15:09:04 RRSAgent has joined #css 15:09:04 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/04/17-css-irc 15:09:13 Zakim has joined #css 15:09:18 Zakim, this will be Style 15:09:18 ok, glazou; I see Style_CSS FP()12:00PM scheduled to start in 51 minutes 15:09:23 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:10:05 glazou has changed the topic to: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013Apr/0381.html 15:15:03 lmclister has joined #css 15:45:30 glenn has joined #css 15:49:50 glenn has joined #css 15:51:49 florian has joined #css 15:55:20 Style_CSS FP()12:00PM has now started 15:55:28 + +2aaaa 15:55:48 +[IPcaller] 15:55:49 sgalineau has joined #css 15:55:59 +plinss 15:55:59 Zakim, [IPcaller] has me 15:56:00 +florian; got it 15:56:05 sgalinea_ has joined #css 15:56:59 zakim, 2aaaa is sgalineau 15:56:59 sorry, plinss, I do not recognize a party named '2aaaa' 15:57:15 zakim, aaaa is sgalineau 15:57:15 +sgalineau; got it 15:57:46 +??P7 15:58:04 +Krit 15:58:07 +glenn 15:58:18 dael has joined #css 15:58:45 +??P11 15:58:48 + +1.610.324.aabb 15:58:51 Zakim, ??P11 is me 15:58:52 +glazou; got it 15:59:02 zakim, aabb is me 15:59:02 +dael; got it 15:59:03 dbaron has joined #css 15:59:14 so what SIP clients have people had success with on Linux? 15:59:28 or Android, actually? 15:59:40 zakim, code? 15:59:40 the conference code is 78953 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), nvdbleek 15:59:48 rhauck has joined #css 15:59:53 oyvind has joined #css 16:00:14 +nvdbleek 16:00:34 + +1.415.832.aacc 16:00:40 dbaron, have you tried linphone? 16:00:44 Zakim, aacc is me 16:00:45 used to work for me 16:00:45 +rhauck; got it 16:00:57 Rossen has joined #css 16:01:03 +Stearns 16:01:33 +[Microsoft] 16:01:37 +SimonSapin 16:01:45 smfr has joined #css 16:01:58 +Bert 16:02:16 +smfr 16:02:17 MaRakow has joined #CSS 16:02:39 +Lea 16:02:43 zakim, microsoft has me 16:02:43 +MaRakow; got it 16:02:59 +fantasai 16:03:09 +[Microsoft.a] 16:03:30 zakim, microsoft has me 16:03:30 +Rossen; got it 16:03:31 BradK has joined #CSS 16:03:48 +[Apple] 16:03:49 yes 16:03:57 Zakim, Apple is me 16:03:57 +hober; got it 16:04:03 +BradK 16:04:05 zakim, mute me 16:04:05 nvdbleek should now be muted 16:05:14 plh has joined #css 16:05:18 Israelh has joined #CSS 16:05:21 yo plh 16:05:40 + +1.832.797.aadd 16:05:44 zakim, aadd is me 16:05:44 +TabAtkins_; got it 16:05:49 A bus? Today we ride the School Sub! 16:05:49 hober, the bar route in SD you mean ?-) 16:06:06 Rename all the bus stops 16:07:10 zakim, drop plh 16:07:10 sorry, plh, I do not see a party named 'plh' 16:07:20 zakim, passcode? 16:07:20 the conference code is 78953 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), plh 16:07:38 +??P74 16:07:46 ChrisL has joined #css 16:07:51 +plh 16:08:03 Zakim, mute dbaron 16:08:03 dbaron should now be muted 16:08:16 zakim, pick a victim 16:08:16 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose dael 16:08:25 zakim, pick a victim 16:08:25 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose [IPcaller] 16:08:29 One day I'll be on contract, I swear :) 16:08:37 I'm trying! 16:09:00 Scribe: Bert 16:09:21 +ChrisL 16:09:32 Topic: Colors 4 16:10:00 TabAtkins_: Some syntax improvements form past few years. Suggestion from dbaron. 16:10:01 so colors4 is just syntax options plus a bad color property 16:10:17 ... I pulled them together into a module. 16:10:31 ChrisL: So it is syntax, plus a bad, horrible property? 16:10:44 TabAtkins_: It was dbaron 's suggestion. 16:11:09 dbaron: Web browsers do no follow the spec now. 16:11:18 ChrisL: Depends on what you mean by that. 16:11:23 s/do no/do not/ 16:11:38 ... srgb as device rgb is fine and fairly common. 16:11:46 ... wide gamut monitor is different. 16:11:55 tantek has joined #css 16:12:04 ... Treating it as srgb will give good results. 16:12:34 ... So current situation is good and allows for future. This new property makes things worse. 16:12:46 dbaron: It's for PNG images with info in them. 16:12:59 ChrisL: Chromaticity oo ITC tag 16:13:09 dbaron: Those will not use CSS colors. 16:13:19 ... So you cannot match PNG to CSS colors. 16:13:40 ChrisL: In that past we had pb with flash. But flash can now be color managed, too. 16:13:52 ... So no reason anymore. 16:14:15 ... So the situation has changed since 3 \years. 16:14:26 dbaron: OK, so we shoild look at it again. 16:14:29 ChrisL: I can help. 16:14:42 ... Editors for css3-colors? 16:14:55 TabAtkins_: css4-color so far a private draft. 16:15:01 if I say css 6, do I win? 16:15:04 ChrisL: I'd be happy to be co-editor. 16:15:14 TabAtkins_: Seems you're in the editoprs list already. 16:15:25 plinss: Do we work on it? 16:15:39 Zakim, who is on the phone? 16:15:39 On the phone I see sgalineau, [IPcaller], plinss, ??P7, Krit, glenn, glazou, dael, nvdbleek (muted), rhauck, Stearns, [Microsoft], SimonSapin, Bert, smfr, Lea, fantasai, 16:15:40 dbaron: I've heard some objections to every simngle thing in the draft. 16:15:40 ok to work on it subject to discussing the contentious property 16:15:43 ... [Microsoft.a], hober, BradK, TabAtkins_, dbaron, plh, ChrisL 16:15:43 [IPcaller] has florian 16:15:43 [Microsoft] has Rossen 16:15:53 dbaron: I'm not happy with the [???] syntax. 16:15:59 ... compat pb. 16:16:04 s/ITC/ICC 16:16:08 s/[???]/new/ 16:16:28 ... Syntax could have been better, but not wo5rth changing now. 16:16:43 ChrisL: What do current impls do with new syntax? 16:16:48 +[Microsoft.aa] 16:16:50 dbaron: Error and fall back. 16:16:58 zakim, microsoft has me 16:16:58 +arronei; got it 16:17:01 ChrisL: OK. 16:17:15 ... So no pages can depend on the new syntax. 16:17:32 florian: There *may* be pages that depenbd on it *not* working. 16:17:44 TabAtkins_: Low possibility. 16:17:44 +Tantek 16:17:52 Zakim, mute tantek 16:17:52 Tantek should now be muted 16:18:13 florian: Yes, but this syntax it is something people might try, becaus eit looks reasonable, and then never remove. 16:18:23 oh good times, we're talking color matching again :) 16:18:26 TabAtkins_: Maybe not discuss all features today. 16:18:28 in practice its not going to break anything 16:18:34 ... Just whether we want the draft or not. 16:18:49 dbaron: The question is if there are any features we want to do. 16:19:08 ... Not convinced it is worth our time implementing compared to other stuff. 16:19:16 emalasky has joined #css 16:19:17 TabAtkins_: Some of them are 15 minute work. 16:19:30 dbaron: And than compat pb to chase down. 16:19:34 arronei: and testing. 16:19:53 TabAtkins_: hex-with-alpha is long-standing request. 16:20:14 ... and [...] I trip over every time I write Canvas code. 16:20:50 plinss: So, do we want to work on it? 16:21:16 TabAtkins_: glazou was against me starting it on W3C server. 16:22:15 TabAtkins: what daniel against starting a draft, or against starting it without getting a WG decision to do so first? 16:22:17 TabAtkins_: As long as I can use the m-list for discussion, I'm fine. 16:22:24 regardless of what repository a draft is in, the problems that dbaron mentions are still there 16:22:35 of distracting implementations from other more important things etc. 16:22:40 sgalineau: With me starting a draft *in a W3C server* wihtout a WG decision. 16:22:54 plinss: OK, so no formnal draft of colors 4, but folks can discuss possible contents on mailing list. 16:23:02 that being said, why not document the incremental additions on our wiki? 16:23:07 Topic: marquee 16:23:19 yes; without a WG decision was the missing bit. thx. 16:23:36 plinss: Spec is very old, discontinued. 16:23:47 ... Should we publish a new one with a disclaimer? 16:23:57 florian: Webkit has impl, I think. 16:24:11 ... should we revisit marquee, or just drop it? 16:24:18 +1 for big red obsoletion notices in obsolete specs 16:24:24 TabAtkins_: Impl is terrible, we want to remove it. 16:25:07 and if anyone wants to re-raise it as a draft in the future, they can do so 16:25:15 ChrisL: Isn't there a knock-on affect, some parts about box model that are only there? 16:25:17 I recall some part of box model is only there for marquee 16:25:26 what plinss just said 16:25:33 bert: I'd suggest makeing a note, somebody reads through it to look for things to safe. 16:25:33 So we can ignore 'overflow-style'? 16:25:55 florian: overflow-style. Also in paged-x overflow. 16:25:58 I wouldn't even suggest a note. Just the discontinued warning. 16:26:04 +[IPcaller.a] 16:26:32 TabAtkins_: Once it is officially discared I can then remove our code. 16:26:32 to bert: it is the in the gcpm spec, but not in the only implementation of it (opera) which uses overflow-x/-y 16:27:27 RESOLVED: publish an update with a note that says it is no longer 16:27:41 ChrisL: Can move to WD without any difficult process. 16:27:46 dbaron: WD or NOTE? 16:27:52 Note: this spec is discontinued. 16:28:04 florian: NOTE sounds like a good thing. 16:28:11 is there anything else in it apart from marquee? 16:28:15 I agree, leaving it as CR will send an ambiguous message. 16:28:18 http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/tr.html#tr-end 16:28:29 ChrisL has joined #css 16:28:34 "If W3C decides to discontinue work on a technical report before completion, the technical report SHOULD be published as a Working Group Note." 16:28:42 Chris: nothing else than marquee in it? Then whole thing can become a Note. 16:28:59 dbaron: [quotes from Process] 16:29:21 florian: Also add a note to GCPM about overflow-style? 16:29:42 ... In the overflow spec there are issues noted, but not in gcpm. 16:29:52 peter: should probably move to the overflow spec 16:29:53 ... So just a note to say be careful. 16:30:19 example of a discontinued work: http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/NOTE-webdatabase-20101118/ (style may vary :) 16:30:21 ... paged-x/y no longer on 'overflow-style' 16:30:52 RESOLVED: publish an update to Marqueewith a note that says it is discontinued. 16:31:05 RESOLVED: publish an update to Marqueewith a note that says it is discontinued. Make it a NOTE. 16:31:48 florian: I propose to action howcome. 16:32:16 ... Spec says overflow-style won't be used. Don't say waht would be used instead. 16:32:41 koji has joined #css