12:32:25 RRSAgent has joined #testtwf 12:32:25 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/10/31-testtwf-irc 12:32:37 let's start 12:32:39 Test the Web Forward, past, present and future 12:32:41 http://adobe.github.com/web-platform/presentations/testtwf-tpac2012/#/ 12:33:11 we'll go over what has happened and gather feedback on future steps 12:33:32 AnssiK has joined #testtwf 12:33:44 present Larry McLister 12:33:59 Present+ Anssi_Kostiainen 12:33:59 present +rhauck 12:34:24 present Israel Noto - Adobe 12:35:44 present +jgraham 12:35:44 TestTWF Objectives 12:35:54 - bring comunity together 12:36:07 - recruit into the standards testing comunity 12:36:18 - teach how to write tests and file bugs 12:36:28 - add to w3c test suites 12:36:38 krisk has joined #testtwf 12:36:41 - keep community engaged throughout the year 12:36:45 bjkim has joined #testtwf 12:36:57 present+ kris_krueger 12:37:07 edoyle has joined #testtwf 12:37:38 Mark_Vickers has joined #testtwf 12:37:52 We have had 3 events in 2012 12:37:55 SF - june 12:37:59 Beijing - October 12:38:04 Paris - October 12:38:05 present+ Mark_Vickers 12:38:12 SF: 90 people, 90 tests 12:38:28 Beijing: 150 people, 115 test written 12:38:48 Paris: 160 people, 400 tests written 12:39:13 We would like to see more people and more bugs. 12:39:20 Proposed next steps: 12:39:31 - large events in quarterly basis 12:39:38 - smaller and frequent meetups 12:40:10 meetups are focused events 12:40:25 - will create a kit to facilitate create your own event 12:40:52 - find ways to improve testing infrastructure 12:41:15 (tutorials, videos, testing tools, website, etc. ) 12:42:33 Philip: if you want to do the even in Boston, W3C/MIT can donate the room for free 12:42:53 Next Selenium conference is in Boston 12:43:06 Possible candidate cities for next events: 12:43:51 Sydney, Tokyo, Delhi (W3C India expressed interest), China (TPAC) 12:44:30 Philip: next F2F in Sillicon Valley 12:44:35 Call to action: 12:44:44 slide deck -> http://adobe.github.com/web-platform/presentations/testtwf-tpac2012/#/ 12:44:49 - more people organize events. big or small events 12:44:58 - help promote event 12:45:19 - get more experts to attend to the event 12:45:44 - there are other ways to participate (donate meeting rooms, sponsorship, give away schwag, etc) 12:46:08 ---Discussion--- 12:46:17 open question 12:46:30 How can we increase attendace? 12:47:51 tpacbot has joined #testtwf 12:47:55 What is the synergy between WebPlat.org and TestTWF? 12:48:08 We'll discuss in a sec 12:48:39 You could look the groups that exist already in the places. 12:48:52 International test the web forward day 12:48:53 tpacbot has joined #testtwf 12:49:04 dbaron has joined #testtwf 12:49:10 get it on people calendars 12:49:15 dbaron has left #testtwf 12:49:37 We video streamed the event in SF 12:50:09 If organized in advance, W3C could sponsor local events 12:50:22 suggesting bottom up events. 12:50:39 check out groups on meetup.com. 12:50:47 meetings will be small but numerous. 12:51:34 Will need Experts to attend meetups 12:51:41 --next question-- 12:51:50 Ideas for topics? 12:52:13 i.e. "reviewethon" 12:56:14 jalvinen has joined #testtwf 12:56:19 Chris: use current infrastructure that people knows how to use to keep people engaged 12:56:42 suggesting to read + write spec 12:56:48 suggesting any of the current specs 12:58:29 plinss has joined #testtwf 12:58:30 Wilhem suggests to form teams that can join efforts and complement each other 13:00:18 James G suggests: have a list of tests that need to write, structure the meetup to create a pre-established a series of tests 13:00:45 suggesting to create a template to create tests 13:01:16 Arthur: extract the 'testable' section in the specs 13:02:05 suggesting to improve the testing infrastructure in general 13:02:39 suggesting to have a server that tracks all the test cases that have been created 13:03:27 Chris: it would be great to have a consistent mechanism across working groups 13:04:11 Peter: CSSWG has this mechanism. Called Sheppard 13:05:18 --next question--- 13:05:44 Should TestTWF become part of the community efforts under Webplatform.org? 13:06:55 Chris: current W3C not looking very good. Terrible marketing. Should be the central repository for All W3C tests 13:07:10 Arthur: answer to the question. Yes, absolutely. 13:08:11 perhaps http://w3c-test.org/framework/app/suite should be more visible on webplatform.org 13:08:16 David: no brainer 13:08:20 yes 13:08:39 ---next question--- 13:08:40 Should we associate big TestTWF events with W3C events or separate them? 13:08:56 are there any other big events that we should tag onto? 13:09:06 David: WWW conference 13:09:51 Eurostar happening in amsterdam, eastern europe 13:10:33 Selenium conference gather 2-300 people 13:11:57 Arthur: WWW conferences are pretty academic. Not sure if it would work well. 13:12:13 David: that might not be a bad thing because you get students to write tests 13:13:39 other conferences: iqnite, gtac, cast, star east, star west 13:13:58 infoq, qconf 13:14:26 Selenium user groups, Agile user groups that focus in testing 13:14:50 ---next question--- 13:14:51 Other Topics? 13:15:00 any other suggestions 13:15:10 Wilheim 13:15:44 we want to write better tests 13:15:57 Simon: feel free to reach out, we can help 13:16:17 David: what's the process to review test cases 13:16:34 Alan: test cases are reviewed during the event 13:16:56 David: there is a risk that test cases cause false positives 13:17:51 Alan: yes, some test cases are not that useful but writting test cases keeps the comunity engaged 13:18:36 Chris: concerned that some of the test case creators will never be seen again. What happens if you need to contact them? 13:18:41 Alan: call to action 13:19:00 - organize your own event 13:19:11 - help promote and evangelize 13:19:25 - travel to the events 13:19:41 contact us 13:19:43 testthewebforward@gmail.com 13:21:19 isra has left #testtwf 13:24:22 jalvinen has left #testtwf 13:28:55 Thanks for setting up and getting 'test the web forward' rolling!!! 13:29:01 krisk has left #testtwf 13:30:15 bjkim has left #testtwf 13:31:20 edoyle has joined #testtwf 13:35:38 lmclister has left #testtwf 13:36:23 edoyle has left #testtwf 13:41:24 rhauck has left #testtwf 13:49:26 AnssiK has joined #testtwf 14:30:59 bjkim has joined #testtwf 14:31:03 bjkim has left #testtwf 15:10:00 stearns has joined #testtwf 15:12:01 AnssiK has joined #testtwf 15:32:04 AnssiK has joined #testtwf 15:44:20 AnssiK has joined #testtwf 16:51:33 AnssiK has joined #testtwf 17:21:23 tpacbot has joined #testtwf