00:05:21 MacTed has joined #webid 00:40:32 timbl has joined #webid 05:22:56 bblfish has joined #webid 06:36:35 RRSAgent, draft minutes 06:36:35 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/10/30-webid-minutes.html bblfish 06:40:34 trueg_ has joined #webid 07:22:17 fwagner has joined #webid 07:42:00 fwagner has left #webid 07:44:27 melvster has joined #webid 07:44:36 morning all! :) 07:47:56 develD has joined #webid 07:55:23 trueg_ has joined #webid 07:56:16 betehess has joined #webid 07:57:10 oberger has joined #webid 08:00:48 jonathandray has joined #webid 08:02:54 kotakagi has joined #webid 08:04:04 bblfish has joined #webid 08:05:59 philipp has joined #webid 08:07:18 ttanaka2 has joined #webID 08:07:20 wei has joined #webid 08:09:18 Zakim has joined #webid 08:09:28 RRSAgent, please generate minutes 08:09:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/10/30-webid-minutes.html betehess 08:09:34 deiu has joined #webid 08:09:44 chair: bblfish 08:09:46 gregory has joined #webid 08:09:52 scribenick: betehess 08:10:11 present+ Alexandre Bertails 08:10:21 RRSAgent, please generate minutes 08:10:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/10/30-webid-minutes.html betehess 08:10:25 present+ Melvin Carvalho 08:10:27 present+ bblfish 08:10:31 present+ Andrei Sambra 08:10:37 present+ Jonathan Dray 08:10:47 present+ Philipp Frischmuth 08:10:51 jin has joined #webid 08:12:11 present+ gregory barry 08:12:35 sangrae has joined #webid 08:13:00 present+ Steeve Holbrook 08:14:19 chsiao has joined #webid 08:14:43 sandro has joined #webid 08:15:17 gaiaphj has joined #webid 08:15:59 present+ TimBL 08:18:24 Topic: WebID future in W3C 08:18:58 spec http://webid.info/spec 08:19:16 bertails sees this as strongly related to LDP 08:19:54 me +1 it is, though not completely dependent on it. 08:20:37 q+ 08:20:39 bertails: ldp also would find it very useful to have webid 08:21:26 ... explains LDP is about putting data in documents, modify data, etc ... in a RESTful way 08:21:44 ... where RDF was about data, ldp is about modifying over the web 08:22:00 ... ldp is interested in access control - it's in their charter 08:22:12 SteveH has joined #webid 08:22:48 ... these resources need protection since people need to change resources 08:22:52 q+ 08:23:09 ack next 08:23:36 http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/ReadWriteLinkedData.html 08:23:45 melvster introduces the RWW Community group 08:23:46 timbl has joined #webid 08:24:08 RRSAgent, pointer? 08:24:08 See http://www.w3.org/2012/10/30-webid-irc#T08-24-08 08:24:11 the web vision was initially a Read and Write space. 08:25:58 melvster webid is orthogonal to ldp. All systems for global communication uses global ids. 08:26:44 ... the explain in simple terms what WebID is 08:27:06 ... the goal of pki should be to simplify the message 08:28:03 ... the RWW group has 60 people, and is incubating specs, ... 08:28:18 ... ldp should be a best practice for what the RWW should be 08:28:26 ... it will be a recommendation 08:28:53 present+ Ann Bassetti 08:29:04 timbl : concerned that the ldp and rww might diverge 08:29:40 melvster: we're very much into dog fooding and trying out new things 08:29:45 q? 08:30:10 betehess: many people speak about linked data, but not many good definitions of it. 08:30:36 ... so the important thing of ldp is that it will give a formal definition of linked data. 08:31:15 ... the dependency between webid and ldp is therefore conceptual at that level 08:32:14 ... but there is also a practical use of WebID 08:32:43 ... certificates work everywhere 08:34:59 timbl: you have plenty of authentication systems out there 08:35:16 [[ 08:35:17 JonathanJ has joined #webid 08:35:17 ... at the end, we need to ask them to produce http uris 08:35:28 .... that's the fundamental thing 08:35:40 AnnBassetti has joined #webid 08:35:41 [[ 08:35:42 A URI that refers to an Agent - Person, Robot, Group or other thing that can have Intentions. The WebID should be a URI which when dereferenced returns a representation whose description uniquely identifies the Agent as the controller of a public key. In our example the WebID refers to Bob. A WebID is usually a URL with a #tag, as the meaning of such a URL is defined in the document. 08:35:44 ]] 08:37:04 timbl: let's imagine an arbitrary auth system 08:37:27 ... how would go allow someone to press a webid button, and at the end, the LDP system works 08:37:45 ... I'd see webid as a module of LDP 08:40:52 ... just like any other auth system 08:41:07 ... we should have a common interface layer that would be interoperable with RWW 08:41:35 betehess: for me, webid (without certificates) would be this common layer 08:41:49 so the question is whether WebID is about the tie to get a WebID or if it should be the thing that abstracts all other identification systems 08:42:01 melvster: identication and authentication are two different things 08:42:14 q+ 08:43:01 melvster: cannot have authentication unless you have identification first 08:43:21 jmvanel has joined #webid 08:43:55 melvster: the idea of URIs is universal and cover both worlds 08:44:02 melvster was also saying that identity is seperate 08:44:28 melvster: browserid relies on email 08:44:29 JonathanJ has joined #webid 08:44:51 timbl: the email is used to authenticate 08:44:58 ... you could expose that in an http uri 08:45:37 bblfish: I'm against webid being the thing binding everything together 08:46:08 bblfish: WebID is about tying a URL to a public key 08:46:15 ... eg. WebID over TLS 08:46:23 ... or webid over browserid 08:46:45 bblfish: so we should speak about WebID-TLD 08:46:51 s/TLD/TLS/ 08:47:05 s/bblfish:/timbl:/ 08:47:24 ... so webid would be an endpoint 08:48:39 bblfish: any of the _global_ identity you get, you can bind them to other identities 08:49:00 q+ 08:49:10 q+ to ask if RDF or LDP is part of the definition 08:49:48 timbl: the designissues you're talking about just say that authz and authn are different 08:50:30 ... this discussion is partly about branding 08:51:20 .... you can go to people, say that you have LDP systems, and tell them that you need something URL-based to do authentication 08:51:36 ack melv 08:51:52 ack next 08:51:53 melvster: webid and webid-protocol are not the same 08:52:06 ReadWriteWeb)", "Storage", and "All" 08:52:13 ... no you get 3 parts at the and 08:52:20 melvster: identification, authentication, authorization 08:53:11 ... I thought we have two definitions, that's why I'm not comfortable with tying the definition with public keys 08:53:26 ... would be just fine for the protocol part 08:53:34 ack me 08:53:35 betehess, you wanted to ask if RDF or LDP is part of the definition 08:54:31 bethesse has a good story for ldp: it needs a URL identifier 08:55:15 s/ReadWriteWeb)", "Storage", and "All"// 08:56:08 bblfish: I agree: identity, authn and authz are not the same 08:56:13 TimBL drew diagram: circles on left representing "Auth1" "Auth2" "OpenID" "Auth3" "WebID" .. each with lines going toward area that is the web as whole 08:56:56 [looks like henry is tying all this stuff to RDF on the whiteboard] 08:57:02 rblin has joined #webid 08:57:30 ... where, the web includes "Apps", "RWW ReadWriteWeb)", "Storage", and "All" 08:59:14 q+ 08:59:49 oh .. what I said is "All" is really "ACL" 09:00:07 s/"ALL"/"ACL"/ 09:01:05 timbl: if you're building apps, you can write rules 09:01:13 ... what alex is saying is about prooving 09:01:24 q+ 09:01:28 -q 09:04:41 betehess: for the record, I didn't want LDP to be working specifically on webid or webacls, just to focus on protocol itself 09:04:48 ... still the use-case must be considered 09:05:07 Link for the auth diagram: http://www.w3.org/wiki/File:Auth-diagram-tpac.jpg 09:05:23 melvster: in the rww group, we're looking closely at LDP, but not only that 09:05:39 ... we may have to incubate some ideas ourselves 09:05:52 ack next 09:06:09 deiu: re: the diagram and linking multiple protocols 09:06:11 access control on LDP will be Friday morning http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/wiki/F2F1 09:06:18 ... it's important (bootstrapping) 09:06:52 ... you have multiple systems, but it's easier if it's only a link for the application 09:07:29 ... sometimes, apps don't trust enough some authn systems (for some reasons) 09:07:46 ... but webid here, already sends many informations about you 09:08:00 timbl: the software architecture is a key thing 09:08:57 ... we also need people to be able to create identities easily, for the open market 09:09:01 q+ 09:09:22 deiu: so is webid just another authn protocol? or the common layer? 09:09:33 timbl: yes, that's the question 09:10:21 ... definitely about branding 09:10:35 ... take html5 for example 09:10:43 jonathandray has joined #webid 09:10:52 ... it's the Open Web Platform, including JS and other stuff 09:12:57 betehess: for many people, webid == webid-over-tls 09:13:18 bblfish: I'll rename the spec to mention TLS explicitly in the title 09:13:40 melvster: browserid is mozilla's identity in the browser 09:13:50 ... it's email based, centralized 09:14:25 ... the private key is kept by the identity provider 09:14:30 ... it's the other way around 09:15:08 ... they say it's federated 09:15:19 ... but it starts at @@.com 09:15:30 ... but you can opt-out by deploying your own service 09:15:52 trueg_: the idea is that each email provider had their own system 09:16:03 ... but nobody supports it so far 09:19:43 bblfish: we should look at what makes browserid and webid similar 09:19:59 (Earlier: timbl: This should be a flexibility point in the architecture, that many systems can be used for authentication, and each end up providing to a RWW-LDP system what it needs, an HTTP RDF URI for an agent. 09:20:01 ... this could help defining what webid is 09:20:04 q+ 09:20:13 q- bblfish 09:22:15 trueg_: the question about branding is important 09:22:38 ... like when alex were mentionning the connection to LDP 09:23:04 ... we need to stress that so that when we speak to people, we don't scare them away 09:23:29 ... we should tell them simple things that we need 09:24:17 ... "an agent/person on the Web is authentified by an HTTP URI" 09:24:29 ... this is how we would brisge the gap with LDP 09:24:45 ... this would help us defining WebACLs as well 09:25:12 ... because at the end, this is what the Web is about 09:25:31 timbl: yes, in term of systems, this is what the systems return 09:26:16 s/brisge/bridge/ 09:27:40 bblfish has joined #webid 09:42:53 chsiao has joined #webid 09:52:40 rblin has joined #webid 10:00:38 jin has joined #webid 10:11:17 ttanaka2 has joined #webid 10:13:28 JonathanJ has joined #webid 10:14:25 RRSAgent, please generate minutes 10:14:25 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/10/30-webid-minutes.html betehess 10:16:38 JonathanJ1 has joined #webid 10:18:17 bblfish has joined #webid 10:19:12 was proposed earlier: an agent/person on the Web is authentified by an HTTP URI 10:19:38 during the break, timbl proposed the following: an agent/person on the Web is denoted by an HTTP URI 10:19:50 definition of a WebID 10:19:52 ? 10:21:03 "an agent/person on the Web is denoted by an HTTP URI", that HTTP URI is a "WebID", WebID being the name for a URI which identifies an agent. 10:22:29 (FOAF+SSL -> WebID Protocol -> WebID Auth Protocol) != WebID 10:23:31 +1 10:23:33 but the question is what if I create a URI a WebID for webr3 ? 10:24:30 would that be webr3's webid? 10:24:48 then that is a WebID for me, a URI which identifies me, it may not be my con:preferred/canonical one, but it refers to me. It is "a webid" not "the webid" 10:25:01 kotakagi has joined #webid 10:25:13 The one I mint for myself can be deemed authoratitive, due to dns & uri ownership, and backed up by sigs and even checking the social graph 10:25:52 in webid protocol I may use "a" webid for msyelf, it's not the one true only identifier 10:26:25 webr3, FYI, we're quite thrilled by your definition, we're discussing about it 10:27:48 bblfish: how do I know if the http uri is not for a cat? 10:28:01 alex: you don't 10:28:10 or how do your know it's not a URI for a relation, or a type 10:29:46 gaiaphj has joined #webid 10:31:03 betehess BrowserId has been renamed Persona 10:33:16 'http uri is not for *********', that's what linked data covers, as timbl discussed on www-tag recently, what a URI refers to is in it's usage within a conversation, linked data (via ownership from dns system, and with http uris so you can dereference) allows a URI "owner" to describe what a thing refers to, in a way that unambiguous enough for the general conversation, and within that community 10:33:30 people asking: does it really make sense to try to talk to the browserid people? or should we stick to LDP? 10:33:36 q+ 10:34:19 melvster: you only authenticate when you need to, that's another reason to dissociate with identification 10:35:11 bblfish: so far, they use a JSON based certificate 10:35:30 ... they have pushed back on having an URL in there 10:36:00 q+ 10:36:11 q- 10:36:18 JonathanJ1 has left #webid 10:36:36 deiu: maybe we're getting side-tracked by other protocols 10:36:41 ... it's basically linked-data 10:37:15 abasset has joined #webid 10:37:23 ... if this is not about Linked Data, they could use whatever they want 10:37:26 it's side tracking to webid-protocol, not to webid - and the people in this group are concerned with both. 10:37:29 it doesn't matter who you speak to in which groups, what's important is looking at each protocol and finding a way to get a URI for the person out of it, even if by way of a 3rd party/delegated service - for (1) Identification. Auth* is of no concern to Identification. THis is for wider scope consideration in our apps though, and not specific to WebID-Protocol, which is one of many options for users. 10:37:43 ... if we don't want to waste, we should focus on LDP 10:38:22 melvster: this is about naming things, not convincing people to use LDP 10:38:38 deiu: we need to use some keyword: HTTP, URIs, etc. 10:38:43 ack next 10:38:48 q- 10:38:57 ack next 10:39:11 q+ 10:40:21 alex: I agree we must focus on the LDP people 10:40:36 bblfish: this definition may be too broad 10:41:34 q+ 10:41:38 ... if w3c says that they are working on something universal, we'll be seen at too imperial 10:41:42 ack bbl 10:43:20 that's ok if a WebID URI denotes an Agent, then an e-mail address cannot be a WebID since it refers to an e-mail address 10:43:28 timbl has joined #webid 10:44:03 but note that if a WebID URI denotes an Agent, then an e-mail address cannot be a WebID since it refers to an e-mail address, an openid cannot be a WebID because OpenId refers to a document 10:44:22 s/e-mail address/mbox/ 10:46:44 http://www.w3.org/TR/webarch/#indirect-identification 10:46:52 To say that the URI "mailto:nadia@example.com" identifies both an Internet mailbox and Nadia, the person, introduces a URI collision. However, we can use the URI to indirectly identify Nadia. Identifiers are commonly used in this way. 10:47:04 +q 10:47:04 A WebID is an HTTP LDP HTTP URI which denotes a person. There are protocols to get them from various ways, Openid-W for example from a OpenID page, BrowserID-W from an email dress using Moz's system, webfinger-W using webfinger, and WebID-TLS to to get it using across-linked cert. 10:47:32 q+ to suggest that 10:48:29 timbl: it's not about removing the security from the system 10:48:46 shh has joined #webid 10:48:52 fwagner has joined #webid 10:51:08 bblfish: when are people interested about their identity? when they authenticate? 10:51:24 q+ 10:51:27 alex: no, I could refer to your webid without authenticating you 10:51:47 q? 10:51:49 most people, BTW, don't know anything about 'identity' in a computing sense .. they just want to do things they want to do 10:52:09 trueg_: just wanted to comment on separation btw ldp and profile url 10:52:22 ... with webr3' def, we only have the URL 10:52:35 ... is there benefit for us? 10:52:39 ... how much does it help? 10:52:49 q+ 10:52:51 q+ to suggest "A WebID is an HTTP LDP HTTP URI which denotes a person. There are protocols to get them from various ways, Openid-W for example from a OpenID page, BrowserID-W from an email dress using Moz's system, webfinger-W using webfinger, and WebID-TLS to to get it using across-linked cert." 10:52:57 q+ later 10:53:31 ... there should be dereferencable urls, and a profile, whether it's foaf or not 10:53:40 ... it's been aroudn for a while 10:53:55 In fact FOAF URI is not a good term for it really as FOAF is just one application 10:54:13 melvster: webid protocol is more specific 10:54:19 ... used to be foaf-ssl 10:54:22 adapted slightly: "A WebID is a LD (or derferencable) HTTP URI which denotes an agent. There are protocols to get them from various ways, Openid-W for example from a OpenID page, BrowserID-W from an email dress using Moz's system, webfinger-W using webfinger, and WebID-TLS to to get it using across-linked cert." (minus LDP, and agent rather than perosn) 10:54:27 ... but webid is a cool name 10:54:55 q- 10:55:21 trueg_: don't dispute that, just saying that having just http uri may be too broad 10:55:52 webr3, people here are saying that you're getting too complicated :-) 10:56:17 the important part of that definition is "A WebID is a LD (or derferencable) HTTP URI which denotes an agent." 10:56:19 trueg_: we should stick with http urls 10:56:30 lol fair point - just needs a URI which points to some linked data about the agent referred to by the uri 10:56:48 q? 10:56:51 webr3, by "or derferencable" do you mean (a) i.e. dereferencable or (b) or any non-RDF dereferncebale URI 10:56:52 ack tru 10:56:57 auth protocols can be bootstrapped to get those uris (webfinger-w etc) 10:57:30 q? 10:57:32 timbl, dereferencable to "linked data" 10:57:38 ack tim 10:57:38 timbl, you wanted to suggest that and to suggest "A WebID is an HTTP LDP HTTP URI which denotes a person. There are protocols to get them from various ways, Openid-W for example 10:57:42 ... from a OpenID page, BrowserID-W from an email dress using Moz's system, webfinger-W using webfinger, and WebID-TLS to to get it using across-linked cert." 10:57:52 timbl: we're talking about systems design 10:58:03 ... it's a LD URL 10:58:06 ... or it may not support LDP 10:58:17 ... it could writable 10:58:18 ... or not 10:58:28 ... but it's critical to be able to GET it 10:58:37 ... and you need to get back an RDF model 10:58:58 ... foaf is for social networking application 10:59:05 timbl, clarification request - GET it diretly, or indirectly (via a 3rd party service) 10:59:27 ... so I like LD URI 10:59:33 ... you GET an RDF model 11:00:01 ... and we could say: TURTLE is mandatory 11:00:08 ack mel 11:00:20 http://www.w3.org/TR/webarch/#indirect-identification 11:00:48 [ "Today, 10 Downing Street announced a series of new economic measures." ] 11:01:11 [ To say that the URI "mailto:nadia@example.com" identifies both an Internet mailbox and Nadia, the person, introduces a URI collision. However, we can use the URI to indirectly identify Nadia. Identifiers are commonly used in this way. ] 11:01:11 melvster: it's an example of indirect ident 11:01:55 timbl: that's why I use a stricter definition 11:02:19 ... "denote" for me is a function 11:02:33 ... mailto designs a mailbox, not a person 11:02:40 q- 11:02:41 q- 11:03:37 alex: sooo, are we putting LD in the first definition? 11:03:50 bblfish: we already have "web" in webid, so yes 11:04:12 q+ to say perhaps there are two strands to this conversation, one is to define well known protocol that uses LD, and the other how to bootstrap other auth* systems in order to get (a) a WebID and (b) more information about the agent referred to 11:04:21 JonathanJ1 has joined #webid 11:04:26 1- as I can't actualyl "say" it :| 11:04:30 q- 11:04:33 webr3: we're focusing on LD 11:04:37 +1 11:05:00 s/+1// 11:05:03 alex: please wait for a PROPOSAL definition 11:06:10 A WebID is a LD HTTP URI which denotes an agent." 11:07:22 A 4* LD URI 11:09:44 Or broader: "A WebID is a 4* Linked Data URI which denotes an Agent" - every constraint we add cuts somebody out, but make implementaiton easier 11:11:02 http://5stardata.info/ 11:12:00 "A WebID is a HTTP URI which denotes an Agent. You can GET an RDF model as TURTLE." 11:12:16 is slightly more constrained than "A WebID is a 4* Linked Data URI which denotes an Agent" 11:12:26 http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/LinkedData.html 11:14:43 "A WebID is a hash HTTP URI which denotes an Agent. You can GET an RDF model as TURTLE. 11:15:18 I have a problem with tying to turtle in the definition of WebID 11:15:47 +1 on "A WebID is a hash HTTP URI which denotes an Agent. You can GET an RDF model as TURTLE." it adds constraints which make it ideal, negating httpRange-14, and not forcing people to have 5000 different parsers 11:17:02 q? 11:17:27 timbl is pushing back on beting too general with how things could work ( because I had suggested GRDDLing documents ) 11:18:10 q+ to introduce webr3's remark 11:19:17 ack me 11:19:17 betehess, you wanted to introduce webr3's remark 11:19:29 betehess, please add that a tight definition doesn't preclude bootstraping/grddl etc, people can and will still do that -but the end goal must be something interoperable using simple standards 11:19:47 and ty 11:20:09 "A WebID is a hash HTTP URI which denotes an Agent. You can GET an RDF model as TURTLE." 11:20:40 timbl also mentioned that specs should be small and prrecises with clear specs so that they can be implemented and so that we tests can be built for for them: so that we can have guarantees 11:21:08 PROPOSAL: "A WebID is a hash HTTP URI which denotes an Agent. You can GET an RDF model as TURTLE." 11:21:27 +1 11:21:31 +1 11:21:33 +1 11:21:36 +1 11:21:39 +1 11:21:44 +1 11:21:44 +1 11:21:47 +1 11:21:47 +1 11:21:48 +1 11:21:48 0 11:21:54 +1 11:22:05 +1 11:22:11 +1 11:22:45 +1 11:23:45 philipp: we develop ontowiki 11:24:01 ... this relies on 303 11:24:06 ... so this definition could be an issue for us 11:24:45 timbl: you do conneg? what do you do if people accepts rdf and html? 11:26:02 philipp: we may have a special case for webid 11:26:10 ... which does not rely on redirects 11:26:20 +1 11:26:45 +1 11:27:16 +1 11:27:17 RESOLVED: "A WebID is a hash HTTP URI which denotes an Agent. You can GET an RDF model as TURTLE. 11:28:25 fwagner has joined #webid 11:29:36 for this afternoon, we have to define "webid over tls" and "webacls" 11:29:52 (just temporary names) 11:30:08 any possibility of doing "webid-no-tls" too? 11:30:28 webr3, that's what we'll try to find out 11:30:40 webr3, the concensus is that we don't want to prevent other people to define that 11:30:55 hence "over tls" for now 11:31:01 nice approach, don't do it but don't prevent it :) 11:31:28 what time is webacls oine, roughly? 11:32:18 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 11:32:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/10/30-webid-minutes.html betehess 11:32:49 q+ 11:34:01 steve: part of the CG process, you can get with a deliverable with a pretty well finalized spec 11:34:03 ... you can go to a WG with that 11:34:26 ... they may have to adjust the charter 11:34:38 ... but you need to define what you want 11:35:52 ack shh 11:38:28 ... in many way, it's a fast-track to get into a WG 11:43:24 BREAK 11:44:28 for the record: it's being proposed that this group will provide a set of specs to be brought to the LDP WG 11:44:47 In a straw poll, the group agreed unanimously 11:44:51 nobody opposed 11:44:51 nobody present opposed it 11:45:15 shh has joined #webid 11:45:20 that the group should proceed to make a Final Specification and charter or rechater WG work on it./ 11:46:07 Tim got it right. It's about getting a Final Specification. 11:53:16 is anybody from LDP group here, or nearby to get their opinion on it, espec Ivan 12:19:59 tpacbot has joined #webid 12:21:39 webr3: late to this, but a WebID is a verifiable URI that denotes an agent. Verifiability is a critical attribute. WebID Authentication Protocol is an example of a verification protocol. Then we have loose coupling of the Agent ID and the verification/authentication protocol 12:26:35 kidehen, verifiable in different ways (crypto vs social graph inference)? 12:36:25 webr3: verifiable using a variety of protocols: WebID Authentication Protocol (crypto and entity relationship semantics based reasoning) 12:37:46 webr3: remember, we also have a variant of WebID that we call YouID. It users fingerprints where WebID currently uses the Public Key and WebID association. This is quite cut and paste friendly, for instance 12:38:44 philipp has joined #webid 12:38:47 webr3: over time, there may be other protocols, so we don't want to conflate the Agent ID and verification mechanisms. This is how we broaden the tent, in due course 12:38:49 makes sense, wondering how important the verifiability of a webid is - is it always needed, only for some use cases, and who is doing the verification (same process for everybody?) 12:38:59 agree re "over time,..." 12:40:00 webr3: there's a note and demo of this at: http://bit.ly/O4LNKf 12:44:13 ttanaka2 has joined #webid 12:47:44 trueg has joined #webid 12:49:38 shh has joined #webid 12:50:52 kidehen, any pointers to more info on youid? not quite grok'ing it 12:53:23 webr3: all it does is compare certificate fingerprints i.e., you local cert claims matched to the same thing in your profile doc. All the user needs to do is associate their WebID with a fingerprint. As per the note which is a simple example of one profile doc that works with WebID or YouID/NetID. My comments emphasize this 12:55:13 SteveH has joined #webid 12:55:38 webr3: what's most important at this juncture is loose coupling between the Agent ID and the verification protocol 12:55:43 jin has joined #webid 12:56:18 gregory has joined #webid 12:56:27 SteveH has left #webid 12:56:31 okay I follow now, and agree re loose coupling, always important 12:56:32 webr3: conflation ultimately gets us into unnecessary trouble 12:56:34 ty kidehen 12:57:03 deiu has joined #webid 12:58:23 sangrae has joined #webid 13:00:40 wei has joined #webid 13:02:25 bblfish has joined #webid 13:03:35 based on this morning proposal, we just realized that facebook has 1 billion WebIDs 13:03:38 Proof: rapper -g -o turtle https://graph.facebook.com/andreisambra 13:04:45 https://graph.facebook.com/100004074420423# is a valid WebID now 13:05:01 scribe: deiu 13:06:11 gaiaphj has joined #webid 13:06:14 Topic: Test Suite in WebID Protocol over TLS 13:06:40 deiu: webid is https://graph.facebook.com/100004074420423# ( https://graph.facebook.com/andreisambra is invalid by earlier definition?) 13:06:47 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/wiki/Test_Suite 13:07:20 webr3, indeed 13:07:45 shh has joined #webid 13:09:32 bblfish: we have to test the existing implementations which currently use TLS 13:09:35 I've got a little js function somewhere which normalises facebook profile uris to their graph hash uri somewhere 13:09:48 fwagner has joined #webid 13:10:15 ... which means adding tests that validate implementations according to the existing spec 13:10:45 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/wiki/Test_Suite 13:10:59 ... the tests should apply to applications as well as to agents/people 13:12:33 oberger has joined #webid 13:13:09 ... the schema contains different tests cases for the authentication protocol (over TLS) 13:14:26 mischat has joined #webid 13:15:01 ... grayed boxes are cases which went too deep/far 13:17:08 ... the W3C recommends that all specs should have a validator 13:17:26 deiu: Facebook has had Personal URIs (Linked Data principles compliant). These URIs are verifiable using their proprietary protocols. This exemplifies my point about loose coupling, in a nutshell. Also read: http://bit.ly/NzfyF0 -- an old post about Facebook Linked Data. 13:17:35 ... all implementations should pass the validator tests 13:18:17 kidehen, my previous comment on facebook was related to this morning's talk 13:18:51 deiu: we have to separate WebID and RWW testsuites. If we don't we will stall, as we have for some years now. 13:19:25 kidehen, do you have access to this morning's logs? 13:19:49 deiu: RWW-0 should be the interop/test suite for RWW which is loosely coupled. WebID can have its own which has been in WIP for a while now 13:20:06 deiu: I am reading from the bottom up, so I'll rewind to the top soon 13:20:49 seperate WebID, WebID Protocol, and RWW tests (webid != a verifiable webid != verifiable webid w/ webid-tls) 13:21:08 thanks webr3 :) 13:21:37 deiu: A WebID is a hash HTTP URI which denotes an Agent agreement you mean? If so, I don't agree with that. It's pragmatic for sure, but very susceptible to the problems that conflation will ultimately unleash 13:22:05 kidehen, PROPOSAL: "A WebID is a hash HTTP URI which denotes an Agent. You can GET an RDF model as TURTLE." 13:22:08 MacTed has joined #webid 13:22:31 deiu: you can't tell someone that has a hashless de-referencable that it isn't a WebID, that's not the way to do it 13:22:50 chsiao has joined #webid 13:22:51 deiu: you get a profile document bearing Turtle content, but that's an option 13:22:54 the idea was to decouple the identity part of WebID from the authentication part 13:23:05 deiu: we don't need to break Web Architecture to make this thing work 13:23:24 deiu: yes, +1 for the decoupling 13:23:53 and we're not, we're just separating the URIs which identify people/agents, from the other URIs 13:24:07 deiu: but there's a problem with mandating hash URIs that resolve to profile documents with turtle content. Even though that's mighty pragmatic and by far the easiest route. 13:24:39 the goal is to bring WebID (the identity part) closer to the LDP work 13:25:18 deiu: a URI denotes things. That's it. A Linked Data URI denotes things in such a way that the denotation is linked (via indirection) to description (descriptor) document 13:25:38 kidehen: TURTLE is basically a place-holder for what is decided in LDP 13:25:50 deiu: WebID is already based on Linked Data principles. 13:25:57 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 13:25:57 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/10/30-webid-minutes.html bblfish 13:26:10 kingsley the discussion is on the logs 13:26:34 the restrictions were argued by TimBl because they make things simple 13:27:05 trueg: Turtle is but one format for document content. It's my personally preferred format as I am sure you know, but that doesn't mean its the sole option. We shouldn't loose track of the fact that formats are negotiable. 13:27:34 kidehen: I think the idea is to make it the default which should be supported. 13:27:42 bblfish: I know that hash URIs and Turtle are simple and mega pragmatic. You can make them a preference or default. But don't make them part of the definition of a WebID. That's not the way to go 13:27:52 kidehen: others can be supported and requested of course 13:28:20 kidehen: we had a proposal this morning based on recommendations from alex timbl and webr3 ... it unanimously passed from the people mentioned here 13:28:28 PROPOSAL: "A WebID is a hash HTTP URI which denotes an Agent. You can GET an RDF model as TURTLE." 13:28:33 bblfish: trueg: make the language loose don't force stuff on people. I make all my demos in Turtle, but I also make sure folks understand its a preference 13:28:46 the wording was: '"A WebID is a hash HTTP URI which denotes an Agent. You can GET an RDF model as TURTLE."' 13:28:47 there is a CAN there 13:28:47 SimpsonTP has joined #webid 13:28:48 You _can_ get it in turtle 13:28:57 != you _MUST_ get it in turtle 13:29:00 the wording can be improved for sure 13:29:08 deiu: you don't GET an RDF model as Turtle. You GET a document comprised of Turtle content which is constrained by the RDF model 13:30:03 we'll get back to the working on this in more detail when alex and nathan are back 13:30:04 deiu: Turtle is the definition is suboptimal for something that's inherently loosely coupled based on the principles of the Web itself 13:30:06 kidehen: the poing is that the server needs to support turtle but may support any other format 13:30:17 s/working/wording 13:30:40 coming back to the test suit 13:30:45 trueg: that's fine, but that isn't what's being presented based on current wording as pasted by deiu 13:31:02 kidehen: we will fix that later then 13:31:06 Topic: Test suites 13:31:44 kidehen, the proposal I've pasted comes from this morning 13:32:32 trueg: okay, don't have document content formats within the definition of a WebID. The tweak re. Linked Data is that the URI resolves to a profile document where the content is an RDF model graph with very specific entity relationship semantics 13:33:46 trueg: deiu: when we conflate syntax and semantics we end up in the same place we've been for years. This is always about a denotation mechanism, content structure, and entity relationship semantics. None of this is format (syntax or notation) specific. 13:34:52 betehess: I am in the U.S. just getting my morning sorted out.. Also, my points aren't news. They are all over the place, so I don't see why we are heading back to old problems re. definitions. 13:35:15 deiu: we should have a service similar to the W3C one where new applications can be tested 13:35:24 rblin has joined #webid 13:35:31 melvster argues that we need to decide exactly what we should test against 13:35:54 betehess: ah! I didn't assume this was an actual meeting, so apologies if it is. I though this was a chat following the meeting etc.. As I said, I am behind due to time diff etc. 13:36:24 kidehen, we're at TPAC, meeting f2f (sorry for not answering all the time btw) 13:36:30 trackbot has joined #webid 13:36:43 deiu: no problem 13:36:51 deiu: will pick up whenever the meeting is over 13:36:55 ok 13:37:18 bblfish: HTTP error codes should at least be returned to the users/applications 13:37:56 betehess: I didn't take it that way :-) It's fine. I am also re-syncing after Sandy etc.. 13:38:15 ... a turtle request on a resource that returns a 401 Unauthorized should also try to add details on the reason why it is unauthorized 13:38:50 ... how should the 401 describe the reason why it happened 13:39:32 ... example: could not get the profile / the profile is in the wrong format / no public key found / certificate out of date / etc. 13:42:08 kidehen: yes we have discussed this before, but got to a new consensus this morning .... we are discussing test suites now 13:42:39 melvster: okay, we discuss later. It needs some tweaking :-0 13:44:50 SimpsonTP has joined #webid 13:45:12 SimpsonTP, yes please come 13:47:13 SimpsonTP: we are on the ground floor near the reception ... i think the room is called Terreaux 0 13:47:24 trueg askes what happens when users fail to authenticate using WebID 13:47:41 okay i'll sneak out of the AC meeting at coffee break 13:47:58 Zakim has left #webid 13:50:19 Zakim has joined #webid 13:50:39 a 401 page is displayed by default in case the server sends a 401 response 13:51:00 ... this page can be replaced by a different page with additional authentication options 13:52:54 trackbot has joined #webid 13:54:20 bblfish argues that all implementations should return HTTP codes corresponding to the outcome of the authentication process 13:55:51 so the idea is to have one special resource on other webid implementation that only authenticates users that have a valid webid certificate 13:56:22 that returns a 401 if not authenticated 14:00:30 we can call WebID Authentication Resource 14:00:45 W3C WebID Validator Agents 14:01:56 these agents will use the tests described in the above diagram to test WebID-enabled applications 14:02:21 so part of the test should be that you change the key and log in again 14:02:34 JonathanJ1 has joined #webid 14:02:50 one test is: public key missing in WebID profile 14:02:56 change key test with delay to give servers time to update caches 14:03:01 one test is: SAN not derferenceable 14:04:05 also the list described at 14:39 14:05:54 bblfish argues about representing the state of an authenticated user, using turtle 14:05:59 question: what do we return in case of success? 14:06:25 ... "how do we express (using turtle) that a user has been authenticated?" 14:07:25 ... EARL can be used to represent error instances 14:08:34 one success possibility is to simply return the entire profile 14:10:12 Proposal: I proposal to wirte a simple validtor for a WebId Test resource 14:10:48 of course 14:10:49 :-) 14:10:57 +1 14:11:00 +1 14:11:04 +1 14:11:04 +1 14:11:05 +1 14:11:05 +1 14:11:09 +1 14:11:11 +1 14:11:12 +1 14:11:17 this was an easy one :) 14:11:52 And will list all services that pass the Verificiation service on webid.info as valid webid services 14:12:13 betehess, we're still trying to find a definition 14:12:21 will be back shortly 14:12:27 s/will be back shortly// 14:12:50 betehess: it is a random resource that WebID implementations expose to all verified WebIDs. It can be used by the WebID verification service to test parts of the implementattion. 14:13:25 seo has joined #webid 14:14:34 WebID Test Resource is a resource • that only returns a HTTP 200 code if the person has a .... to complicated definition 14:15:50 WebID Test Resource is a resource that returns a 401 with an to-be-determined error message in Turtle if the agent was not authenticated using WebID and returns a 200 with a to-be-determined success message if the agent succcssfully authenticated 14:16:12 Proposal: WebID Test Resource is a resource that returns a 401 with an to-be-determined error message in Turtle if the agent was not authenticated using WebID and returns a 200 with a to-be-determined success message if the agent succcssfully authenticated 14:16:51 And not other access control restrictions exist on the server. 14:17:00 s/the server/that resource/ 14:17:08 s/not/no/ 14:17:11 +1 14:17:18 +1 14:17:20 +1 14:17:32 +1 14:17:33 +1 14:17:49 +1 14:17:50 +1 14:17:58 +1 14:18:17 +1 14:19:02 move on to another topic 14:19:47 same for us 14:23:54 JonathanJ1 has left #webid 14:25:15 Alexandrer speaks about WebBox solving melvins a problem 14:25:21 s/a // 14:26:00 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 14:26:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/10/30-webid-minutes.html deiu 14:27:52 http://users.ecs.soton.ac.uk/mvk/webbox-pim.pdf 14:27:53 https://github.com/danielsmith-eu/webbox/wiki 14:28:11 The paper : http://users.ecs.soton.ac.uk/mvk/webbox-pim.pdf 14:28:48 they are from southampton university 14:29:01 alexbertails coined the term webbo 14:29:04 webbox 14:57:11 ttanaka2 has joined #webid 15:02:28 SimpsonTP has joined #webid 15:04:56 timbl_ has joined #webid 15:06:47 jin has joined #webid 15:08:02 romainblin.net/lifeshare-3.0 15:13:23 betehess has joined #webid 15:16:57 Romain Blin presented his LifeShare network that uses rdflib.js 15:18:50 SimpsonTP has joined #webid 15:19:04 wei has joined #webid 15:19:29 Now Bart van Leeuwen http://www.linkedin.com/in/bartvanleeuwen76 15:19:37 is showing firefighting and RDF 15:19:56 Bart is a firefighter in Amsterdam 15:20:03 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_swan_theory 15:20:41 bart does not have a lot of time to make decisions ( 4minutes to get to fire location ) 15:20:49 bumpy roads 15:21:07 and you can't wait in front of the burniong house reading your ipad 15:21:10 a lot of data silos 15:21:25 very small info they got in the old version 15:21:32 s/small/little/ 15:21:36 shh has joined #webid 15:21:39 a small tweet of information is all they have 15:21:42 not enough 15:22:19 so they re-wroed to the arc2 triple store and now to arqxequi? 15:22:48 showing the new screen ( looks like google maps) 15:23:17 they developed this in 3 months, used by 40 firefighters in holland 15:23:34 now. 15:24:04 Now they use a Jena Store XUL Runner, and Identity manager 15:24:46 they would like to have webid so that the firedpartment can ask questions in that time that businesses would not want to give out to everyone 15:26:41 here is a map of Amsterdam, with the Ann Frank institute. It uses info from different sources. They know it's a museum, and people live there 15:27:16 so they were able to publish where they are going 15:28:28 they would also like to show where it is going, but they would like the information to be published but only visible to some people. So WebID could be useful here too. 15:29:21 http://semanticweb.com/webcast-fighting-fire-with-linked-data-2_b17051 15:32:49 http://www.slideshare.net/semanticfire/0080-netage-sanfranciscopdf 15:35:16 Alex Bertails: asking for the use cases for WebID in Bart's talk to see how Access control rules fit in 15:35:48 Bart: GMS this info goes into the incident manager 15:35:56 GMS is the central dispatch system which initiates the incident 15:36:28 Incident Manager uses SPARQL as Rules 15:36:33 they use SPARQL rules to manage incidents 15:36:51 Agents can be registered with the Incident Manager 15:36:52 an agent is registered with a SPARQL query 15:37:20 the same agent pulls info from external sources (the building on fire) and updates the incident data 15:37:35 so most of the data is public they are using 15:37:50 shh has joined #webid 15:37:53 incident data can be a list of chemicals that are found in the house that is on fire 15:37:53 But the firegighters would like to be access confidential information 15:38:07 and they like WebID because it is easy to use 15:38:20 and does not require complex certification procedures 15:43:21 shh has joined #webid 15:45:43 all telemetry in the fireftrucks should be linked data 15:46:08 they had a huge chemical fire in the netherlands, which created a huge environmental disaster 15:46:58 had they had real telemetry they could have worked out how to deal with it much better. 15:47:55 shh has joined #webid 15:51:52 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:51:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/10/30-webid-minutes.html bblfish 15:52:15 q? 15:53:14 zigby 15:53:21 is used in smoke detectors 15:54:49 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZigBee 15:59:57 shh has joined #webid 16:06:29 bblfish discussing the advantages of having a special DN in the certificates 16:06:54 doing that, the server could ask for only "valid" webid certificates 16:07:10 bblfish: this would prevent the user to provide non-valid certificates 16:07:14 q+ 16:07:14 ... helps selection 16:08:00 deiu: I argued on ML we should to avoid the elements that could be usefull for companies 16:08:28 ... because they are part of the pop-up windows 16:08:33 ... it's vital for some companies 16:08:49 ... and they could want to use some of them for themselves 16:09:24 ... so I'd advise to avoid those 16:09:33 ... I'm pasting the link to this email listing all these elements 16:09:41 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webid/2012Oct/0259.html 16:10:09 bblfish: there is service trying to assess the quality of the TLS endpoints 16:10:17 ... they verify the protocol 16:10:40 ... I will send an email with a link (can't remember right now) 16:11:11 ... anyway, we don't want to use "w3c" here 16:13:28 [some discussion happening on cn and dn in certificates] 16:14:30 [now checking what works in browsers] 16:16:24 looks like OU, O, ST, and C are not vital 16:16:55 could be an issue to mess with the CNs for "issued by" and "issued for" 16:17:42 bblfish: I want to focus on the CN of the issuer 16:18:13 ... as the people would only want to tweak their "issued for" CN 16:18:46 deiu: we may have a tracability issue 16:20:30 all: the UI sucks, especially on Linux, looks better on Windows 16:21:01 https://localhost:8443/srv/certgen 16:21:45 s| https://localhost:8443/srv/certgen|| 16:22:13 16:22:22 s||| 16:22:26 re earlier proposal "WebID Test Resource is a resource that returns a 401.." Please refine this to be an HTTP GET request with the appropriate Accept headers, and without any conditional headers (If-*). 16:23:24 16:24:11 s||| 16:26:05 general note: I'm very wary about needing to do anything that involves anything in certificates other than specifying a SAN, the things your discussing may be neat, but they'd make me want to cry if mentioned anywhere in the web spec itself 16:26:59 webr3, I think I'm with you on that one 16:28:45 s|your|you're| 16:32:31 betehess: maybe the requirement on the CN could be a SHOULD and not a MUST 16:32:39 bblfish: this could work 16:33:32 deiu: what about DC (Domain Component) 16:33:40 ... as we don't use the chain of trust 16:34:21 SimpsonTP: in active directory, they already use that 16:35:01 bblfish: you can't use wildcards, you need to use a specific string 16:35:34 mischat has joined #webid 16:36:26 betehess: can we use any attribute, like LDAP? 16:36:32 deiu: that was my question 16:39:01 SimpsonTP: if this is possible, I'd be ok with that, but I would strongly be opposed to using commonly used fileds 16:39:07 s/fileds/fields/ 16:39:30 ... it all comes up to support in browsers 16:39:53 https://access.redhat.com/knowledge/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Certificate_System/8.1/html/Deploy_and_Install_Guide/usering-cert-extensions.html 16:39:54 reading http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X.509#Architectural_weaknesses especially "Implementation Issues" section ( DNs lack canonicalization and i18n etc) 16:40:56 request: can somebody point me to why we'd want a special DN in the certs, I've missed a thread somewhere 16:41:28 webr3: because we want the user to be asked for valid webid certificates 16:41:30 webr3, to limit the options of certs shown to the user in the browser 16:41:51 one way to do it is to restrict on some fields 16:42:00 ahh is this the CN=WebID,O=empty-set-char thread? 16:42:07 hence the discussion on what fields, and what values 16:42:10 webr3, yes 16:42:41 shh has left #webid 16:43:35 I'd want that outside of certs to be honest, if FB issue me a cert with the hope I'll use it everywhere, I want to tell my browser to only use it on FB (And maybe one or two other sites) - that can't be in the cert, as it's subject to change over time, and for each person's preference 16:49:32 we're trying to re-assess the issue 16:49:44 do people have that many certificates to choose from? 16:50:28 Ben Laurie said "I don't want to use webid because of the case there would be too many certificates" 16:50:30 could well do 16:50:37 trueg: it's a non issue 16:50:49 mini proposal: consider using issuerAltName 16:50:51 ... it's an theoritical issue 16:50:54 *optionally* 16:51:27 looks like people are pushing for just resolving this as being a non-issue 16:51:38 (all but bblfish so far) 16:53:29 +1 to non issue for what it's worth, interesting non critical work, but non issue. If the issuer wants to limit usage of the certificate, then issuerAltNAme could be used and point ot LD which ahs more details ont he issuer, and the suggested cert usage 16:55:26 betehess: I'm proposing bblfish to try the extension fields in all browsers to make his case, at least on the technical level 16:55:36 +1 for that 16:55:54 ... in the meantime, the group is still asking henry to declare this is a non-issue 16:56:07 ... and go back to ben laurie with the decision of this group 16:56:59 trueg: also, this is even a bigger problem because of UI issues 16:57:36 PROPOSAL: approve for the above 16:57:39 +1 16:57:46 +1 16:57:49 +1 16:57:51 +1 16:57:55 +1 16:58:04 more explicitly: we make this a non-issue 16:58:04 +1 16:58:07 +1 16:58:08 +1 16:58:17 +1 16:58:24 +1 16:59:47 +1 to non-issue 17:02:32 http://markmail.org/message/b2nfaspp3uqb5usz#query:+page:1+mid:urbvh4bnmqdftayn+state:results/O=FOAF+SSL/CN=TDB 17:02:32 This will never happen because no CA will ever let itself be under the 17:02:32 hierarchy of a pseudo-CA like we're discussing. It would also make the 17:02:32 normal PKI verification completely void. 17:02:45 ** http://markmail.org/message/b2nfaspp3uqb5usz#query:+page:1+mid:urbvh4bnmqdftayn+state:results 17:02:59 re: /O=FOAF+SSL/CN=TDB - from Bruno back in 2010 when discussed 17:04:04 seeAlso: http://markmail.org/message/qeslafjpozshnpni 17:32:57 timbl has joined #webid 18:46:11 fwagner has joined #webid 19:12:57 kidehen_ has joined #webid 20:30:00 fwagner has left #webid 20:30:03 trackbot has joined #webid 20:30:58 Zakim has left #webid 20:46:02 develD has joined #webid 20:50:08 trueg has joined #webid 20:50:28 trackbot has joined #webid 21:17:25 SimpsonTP has joined #webid 21:22:01 deiu has joined #webid 21:30:06 betehess has joined #webid 21:51:54 gregory has joined #webid 21:57:24 bblfish has joined #webid 22:02:10 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 22:02:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/10/30-webid-minutes.html bblfish 22:20:41 Meeting: TPAC 2012 - WebID meeting 22:20:47 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 22:20:47 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/10/30-webid-minutes.html deiu