20:28:21 RRSAgent has joined #svg 20:28:21 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/09/26-svg-irc 20:28:23 RRSAgent, make logs public 20:28:25 Zakim, this will be GA_SVGWG 20:28:25 ok, trackbot, I see GA_SVGWG(SVG1)4:30PM already started 20:28:26 Meeting: SVG Working Group Teleconference 20:28:26 Date: 26 September 2013 20:28:37 chair: ed 20:29:18 regrets: heycam, brian, luc, chris 20:29:33 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2013Sep/0040.html 20:30:01 +[IPcaller] 20:30:10 Zakim, [IP is me 20:30:10 +ed; got it 20:30:11 thorton_ has joined #svg 20:30:31 +??P8 20:30:57 + + 20:30:59 Zakim, +??P8 is me 20:30:59 sorry, stakagi, I do not recognize a party named '+??P8' 20:31:04 + + 20:31:21 Zakim, ??P8 is stakagi 20:31:21 +stakagi; got it 20:31:22 zakim, aabb is me 20:31:23 +cyril; got it 20:31:25 zakim, aaaa is me 20:31:25 +Tav; got it 20:31:29 zakim, mute me 20:31:29 cyril should now be muted 20:32:14 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #svg 20:32:20 Zakim, pick a scribe 20:32:20 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Tav 20:32:34 Zakim, pick a scribe 20:32:34 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose krit1 20:32:50 Zakim, pick a scribe 20:32:50 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose ed 20:32:56 scribeNick: cyril 20:33:02 scribe: Cyril 20:33:17 krit1: are we enough people to make decisions 20:33:20 ed: I think so 20:33:47 +nikos 20:33:48 topic: modes of SVG in SVG Integration 20:33:59 https://svgwg.org/specs/integration/ 20:34:06 krit1: the spec has different modes 20:34:15 ... referencing modes for SVG 20:34:21 ... do we need all of them ? 20:34:28 ... only 2 seem relevant 20:34:47 ... referencing for gradients, patterns 20:34:49 +Rich 20:35:00 ... for me the integration is more for security model and for how to use svg 20:35:07 ... but doug would disagree with me 20:35:39 ... we could have 2 modes: document mode and resource mode 20:35:45 ... and have use cases 20:36:06 ... we don't want to retrict browsers to activate/deactive scripts 20:36:20 ... I have nothing against describing modes that can be used 20:36:28 .... but not specifiying them 20:37:01 ed: we should describe how browsers behave wrt loading of resources 20:37:16 ... are you suggesting to add that to SVG integration spec or SVG 2 20:37:22 krit1: integration 20:38:16 ... we should have Doug to get an agreement 20:38:26 ed: have you discussed it? 20:38:31 cabanier has joined #svg 20:38:39 krit1: we have an agreement that heycam and me would be editors 20:38:52 ... but I'd like to have an agreement on the direction 20:39:19 ed: discussion postponed 20:39:36 Topic: scaling dash patterns and strokes 20:39:44 zakim , unmute me 20:39:56 zakim, unmute me 20:39:56 cyril should no longer be muted 20:40:33 ThomasSmailus: I think there is a need for having stroke patterns that don't change when the scale factor applies 20:40:39 ... the pattern should stay the same 20:41:06 ... currently if yo uzoom in or out the pattern changes 20:41:10 Tav: I could see several behaviors 20:41:14 s/discussion postponed/discussion postponed until doug is present/ 20:41:19 ... the stroke stays the same 20:41:26 ... the pattern stays the same 20:41:40 nikos: do you want the whole pattern to be rendered in screen space 20:41:44 ThomasSmailus: yes 20:42:05 ... eg on a rail road map, if you zoom on it, the pattern should stay the same 20:42:22 Tav: I would think that vector effect with non scaling stroke should do that 20:42:31 ThomasSmailus: that does no't seem to be the case in the example 20:42:32 http://jsfiddle.net/akvzh/4/ 20:43:10 Tav: it's weird when you scale up the pattenr gets smaller 20:43:50 Tav: is there a case where the stroke would change width but the dash pattern stays fixed 20:44:07 .. if not we specify that if the width is not changing then the dash pattern should not change 20:44:16 ... we should make it clearer in the spec 20:44:29 krit1: that's not what browsers or Adobe Illustrator does 20:44:46 Tav: that does not make sense to me how it behaves now 20:45:22 krit1: if you zoom the width may not change but the length and the dash array changes 20:45:59 ThomasSmailus: I guess I would want a non scaling dash pattern 20:46:11 nikos: that would apply to hatches I think too 20:46:30 ThomasSmailus: yes you can see hatches as a 2D dash array 20:46:47 nikos: from what I've been told, PDF is also trying to fix that but it's not easy 20:47:15 WebCGM and CGM supports this 20:47:28 krit1: some computations are not easy, Illustrator is doing the same thing as browsers by accident because the current libraries don't offer the right tools for that 20:48:16 ed: how do we proceed, add a new property ? 20:48:26 krit1: I think it's an implementation issue 20:48:35 nikos: I would need to see how it behaves 20:48:42 Tav: it's a very important property 20:48:46 nikos: agreed 20:48:58 ed: does someone wants to investigate more 20:49:24 krit1: it's enough to implement with Canvas, browsers don't add more magic 20:50:14 krit1: thomas do you have resources for that 20:50:16 ThomasSmailus: not at the moment 20:50:29 Tav: I could try and implement it in Inkscape but not the in a month 20:51:10 Issue: investigate possible implementation issues around dash array patterns 20:51:10 Error creating an ISSUE: an internal error occurred. Please mail with details about what happened. 20:51:50 ThomasSmailus: CGM has support for that 20:51:56 nikos: and WebCGM too 20:51:57 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/WebCGM/ 20:52:04 ThomasSmailus: if we figure out how they do it 20:52:12 ... that would give us an implementation 20:52:32 ... but is it just an implementation aspect or does it need to be specified differentyl 20:52:58 nikos: can you specify a different coordinate space when you specify a hatch or pattern 20:53:08 ... would using 'screen' be enough ? 20:53:42 cyril: looks like constrained transform 20:53:58 krit1: that's a different topic 20:54:12 ... it would be possible for patterns but for lines it's different 20:54:21 nikos: I think patterns are the important case 20:54:33 ThomasSmailus: for me the more important case is dashed lines 20:54:44 krit1: parsers don't have control over the dash array 20:55:08 ... you could solve it by transforming the path into the right coordinate space 20:55:12 .. need to think about it 20:55:20 ISSUE-2451? 20:55:20 ISSUE-2451 -- Investigate implementability of non-scaling dash array patterns -- raised 20:55:20 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/track/issues/2451 20:56:07 ed: postponed until someone has the time investigate further 20:56:14 Topic: hit testing svg root 20:56:18 ed: doug is not here 20:56:31 Topic: location and dates for 2014 Q1 F2F 20:56:43 cyril: Sydney ! 20:57:33 krit1: CSS is meeting January 27-29 in Seattle 20:57:36 http://doodle.com/kzd7fuw48t6ds4fn 20:57:40 nikos: fine with me 20:57:52 ... or we can hot if you want to come to Syndey 20:58:17 krit1: do we have a schedule for the whole year ? 20:58:19 ... it's better for the budget 20:58:26 ed: next one is TPAC 20:58:30 .... then february 20:58:49 ... most people suggest 3 or 4 meeting per year 20:58:57 3 or 4 days each 20:59:08 cyril: I can host in Paris if you want 20:59:33 Tav: nice to be in a reasonable time zone 21:00:00 ed: would be fine in Seattle if it is next to the CSS meeting 21:00:47 +1 21:01:06 ed: 3 days of meeting between 29 and 31st 21:01:59 krit1: I will discuss it in the CSS WG 21:02:01 RESOLUTION: SVG WG will meet in Seattle between the 29 and the 31st of January 2014 21:02:20 suggestions for other meetings ? 21:02:25 ed: suggestions for other meetings ? 21:02:43 ed: we have several companies willing to host 21:03:02 ... Hachette offered to host too 21:03:12 nikos: Canon can host in Tokyo if we want to go there again 21:03:54 cyril: we need to look at the dates of the Libre Graphics and/or The Graphical Web 21:04:15 ACTION: ed to discuss with heycam and send suggestion dates or questionnaire for the next few meetings in 2014 21:04:16 Created ACTION-3531 - Discuss with heycam and send suggestion dates or questionnaire for the next few meetings in 2014 [on Erik Dahlström - due 2013-10-03]. 21:04:52 ed: reminder the daylight saving time shift will happen soon 21:04:59 http://www.timeanddate.com/time/dst/2013b.html 21:05:56 ... please check your emails and use the link 21:06:06 ... we will change after TPAC 21:06:23 krit1: Chris says he is fine with meetings in the evening but before 10pm 21:07:54 cyril: we could look at scheduling the meetings in the evening in West coast, afternoon in Australia, and morning in Europe 21:08:05 ... the only problem is East Coast 21:08:18 ... don't know if for who it would be a problem 21:09:25 Tav: we have to pick a time for Japan 21:10:05 ACTION: ed to create a questionnaire to setup the new telcon time 21:10:06 Created ACTION-3532 - Create a questionnaire to setup the new telcon time [on Erik Dahlström - due 2013-10-03]. 21:10:33 nikos: weighted questionnaire to favor people who suffered in the past 21:10:45 krit1: will have agenda items on filters next week 21:10:57 Topic: CSS new API for shapes 21:11:11 krit1: it might be of interest to the group 21:11:27 cyril: do you have a link to a WD 21:11:44 krit1: no, soon DOM Matrix and CSS OM view will be merged 21:12:04 ... the geometry APIs of them 21:12:35 krit1: I would like the members to look at them and comment if possible on www-style 21:13:24 http://dev.w3.org/csswg/cssom-view/#the-domrect-and-domrectimmutable-interfaces 21:13:45 krit1: the only problem I see so far is that CSS uses top/left ... and we would need x and y 21:14:05 ... I'm not sure what is the best solution 21:14:40 ... we might discuss that at TPAC 21:15:16 ed: all browsers have to deal with x,y anyway and not onyl topleft 21:15:28 ... I don't think that's such a big problem 21:15:34 ... but we should raise the issue 21:15:53 RRSagent, make minutes 21:15:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/09/26-svg-minutes.html cyril 21:15:56 -thomas 21:16:00 -nikos 21:16:01 -ed 21:16:03 -cyril 21:16:04 -stakagi 21:16:04 -krit1 21:16:05 -Rich 21:16:06 -Tav 21:16:08 GA_SVGWG(SVG1)4:30PM has ended 21:16:08 Attendees were thomas, krit1, [IPcaller], ed, +, +, stakagi, cyril, Tav, nikos, Rich 23:32:05 jdaggett has joined #svg 23:56:47 thorton has joined #svg