Overcoming Obstacles to Re-Use

The EU's ISA Programme & the W3C
ePSIplatform Conference
16 March 2012


Phil Archer <phila@w3.org>

Overcoming Obstacles to Re-Use

Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations W3C Government Linked Data WG
Asset Description Metadata Schema (ADMS), a vocabulary for describing "Semantic Assets" — code lists, specifications, vocabularies etc. Metadata for describing data sets (e.g. DCAT, VoID, Provenance Interchange Working Group)
Person — name, date and place of birth etc. (no relationships or roles); People, e.g. FOAF, vCard
Business — specifically legal entities as recorded in a register; Organizational Structures Such as the Epimorphics organization ontology
Location — geographical locations plus addresses, interoperable with INSPIRE. Geography, Spatial Information, such as latitude and longitude. Inputs include W3C Geospatial Ontologies Incubator Report the European INSPIRE Directive, and vocabulary elements of GeoSPARQL.

Overcoming Obstacles to Re-Use

Government Linked Data WG

Overcoming Obstacles to Re-Use

Government Linked Data WG

Quick Plug

W3C/EC Workshop: Using Open Data: policy modeling, citizen empowerment, data journalism

Just ahead of the Digital Agenda Summit, Brussels, 19-20 June at the Berlaymont.