Important Dates

30 April 2013:
Deadline for submission of Position Papers.

7 May 2013:
Speaker invitations sent.

13 May 2013:
Program and submitted statements posted on the workshop website.

27 May 2013:
Deadline for registration

4 June 2013, 9AM


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Workshop Sponsors

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W3C organizational sponsor

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How to Participate

Participation is free. W3C membership is NOT required to participate in this workshop. The total number of participants will be limited, and may close early if the event is full.

Position papers are required to be eligible to participate in this workshop.

If you wish to participate in the workshop, please follow these steps:

  1. Submit a position paper to as an individual or organization explaining your expert perspectives on a workshop topic of your choice no later than 30 April 2013.
    Subject line should start with "[tokyo submission]" and contain your name.
    Position papers should be submitted in English and should generally be one page in length. They should only be longer if absolutely necessary, up to a maximum of 3 pages, although they may link to longer versions or appendices. Valid formats are (X)HTML (please use the W3C validator), PDF or plain text.

  2. If your position paper is selected by the Program Committee, you will receive a workshop invitation and registration link. Please fill in a registration form for each person who plans to attend the workshop.
    Accepted position papers will be published on the public Web page of the workshop. Submitting a position paper comprises a default recognition of these terms for publication.

  3. The Program Committee will ask the authors of certain submissions to explicitly present their position at the workshop to foster discussion. Presenters will be asked to make the presentation slides publicly available on the workshop home page in HTML, PDF, or plain text.

If you have any questions, please contact

What is a position paper?

Position papers should:

  • Explain the participant's perspective on the topic of the Workshop
  • Explain their viewpoint and/or explain why they should attend
  • Include concrete examples of their suggestions

Refer to the position papers submitted for a similar W3C workshop to see what a position paper generally implies.

The program committee review position papers before issuing an invite to the workshop, and the chairs will use the position papers to pull together the workshop program. We also make accepted position papers publicly available so that other attendees can get an idea of who will be attending, and what their interests are.