20:54:54 RRSAgent has joined #indie-ui 20:54:55 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/05/29-indie-ui-irc 20:54:56 RRSAgent, make logs public 20:54:58 Zakim, this will be INDIE 20:54:59 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_Indie()5:00PM scheduled to start in 6 minutes 20:54:59 Meeting: Independent User Interface Task Force Teleconference 20:55:00 Date: 29 May 2013 20:55:15 Meeting: IndieUI Task Force Teleconference 20:55:16 Chair: Janina_Sajka 20:55:16 agenda+ TPAC2013 https://www.w3.org/2013/11/TPAC/ 20:55:16 agenda+ Editor's Update 20:55:16 agenda+ User Module FPWD Strategy Discussion http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-indie-ui/2013May/0025.html 20:55:18 agenda+ User Context Issues & Actions https://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/products/3 20:55:21 agenda+ Events Issues & Actions https://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/products/2 20:55:24 agenda+ Privacy and Security: The cases for exposing AT 20:55:27 agenda+ Renaming POR: Open Discussion 20:55:29 agenda+ Scribe for our Next Teleconference (on 12 June at 21:00Z) 20:55:32 agenda+ Be Done 20:57:41 jasonjgw has joined #indie-ui 20:58:10 WAI_Indie()5:00PM has now started 20:58:17 +??P0 20:59:02 rich has joined #indie-ui 20:59:25 +??P1 20:59:26 zakim, +??P0 is jasonjgw 20:59:26 sorry, jasonjgw, I do not recognize a party named '+??P0' 20:59:39 +Cooper 20:59:58 +??P2 21:00:14 zakim, ??P2 is Janina_Sajka 21:00:14 +Janina_Sajka; got it 21:00:18 +Rich_Simpson 21:00:21 jcraig has joined #indie-ui 21:00:48 jcraig has joined #indie-ui 21:01:14 +[Apple] 21:01:22 Zakim, Apple has jcraig 21:01:22 +jcraig; got it 21:03:02 scribe: jcraig 21:03:35 Zakim, who is on the call? 21:03:35 On the phone I see jasonjgw, Andy_Heath, Cooper, Janina_Sajka, Rich_Simpson, [Apple] 21:03:37 [Apple] has jcraig 21:03:38 Agenda? 21:03:52 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-indie-ui/2013May/0026.html 21:03:56 take up item 11 21:04:12 +[Apple.a] 21:04:13 zakim, drop item 4 21:04:13 agendum 4, user context properties, dropped 21:04:15 drop item 5 21:04:17 drop item 6 21:04:17 Zakim, Apple.a has me 21:04:18 +hober; got it 21:04:19 drop item 7 21:04:21 drop item 8 21:04:24 drop item 9 21:04:26 andy has joined #indie-ui 21:04:26 drop item 10 21:04:48 JS: TPAC, who's going? TPAC webpage needs updating still (no hotel, etc). 21:05:10 JS: TPAC is November 11-15 in Shenzhen China 21:05:38 agenda? 21:05:47 Zakim, next item 21:05:47 agendum 12. "Editor's Update" taken up [from janina] 21:06:36 JC: Updates from last call directional events and linear events should use same names as CSS and SVG 21:06:44 they do now 21:07:01 UIRequestEventUI 21:07:03 Comments from Rich that directional and linear events should use the same syntax as CSS and SVG were incorporated into revisions. 21:07:28 UIRequestEventInit 21:08:02 Questions have been raised about UI request event initializers and the need for an initialization dictionary. 21:08:38 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/IndieUI/raw-file/default/src/indie-ui-events.html#UIRequestEvent 21:08:51 See section 3.1.2 of the Events draft. 21:09:57 James proposes to contact potential implementors about this issue. 21:11:20 Zakim, next item 21:11:20 agendum 13. "User Module FPWD Strategy Discussion http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-indie-ui/2013May/0025.html" taken up [from janina] 21:11:29 James clarifies in response to a suggestion from Michael that it isn't clear that WebIDL has been limiting so far, but SpecProd has been (issues raised). 21:12:16 JW: been thinking about this for a while now 21:12:40 JW: questions regarding User Context draft, privacy implications 21:12:41 s/SpecProd has been (issues raised)/Respec has been (issues raised on specprod list)/ 21:13:27 q+ to say we still haven´t sorted requirements; do we want to before FPWD (ok either way but let´s examine question) 21:13:32 JW: Trying to get to the bottom of what issues/actions need to be addressed prior to FPWD of User Context spec 21:13:52 q? 21:14:09 q+ to talk about general outline 21:14:33 JW: May need to publish with notes as to which issues are controversial or incomplete; also which are prereqs to publishing 21:15:06 MC: Don't believe we have all the requirements yet 21:15:21 MC: I'm attempting to eliminate the dupe reqs 21:15:55 MC: Would we want to sort reqs prior to publishing FPWD or not? 21:16:34 MC: Could do either; pros/cons to each. Sorting first would delay draft, but also enlighten the first draft. 21:17:17 MC: No FPWD is complete, but would be good to publish as a complete outline of planned final document. 21:17:32 q? 21:17:34 ack m 21:17:34 MichaelC, you wanted to say we still haven´t sorted requirements; do we want to before FPWD (ok either way but let´s examine question) and to talk about general outline 21:17:39 ack me 21:18:05 q+ to talk about where requirements live 21:18:27 JW: could simultaneously publish requirements and FPWD. Would have the benefit of drawing attention to incompleteness of requirements. 21:19:33 ack m 21:19:33 MichaelC, you wanted to talk about where requirements live 21:19:35 JW: other option would be to write full reqs document prior to FPWD 21:20:02 MC: reqs are currently are in a wiki. There was no plan to publish reqs to the TR status pages. 21:20:39 MC: our charter allows us to co-publish additional "supporting" documents. 21:20:51 JW: Some other WGs publish reqs docs 21:21:16 JW: just pointing out options we have. 21:21:58 JW: Want to use requirements to inform the spec, and vice versa. 21:23:13 MC: I do believe documenting requirements will help us proceed towards spec publishing; some delay due to differing views of what those requirements are. 21:23:14 smaug has joined #indie-ui 21:23:52 JS: WAI coord group expressed surprise that we have not solicited requirements from outside the WG. 21:24:20 MC: Could appeal to public to look at the wiki; other option to publish FPWD and wait for feedback. 21:24:25 q+ 21:24:42 JW: I'd like to see requirements settled before FPWD 21:25:24 q+ to say requirements haven´t been difficult to define, as much as scope for which requirements make v.1 21:25:27 JW: Or at least defined enough to have the spec refer back to the wiki. 21:26:01 JW: I don't think all controversies have to be worked out prior to publishing 21:26:04 ack me 21:27:20 q+ to say incomplete doesn´t have to block FPWD; an incomplete privacy section can be part of appeal for input 21:27:55 q+ 21:28:15 action-42? 21:28:15 ACTION-42 -- Michael Cooper to consolidate use cases -- due 2013-03-13 -- OPEN 21:28:15 http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/actions/42 21:28:17 action-41? 21:28:17 ACTION-41 -- Michael Cooper to create IndieUI Roadmap for both spec: which feature sets should go into 1.0 versions. -- due 2013-03-02 -- OPEN 21:28:17 http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/actions/41 21:28:48 q- 21:28:49 JW: group action to solidify use cases? 21:29:15 MC: may need to prompt individuals instead of by group 21:29:28 ack me 21:29:28 MichaelC, you wanted to say requirements haven´t been difficult to define, as much as scope for which requirements make v.1 and to say incomplete doesn´t have to block FPWD; an 21:29:29 ack m 21:29:32 ... incomplete privacy section can be part of appeal for input 21:29:47 q+ 21:31:02 MC: one of the hard issues is to decide not just what should go into each version of the draft; some features won't make it into version 1.0 21:31:28 MC: legitimate to publish FPWD with privacy section listed as TBD 21:31:40 ack andy 21:32:47 AH: agree with Michael that we need to solidify and agree on requirements 21:33:09 q+ 21:33:29 JS: Wondering recently what the core requirements should be; but with extensibility 21:33:32 q+ 21:33:49 q- 21:33:52 q+ 21:34:02 ack and 21:34:23 JS: ACRONYM? has a very specific need that most clients would not need 21:35:24 AH: working on a crosswalk? of multiple groups needs and requirements: GPII, Schema.org 21:35:31 ack a 21:35:54 ack jas 21:36:15 JW: existing precedent for core reqs and modules as a structure 21:36:40 JW: also mechanism is not defining the vocabulary 21:37:04 q+ to say the question of core / modules or syntax / vocabularies could be something we ask for input on in the FPWD 21:37:32 q+ 21:37:43 JW: in order to resolve the scope, it may be to be speced as 1.0, 2.0, or to sub-modularize the spec 21:38:24 JW: Step 1: collect all requirements in one place, and Step 2: separate the scope after we document the entire list 21:38:26 q? 21:38:31 ack me 21:39:02 s/ACRONYM?/GPII/ 21:40:39 James notes that there is already some provision for extensibility but there are disagreements about what should be included in core. The general core/extension approach seems non-controversial as is the technical mechanism (key/value pairs discussion). 21:41:55 He suggests gathering all requirements HHHHe suggests HHHHe concurs with the idea of gathering all potential requirements first and then dividing them into levels of importance or otherwise classifying in order to resolve the scope question. 21:42:28 -Janina_Sajka 21:42:41 ack me 21:42:41 MichaelC, you wanted to say the question of core / modules or syntax / vocabularies could be something we ask for input on in the FPWD 21:42:43 ack andy 21:42:55 MC: we could ask the public some questions about core needs versus extensible taxonomies; whether they think these will delay implementations 21:43:05 q- 21:43:39 AH: agree with prior comments; controversial bits are just about what makes it into the core vocabulary 21:43:47 q? 21:44:21 q+ 21:44:38 MC: action items? email to ist? volunteers? 21:44:41 ack jason 21:44:44 s/ist/list/ 21:45:06 q+ 21:45:39 JW: solicit requirements, consolidate complete list, delete duplicates and overlap, and verify cleanliness of data 21:46:12 JC: I nominate Jason 21:46:43 ack jc 21:48:05 JW: willing to send email to list and help with regularizing the requirements that are submitted 21:48:08 after a reasonable time frame 21:48:19 and can help back-track to use cases 21:48:29 JC: some stuff already represented in spec 21:49:03 and the existing proposals for requirements 21:49:25 though some refactoring may be needed 21:49:47 ACTION: Jason to email group to resoliciting uses cases for User Context requirements; 21:49:47 Created ACTION-54 - Email group to resoliciting uses cases for User Context requirements; [on Jason White - due 2013-06-05]. 21:49:48 e.g., ¨simplified¨ needs more precise definition 21:50:21 q? 21:50:25 ack andy 21:50:42 q+ 21:50:57 AH: why ask the community about requirements yet 21:51:29 -Rich_Simpson 21:52:07 ack j 21:52:17 AH: be sure not to disregard proposals in this initial gathering phase; we can determine order later 21:52:21 q+ 21:52:22 ack me 21:54:01 q+ to say we can ask for requirements of anybody whom we like, or not do so; but in a FPWD anybody who wants to comment may, and calling out requirements as a reviewable item is reasoanble to expect 21:54:28 ack a 21:54:59 q+ to say we operate in public and are answerable to the public 21:55:26 q+ to talk briefly about mechanisms for handling public input 21:55:33 q+ 21:55:37 JC: re: external comments, need to approach this carefully; could result in FUD from non-technical members of the community that could misunderstand some of the reasons for the need for User Context 21:55:48 ack ja 21:56:50 ack me 21:56:50 MichaelC, you wanted to say we can ask for requirements of anybody whom we like, or not do so; but in a FPWD anybody who wants to comment may, and calling out requirements as a 21:56:53 ... reviewable item is reasoanble to expect and to say we operate in public and are answerable to the public and to talk briefly about mechanisms for handling public input 21:56:55 JW: would be fine with having the FPWD point to list of requirements. That should be enough; don't need to make specific requests outside the technical spec reviewers. 21:57:33 q? 21:58:48 MC: can triage the feedback and those comments as we see fit. 21:59:09 ack and 21:59:56 MC: Need to behave in a manner befitting that, but don't need to let the world's comments drag us down and prevent progress. 22:00:40 AH: I can help with the reqs gathering and email that is Jason's initial action item 22:00:51 ack ja 22:00:53 -[Apple.a] 22:01:15 MC: additional action items will be needed after Jason's is complete 22:01:59 ACTION-54? 22:01:59 ACTION-54 -- Jason White to email group to resoliciting uses cases for User Context requirements; -- due 2013-06-05 -- OPEN 22:01:59 http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/actions/54 22:03:16 rrsagent, make minutes 22:03:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/05/29-indie-ui-minutes.html jcraig 22:05:26 q+ 22:07:16 -[Apple] 22:07:19 jcraig has left #indie-ui 22:07:47 ack and 22:08:59 -jasonjgw 22:09:05 -Andy_Heath 22:09:07 -Cooper 22:09:07 WAI_Indie()5:00PM has ended 22:09:07 Attendees were Cooper, jasonjgw, Janina_Sajka, Rich_Simpson, Andy_Heath, jcraig, [Apple], hober 22:09:14 rrsagent, make minutes 22:09:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/05/29-indie-ui-minutes.html MichaelC 22:10:13 rrsagent, bye 22:10:13 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2013/05/29-indie-ui-actions.rdf : 22:10:13 ACTION: Jason to email group to resoliciting uses cases for User Context requirements; [1] 22:10:13 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/05/29-indie-ui-irc#T21-49-47 22:10:15 zakim, bye 22:10:15 Zakim has left #indie-ui