12:52:43 RRSAgent has joined #mlw-lt 12:52:43 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/02/20-mlw-lt-irc 12:52:48 meeting: MLW-LT WG 12:52:49 chair: felix 12:53:06 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2013Feb/0114.html 12:53:10 present+ felix 12:53:20 topic: roll call 12:53:25 checking attendees ... 12:53:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/02/20-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki_ 12:56:03 present+ Karl 12:57:11 fsasaki has joined #mlw-lt 12:59:06 Marcis has joined #mlw-lt 12:59:08 shaunm has joined #mlw-lt 12:59:39 present+ Marcis 13:00:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/02/20-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 13:00:45 renatb has joined #mlw-lt 13:00:47 Yves_ has joined #mlw-lt 13:00:53 DomJones1 has joined #mlw-lt 13:00:58 regrets+ christian 13:01:03 present+ DomJones 13:01:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/02/20-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 13:01:21 Arle has joined #mlw-lt 13:01:22 Des has joined #mlw-lt 13:01:33 present+ Yves 13:01:35 dF has joined #mlw-lt 13:01:42 present+ Des 13:01:48 present+ Arle 13:01:50 present+ dF 13:01:53 present+ shaunm 13:02:03 present+ renatb 13:02:09 swalter has joined #mlw-lt 13:02:09 present+ nieves 13:02:22 present+ swalter 13:02:31 Ankit has joined #mlw-lt 13:02:37 present+ Ankit 13:02:40 pnietoca has joined #mlw-lt 13:03:11 daveL has joined #mlw-lt 13:03:13 present+ DaveLewis 13:03:35 Nieves has joined #mlw-lt 13:03:42 scribe: daveL 13:03:44 present+ pnietoca 13:03:52 present+ nieves 13:04:02 topic: goal of the call 13:04:21 Jirka has joined #mlw-lt 13:04:42 felix: arle and nieves are here, arle needs to leave in 30 minutes 13:04:43 Declan has joined #mlw-lt 13:04:48 topic: rome setup 13:04:50 www.multilingualweb.eu/en/documents/rome-workshop/rome-program 13:05:08 philr has joined #mlw-lt 13:05:09 present+ philr 13:05:12 http://www.multilingualweb.eu/en/documents/rome-workshop/rome-program 13:05:17 http://www.multilingualweb.eu/rome-showcase 13:05:18 present+ Jirka 13:05:29 horst has joined #mlw-lt 13:05:51 felix: showcase is titles of WG poster 13:06:02 ... asks everyone to check that these titles are correct 13:06:55 felix; the google doc has logistic details, please check these are correct 13:07:19 s/ felix;/felix: / 13:07:56 "HTML-to-TMS Roundtrip using XLIFF with CMS-LION and SOLAS TCD/UL" > "HTML-to-TMS Roundtrip using XLIFF with CMS-LION and SOLAS UL/TCD" 13:07:57 dave; change poster session from 'TCD/UL' to 'UL/TCD' 13:08:14 "Simple Segment Machine Translation DCU " > "Simple Segment Machine Translation DCU/TCD" 13:08:50 http://www.multilingualweb.eu/rome-showcase 13:09:03 "Showcase Session presentations will be held in parallel to the Workshop’s general poster session after lunch on both days (March 12 and 13) of the Workshop as well as during the afternoon coffee break on Day 1 (March 12) and morning coffee break on Day 2 (March 13)." 13:09:52 felix; showcases are parallel to session, in the coffee breaks/lunch breaks 13:10:12 It was me. 13:10:22 I'm going to call in a different way. 13:10:34 s/felix;/felix:/ 13:11:44 arle: concerns raise that the people in the lunchtime session that people won't have time to eat 13:11:59 ... but people are free to roam 13:12:30 dave: will area be secure 13:13:11 arle: area not secure, so may need to be able to take item away 13:13:39 dave: make sure that somebody takes an I on things when others are leaving 13:13:49 dave: could just coordinate to watch over eachother kit 13:14:07 felix: asks nieves to investigate 13:14:24 dave: will there by wifi 13:14:33 felix: yes, confirmed 13:15:14 arle: each person need to bring thier own poster, but we will provide mounting materials 13:15:33 Naoto has joined #mlw-lt 13:15:35 felix: asks should all posters be laminated 13:15:41 mdelolmo has joined #mlw-lt 13:15:47 leroy has joined #mlw-lt 13:15:54 Present+ Naoto 13:16:13 arle: would recomment laminate this as it adds to the cost, glossy finish would be better 13:16:13 present+ leroy 13:16:26 felix: everyone should opt just for glossy finish 13:16:40 topic: luxembourg prep 13:16:46 present+ Declan 13:17:44 felix: don't have agenda yet, but have outline from other project covering management, WP and outreach 13:17:51 Yves_ has joined #mlw-lt 13:18:03 ... at review we will present a subset of annual report content and then a demo session 13:18:08 omstefanov has joined #mlw-lt 13:18:23 present+ omstefanov 13:18:40 ... But doW WP are often orthogonal to actual integraiton and demo work. 13:19:03 dave: keep WP1, 2 and 6 separate 13:19:07 .. they are outside the others 13:19:20 .. we report on integration work in the form we demonstrate them 13:20:04 dave: make sure that you report on deliverable progress - you can do that in the mgmt intro 13:20:18 agree not to follow strict WP-based presentations. From previous project reviews, this has worked quite well 13:20:46 felix; aim to make the review as engaging as possible 13:21:56 felix: use as much as possible to bring posters form Rome to review 13:22:13 s/felix;/felix:/ 13:22:20 declan; probably won't have time to present them, but a selection may be useful for reference 13:23:26 felix: agreed 13:25:16 felix, we are having trouble hearing you 13:25:22 Seems like Felix is having problems with his audio 13:25:36 declan: shall we agree who should present 13:26:29 fsasaki has joined #mlw-lt 13:27:00 topic: who will go to lux 13:27:27 daveL: arrange a rehersal session, even if virtual 13:27:59 Clemens 13:27:59 ENLASO: Yves 13:28:02 felix to lux 13:28:05 felix: please could everyone provide the name of the people from you organsiation who will go 13:28:07 philr will represent VistaTEC at Luxembourg 13:28:08 UL: Reinhard 13:28:12 DFKI: Arle, Felix 13:28:14 Cocomore: Clemens 13:28:18 TCd: Dave 13:28:33 Linguaserve: Pedro will attend to Luxembourg 13:28:37 s/Clemens/Clemens probably also H.v.F 13:28:46 Hans, I thiink so, too... 13:28:47 DCU: Ankit probably also Declan 13:29:36 s/would recomment laminate/would recommend not to laminate/ 13:29:36 No, I can't attend Lux 13:29:52 Felix: jirka unable to attend 13:30:21 felix: as demo, better to have industry showcases 13:30:27 Cocomore, Linguaserve, VistaTEC 13:31:00 daveL: hard to demonstrate everything 13:31:13 .. good to have yves 13:31:17 .. ENLASO 13:31:57 ... so then: cocomore, vistatec, linguasaseve (with MT) 13:32:13 Pedro has in mind to show a demo 13:32:18 (Once there is a preliminary list of attendees - it may be worth checking with Kimmo as to who he expects/wishes to attend to ensure we have the desired representation) 13:32:22 for both WP3 and WP4 13:32:45 felix: subcontractors are not obliged to come, but can if they want 13:32:52 Des; unable to attend 13:33:02 s/Des;/des:/ 13:33:38 horst; sebastian may be able to attend from init 13:33:40 what are the date(s) for Luxembourg? 13:34:03 March-15 13:34:11 felix; confirms clemens could demo for cocomore 13:34:34 felix; bout UL/DCU/TCD 13:34:48 s/felix;/felix: 13:35:10 dave: could merge things from DCU/TCD, I can demo, ankit and declan can say more about the MT side 13:35:13 agreed 13:35:47 declan; agrees that a condensed version of TCD/DCU/UL 13:35:55 action: daveL to make slide tempalte for review 13:35:55 Created ACTION-450 - Make slide tempalte for review [on David Lewis - due 2013-02-27]. 13:36:26 topic: poster template 13:36:30 see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2013Feb/0130.html attachment 13:36:38 mdelolmo has joined #mlw-lt 13:37:04 des: do we need to use the uptodate template 13:37:05 present+ mdelolmo 13:37:26 felix: please use the new temaplte 13:37:51 felix: we need to have a rehersal 13:38:05 topic: rehersal for review 13:38:34 daveL: thursday morning, 14 March, in rome? 13:39:09 The template had a low-res logo of EU and MLW-LT 13:39:15 will these be updated 13:39:15 ? 13:41:36 felix: will do a doodle for a 2 hour call 13:42:36 topic: posters 13:42:38 topic; review posters 13:45:16 s/topic;/topic:/ 13:45:22 Yves_ has joined #mlw-lt 13:46:29 phil: key, legend, context or map would be good 13:47:08 .. woudl be useful for the review too 13:47:24 Yeah, as a slide transition 13:47:26 .. at the review we show all the differetn views 13:48:56 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2013Feb/0130.html 13:49:01 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2013Feb/att-0130/TCD-cmis-prov2.pdf 13:50:19 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2013Feb/att-0130/ITS_overview.pptx 13:50:46 felix: above pptx is what dave proposed to re-use across posters 13:51:01 DaveL do you think the fonts can be bigger, especially the red ones for the arc arrows 13:51:59 yes 13:52:07 felix; everyone should do update to poster by the 27th Feb 13:52:49 can you paste the link to the posters again. thanks. 13:53:54 poster1 is missing outline, new temaplte should fix this 13:54:28 same for poster 2, use new outline 13:54:50 dave: about font size 13:54:54 .. font size is different 13:55:14 .. e.g. poster 2 has a bigger font size compared to poster 1 13:55:37 I had based my font sizes on posters from CNGL which worked well 13:55:49 davL - I'm willing to try to rework the arc powerpoint and send it to you 13:56:08 daveL: useful to look at yves' and jirkas , p1 and p2 13:56:15 .. both are technical which is good 13:56:24 the important part about larger fonts is for those posters that will be used as slides. Posters in and of themselves, if not used as slides can have smaller fonts 13:56:28 .. but also add: who would benefit, who has an easier life from this? 13:56:49 .. add that to make things clearer for people coming from a user perspective 13:57:17 viewers of slides develop negative opinions of slides that have fonts that can't be seen. 13:57:58 davel: most people have been to MLW ws 13:58:10 .. great thing is that they have a mix of stakeholdres 13:59:03 topic: technical progress 13:59:45 felix: technical progress on last call has been slowed by rome preparation 14:00:13 ... david will review issue list and look to see if there are new action points needed or followed up on 14:00:28 ... so look for mails form co-chair 14:01:09 ... Can't predict exactly when we will finish last call stage, but probably in April, a month later than planned 14:01:15 DomJones1 has left #mlw-lt 14:01:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/02/20-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 14:01:35 renatb has left #mlw-lt 14:02:02 tadej has joined #mlw-lt 14:17:45 Jirka has left #mlw-lt 14:53:18 Zakim has left #mlw-lt 16:32:46 omstefanov has left #mlw-lt