13:39:03 RRSAgent has joined #mlw-lt 13:39:03 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/12/04-mlw-lt-irc 13:39:24 Zakim has joined #mlw-lt 13:40:08 rrsagent, make log public 13:40:59 Scribe Yves 13:41:06 ScribeNick: yves_ 13:41:44 Meeting: ITS Test Suite Webinar 13:41:56 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:41:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/12/04-mlw-lt-minutes.html Yves_ 13:42:54 present+ Yves_ 13:43:43 Chair: Dominic Jones 13:43:46 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:43:46 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/12/04-mlw-lt-minutes.html Yves_ 13:44:30 DomJones_ has joined #mlw-lt 13:46:59 kfritsche has joined #mlw-lt 13:47:57 Nieves has joined #mlw-lt 13:48:09 present+ DomJones 13:48:23 present+ kfrische 13:48:32 present+ Nieves 13:48:37 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:48:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/12/04-mlw-lt-minutes.html Yves_ 13:49:24 present+ Philip_ODuffy_UL 13:51:08 leroy_ has joined #mlw-lt 13:51:20 present+ leroy 13:54:05 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:54:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/12/04-mlw-lt-minutes.html Yves_ 13:54:45 thomas has joined #mlw-lt 13:55:35 thomas has joined #mlw-lt 13:56:23 present+ thomas 13:57:16 Declan has joined #mlw-lt 13:57:29 present+ Declan 13:57:34 We'll wait until 14.05 to start 13:58:57 igor_ignatyuk has joined #mlw-lt 13:59:21 Ankit has joined #mlw-lt 13:59:22 present+ igor_ignatyuk 13:59:31 present+ Ankit 13:59:32 present+ Ankit 14:00:43 zakim, who is here? 14:00:43 sorry, Yves_, I don't know what conference this is 14:00:45 On IRC I see Ankit, igor_ignatyuk, Declan, thomas, leroy_, Nieves, kfritsche, DomJones_, Zakim, RRSAgent, Yves_, Philip_ODuffy_UL, trackbot 14:01:38 Renat has joined #mlw-lt 14:02:12 present+ Renat 14:02:50 Fredrik_L has joined #mlw-lt 14:03:14 present+ Fredrik_L 14:05:04 DomJones: We will start soon 14:05:25 .. checking that we have one each partner 14:05:58 Milan has joined #mlw-lt 14:06:04 mdelolmo has joined #mlw-lt 14:06:10 present+ milan 14:06:32 present+ mdelolmo 14:07:20 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:07:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/12/04-mlw-lt-minutes.html Yves_ 14:07:31 .. will run high level of the test suite 14:07:44 .. then Leroy will run some example code 14:08:02 .. we provide the gold file 14:08:24 .. you provide your output, which must match the gold 14:08:50 .. some data categories have many implementers, other only just enough 14:09:02 .. we need at least TWO per data category 14:09:13 .. otherwise the data category is dropped 14:09:32 .. I will send links to the test suite 14:09:33 pnietoca has joined #mlw-lt 14:09:49 present+ pnietoca 14:10:06 .. you need to get the input and gold 14:10:15 .. generate your output from the input 14:10:24 .. and compare against the gold 14:10:28 trackbot has joined #mlw-lt 14:10:36 tadej has joined #mlw-lt 14:10:55 .. the output is in a 'standard' format 14:11:26 .. conformance is illustrated by a proper output 14:12:22 .. color show the stage of the tests 14:12:52 .. we will have a test page showing the results 14:13:11 .. we will not diff all your files 14:13:36 .. but rely on your honesty 14:14:10 .. end of January we hope to be at stage 2 14:14:26 .. key dates: 14:14:40 .. review of the test files (ongoing) 14:14:50 .. today: webinar 14:15:16 .. M2 before Christmas break: at least one file passes for each data category 14:15:29 M3 end of January: all test should run 14:15:36 .. but may not be conformant 14:16:11 M4, early march 2013: most test conformant 14:16:30 M5: march 15 for the MLW-LT review 14:16:45 .. at 80% done 14:17:02 .. now example from Leroy 14:18:01 leroy: here is an example of an input file 14:18:10 .. we parse it, apply the rules 14:18:19 .. and generate the test result 14:18:48 .. in this example we use an intermediate XSL file 14:18:59 .. and an intermediate XML 14:19:17 .. then we convert to ITS 2.0 14:19:30 .. the example was done based on example from 1.0 14:19:52 .. then we do a XSL transfor to the tab-delimited file 14:20:15 .. the gold format is described in the output guidelines 14:20:20 .. tab-delimited 14:20:32 .. attributes must be in alphabeticall order 14:20:51 .. have a utility to do the sorting if you need 14:21:15 .. the data cat info is alo in alphabetical order 14:21:28 .. have a utility for the sort for that too 14:22:15 .. name of info uses XML attribute names 14:22:44 Phil: what is the last point? 14:23:19 leroy: need to use XML name because we have same name regardless of the input 14:23:36 .. whether it's XML or HTML 14:24:13 .. will post the link to the example code 14:24:19 .. it's on GitHub 14:24:41 .. an example for Language information, for XML only 14:25:49 .. uses XML parser (Saxon) but you can use another 14:25:54 .. uses also Ant 14:26:53 .. uses XLink in this example to link the rules with the input file 14:27:22 .. uses several XSL template for the transforms 14:28:36 .. java code simply triggers the XSL templates and Ant 14:29:04 .. one function tidy up the XSL output 14:29:19 .. sort the paths and the information 14:29:30 .. also normalizes the information names 14:29:41 .. and then write the output 14:32:00 DomJones: any question? 14:32:15 None. 14:32:30 .. will circulate the slides after the webinar 14:32:42 .. Now, what can we do to help you? 14:32:55 .. updating input and output files 14:33:06 .. but can't help you with your process 14:33:33 .. send bug to test mailing list 14:33:45 .. with a [bug] prefix in the subject 14:34:03 .. Lucy? Tilde? Adobe? Shuan? 14:34:28 .. will have a recording of the presentation 14:34:34 .. any questions? 14:35:01 Fredrik_L: what about the filename in the Google list 14:35:11 leroy: will have the filename 14:35:29 .. we will update the input from the latest draft 14:35:36 .. as well as the output 14:35:50 DomJones: were waiting for the stable draft 14:36:36 Fredrik_L: any example of the standoff markup output? 14:36:49 leroy: did asked about it a while ago 14:36:57 .. no answer so far 14:37:13 .. so we can have an email thread for this 14:37:38 DomJones: thanks for attending 14:37:46 .. will send an email with links 14:37:57 .. keep key dates in mind 14:38:10 leroy: also key questions 14:38:20 .. important to get those answer ASAP 14:38:45 rssagent, draft minutes 14:39:00 igor_ignatyuk has left #mlw-lt 14:39:06 Yves, can you generate minutes for me? 14:39:08 rssagent, draft agent 14:39:15 rrsagent, draft agent 14:39:15 I'm logging. I don't understand 'draft agent', Yves_. Try /msg RRSAgent help 14:39:24 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:39:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/12/04-mlw-lt-minutes.html Yves_ 15:13:25 shaunm has joined #mlw-lt 16:21:24 Zakim has left #mlw-lt