18:45:43 RRSAgent has joined #au 18:45:43 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/03/25-au-irc 18:45:50 Zakim, this will be AUWG 18:45:50 ok, Jan; I see WAI_AUWG()3:00PM scheduled to start in 15 minutes 18:45:56 Meeting: WAI AU 18:46:18 Agenda: lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2013JanMar/0063.html 18:46:26 Chair: Jutta Treviranus 18:46:59 Regrets: Tim B. 18:47:27 Regrets: Tim B., Charie E. 18:58:55 jeanne has joined #au 19:00:24 WAI_AUWG()3:00PM has now started 19:00:31 +Jeanne 19:01:13 +[IPcaller] 19:01:36 zakim, [IPcaller] is really Jan 19:01:36 +Jan; got it 19:01:47 Regrets: Tim B., Cherie E. 19:02:03 +Greg 19:03:26 Greg has joined #au 19:07:47 +[IPcaller] 19:08:08 zakim, [IPcaller] is really Jutta 19:08:08 +Jutta; got it 19:11:48 +[Microsoft] 19:12:17 zakim, [Microsoft] is really Alex 19:12:17 +Alex; got it 19:12:56 Jutta has joined #au 19:13:19 JT: We have a short agenda today and lots of work to do 19:13:24 scribe: Jan 19:13:31 Topic: 1. Re-chartering update (Jeanne) 19:13:45 JS: Draft charter has been turned in and is starting on process 19:13:52 JS: But no comments back yet 19:13:58 JT: Issues expected? 19:14:11 JS: Prob timelines ....there are always comments 19:14:19 Topic: 2. Implementation report (Jan) 19:14:26 JT: Next major work... 19:14:34 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2013JanMar/att-0062/ATAG2-20120410PublicWD-ImplementationReport-rev20130321.html 19:16:58 JR: Please send your info 19:17:15 JT: OVer the last few months there have been discussions of many exemplars 19:17:36 JT: Since Greg, Alex are here...can we talk about some possibilities? 19:17:59 GP: I will take a stab at the indesign column... 19:18:41 JS: Are there specific things InDesign excels at? 19:19:02 JS: Are there specific things InDesign excels at? 19:22:14 GP: Excels at accessible content production. 19:22:23 JT: Areas we need? 19:22:36 JR: Especially templates 19:22:44 AL: Why 2010? 19:22:48 JR: Out of date 19:22:57 AL: We have 2013 out 19:23:05 AL: Off top of my head... 19:23:52 AL: B4.1.1 should be yes 19:24:19 AL: Possible Cherie and I could look at it 19:24:43 JR: Is Sharepoint still the right tool 19:24:51 AL: Will defer to Cherie 19:25:26 JT: Alex and Greg can you commit to giving us some more entries over the next 2 wks (by Apr 8) 19:25:33 GP: Yes, will do? 19:25:35 GP: Yes, will do 19:25:42 AL: Need to talk to Cherie 19:26:07 JS: Could you do other tools? 19:26:32 AL: Will see...resources...lots of other things going on 19:26:43 Topic: Plenary program (China 2013) 19:26:59 JS: I updated Judy that we want to be on the agenda 19:27:12 JS: TPAC Wiki has not opened yet 19:27:35 JS: Will still use structured unconference format...which makes it easier for us to get on the agenda 19:28:22 JT: Other things to discuss today? 19:29:38 Topic: Review the SCs where there are no known implementations 19:29:58 JR: A.1.1.1 we don't have an AAA 19:30:19 AL: We can mirror the language in WCAG about sites which do not implement AAA 19:30:19 AL: Mirror WCAG AAA language 19:31:14 A.1.2.1. and A.1.2.2 Amaya, Open Office 19:32:13 A.2.2.1 looking for examples of icons marking spelling or other corrections. 19:32:39 GP: Dreamweaver has moved away from that, but there are still some. 19:33:51 A.3.3.1 need video editing tools that don't play right away. 19:34:04 JS: What about Flash and Premiere? Wouldn't they meet it. 19:34:31 ... also new IBM tool for captioning videos 19:35:31 A.3.2.2 need examples of adjustable timing. 19:37:02 B.2.4 and B.2.5 we need examples of accessibile templates and accessible content like UI widget libraries. 19:37:51 B.4.1.3 Feature Deactivation warning - most tools don't allow it. 19:38:50 JS: Wordpress and Drupal have templates. I need to check if the Drupal templates are more about the user intereface rather than user document templates. 19:39:33 JT: Maybe also talk to EO about showing off example implementations 19:39:40 JT: Talk to EO about ATAG compliant tools. Could we start a thread of ATAG compliant tools and what is available. 19:39:41 -Alex 19:39:44 -Greg 19:39:47 JT: Next call Apr 8 19:39:48 -Jutta 19:39:52 -Jan 19:40:01 -Jeanne 19:40:03 WAI_AUWG()3:00PM has ended 19:40:03 Attendees were Jeanne, Jan, Greg, Jutta, Alex 19:40:11 RRSAgent, make minutes 19:40:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/03/25-au-minutes.html Jan 19:40:12 rrsagent, make logs public 19:40:17 RRSAgent, set logs public 19:41:20 rrsagent, bye 19:41:20 I see no action items