16:58:28 RRSAgent has joined #webperf 16:58:28 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/04/03-webperf-irc 16:58:30 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:58:30 Zakim has joined #webperf 16:58:32 Zakim, this will be WPWG 16:58:32 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 16:58:33 Meeting: Web Performance Working Group Teleconference 16:58:33 Date: 03 April 2013 16:59:48 Aaron has joined #webperf 17:01:54 present+ JatinderMann, AaronHeady 17:02:17 simonjam has joined #webperf 17:02:37 present+ Alois 17:02:49 present+ simonjam 17:03:38 ganesh has joined #webperf 17:06:03 plh2 has joined #webperf 17:06:14 present+ Ganesh 17:06:14 zakim, this is per 17:06:15 ok, plh2; that matches RWC_web-per()1:00PM 17:06:18 +Plh 17:06:26 Present+ Plh 17:06:43 Topic: Diagnostics and Error Logging 17:09:23 +Arvind 17:10:16 agenda+ New charter status 17:12:21 JatinderMann has joined #webperf 17:12:36 Jatinder: Based on the mailing list, there are two areas of discussion on this spec area: (1) monitoring and logging of errors, (2) real time notification of errors. 17:13:39 Jatinder: Let's talk about each of these aspects. 17:14:13 DanAustin: Will the spec clarify how the user agent plans to persist this data? Cookies or other storage mechanisms? 17:16:32 James: We should specify that the browser will persist data across sessions. But we don't need to specify what exactly the mechanism it is. 17:16:46 DanAustin: I think the spec should at least specify that data is persisted. 17:17:14 Jatinder: I'll make the change. 17:17:24 Ganesh: How long is the data persisted? 17:17:41 Aaron: Currently, there is a FIFO buffer about 150 entries large. 17:20:20 we can ping the Privacy Interest Group as well, re multiple sessions handling 17:20:54 James: Should we seperate out resources from previous sessions? 17:27:17 Aaron: There is benefit in having all the resources data available. 17:30:23 James: I want to make sure that we don't allow the origin tracking users. E.g., looking at the error history, I can see when the user had been visiting the site. 17:30:39 Aaron: We may want to specify that when the cookies aren't logged, we shouldn't log information. 17:31:01 James: I think that should help.