14:56:23 RRSAgent has joined #htmlt 14:56:23 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/03/26-htmlt-irc 15:01:13 Pretty light agenda today, so let's wait a bit to see if others attend 15:01:33 Agenda -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-testsuite/2013Mar/0018.html 15:02:06 Is this meeting now? I thiught it was in an hour 15:02:14 Not that it matters to me 15:03:09 Well I guess this is the time on the mail you sent out at least 15:04:21 Oh yeah I guess I'm a bit early.. 15:04:48 We can wait till 16:00 UTC 15:06:14 Oh, right I am confused too :) 15:06:38 We are goign for 16:00 UTC? 15:07:04 Yes that seems to make the most sense... 15:14:44 'K. I am never sure if W3C meetings are anchored in UTC or in Boston time. 15:16:44 mdyck has joined #HTMLT 15:17:33 I was not aware of a 'standard' per se, though next fall we can try again... 15:17:55 Choosing UTC vs Europe vs US time... 15:18:58 I don't have a preference 15:22:19 mdyck has joined #HTMLT 15:25:01 Ms2ger has joined #HTMLT 15:26:04 mdyck has joined #HTMLT 15:34:54 mdyck has joined #HTMLT 15:43:11 mdyck has joined #HTMLT 15:57:20 mdyck has left #HTMLT 15:58:53 mdyck1 has joined #HTMLT 15:59:25 test 15:59:31 test passed 15:59:35 test failed 16:00:12 hm, don't have two interoperable implementations. 16:00:35 Go back to LC 16:00:35 Test in a quantum superposition of states? 16:00:58 Bin has joined #HTMLT 16:01:14 Welcome Bin 16:01:28 Feel free to introduce yourself 16:02:03 krisk: I never got to introduce myself. This is so unfair. 16:02:15 Hi all 16:02:18 This is tobie 16:02:22 He does everything 16:02:39 Feel free tobie 16:02:41 This is Bin from AT&T 16:02:51 Glad to meet everone here 16:03:03 Here is the meeting agenda -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-testsuite/2013Mar/0018.html 16:03:09 Welcome Bin! 16:03:17 Thank you Tobie 16:04:05 I wanted to use this meeting to start to walk through the spec a classify sections 16:04:21 sure. 16:04:34 BTW, I couldn't dial in the conference bridge 16:04:37 I'm not sure what you mean by that 16:04:46 is the conference code 48658? 16:04:58 There is no conf call 16:05:04 We just hang out on IRC 16:05:13 I see. sorry :) 16:05:14 Once we have agreement I'll place this on the Wiki so that people have a list of stuff to focus their testing 16:05:16 Bin: and tell jokes 16:05:53 krisk: ETA for this doc? 16:06:17 Like most stuff in the HTML spec it'll take time 16:06:45 I sent out an email to the list http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-testsuite/2013Mar/0009.html 16:06:57 As a start 16:07:13 Starting from the top of the spec and moving down... 16:07:32 The first 'section' that has normative requirements is 2.1 terminology 16:07:34 http://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#terminology 16:10:59 darobin: It would be good if your "Test Suite Coverage Analysis" page showed which version of the spec and test suite it analyzed. 16:11:31 mdyck1: yes, we're looking into basically making it map to URLs 16:11:57 basically, a URL can be mapped to a TS directory, and you can assess its coverage thus 16:13:09 I don't believe the 2.1 section (not 2.1.1, 2.1.2, etc) has any normative requirements 16:13:15 Does anyone disagree? 16:14:51 mdyck1 has joined #HTMLT 16:14:58 URLs tell you where the data came from (so an improvement), but if the thing at that URL changes over time, you'd also want to indicate *when* the analysis happened (or when you grabbed the data) 16:15:21 I agree. Actually, the subsections (DOM trees, Scripting etc.) should be covered by the other part of the specs 16:15:58 mdyck1: I'll place a pointer to the spec (dated version) on the wiki 16:16:30 Looking at section 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 I also don't see any normative requirements. 16:16:37 Does anyone disagree? 16:16:54 There are cross-references, and those anchors should be tested in the normative sections where they are actually specified 16:17:09 It's all definitions 16:19:04 coverage analysis says first '2119's is in 2.1.3 dom-trees 16:19:25 "A user agent must not mutate the DOM in such situations." presumably 16:19:59 I agree and I don't believe we have a test for this normative requirement 16:20:22 any disagreement? 16:20:51 coverage page says zero tests 16:21:11 Now looking at 2.1.4 'Scripting' 16:22:01 This section also has a normative requirement and no tests to my knowledge 16:22:10 "object must operate on the actual underlying " 16:23:01 If a DOM object is said to be live, then the attributes and methods on that object must operate on the actual underlying data, not a snapshot of the data. 16:23:19 Looks like we have agreement 16:23:29 Moving on to 2.1.5 Plugins 16:23:32 Are you planning to go through the whole HTML spec on irc? 16:24:23 not today though over time it's part of the HTML task force charter to build a comprehensive test suite 16:24:24 But a test would have to be with respect to a particular DOM object that the spec says is live, so the test would be tied to the section where that statement is made, not to 2.1.4. 16:24:45 One way to build a comprehensive test suite is to enumerate all the normative sections that have no tests 16:25:08 same with 2.1.3 16:25:13 So that we can publicly ask for test contributions with direction 16:27:04 mdyck1: we can also agree that though a section has a normative requirement the test should part of another section of the spec 16:27:19 I'm open to either approach 16:27:51 Looking at section 2.1.5 16:28:01 This section has 2 normative requirements 16:28:31 'but that neither act as child browsing contexts of the Document nor introduce any Node objects to the Document's DOM' 16:28:34 and... 16:28:42 A user agent must not consider the types text/plain and application/octet-stream as having a registered plugin. 16:29:43 I don't believe the first one is really an interop issue today 16:30:16 that first one is part of defn of "plugin" 16:31:04 That's right. The first one shouldn't be an issue 16:31:08 krisk: if you're defining normative statements by the presence of RFC2119 key words, darobin's work has you covered. 16:31:34 tobie: consider this a small step towards progress 16:32:27 mdyck1: yes, URLs change over time, but the idea is to have a cron job run the analysis on a regular basis 16:32:36 tobie: These intial sections should not be contraversal, though given the number of people we should also be able to say that a section really needs tests 16:33:20 krisk: right. I think there's a lot of value in getting the subjective analysis out. 16:33:39 darobin: good to hear. it'd be nice to see when the cron ran, then. (Gives the reader confidence that the info is up-to-date.) 16:34:09 I think we do need a test for the second normative statement 16:34:30 krisk: existing interop, etc. 16:34:57 Moving on to the last section for today 2.1.6 16:35:17 mdyck1: I think that the response to that will be something like "10 minutes ago", or perhaps "1 hour ago", not more 16:36:08 mdyck1: we're planning for "uptodateness" to be a given. Not something people have to wonder about. 16:36:16 s/panning/aiming/ 16:36:52 hence the using a cron job rather than having people run it 16:37:00 make them machines work hard for us 16:38:01 This section indeed has normative requirements 16:38:04 'a pair of code units consisting of a high surrogate followed by a low surrogate must be treated as the single code point represented by the surrogate pair, but isolated surrogates must each be treated as the single code point with the value of the surrogate.' 16:38:08 So we don't have to be a machine :) 16:38:21 re 2.1.5: not sure how you'd test that (e.g.) text/plain *doesn 16:38:37 doesn't have a registered plugin 16:39:17 but that's probably not our present concern 16:39:19 mdyck1: we can also document that a normative section is actually not test able 16:40:08 that would be useful. 16:40:39 Indeed we should have tests for 'surrogate' pairs 16:40:50 ..section 2.1.6 16:41:17 That is all I had for todays agenda 16:41:36 I'll send out the notes and start to document this on the wiki 16:41:48 so if we document these things, how do we ensure that the documentation tracks changes in the spec? Or are we just focused on 5.1, and we'll worry about 5.2 if/when it happens? 16:42:38 Reading " When a conformance requirement is defined in terms of characters or Unicode code points,..." in 2.1.6 16:42:57 actually, 5.1 is only a WD, so it'll change anyway 16:43:20 Is there a conformance requirement related to characters or Unicode defined in Section 2.2 Conformance Requirement? 16:43:33 So skip the "Or are we ..." sentence. 16:44:30 We can use http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/ 16:45:35 which version does that test suite supposedly target? 16:45:46 s/that/the/ 16:45:55 Bin: I was not planning on covering 2.2 - though this is the next section to be targeted 16:46:20 the test suite is a deliverable for the HTML5 Spec, it's part of the w3c process 16:47:49 I'd expect that a large part of the HTML5 test suite applies to the the HTMl5.1, HTML5.2,etc... 16:49:00 krisk: I see. We can cover 2.2. next time, with a note that we may have to revisit the conformance requirement indicated in 2.1.6, and see if there is a duplicate 16:49:25 mdyck1 has joined #HTMLT 16:49:29 well, we should presumably be analyzing the same spec as the test suite targets 16:50:40 The testsuite doesn't target a version of the spec. It should target the latest state of the spec 16:51:02 In some cases tests may be backported to the lawyer copy of the spec 16:51:10 But really that's missing the point 16:52:03 the point being? 16:52:25 Interop 16:53:25 If the spec changed on some point it's not useful to write tests to some old version just because someone happens to be publishing a static copy of that version of the spec for IPR purposes 16:53:30 I'm open to look at HTML5 and the current 5.1 WD at the same time 16:54:34 since I expect a number of tests will help both the HTML5 and 5.1 WD specs 16:54:36 mdyck1 has joined #HTMLT 16:54:54 but the only tool we have to measure interop is the test suite 16:55:03 isn't it? 16:55:05 If HTML5.0 is the one that is being implemented on market, and expected on various browsers, we should focus on testing HTML5.0 16:55:28 It isn't 16:55:29 to meet the market need 16:55:37 This is a classic problem... 16:55:42 That's the whole point 16:55:56 Indeed it's very valueable to have both 16:56:29 If HTML5.0 were being implemented then HTML.current wouldn't have any changes (except new features) from HTML5.0 16:56:49 To the extent that there are differences you should always target the latest version of the spec 16:57:11 (you may choose to ignore *features* that aren't in some older version of course) 16:57:25 (but how you prioritise your time is your own issue) 16:57:45 (and different people will have different priorities/needs there) 16:57:51 We are not going to close on this discussion and the meeting is scheduled to end in 3 minutes 16:58:11 I am not saying we don't consider 5.1 WD :) 16:58:42 In practice, is this really much of an issue? 16:59:01 Isn't 5.1 mostly new features? 16:59:31 The outcome that will have the most consensus is to just document both, so it's clear when a test is for 5.1 vs 5 16:59:35 In which case, ins't 5.0 just 5.1 minus a bunch of tests, identifiable by URL? 17:00:27 If that is the case, it is great 17:00:28 in theory this should not be hard to accomplish 17:01:03 Let's adjourn! 17:01:12 We can work on 5.0 first, because it is stable 17:01:36 yes, but we'll always be open for tests for 5.1 :) 17:01:45 Once we finish 5.0, and 5.1 becomes more stable, we work on 5.1 (the delta part) 17:01:54 do tests identify that they're 5.1-specific? 17:02:00 I don't know who "we" is 17:02:22 s/that/whether/ 17:02:33 But I expect organisations developing new features to write tests and not care about spec-land politics 17:02:50 mdyck1: Seperate git branches 17:03:34 ah, ok 17:03:34 RRSAgent, make logs public 17:04:17 rrsagent, generate minutes 17:04:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/03/26-htmlt-minutes.html krisk 17:06:17 tobie: so your earlier question amounts to whether the 5.0->5.1 diff is just the addition of new sections 17:06:38 There is no possible way that will be true 17:06:49 For example 17:06:52 that's kinda what i suspected 17:07:13 If we add the new appcache stuff that people are discussing, that will change the navigation algorithm 17:07:28 Ms2ger has joined #HTMLT 17:07:43 Web Components changes the parser 17:07:46 etc. 17:10:48 jgraham: earlier you said that the test suite isn't the only tool we have to measure interop, but I'm not sure you said what other tool we have 17:13:34 Earlier when? 17:14:38 mdyck2 has joined #htmlt 17:15:33 mdyck1 has joined #HTMLT 17:15:42 17:13 < jgraham> Earlier when? 17:16:00 (today? two weeks ago? some other time?) 17:16:25 ah, sorry, i think you were replying to someone else 17:17:36 But in general there *are* other ways to get an idea of interop. I mean people have a felling about more vs less interop today and there mostly isn't a test suite, and certainly no one uses it to gauge interop 17:18:01 yes, makes more sense if I assume you were replying to Bin (22 min ago) 17:18:15 A testsuite is just *better* than the existing methods (but still a long way from perfect) 17:18:53 Right, I was replying to Bin. Sorry for the confusion 17:19:48 minutes are at http://www.w3.org/2013/03/26-htmlt-minutes.html 17:21:33 hm, presentation of minutes is somewhat odd 17:22:57 Yeah, it's made for one person minuting the telcon 17:23:47 ah, that explains it somewhat. 17:24:14 how does RRSAgent decide what gets indented? 17:25:09 Looks like it thought krisk was scribing 17:25:25 http://www.w3.org/2013/03/26-htmlt-irc is probably more useful 17:26:02 oh, i guess everything from non-krisk is indented 17:47:34 mdyck1 has left #HTMLT 18:18:08 IRC link seem more useful, the minutes can be useful if you start to use a bunch of keywords.. 18:18:31 Chair, scribe, speaker queue, action, bug, etc... 19:29:04 darobin has joined #htmlt