Alan: I'd propose adding the CSS-consistent forms in level 2; I want both. 03:21:35 fantasai: I'd object to the duplication. 03:22:11 fantasai: But for level 1 you'd have the inconsistency with CSS. 03:22:41 Alan: But we have circles and ellipses in gradients, but we don't have rectangles 03:22:48 Alan: We'd still need to define the extrapolation from background-position syntax to rectangles. 03:23:28 fantasai: My point in this email is that we're arguing over consistency, and you can argue in various directions 03:23:39 [interrupted by ChrisL] 03:23:49 chrisL: SVG has been aroun longer 03:23:55 chrisl: So we should be consistent with it 03:23:59 s/aroun/around/ 03:24:03 dbaron: I think there are still a lot more people hand-writing CSS than handl-writing SVG. 03:24:49 s/handl-writing/hand-writing/ 03:25:16 fantasai: There are lots of ways to argue about consistency. Why don't we discuss use-cases instead? 03:25:41 Alan: Percentage handling is different, so I want to have both syntaxes so that we can have both ways of handling percentages. 03:26:04 fantasai: I think this syntax is not an obvious way to express that the only functional difference is how % are handled. 03:26:20 krit: not the only difference 03:26:53 fantasai: But you wanted examples, lets put up examples 03:27:04 fantasai: We should look at what people actually want to do with these functions 03:27:43 fantasai: [goes to whiteboard] 03:27:59 fantasai: We're trying to do positioning, that's what the main difference. 03:28:06 yamamoto has joined #css 03:28:06 fantasai: so where do people want to position things? 03:28:21 fantasai: Common things are: align to the center or one of corners, or one of edges. 03:28:37 ChrisL: [inaudible] 03:28:47 ChrisL: I disagree those are the most likely 03:28:59 Alan: also might want to position top-left corner at a particular % width and height 03:29:09 fantasai: Isn't bottom-right equally likely? 03:29:14 Alan: no, top left is positioned most often 03:29:24 Bert: can we take one more step back about use cases -- talking about rectangles only? 03:29:40 fantasai: we have circle ellipse rectangle. Gradients and SVG are both consistent that circles are positioned by center and radius. 03:29:59 Bert: So I can understand why you'd want a circle or some other shape, what are the cases for a rectangle shape when you already have a rectangle 03:30:08 krit: can have rounded corners 03:30:17 fantasai: shouldn't there be an easier way 03:30:18 ? 03:30:23 peterl: follow rounded corners of border? 03:30:54 alan: might have something that gets displayed with gradient and the gradient has some portion on the content side that ok to display content over. So you'd reduce flow ??? using a rectangle. 03:31:10 Alan: if wrapping around drop cap with upright ascender at trailing edge, might want a rect that approximates glyph 03:31:15 doug: can I ask a followup? 03:31:30 doug: Let's grant that these are the most likely positions -- then what's your conclusion based on that? 03:31:40 fantasai: Common things should be simple and easy, and other things should be possible 03:31:49 fantasai: Common cases should be really easy. 03:31:59 doug: where does it differ from SVG? 03:32:22 Chris: SVG positions by top left. This does percentage matching like background position so you can easily get to all 4 corners. 03:32:38 doug: so the percentages is the difference? 03:32:58 fantasai: for these things you can just use a keyword. In SVG you need a calc() to get to the bottom right, calc(100% - w) 03:33:06 fantasai: This is duplication. 03:33:35 fantasai: rectangle(n, m, calc(100% - n), calc(100% ' m) 03:33:52 fantasai: great for people who like coordinate systems, but not great for a lot of designerns 03:34:08 doug: as somebody who's written SVG, inability to position something at bottom or right has hampered 03:34:24 Present+ Doug Schepers 03:34:36 fantasai: alternative is rectangle(n, m at bottom right) 03:34:45 doug: only difference is what % means 03:34:50 fantasai: that's where they're incompatible 03:35:10 fantasai: could put positioning syntax in svg style function too, but that would mean % interpreted differently in rectangle() and backgorurdn-position 03:35:34 fantasai: we have x,y,w,h,o so function in draft right nowwould look like rectangle(calc(100%-n), calc(100%-m), n, m) 03:35:52 fantasai: instead of having 2 lengths we could have it be a position that takes 2 or 4 values 03:36:01 fantasai: so it would be rectangle(bottom right n m) 03:36:07 Alan: we'd have to switch it around so that ... 03:36:15 krit, fantasai: don't have to 03:36:20 fantasai: we could restrict it so ... 03:36:30 Alan: then you're introducing an inconsistency with background-positioning 03:36:44 krit: how would rounded corners fit in 03:36:48 fantasai: just as now 03:36:49 in draft 03:37:11 doug: so you suggest putting css syntax of finto another draft 03:37:51 doug: I see some risks there in terms of -- if only thing impl is doing is parsing and interpreting syntax as opposed to implementing new feature -- doesn't seem a stretch to put both new syntaxes in the first draft. 03:37:59 doug: matter of when somebody learns something and when in browser 03:38:09 doug: I think having both in 1st draft would be not big impl burden and help developers 03:38:23 alan: I've been trying to reduce level 1 draft to improve chance of additional implementations 03:38:32 doug: I think the extra syntax isn't a big deal. 03:38:41 krit: fantasai, you wanted to limit position to what again? 03:38:57 fantasai: ... ... can't do 3 arguments, 2 or 4 would be possible 03:39:06 fantasai: but then # of arguments inconsistent with background-position 03:39:23 Alan: I think ... defaults ... is a valuable thing to maintain. 03:39:32 ChrisL has joined #css 03:39:36 fantasai^: in addition to percentage difference 03:39:57 Alan^: ability to drop things and have defaults is nice 03:40:15 peterl: matching shape to background gradient -- I don't want to see designer to specify gradient in one format and have to do a lot of math to figure out matching shape 03:40:19 peterl: should be almost copy-paste 03:40:39 Alan: I think it is b/c we allow shapes from image, and image value can be gradient, so can use gradient in both and extract shape from gradient 03:40:47 peterl: Does it get you ability to override part? 03:40:54 Alan: Can choose opacity threshold. 03:41:02 doug: any way to leverage variables for this? 03:41:16 sylvain: depending on variables maybe not great for quick impl 03:41:32 fantasai: you said use case of matching border even if curved -- I think that should be a keyword and should be in level 1 03:41:42 alan: I think the value in that case should be some self-referentiial element function 03:41:57 doug: also use clipping? 03:41:59 alan: no (?) 03:42:09 fantasai: Bert had a proposal for floats(?) to use contour keyword 03:42:15 fantasai: wouldn't it make sense to add that kw right here? 03:42:42 alan: perhaps, but we discussed in tokyo that following contours of arbitrary something can be security risk b/c you can determine contours of thing being displayed 03:42:59 alan: my reasoning for using element() is that element() has same security implications so solution for addressing those implication gets reused 03:43:10 krit: element() can't reference itself 03:43:24 jeff has joined #css 03:43:31 alan: can't reference itself or things that will affect layout of element, but can use data you get out for defining a shape-outside 03:43:43 alan: there are other uses of self-referential element function such as mirror images that have been discussed 03:44:05 fantasai: even if we have self-referential elements, for the use cases of just wanting wrapping to follow border, should be dead simple and available immediately 03:44:18 ... one of most common things along with following image threshold 03:44:29 ... don't think it should be hard to duplicate arguments already given to border-radius 03:44:47 alan: I agree common case we should solve, but question of what we can get done now vs what we need to work on w/o solving security issue 03:45:03 alan: I think images are more common use case than rendered content wrapping 03:45:24 fantasai: let's just solve that right now, and make shape-outside:contour than shape of border-radius gets projected out to margins and followed for wrapping 03:45:33 s/than/then/ 03:45:42 doug: I didn't see inherent conflict between SVG and CSS syntax 03:45:46 doug: I think we should have both 03:45:51 ChrisL has joined #css 03:46:03 krit: rectangle() can easily have one or other but not both? 03:46:08 alan: no, proposal is for it to have both 03:46:16 fantasai: proposal is: 03:46:41 shape(circle at ) 03:46:49 shape(rectangle at ) 03:47:02 circle(x y ) 03:47:08 rectangle(x y ) 03:47:34 fantasai: Alan's propsoal is to have all of these 03:47:44 fantasai: author would have to know that #2 and #4 have slightly different behavior 03:47:54 (and #1 and #3) 03:48:08 er, strike last line 03:48:17 fantasai: #1 and #3 are just different syntax 03:48:37 Rossen: ... we wanted to have shape keyword reserved so you can express outside shape and inside shape 03:48:46 Alan: never used shape shorthand, just wanted ... 03:48:56 Rossen: we had a version with shape shorthand that captured both outside and inside 03:49:10 Rossen: then you'd have nested functions: shape( outside(shape), inside(shape)) 03:49:50 Alan: you'd end up with shape: where one is outside and one is inside 03:49:55 (my syntax on rossen line was wrong) 03:50:08 Rossen: ... 03:50:14 Alan: that doesn't follow shorthand conventions 03:50:22 fantasai: shorthand should just be shape: {1,2} 03:50:31 fantasai: order controls outside vs. inside 03:50:55 peterl: I think that's a red herring; this is the issue on the table. 03:51:15 fantasai: bothers me: (1) inconsistency and duplication (2) switching shapes from circle to ellipse to rectangle is totally different 03:51:33 fantasai: (3) there's only one functional difference between the 2 which is percentages, which is not clear from difference in syntax 03:51:45 fantasai: so as an author you have to know there's a weird difference between them 03:52:07 doug: nothing about CSS is intuitive 03:52:11 fantasai: but we have to try to have conventions 03:52:23 fantasai: this difference is not evident at all 03:52:48 krit: back to interpretation: with rect having w/h of 50% and position 50%, would it now be centered? 03:52:53 http://xkcd.com/927/ 03:52:54 fantasai: yes 03:53:01 krit: ... would ... ? 03:53:12 fantasai: inset(50% 50% 0 0), or use calc() 03:53:54 krit and fantasai argue about what's intuitive 03:54:15 peterl: Is the SVG percentage behavior something that's useful? 03:54:23 ChrisL has joined #css 03:54:28 peterl: Does the SVG behavior make sense for someone writing CSS? 03:54:48 Alan: fantasai ... for ... you said just use calc(), which was your objection 03:55:15 fantasai: my objection was having to use calc() to put something in a corner... why are we so fixated on the top left corner? 03:55:32 Alan: people had differing opinions 03:55:46 Alan: some people like each, so I want to have both 03:55:59 Alan: I don't think people are going to be confused about which they need to use for this purpose or that 03:56:15 Alan: they'll have a preference for x,y,w,h or CSS positioning syntax depending on which they grew up with 03:56:26 Alan: people won't be making a hard decision about ... 03:56:34 Bert: in order to have preference they have to understand both 03:56:46 krit: for radial gradient and circle define center point 03:56:59 krit: so my problem is you can't really compare to radial gradient this way 03:57:08 krit: so ??? I'd even be with you to use position 03:57:25 Lea: I think most author won't have hand-coded SVG... they'll just wonder why we have 2 functions for the same thing, slightly differently. 03:57:33 Rossen: with tiny difference in behavior 03:57:49 Lea: the only people who want this are those who have hand-coded SVG, but I think these people are rare (though I have) 03:57:57 peterl: you said this would be used in SVG also 03:58:12 krit: shape... is the future, currently only clip-path in sVG that uses basic shapes 03:58:34 krit: what about 'middle' or 'center' keyword -- and keywords go to corner, but %ages in SVG way 03:58:43 alan: good reasons for %ages to work CSS way, esp. around animations 03:58:52 alan: I like both; I can't come up with one single syntax that does everything. 03:59:04 peterl: have a keyword in the function to pick percentage behavior and then pick one to default on? 03:59:33 doug: the 2 positions I hear are (a) have both (b) only have one because people would be confused by two 03:59:38 fantasai: I think a lot would be confused 03:59:46 doug: can we have one be default but still allow other? 04:00:06 doug: Can we have no way to have CSS as default and SVG syntax be an option 04:00:37 dbaron: If we're doing something like that, then I prefer Peter's idea of having a specific obvious toggle rather than haveing two totally different syntaes that have a slight difference of interpretation 04:00:43 doug: ... 04:00:53 Simon: should toggle be available for shape, or also background-position? 04:01:06 (I'm not convinced ew should have the toggle, though.) 04:01:29 ... 04:01:41 fantasai: we don't have to pick "svg-like" as the keyword 04:02:27 fantasai: one thing I came up with on list was say which corner you want to position: at , e.g., top left at 50% 50% 04:02:46 Alan: what would default CSS value of corner thing be? 04:02:50 fantasai: if omitted, then the magic thing 04:03:08 krit: I'd like to get an agreement on the syntax during TPAC... we have 2 specs in/near LC. 04:03:32 ChrisL: with gradient syntax, would have been better to agree on *any* of the proposals a year earlier 04:03:49 krit: we should remove rectangle() and inset-rect() for now 04:03:58 fantasai: I don'tthink we need to remove inset-rect() 04:04:30 krit: I don't think rectangle is that importnt at this point... can easily do it with polygon() or inset-rect() 04:04:51 peterl: We need to wrap up or come back after lunch? 04:04:55 ChrisL has joined #css 04:05:08 fantasai: Krit's proposal: L1: circle ellipse inset polygon L2: rectangle 04:05:43 fantasai: I'd also suggest having a way to get the border-box shape. 04:05:45 alan: separate issue 04:06:15 fantasai: haven't decided internal syntax yet -- deciding what goes in these functions is a separate issue 04:06:44 fantasai: "copy border shape" is also separate issue 04:07:00 Alan: so moving rectangle() to level to to avoid incompatibility with percentage 04:07:03 krit: and gives more time to argue 04:07:20 RESOLVED: rectangle() moves to level 2 of shapes 04:08:19 zcorpan has joined #css 05:09:01 dauwhe has joined #css 05:12:45 dauwhe_ has joined #css 05:15:17 projector has joined #css 05:15:58 plinss has changed the topic to: http://wiki.csswg.org/planning/tpac-2013#agenda 05:16:38 xiaoqian has joined #css 05:16:47 zcorpan has joined #css 05:17:31 zcorpan_ has joined #css 05:21:39 cabanier has joined #css 05:25:10 leif has joined #css 05:27:45 Israelh has joined #CSS 05:29:12 Rossen_ has joined #css 05:30:14 liam has joined #css 05:30:39 scribe: liam 05:30:48 scribenick: liam 05:30:53 yamamoto has joined #CSS 05:30:58 dbaron has joined #css 05:31:46 summary - keep inset() and polygon() as they are in the editor's draft 05:31:59 change circle() and ellipse() to use radial gradient syntax 05:32:18 and postpone rectangle() until we can define it in a way that satisfies everyone 05:32:44 resolved. 05:32:58 RESOLVED: per astearn's summary 05:33:25 fantasai: next issue, following contour of the border 05:33:33 alan: I mean the contour of the rendered element 05:33:42 rik: couple of things here... 05:33:55 which box you use for the shape, e.g. the amrgin box works for float but maybe not for exclusions 05:34:16 so the auto shape is where we can have the border/margin/content box and snap to that shape 05:34:33 (for wrapping around) 05:34:43 alan: that's not the border box, e.g. because the border can have rounded corners 05:34:44 s/rik/rossen/ 05:35:03 so rendered contents, rendered border, not same as box 05:35:25 Simon: would this be the border edge? 05:35:35 alan: yes, but different edge for inside/outside 05:35:44 rik: is it necessary for level one? 05:35:47 alan: no :) 05:35:57 s/rik:/dirk:/ 05:36:15 dirk: are we fine with pushing this to level 2? 05:36:32 fantasai: I understand there are security issues, but for the simple case of saying just use rounded corner... 05:36:42 alan: it's not so simple as yu can turn parts of the border off 05:37:25 alan: e.g. if you turn off parts of the border to make a triangle, do you wrap around the triangle or around the partly-visible border? 05:37:33 whats the user expectation? 05:38:02 fantasai: if you put i nbackground color, you get the whole box, so that's the expectation 05:38:22 alan: I agree that's defined and that people who understand css backgrounds would have that expectation 05:38:31 s/i nbackground/in background/ 05:38:58 rossen: instead of saying border box vs border edge, say border edge and specify as border, edge or padding 05:39:08 dirk: implementation-wise it's not that easy 05:39:20 fantasai: if it's considered as one of the most common cases it should be in level 1 05:39:46 rossen: also for exclusions the default area is the border box, and this is not what we have in shapes, there we take margin 05:39:59 alan: flr floats it makes sense to use margin box 05:40:12 rossen: I want to have shapes working with level 1 of exclusions 05:40:15 ChrisL has joined #css 05:40:32 and the one place where there is quiet a bit of inconsistency is the auto behaviour of the shape, specifying it to be the margin box 05:41:00 kawabata2 has joined #css 05:41:21 [further discussion of margin vs border box in different cases] 05:41:38 http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/2631 is basically the case we're discussing, right? 05:41:47 lea: a box shadow also affects the border even if the border isn't shown 05:42:18 fantasai: you're saying, should we account for the visibility of the border, and I'd say no 05:43:02 liam: if you want a triangular element yuo can use a polygon instead of turning off part of the border 05:43:31 alan: this is an argument to defer something 05:43:53 fantasai: it'd e good for us to say in level 1, just use the edge as defined in backgrounds & borders 05:44:17 Lea: I can see use cases for what Alan was saying, but what Ellika is saying will work in most cases 05:44:41 fantasai: because people expect that to "just work" it should be dead simple 05:44:51 so we should have a straight-forward way to do that 05:45:01 [draws on the flip-board a list:] 05:45:07 * use margin box (square corners) 05:45:14 * follow margin edge contour 05:45:19 * follow border edge contour 05:45:27 * follow content edge contour 05:45:32 * use border rectangle 05:45:36 * use content rectangle 05:45:44 s/defer something/defer following contour/ 05:45:49 e.g. shape-outside: normal|countour|... 05:46:48 fantasai: we can also add the various box names, contour||.... 05:47:12 x: one thing people use border radius triangles for is to make speech bubbles 05:47:26 alan: that's where you have polygons 05:47:46 s/x/zcorpan/ 05:47:46 rossen: things that should be automatic should be intuitive and easy to understand ... 05:47:58 if you want to have fancy shapes you can make them with an image or polygon 05:48:11 alan: so the proposal is for level one to add one keyword that means follow the edge of the border 05:48:45 having the shape defined at the border edge would be a better solution 05:49:01 setting margin and border shape separately is useful for floats 05:50:11 fantasai: the fallback margin is going to be in many case dramatically different from the actual border, that concerns me a bit 05:50:52 rossen: if you talk about shape margin being different from margin box, shape is additional to that 05:51:15 and for the fallback case where yu use the margin box of the box model of the float, it'll almost always be different because you don't have a shape 05:51:31 alan: in default shape is auto, you wrap around the margin box so fallback is same 05:51:43 but if you use border keyword yuo can set a separate shape-outside shape 05:52:22 s/yuo/you/ 05:52:26 fantasai: what if the values for shape-outside, default was to use the border box 05:52:59 so, shape:margin: auto, would use the border box 05:53:10 alan: we want that for the float case but not the exclusion case 05:53:42 fantasai: intent of margins is to provide visual space, we're using it here for positioning 05:54:42 [discussion between Alan and Rossen] 05:54:54 alan: want to keep shape-margin zero by default 05:55:09 bert: idea here was a single property would be enough 05:55:40 alan: only need 2nd property if yuo want to wrap around the rounded box or shape 05:56:18 [clarification: -ve margins used for positioning when stacking multiple floats] 05:56:48 rossen: if we leave margin as default, for the auto, and allow the border kw, then the default just work, as it's margin box, same as floats today 05:57:15 allowing border box will give users what we speculate to be the most useful case 05:57:15 alan: that's your analysis 05:58:09 jet has joined #css 05:58:13 bert: by default i want to wrap around the shapes margin box 05:58:18 not directly the border 05:58:19 leif1 has joined #css 05:59:32 Liam: the case where you want a separate margin shape and border shape is really for complex shapes with concave regions, which is not the case with a box with rounded corners. 06:01:27 alan: shape-margin is one value, you were talking abut having shape-margin: auto, to take the shape's margin 06:01:42 s/abut/about/ 06:01:56 [question about backgrounds & borders spec anwered] 06:02:18 alan: this is more complex than what we have in shapes 06:02:29 rossen: if you're supporting polygons yu already do this 06:02:33 s/anwered/answered/ 06:03:05 alan: since we only support one shape I would not want this more complex behaviour that you can't define 06:03:12 for polygons 06:03:45 alan: would prefer allow border keyword, keep shape margin as it is 06:04:50 yuo could get a single offset from the border edge 06:05:15 fantasai: cases where you want more space in horizontal than vertical direction for floats 06:05:20 lmclister has joined #css 06:06:34 [bert draws a picture comparing border-shape and margin-top 06:07:22 [picture was for question of clarification, answered] 06:08:10 fantasai: related issue, what does 100% mean? 06:08:16 I think we use box sizing for this 06:08:28 but box sizing should just be about height and width 06:08:59 I don't think 100% should be tied to box sizing 06:09:14 alan: we tie 100% to the height or width, that's why we use box sizing 06:09:46 fantasai: but percentages aren't referencing height and width, 100% for the shape isn't the same as 100% for the width, they don't need to correspond 06:09:55 box sizing by default is the content box, 06:10:13 if I'm defining shapes for the border I'd want 100% to refer to the border box at least 06:10:28 shape-margin should always be referencing the same box 06:10:43 dbaron: ox sizing using one property to control the meaning of another is bad enough already! 06:11:04 alan: I pressed to have percentages based on different boxes 06:11:29 dbaron: I think box sizing would be be better e.g. box: 100% of content box 06:11:46 bert: when do you need 100%? 06:12:02 box-sizing would have better been an additional keyword on the value of 'width' and 'height', e.g., 'width: 100% border-box' 06:12:12 fantasai: e.g. a triangle goes from top to bottom of the triangle, if you know the height, so it goes to 100% of the hright 06:12:50 s/hright/height/ 06:13:15 fantasai: i can imagine a property like background-origin to do the switching between the different boxes 06:13:30 alan: can we go back to the border keyword? 06:13:47 fantasai: it's related because if we're going to have a way to switch for sizing... 06:14:04 alan: we're talking about a keyword insetad of the shape functions 06:14:13 dirk: is it inside or outside? 06:14:24 rossen: when we get to shape-inside, level 2, we'll probably add more keywords 06:14:42 bert, fantasai, rossen, dirk: want the content edge for inside 06:15:58 dirk: why not always use margin and let user specify shape-padding 06:16:03 fantasai: don't want to duplicate lengths 06:16:19 lmclister has joined #css 06:16:59 alan: should be outer edge of border and then you add whatever margin 06:17:17 ChrisL has joined #css 06:17:18 fantasai: shape-margin takes one value and margin takes 4 values 06:17:54 bert: on shape inside, you want to have the text fallow the shape corner 06:17:59 rossen: shape padding 06:18:19 bert: but the size of the box changes, e.g. a float with a rounded corner, the text inside the float 06:18:31 alan: that's an issue with any of the shapes with text inside 06:18:41 autoshaping hard problem but necessary 06:19:37 bert: I don't think it's useful to have text outside follow shape of border if you can'tdo it on the inside 06:20:29 I think outside and inside belong together, same level 06:20:32 rossen: yes 06:20:47 alan: I agree we should get to them, don't think they both have to be at the same level 06:21:15 fantasai: we have algorthims for wrapping round outside but not inside, so I think it makes sense to split into two levels 06:21:38 fantasai: you can reference an image, that gets yuo a lot of what you want 06:21:48 e.g. oval shaped edges in your facebook 06:21:57 s/edges/profile pictures/ 06:22:03 lmcliste_ has joined #css 06:22:35 alanL I need to take a look about sizing based on the border box 06:22:40 s/alanL/alan:/ 06:23:02 fantasai: I'm still trying to see how to have the default for margins 06:23:12 rossen: default can still be margin-box 06:23:26 alan: issue is, when the border is curved, the outside margin edge is also curved 06:23:33 and because yuo can give 4 different margins for the element 06:23:47 the outside margin edge cannot beachieved with a singe shape margin value 06:24:02 so a suggestion is to have this auto shape-margin value to get to that shaped margin edge 06:24:09 but then how does that work with polygons? 06:24:21 I'd rather not deal with that case 06:25:22 s/beachieved/be achieved/ 06:25:39 alan: want to add border keyword to shape-outside and leave shape-margin as it's currently defined 06:25:43 http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#the-background-clip 06:25:46 border-box 06:29:15 fantasai writes values for shape-outside: 06:29:17 || 06:29:30 Bert's case: shape-outide bargin-box 06:29:41 s/bargin/margin/ 06:29:47 or, border-box 06:29:51 auto | || , I think 06:29:53 or, circle(100%) 06:30:15 fantasai's drawing: 06:30:18 (yes, auto | || , didn't see the correction) 06:30:18 shape-outside: margin-box 06:30:21 shape-outside: border-box 06:30:32 shape-outside: circle(100%) /* border-box */ 06:30:39 shape-outside: margin-box circle(100%) 06:31:13 peter: shape-margin would always be an addition to whatever this produces 06:31:25 alan: except at the moment shapes are clipped to the margin box 06:31:31 bert: what does auto mean? 06:31:38 s/shape-outide/shape-outside/ 06:31:44 fantasai: the square margin box ignoring radius, the box model 06:32:05 but for exclusions auto will be border box 06:32:13 alan: is border-box the border edge? 06:32:23 fantasai: yes, cf. clipping 06:32:44 +1 for fantasai’s proposal 06:34:10 alan: should we fix the mistake and use border-edge instead of border-box 06:34:21 simon: the inside of the border is padding-edge 06:34:58 resolution: adopt fantasai's proposal for shape-outside 06:35:10 peter; let's leave edge vs box as name as an issue for later 06:35:19 s/peter;/peter:/ 06:35:37 fatasai: we should resolve that now 06:35:50 dirk: need to resolve it before going to last call 06:36:40 bet: since we have box in backgrounds and borders we should keep the same tem 06:36:44 s/tem/term/ 06:37:04 resolution: keep box, not edge, in the shape keywords 06:37:35 s/resolution/RESOLUTION/g 06:37:51 s/RESOLUTION/RESOLVED/ 06:39:00 ChrisL has joined #css 06:39:02 sgalineau has joined #css 06:39:10 peter: done with shapes 06:39:16 dirk: when do we ask for last call? 06:39:22 alan, fantasai: after edits 06:39:54 Topic: masking level 2 06:40:05 dirk: we have css masking level 1 in last call 06:40:12 sgalinea_ has joined #css 06:40:21 I want to ask officially to create an editor's draft for level 2 masking 06:40:37 we deferred having different layers for masking, and some other things 06:40:45 dbaron: does the ED need a cautionary statement? 06:40:46 dirk: yes 06:40:51 it's just to collect ideas 06:41:00 fantasai: how about a wiki page instead? 06:41:02 dirk: OK 06:41:45 dirk: we already have spec text but I can make a wiki page if that's preferred 06:42:05 Chris: is there implementation impetus? 06:42:15 dirk: multiple layers are shipping in webkit 06:42:24 (prefixed) 06:42:37 dbaron: given it's shipping in webkit I'd argue for an ED at least 06:42:47 fantasai: but we want to change how it works 06:42:55 dbaron: are we able to change how it works? 06:43:01 peter: it's prefixed 06:43:30 dirk: in webkit the unprefixed versions don't have multiple layers 06:44:26 RESOLVED: dirk can make a wiki page for masking level 2 ideas, but not an ED yet. 06:44:55 fantasai: the issue with multiple mask layers was that there weren't different options for compositing; it was only intersection 06:45:55 fantasai^: Since we aren't sure we actually want the thing that was removed, probably shouldn't have a formal spec drafted up for it; just put the issues and ideas in teh wiki for now 06:46:14 [discussion of when to discuss filter effects => probably fx time on Tuesday] 06:46:22 jet has joined #css 06:46:28 emalasky has joined #css 06:46:36 s/ teh / the / 06:46:42 http://dev.w3.org/fxtf/filters/#issue-92cd9a9b 06:47:15 dirk: we have bg, border, content, how to filter just some of these things 06:47:25 chris: ::border, ::padding ? 06:47:54 dirk: we should find a common way to specify as well as describe this effect; I'd like to remove this issue from the spec 06:48:31 dirk: there are proposals for how to make multiple layers for just one element 06:48:39 dbaron: yuo might want things more powerful than just selection 06:48:49 e.g. I was thinking of a model like SVG filter inputs model 06:49:00 where you have filter inputs for background, order and content 06:49:27 the idea of svg filter inputs with stroke & fill etc seems like it could extent to border and background 06:49:38 dark: that's a backdrop, I'd say, separate term 06:50:18 I don't think we find a solution for level 1, so I'd like to defer it to level 2 or to combine specifications 06:51:18 dirk: propsoal: filters apply to everything (except css image filter), and remove issue 3 from filters at this level without addressing the issue 06:53:48 [discussion of use cases for applying filters to different parts] 06:54:13 chris: the only thing missing is a wa to say e.g. that I only want to apply this filter to the border-image 06:54:37 fantasai: people want to do things to individual bg layers, the bg as a whole, the border by itself, the bg and border as a unit, the content and not the bg, etc 06:54:47 could we just come up with keywords for each of these things? 06:55:24 dirk: this is something yuo don't want to address just for filters, also with backdrop, and define a general way to specify it, not just add more keywords to every property 06:55:43 dirk: there is a wiki page in the fx task force about this problem 06:57:20 fantasai: concerned we might be filtering ourselves into a corner for the future 06:57:28 peter: maybe we want to change the name of the filter property so that we don't get stuck, e.g. filter-all 07:03:15 [discussion of background-opacity] 07:03:36 RESOLVED: filters apply to everything (except css image filter), and remove issue 3 from filters at this level without addressing the issue 07:04:44 Peter: can we leave the issue in place? 07:05:02 dirk: I don't think we can find a solution to issue 3 in this spec at this level 07:05:18 Peter: OK. Anything else on filters? 07:05:21 (no) 07:05:31 ChrisL has joined #css 07:05:45 kawabata2 has joined #css 07:05:50 next on agenda is wd of transforms 07:05:57 dirk: can we do all fx stuff on tuesday? 07:06:00 (ok) 07:06:08 ChrisL has joined #css 07:07:22 Topic: prefixing policy 07:07:40 fantasai: didn't we solve that already and it not get witten up? 07:07:46 Simon: I added it to the agenda 07:07:59 my understanding is to recommend prefixes 07:08:15 s/is to/is the working group policy is still official to/ 07:08:27 others: no 07:08:30 fantasai: no, it hasn't been since the meeting in Paris in 2012 07:08:41 ChrisL has joined #css 07:08:54 simon: most recent I could find is the 2010 snapshot 07:09:15 person: yes, you're right, nothing published since then 07:09:15 fantasai: it's on my todo list 07:09:54 principle, you don't release prefixed problems until CR 07:10:20 Chris: process is being changed, CCPR 07:10:48 s/person/sylvain/ 07:11:06 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012Aug/0894.html 07:11:11 (Apple/webkit and IE still sticking to prefixes) 07:11:35 simon: if we had wg consensus last year, we should have tha tpublised somewhere easier to find 07:11:46 (simon being SimonSapin) 07:11:56 Simon: at least on the wiki, if not in the snapshot 07:12:17 s/tha tpublised/that published/ 07:12:28 https://twitter.com/csswg 07:13:16 http://www.w3.org/blog/CSS/2012/08/30/resolutions-53/ 07:13:23 peter: we don't want you to ship something unprefixed before the WG is ready 07:14:00 chris: should we still spend effort in snapshot? 07:14:14 fantasai it's a lot less useful than it was 07:14:24 dbaron: especially since it's not rec-trac 07:15:25 http://www.w3.org/blog/CSS/ 07:16:23 fantasai: a large part of snapshots was to work around problems we were having in W3C process, representing features that were in browsers & stable 07:16:37 problem now is we have tons of untested features so don't know what's snapshot-ready 07:16:51 chris: either we document we're no longer doing snapshots or we fix the exisitng one 07:17:21 snapshot is currently dated 2010 and it's nearly 2014 07:17:41 fantasai: index of properties, glossary, still useful 07:17:46 so I want to see it updated 07:17:56 peter: but don't need to call it a snapshot or track [all] the specs 07:18:04 ChrisL has joined #css 07:18:44 fantasai: goal was, this was the stuff "you can rely on as an author" to be stable enough, not rec because no tests or interop tests 07:18:52 ChrisL has joined #css 07:20:04 peter: I'm most of the way to an infrastructure 07:20:25 shepherd is parsing most of the specs now and keeping track of definitions, properties, @-rules, values, the data is there 07:21:34 so trivial to produce list of what's in CR 07:22:20 dbaron: sounds like snapshot has prose in it that doesn't reflect or current thinking 07:23:06 chris: css snapshot should be republished with explanations updated for prefx policy, and process, and removing the indexes to point to an external index once we have one 07:23:13 peter: I can do that fairly soon 07:23:41 http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS/ 07:25:15 fantasai: can you make an index of selectors autmatically? 07:25:22 peter: not currently, tool doesn't yet deal with them, but they could be added if we add markup to the specs 07:26:55 s/autmatically/automatically/ 07:28:10 ACTION: peter to work on shepherd to make it produce indexes (including selectors) for a "snapshot" or live index 07:28:10 Created ACTION-590 - Work on shepherd to make it produce indexes (including selectors) for a "snapshot" or live index [on Peter Linss - due 2013-11-17]. 07:28:18 bert: I want a static document so people can refer to it 07:28:25 dated, e.g. once every two years 07:29:16 person: you could refer to a dated version 07:29:29 bert: people will refer to different versions 07:30:39 bert: we need longer things of stability 07:33:41 dirk: so let's have the shapshot separate from the index 07:34:13 fantasai: so we need an editor of the 2013 snapshot 07:34:41 peter: it could take weeks to get the tool ready 07:35:13 fantasai, prose can be updated with index as-is until later 07:36:23 Simon will edit, with input from Ellika 07:36:37 s/Simon/RESOLVED: Simon/ 07:38:00 zcorpan has joined #css 07:38:13 [break] 07:58:05 zcorpan has joined #css 08:02:53 plh has joined #css 08:06:19 shepazu has joined #css 08:17:04 zcorpan_ has joined #css 08:17:50 ChrisLilley has joined #css 08:21:10 zcorpan__ has joined #css 08:22:24 AndroUser has joined #css 08:28:00 emalasky has joined #css 08:28:07 ScribeNick: fantasai 08:28:10 Topic: CSS2.1 08:29:07 peterl: Who put 2.1 on the agenda? 08:29:56 Bert: me 08:30:05 Bert: Do we want to publish the editor's draft as revised edition? 08:30:11 Bert: Or solve more issues or what? 08:30:17 Bert: Heard ppl would like to have an update 08:30:41 Bert: Errata we decided so far, up to date except for a handful of edits 08:30:46 Bert: About 1 hr work 08:30:53 Bert: Can publish or wait? 08:31:09 fantasai: Do we have tests for all the errata? 08:31:13 Bert: Don't know 08:31:19 ChrisLilley: Thinks that's a requirement for PER 08:31:38 dbaron: Diffs? 08:31:41 fantasai: Errata include diffs 08:32:01 dbaron: I wouldn't mind a quick look at the diff-marked version. 08:32:39 publication will also need a diff-marked version 08:33:28 dbaron: Think publishing is a good idea 08:33:37 dbaron: In addition to tests, would like week of review to see what we're publishing 08:33:47 -> https://www.w3.org/Style/Group/css2-src/diffs-rec/ CSS 2.1 diffs 08:33:55 ChrisLilley has joined #css 08:34:23 http://services.w3.org/xslt?xmlfile=http://www.w3.org/2005/08/01-transitions.html&xslfile=http://www.w3.org/2005/08/transitions.xsl&docstatus=per-tr 08:34:25 zcorpan has joined #css 08:35:33 "The request MUST Include a link to a final implementation report, or, if there is no such report, rationale why the Director should approve the request nonetheless." 08:36:21 ChrisL: New version def better than old one 08:36:27 ChrisL: But we need tests and impl report 08:36:45 plinss: New impl report in total, or just for the diffs? 08:36:48 ChrisL: Just the diffs 08:38:33 [silence on tests] 08:38:54 -> http://www.w3.org/Style/css2-updates/REC-CSS2-20110607-errata.html errata for CSS 2.1 08:39:26 dbaron: do we have a way of gathering tests for the errata? 08:40:14 dbaron: peterl, can you propose a way to do that? 08:41:38 fantasai: Don't think we need anything special, just send a link to the test to Bert, he can add it to the errata document 08:41:54 ChrisL: better to have an automated system 08:42:14 dbaron: we'll need an impl report 08:42:20 dbaron: Can we add rel=help links to the errata document? 08:42:26 (additional rel=help links) 08:42:26 plinss: Yeah, can do that, just build a test suite for that 08:42:34 ChrisLilley has joined #css 08:42:42 plinss: Need to remove tests for things that have changed 08:42:59 fantasai: Might want to replace those tests with the new ones 08:43:07 dbaron: Hard to find those 08:43:18 Bert: Those will be tests that failed, don't have to look at tests that succeeded 08:44:51 Liam: Can't assume that wil work 08:44:54 s/wil/will/ 08:45:26 plinss: So who is going to do this? 08:46:23 plinss proposes putting the errata into a hat and letting people choose one to work on 08:47:04 SimonSapin: I think the last one is not observable 08:48:26 emalasky1 has joined #css 08:48:30 i volunteer to test this errata item: "In 11.1.1 “Overflow: the 'overflow' property,” change the definition of 'scroll' and 'auto':" 08:51:28 ACTION: Bert to create wiki page to list tests needed for errata, ppl can sign up to work on them 08:51:28 Created ACTION-591 - Create wiki page to list tests needed for errata, ppl can sign up to work on them [on Bert Bos - due 2013-11-17]. 08:51:38 SimonSapin: I can do the tests related to tokenization 08:53:41 also add http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013May/0783.html 08:53:49 I can write up errata text for it 08:54:18 "Allow at-rules inside declaration blocks" 08:55:13 glazou has joined #css 08:57:33 Topic: 3-value syntax 08:59:39 fantasai: Idea was to create a syntax that is not ambiguous to parse in cases where its mixed with other types of values 09:00:01 fantasai: Would have to drop 3-value and 1-value variants 09:00:10 fantasai: Question would be, do we want to look into this? 09:00:45 fantasai: And if so, where would we use it / which existing places that take would we want to modify? 09:01:23 ... 09:01:44 fantasai: Hard to imagine using one-value syntax... except 'center' is probably really popular 09:02:23 Ms2ger has joined #css 09:03:17 ... 09:03:20 ChrisLilley has joined #css 09:03:44 fantasai: Maybe not so interesting if 'center' then becomes invalid 09:04:26 Topic: Zero-height fragmentainers 09:04:38 Rossen: Issue raised by Alan -- what do we do with zero-height fragmentainers? 09:04:56 Rossen: Do we force progress somehow? Or skip zero-area fragments? 09:05:15 ChrisL: What would be the practical difference between skipping vs. not-skipping 09:05:29 Alan: As it stands, make at least 1px progress to prevent infinite loop 09:06:09 dbaron: Underlying principle of fragmentation, in columns and pages certainly, never want to get into situation where you decide first item on the page/column doesn't fit so push to next page... and then make same decision in next column/page 09:06:19 dbaron: So for pages/columns, need to force progress 09:06:54 Rossen: Options we came up with are 09:07:03 Rossen: A) Have a 1px minimum progress 09:07:24 Rossen: i.e. fragmentainer is always assumed to b eat least 1px tall, so that progress can always be made 09:07:45 q+ to comment on option A's description 09:07:47 Rossen: B) Ignore fragmentainers that are zero area 09:08:07 Rossen: Meaning, if all fragments are zero-height, such as columns or pages, then no layout will take place at all 09:08:34 Rossen: Also with this option, if you have a non-homogenous array of fragmentainers, then skip zero-height containers, and layout only occurs in other containers 09:08:42 Rossen: These are only two that we have 09:09:06 Bert: Third option would be that if zero-height, must put at least one thing 09:09:39 astearns: Sounds like a variation on option 2 where you abort where the first zero-height thing, put everything there 09:09:55 Bert: If your object is too big for the fragmentainer, would push to next one 09:10:20 astearns: Bert' soption, if you have flow of 100px tall things, and all columns are 50px tall, each column gets one of those items (and they overflow) 09:10:35 astearns: Choosing not to slice 09:10:45 ack dbaron 09:10:45 dbaron, you wanted to comment on option A's description 09:10:45 fantasai: For printing though you want to slice, because overflow is not visible 09:10:49 s/Bert' soption/Bert's option/ 09:11:08 dbaron: Thinking about it as 1px of height doesn't seem exaclty right 09:11:27 s/exaclty/exactly/ 09:11:30 dbaron: If you're at the top of a fragment and you need to place something, might place more than 1px -- might want to put one line of text 09:11:48 dbaron: In gecko, we have boolean of whether we placed anything yet, if not we place the first "thing" 09:12:13 fantasai: We worded it as fragmentainer is 1px tall, not that make 1px of progressm 09:12:33 fantasai: We want the behavior to be continuous between zero-height and 1px or more 09:12:59 fantasai: e.g. one behavior we considered was "if it's zero-height, place at least one thing, but if more than that, place whatever fits" which is not continuous 09:13:19 s/which is/but that is/ 09:14:13 Rossen: Another option we considered was to have this as an option, where it was option between 1 and 2, either force progress always regardless of area, or you have the behavior inspecting fragmentaent container chain to see if thereis a better place to put the content 09:14:18 Rossen: That would be more fancy behavior 09:14:39 astearns: Might be able to make distinction between situations where overflow is basically lost, as in pritning, vs. fragmenting in a larger layout where you could overflow but overlap otehr content 09:15:16 fantasai: Either case risks data loss; in printing, it's guaranteed, but if overlapping might also lose content underneath 09:15:42 fantasai: I think defautl behavior should avoid any overflow 09:15:46 I think the distinction I wanted to make was whether the overflow content could be scrolled to or not, not so much whether it overlapped anything 09:15:57 s/defautl/default/ 09:16:15 fantasai: So if you're in a scrolling fragmentainer... 09:17:45 ... 09:18:05 astearns clarifies that he's talking about e.g. a region that is a fragmentainer placed on a scrollable canvas 09:18:27 fantasai points out that while you can scroll to see the image (or whatever) that didn't quite fit, you can't scrol to see the paragraph of text that might be underneath now 09:18:35 ... 09:19:01 Rossen: What do you do if you have an image into a zero-height page? 09:19:15 dbaron: Gecko doesn't fragment inline images. For block images, let me see ... 09:19:42 jeff has joined #css 09:19:57 dbaron: If a block image is given a zero page size, it will consume 1px height on that page 09:20:05 Rossen: Which is the behavior we defined in Option A 09:20:32 dbaron notes that this was probably a fix for a hang bug, where the point was to make it not hang 09:20:39 r12a has joined #css 09:20:43 Rossen: Note that this a pathological case, but still have to handle it 09:20:47 WeasyPrint definitely had such hangs 09:21:04 Rossen: I think 1px minimum height and guarantee of continuity is great for homogenous case 09:21:08 http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/16949049f03d/layout/generic/nsImageFrame.cpp#l860 is the code I was referring to 09:21:19 Rossen: For non-homogenous case, option B seems better 09:21:54 Option C was "dont' slice things" 09:22:15 (Interestingly, we only split images when we're paginated, and not for multicol in non-paginated displays.) 09:22:23 teoli has joined #css 09:22:36 Bert: So look forward to see if there's a better box 09:23:04 fantasai: So what if fragmentainer is not zero, but 1px tall and you have a 5px thing, do you look forward for that? 09:23:08 Rossen: Yes. 09:23:17 Rossen: But then if you have an image that is 150% tall, it will never fit 09:24:25 Bert: You get what you asked for 09:24:50 fantasai: Might not have asked for it, might have fragmentainers based on viewport height, and have images that happen to be taller than my viewport 09:24:56 ... 09:25:17 astearns: What convinced me to 1px solution last time was having infinite loop in box-generation code 09:26:45 fantasai: So, seems to me that 1px solution is reasonable, simple, predictable, and continuous 09:27:10 fantasai: Should go with that, and do fancy find-the-fragmentainer-that-fits behavior as a different option 09:27:25 fantasai: That's not a zero-height fagemntainer problem, but any-height fragmentainer one 09:27:47 Bert: Seems obvious to me that if the item doesn't fit on the left page, but fits on the second page, then should go to the second page 09:28:23 Liam says something about scope and pathological examples 09:28:24 s/fagemntainer/fragment container/ 09:28:40 plinss: I think we need a general-purpose solution for dealing with things that don't fit 09:29:01 Liam: Have constriants like having image or footnote on same page as its reference 09:29:04 koji has joined #css 09:29:22 s//constriants/constraints/ 09:30:41 ... 09:31:01 ChrisL: Probably don't want to print 1px per page 09:31:18 dbaron: Then get into issue of what is the smallest allowable page, should it be 100px? 2in? 09:31:27 dbaron: What if you want to print fortune cookie slips? 09:31:38 Print business cards in CSS. Done that. 09:32:11 RESOLVED: 1px fragmentainer minimum 09:32:34 Content-fitting is separate issue to address in some other spec 09:33:42 asking about other issues? 09:34:19 astearns: Why when you have 100px-tall div with 300px of content, do you get 3 balanced columns of 100px bits of text 09:35:16 fantasai: Oh, you're asking why is overflow content considered content for the purpose of filling oclumns 09:35:38 fantasai: I don't know that we explicitly discussed that for columns, but printt *has* to work that way 09:36:49 fantasai: And shouldn't pages/columns be treated the same in how they handle fragmentation 09:36:58 zcorpan_ has joined #css 09:37:10 astearns: I would like that pointed out in the spec 09:37:28 ACTION: Rossen and fantasai to note that in the spec 09:37:28 Created ACTION-592 - And fantasai to note that in the spec [on Rossen Atanassov - due 2013-11-17]. 09:37:34 Meeting closed. 09:39:45 r12a-limechat has joined #css 09:41:13 zcorpan has joined #css 10:29:22 koji has joined #css 10:57:18 krijnh has joined #css 11:22:42 plinss, you asked to be reminded at this time to go home 11:57:42 koji has joined #css 12:19:18 teoli has joined #css 12:37:03 lmclister has joined #css 12:38:16 dauwhe has joined #css 12:41:45 cabanier has joined #css 12:41:56 liam has joined #css 12:47:45 krijnh has joined #css 12:52:25 lmcliste_ has joined #css 12:56:10 hober has joined #css 12:59:24 jet has joined #css 13:03:44 jet_ has joined #css 13:09:57 zcorpan has joined #css 13:11:25 lmclister has joined #css 13:59:04 kawabata2 has joined #css 14:04:56 dauwhe has joined #css 14:05:23 kennyluck has joined #css 14:14:59 leif has joined #css 14:35:49 dauwhe has joined #css 14:37:13 sgalineau has joined #css 14:41:54 emalasky has joined #css 14:47:37 emalasky has joined #css 14:49:14 emalasky1 has joined #css 15:09:20 zcorpan has joined #css 15:26:18 Zakim has left #css 15:41:18 dauwhe has joined #css 16:46:06 dauwhe has joined #css 17:08:33 kennyluck_ has joined #css 17:18:21 kennyluck_ has joined #css 17:22:39 Re: GCPM I'm not supportive of forking for the sake of it. Patent policy doesn't play in here - that's why Hixie made the WHATCG within the W3C, so WHATWG specs could be published under the W3C's patent policy. 17:22:57 kennyluck has joined #css 17:23:27 The WebApps WG has also showed in spades why you don't just fork for the sake of "having it in the W3C" - their copied specs are out-of-date, sometimes have gratuitous differences, etc. 17:24:33 We should try and work with Hakon wherever the specs are living. However, given his previous reticence to bring some aspects of the specs up to reasonable standards, I'd be okay with forking if necessary if he refuses to clarify and define things properly. 17:24:51 The point is just to get good specs. 17:25:33 Let's say that's your point, at least 17:27:11 Re: canvas and video as image, this is what the element() function is for. Already defined. There are some weird aspects I'd like to clarify, but I've been pending on implementor interest for some time, as only Moz has an implemention, and I'm not sure they're interested in extending it to what I want to cover. 17:27:56 I'd be okay with reducing the scope of things I'm covering with element() if necessary. Also, I think I'd like to rename it something more obviously image-related, even just element-image() or something. 17:28:34 (The big difficulty right now is defining how out-of-document SVG fragments work with element(). We could just drop that functionality, I suppose.) 17:29:59 Re: viewports and resolution, we've discussed this before. Florian summarized things well in the MQ thread earlier today. Zoom that changes viewport geometry needs to be included in 'resolution', and that's it. 17:37:04 Re: syntax, I think the main ambiguity issue is the fact that we can't predict how many s to consume. Keywords should be fine to keep as a 1-value syntax. (Perhaps even just "center".) 17:38:08 I mean, I guess technically if we have only 2/4 values we can even put s next to each other without ambiguity, which is kinda nice. 17:46:41 dauwhe has joined #css 17:49:49 r12a has joined #css 18:00:13 kennyluck_ has joined #css 18:07:01 nvdbleek has joined #css 18:47:11 dauwhe has joined #css 19:39:58 nvdbleek has joined #css 19:47:33 dauwhe has joined #css 20:04:00 jet has joined #css 20:31:57 nvdbleek has joined #css 20:40:42 cabanier has joined #css 20:41:38 cabanier has joined #css 20:43:02 dauwhe has joined #css 21:47:16 dauwhe has joined #css 21:59:15 dauwhe has joined #css 22:13:13 TabAtkins: on canvas as image, the main benefit over element() is that you don't need to add an element just to get a canvas to draw into 22:32:20 jdaggett has joined #css 22:56:20 astearns: You don't need to with element() either - just make the element in script, assign it to the element map, and bob's your uncle. 22:56:33 For the elements that know how to provide an image source, they don't need to be in the document. 22:58:45 ah, so there's issue 5 in the spec to determine how to refer to it 23:00:51 TabAtkins: so figure that part out and then we can compare the solutions. It sounded like there were some other nice bits to naming and referring to canvases in Dirk's proposal 00:08:06 emalasky has joined #css 00:11:03 zcorpan has joined #css 00:18:30 kennyluck has joined #css 00:23:59 astearns: Yeah, now that we have MapLike it's easy to define. I'll work on that tonight. 00:25:16 dopi_ has joined #css 00:29:26 rhauck has joined #css 00:29:59 lmclister_ has joined #css 00:31:41 rhauck has joined #css 00:40:17 kennyluck_ has joined #css 00:43:21 dauwhe has joined #css 00:52:37 dauwhe has joined #css 00:55:13 liam has joined #css 00:56:37 lmclister has joined #css 00:56:51 glenn has joined #css 00:57:05 dauwhe_ has joined #css 00:57:49 Jirka has joined #css 00:59:42 coeus has joined #css 01:03:01 regrets for this morning, as I'm at Digital Publishing Interest Group Meeting 01:04:17 dbaron has joined #css 01:04:33 Anti-regrets for me; I'm actually available today. 01:04:56 yamamoto has joined #CSS 01:05:52 RRSAgent, bye 01:05:52 I see 7 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2013/10/02-css-actions.rdf : 01:05:52 ACTION: glazou, ping Bert to see if have reservation [1] 01:05:52 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/10/02-css-irc#T16-28-44 01:05:52 ACTION: glazou ping Bert to see if have reservation [2] 01:05:52 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/10/02-css-irc#T16-29-07 01:05:52 ACTION: krit to write up canvas for css4 images [3] 01:05:52 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/11/10-css-irc#T02-03-54 01:05:52 ACTION: hober and matt to write a proposed resolution to resolve the proposal about device resolution (using unambiguous terms) [4] 01:05:52 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/11/10-css-irc#T02-35-35 01:05:52 ACTION: peter to work on shepherd to make it produce indexes (including selectors) for a "snapshot" or live index [5] 01:05:52 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/11/10-css-irc#T07-28-10 01:05:52 ACTION: Bert to create wiki page to list tests needed for errata, ppl can sign up to work on them [6] 01:05:52 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/11/10-css-irc#T08-51-28 01:05:52 ACTION: Rossen and fantasai to note that in the spec [7] 01:05:52 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/11/10-css-irc#T09-37-28