High Resolution Time Errata

This page will list known errata for High Resolution Time.

confusion around the navigationStart attribute

Section 4.2 The DOMHighResTimeStamp Type currently states,

The DOMHighResTimeStamp type is used to store a time value measured relative to the navigationStart attribute of the PerformanceTiming interface [NavigationTiming], the start of navigation of the document, or a time value that represents a duration between two DOMHighResTimeStamps.

It should state,

The DOMHighResTimeStamp type is used to store a time value measured relative to the start of navigation of the document, or a time value that represents a duration between two DOMHighResTimeStamps.


The time value of the start of navigation of the document in an attribute of type DOMHighResTimeStamp is equal to 0. The same time value described with an attribute of type DOMTimeStamp is equal to the navigationStart attribute of the PerformanceTiming interface [NavigationTiming].