22:00:19 RRSAgent has joined #indie-ui 22:00:20 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/03/06-indie-ui-irc 22:00:21 RRSAgent, make logs public 22:00:22 Zakim has joined #indie-ui 22:00:23 Zakim, this will be INDIE 22:00:24 ok, trackbot, I see WAI_Indie()5:00PM already started 22:00:25 Meeting: Independent User Interface Task Force Teleconference 22:00:25 Date: 06 March 2013 22:00:43 +??P5 22:01:25 zakim, Ipcaller is Andy_Heath 22:01:25 +Andy_Heath; got it 22:01:28 jcraig has joined #indie-ui 22:01:29 zakim, ??P3 is Jason_White 22:01:29 +Jason_White; got it 22:01:34 zakim, ??P4 is Janina_Sajka 22:01:34 +Janina_Sajka; got it 22:01:34 Meeting: IndieUI Task Force Teleconference 22:01:34 Chair: Janina_Sajka 22:01:34 agenda+ Editor's Update 22:01:34 agenda+ Upcoming Teleconference Time Shifts 22:01:34 agenda+ Adjusting Our Fortnightly Process 22:01:37 agenda+ Reconsidering Our User Context Process 22:01:39 agenda+ Events Issues & Actions https://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/products/2 22:01:42 agenda+ User Context Issues & Actions https://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/products/3 22:01:45 agenda+ Scribe for our Next Teleconference (on 20 March at 22:00Z) 22:01:48 agenda+ Be Done 22:02:23 +[Apple] 22:02:32 regrets: Rich_Simpson 22:02:36 Zakim, Apple has jcraig 22:02:36 +jcraig; got it 22:03:44 regrets+ Ted_O´Connor 22:03:56 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-indie-ui/2013Mar/0000.html 22:05:23 scribe: jcraig 22:05:50 JS: Topic: Editor Update 22:05:59 zakim, next item 22:05:59 agendum 1. "Editor's Update" taken up [from janina] 22:06:38 There's an open issue regarding specs not loading properly in Chrome browsers. 22:07:49 Branch oddities have occurred in PF hg repository and may occur if anyone pushes changes without pulling the latest revisions first. 22:08:05 jc: updated specs for Chrome not loading http scripts 22:08:28 jc: have not been able to update User Context spec yet 22:08:56 jc: have local edits for additional actions in Events spec; hope to have those in today or tomorrow. 22:09:50 -Andy_Heath 22:09:55 jc: Make sure, if you're pushing to the Mercurial repo, be sure to pull first, otherwise, we get weird branching problems. 22:10:09 Topic: Telecon 22:11:06 js: Daylight Savings Time is this weekend. Next 4 meetings (8 weeks) are at 21:00 UTC Zulu 22:12:04 js: EU and OZ times will be different. US times will still be 5pm Eastern, 2pm Pacific 22:12:17 s/OZ/AU/ 22:12:55 zakim, close this item 22:12:55 agendum 1 closed 22:12:56 I see 7 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 22:12:56 2. Upcoming Teleconference Time Shifts [from janina] 22:12:57 zakim, next item 22:12:58 agendum 2. "Upcoming Teleconference Time Shifts" taken up [from janina] 22:13:01 zakim, close this item 22:13:01 agendum 2 closed 22:13:02 I see 6 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 22:13:02 3. Adjusting Our Fortnightly Process [from janina] 22:13:10 js: looking to improve efficiency/productivity of the group email and telecon process 22:13:12 zakim, next item 22:13:12 agendum 3. "Adjusting Our Fortnightly Process" taken up [from janina] 22:14:05 js: weekly telecon time is one consideration 22:14:23 js: trying to avoid the flurry of activity only right before telecons 22:15:03 js: will call for agenda earlier, and post a survey of topics (scribe may have missed some details here?) 22:15:18 q+ 22:15:32 ack jas 22:16:05 jw: from experience, when WCAG WG ran surveys, we found it very useful, particularly with controversial items 22:16:06 ack jc 22:17:01 q+ 22:17:17 ack m 22:17:56 ack me 22:19:07 jc: regular list contributions come with more regular edits; also think the survey and earlier agenda is a good idea. 22:19:33 mc: agreed. trying to stimulate discussion of topics not necessarily tied to spec edits 22:20:02 jc: such as privacy; user expectations of what to share, when, and how. 22:20:20 James suggests that the timing of discussions (tending to occur shortly before meetings) is not caused by the bi-weekly meeting arrangements. 22:20:23 mc: checking for issue on privacy; no issues exists 22:20:27 issue: Privacy in User Context 22:20:27 Created ISSUE-10 - Privacy in User Context; please complete additional details at . 22:20:31 He agrees with the survey and agenda proposals. 22:20:42 trackbot, associate issue-10 with product-3 22:20:42 ISSUE-10 (Privacy in User Context) associated with PRODUCT-3. 22:20:56 There are larger topics that could productively be discussed on list, e.g., privacy issues raised by User Contexts. 22:21:13 js: no objection to earlier agenda and use of surveys to organize meeting efficiency 22:21:17 Discussion of grounding this topic in open issues on the issue list. 22:21:56 js: will call for agenda items on wednesday or thursday of week prior to call 22:22:07 s/will/i will/ 22:22:44 jw: surveys tend to be most useful with existing controversies 22:23:05 mc: will also open survey items to other suggestions 22:23:38 RESOLUTION: Janina and Michael will try the early agenda and survey approach 22:23:57 agenda 22:24:01 agenda? 22:24:42 zakim, next item 22:24:42 agendum 4. "Reconsidering Our User Context Process" taken up [from janina] 22:25:25 js: CSUN takeaway is that we need this as soon as possible 22:26:48 js: ~ Events was more concrete. WG understanding of User Context draft is more subjective. Need to coalesce WG opinion. 22:27:07 js: need more use cases for User Context module. 22:27:37 s/Events was/Events module is/ 22:27:42 q+ to volunteer to take actions 22:28:35 js: could have an action to clean up the use case wiki, so that the read is not repetitive. Cooper volunteered. 22:30:16 mc: Some requirements were around things like tree controls. e.g. "command to open a tree branch" (expad request) 22:30:26 s/expad/expand/ 22:31:12 mc: some are accessibility requirements PFWG should work on in other technologies. 22:31:40 mc: in order to more clearly focus the IndieUI work 22:33:00 James agrees that use cases need to be collapsed/reorganized as discussed. 22:33:32 Some use cases are covered by events not yet in the draft and should be consolidated in the requirements. 22:33:48 q? 22:33:53 ack m 22:33:53 MichaelC, you wanted to volunteer to take actions 22:34:28 +[IPcaller] 22:34:52 mc: need to sort and reorg Use Case requirements, and identify related requirements. 22:34:53 zakim, Ipcaller is Andy_Heath 22:34:53 +Andy_Heath; got it 22:35:56 jw: Identifying use cases for User Context would help codify WG understanding regarding this module 22:36:51 jw: seems most useful for cases that are most controversial 22:37:35 q? 22:37:39 ack ja 22:37:43 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #indie-ui 22:37:48 js: I don't think they were controversial in that anyone disagreed they were useful, just regarding the technical and UI implementation. 22:37:55 q+ 22:38:06 +Rich 22:38:29 jw: I suggest that some (all?) of the more easily specified prefs are already covered by other specs. 22:38:31 q+ 22:39:06 ah: I think all of these are necessary and not covered by existing technologies 22:40:07 js: privacy issues need use cases, for example less private at work or with your bank than with forums, or general sites 22:40:23 q? 22:40:29 ack m 22:40:30 action: cooper to consolidate use cases 22:40:30 Created ACTION-42 - Consolidate use cases [on Michael Cooper - due 2013-03-13]. 22:41:12 mc: later step will be thinking about which use cases are most relevant to User Context 22:42:24 ack me 22:42:25 mc: first pass of use case cleanup will be about structure more than content 22:42:43 -Andy_Heath 22:42:52 ack j 22:42:53 q- 22:43:43 +[IPcaller] 22:43:58 zakim, IPcaller is Andy_Heath 22:43:58 +Andy_Heath; got it 22:46:11 jc: mentioned captions as an example of one that is not fully covered by other technologies, including WebVTT 22:46:34 js: WebVTT is competing with TTML 22:46:56 js: CVA will probably go TTML; may have to support both. 22:47:21 agenda? 22:48:15 js: something about key/value pairs? 22:48:59 q+ to volunteer to reformat the proposal from Andy / Rich as key value pairs - as a proposed structure only to show how it would look, not comments on content 22:49:05 js: to improve efficiency of spec prod, need to also prioritize each use case and feature 22:50:10 mc: andy and rich's proposal included properties and multiple values 22:50:15 q+ 22:50:49 mc: could be more understandable as simpler key/value pairs 22:51:02 q? 22:52:01 ack m 22:52:01 MichaelC, you wanted to volunteer to reformat the proposal from Andy / Rich as key value pairs - as a proposed structure only to show how it would look, not comments on content 22:52:40 action: cooper to reformat the proposal from Andy / Rich as key value pairs 22:52:41 Created ACTION-43 - Reformat the proposal from Andy / Rich as key value pairs [on Michael Cooper - due 2013-03-13]. 22:53:01 q? 22:53:13 rs: i like the idea of key/value pairs 22:53:22 q- 22:53:30 ack r 22:53:55 ah: will make comments on IRC if call drops out 22:54:14 ah: can't do "influencing" with key value pairs? 22:54:50 s/"influencing" with key value pairs?/inferencing with key value pairs/ 22:55:25 ah: discussing inferencing main value versus fallback values or lower priority values 22:55:52 mc: I'll take a pass at showing how that can be done with key/value pairs 22:56:46 js: CSUN consensus "what do we do until we can use IndieUI" 22:56:52 q+ 22:57:22 q+ to make sure people are not promoting IndieUI as the spec that will solve everything 22:57:36 ack j 22:57:36 jcraig, you wanted to make sure people are not promoting IndieUI as the spec that will solve everything 22:58:42 q+ 23:01:01 ack r 23:01:26 +Cooper 23:01:45 -Michael_Cooper 23:01:46 ack j 23:02:23 jw: web app authors will have to implement 23:03:16 q? 23:03:54 -Rich 23:03:55 -Andy_Heath 23:03:55 -[Apple] 23:03:57 -Jason_White 23:04:00 -Cooper 23:04:02 WAI_Indie()5:00PM has ended 23:04:02 Attendees were Michael_Cooper, Andy_Heath, Jason_White, Janina_Sajka, jcraig, Rich, Cooper 23:04:03 jcraig has left #indie-ui 23:15:12 rrsagent, make minutes 23:15:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/03/06-indie-ui-minutes.html MichaelC 23:15:49 trackbot, end meeting 23:15:49 Zakim, list attendees 23:15:49 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 23:15:57 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 23:15:57 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/03/06-indie-ui-minutes.html trackbot 23:15:58 RRSAgent, bye 23:15:58 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2013/03/06-indie-ui-actions.rdf : 23:15:58 ACTION: cooper to consolidate use cases [1] 23:15:58 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/03/06-indie-ui-irc#T22-40-30 23:15:58 ACTION: cooper to reformat the proposal from Andy / Rich as key value pairs [2] 23:15:58 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/03/06-indie-ui-irc#T22-52-40