13:59:21 RRSAgent has joined #webfonts 13:59:21 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/06/26-webfonts-irc 13:59:23 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:59:23 Zakim has joined #webfonts 13:59:25 Zakim, this will be 3668 13:59:25 ok, trackbot; I see IA_Fonts()10:00AM scheduled to start in 1 minute 13:59:26 Meeting: WebFonts Working Group Teleconference 13:59:26 Date: 26 June 2013 14:00:07 jfkthame has joined #webfonts 14:00:48 kuettel has joined #webfonts 14:01:10 Zakim conference bridge is acting up, drops the call as soon as the number is dialed 14:01:19 ah, so it's not just me 14:01:33 IA_Fonts()10:00AM has now started 14:01:40 + +1.408.921.aaaa 14:02:07 zakim, who is aaaa 14:02:07 I don't understand 'who is aaaa', Vlad 14:02:12 zakim, who is aaaa? 14:02:12 I don't understand your question, Vlad. 14:03:41 Folks are having troubles connecting the the telcon bridge, who is the one who did get through? 14:03:44 i'd guess …aaaa is kuettel - david, are you on a 408 area code? 14:04:02 I was able to join (I think) 14:04:19 Yes, that's me (404 area code) 14:04:22 I thinik you did, did you dial the regular line or SIP? 14:04:35 Regular line 14:04:48 this time i got "all circuits are busy"…. i'm getting slightly different failures each time 14:05:14 + +1.978.790.aabb 14:06:00 I got in via cell phone line, the land line is acting up for some reasons 14:06:06 + +44.184.426.aacc 14:06:51 zakim, aacc is jfkthame 14:06:51 +jfkthame; got it 14:09:40 TypeCon 2013 registration is now open: http://www.typecon.com/archives/3163 14:12:44 +[IPcaller] 14:13:49 David: reached out to Igor Pavlov to have him help us with LZMA spec, working with Google security team 14:14:15 zakim, aabb is me 14:14:15 +Vlad; got it 14:15:38 jfk: working with Mozilla security team to evaluate the LZMA decoder 14:18:16 adam has joined #webfonts 14:20:55 Adam: speaking about his OFF/X proposal 14:40:33 jfk: talking about the need to validate a font on a browser side, regardless of the claims made by an author 14:43:09 Currently the proposal is viewed more like a basis for "best practices guidelines" for font developers 15:17:38 -[IPcaller] 15:17:40 - +1.408.921.aaaa 15:17:41 -jfkthame 15:17:42 IA_Fonts()10:00AM has ended 15:17:42 Attendees were +1.408.921.aaaa, +1.978.790.aabb, +44.184.426.aacc, jfkthame, [IPcaller], Vlad 15:18:10 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:18:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/06/26-webfonts-minutes.html Vlad 15:57:03 jdaggett has joined #webfonts 16:22:28 Zakim has left #webfonts