15:01:18 RRSAgent has joined #html-media 15:01:18 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/10/02-html-media-irc 15:01:20 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:01:20 Zakim has joined #html-media 15:01:22 Zakim, this will be 63342 15:01:22 ok, trackbot; I see HTML_WG()11:00AM scheduled to start now 15:01:23 Meeting: HTML Media Task Force Teleconference 15:01:23 Date: 02 October 2012 15:01:41 zakim, who is here? 15:01:42 HTML_WG()11:00AM has not yet started, matt 15:01:42 On IRC I see RRSAgent, joesteele, Clarke, pal, ddorwin, MikeSmith, johnsim-msft, adrianba, trackbot, matt 15:01:45 zakim, dial matt-voip 15:01:46 ok, matt; the call is being made 15:03:15 2. Previous meeting minutes on Sep 18 http://www.w3.org/2012/09/18-html-media-minutes.html 15:04:01 ScribeNick: joesteele 15:04:50 Topic: Review action items 15:04:50 https://www.w3.org/html/wg/media/track/ 15:04:53 BobLund has joined #html-media 15:05:14 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17682 15:05:36 johnsim-msft: propose a solution to the clear key bug, did add a comment a few minutes ago bug#17682 15:05:46 zakim, drop me 15:05:46 sorry, matt, I don't know what conference this is 15:05:48 johnsim-msft: some others we could discuss as well 15:06:08 zakim, list 15:06:08 I see Team_Validat()11:00AM, SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM, WAI_(WCAG2ICT)10:00AM, XML_ET-TF()11:00AM, SW_(FORCE)11:00AM, HTML_WG()11:00AM, IA_Team()10:00AM, SW_HCLS()11:00AM active 15:06:10 http://tinyurl.com/7tfambo 15:06:12 also scheduled at this time are HTML_WG(HTMLT)11:00AM, RWC_WebEven()11:00AM, SW_RIF()11:00AM, VB_VBWG()10:00AM, T&S_XMLSEC()10:00AM, WAI_PFWG(HTML_TF)11:00AM, 15:06:12 ... WAI_UAWG(CHAIRS)10:30AM 15:06:34 johnsim-msft: no analysis yet on closing these bugs 15:06:55 zakim, this is media 15:06:55 ok, matt; that matches HTML_WG()11:00AM 15:07:00 zakim, who is on the call? 15:07:00 On the phone I see +1.415.867.aaaa, +1.425.202.aabb, +1.408.536.aacc, [Microsoft], +1.650.458.aadd, +1.720.934.aaee 15:07:03 zakim, dial matt-voip 15:07:03 ok, matt; the call is being made 15:07:04 +Matt 15:07:16 Title: HTML-Media 15:07:21 zakim, mute me 15:07:21 Matt should now be muted 15:07:30 + +1.858.677.aaff 15:07:31 zakim, who's here? 15:07:31 On the phone I see +1.415.867.aaaa, +1.425.202.aabb, +1.408.536.aacc, [Microsoft], Matt (muted), +1.650.458.aadd, +1.720.934.aaee, +1.858.677.aaff 15:07:31 On IRC I see BobLund, Zakim, RRSAgent, joesteele, Clarke, pal, ddorwin, MikeSmith, johnsim-msft, adrianba, trackbot, matt 15:07:49 zakim, unmute me 15:07:49 Matt should no longer be muted 15:07:55 zakim, I am aadd 15:07:55 +pal; got it 15:08:14 Meeting: HTML Media Extensions 15:08:18 zakim, I am aabb 15:08:18 +ddorwin; got it 15:08:30 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17673 container guidelines https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17682 clear key https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=19208 keymessage event not needed https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=19156 switching decoders 15:08:34 +Aaron_Colwell 15:08:51 Zakim, 934.aaee is me 15:08:51 sorry, Clarke, I do not recognize a party named '934.aaee' 15:08:58 johnsim: container guidelines bug 15:09:01 zakim, mute me 15:09:02 Matt should now be muted 15:09:12 johnsim: I had an action item on this. 15:09:42 johnsim: new bug coming on ISO based media file formats should have stronger guidelines when a CDM has a key in it storage 15:09:59 ddorwin: no preference on order 15:10:05 - +1.415.867.aaaa 15:10:12 johnsim: starting with container guidelines bug 15:10:21 +??P46 15:10:27 … exchanged some email on this and added to the bug 15:10:40 … new bug is 19208 15:10:56 zakim, ??p46 is me 15:10:56 +BobLund; got it 15:10:59 + +1.415.867.aagg 15:11:19 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:11:19 On the phone I see ddorwin, +1.408.536.aacc, [Microsoft], Matt (muted), pal, +1.720.934.aaee, +1.858.677.aaff, Aaron_Colwell, BobLund, +1.415.867.aagg 15:11:35 johnsim: this is specific to the COmmon Encryption Format specification 15:11:46 johnsim: please read the bug online 15:12:11 johnsim: this is the proposed language for the ISOBMFF guidelines 15:12:35 … captures enough of how to detect encryption and extract the metadata needed from those files 15:12:46 … does raise some issues about initialization and events 15:13:34 … there are cases where the CDM does not need to issue a key message event 15:14:01 … any comments or concerns, David? 15:14:07 ddorwin: no comments 15:14:25 johnsim: next bug is bug#17682 (clear key bug) 15:14:39 … documents how keys and key ids are associated 15:14:41 mute 15:14:47 … added a brief comment to the end of the spec 15:14:57 mute me 15:15:06 johnsim: how clear key works should be the same as the CDM 15:15:14 Zakim, mute BobLund 15:15:14 BobLund should now be muted 15:15:48 johnsim: should be defined by the W3C since this is strictly a W3C concept 15:16:19 … data blob specific to CDM is in the spec, in the case of clear key just a key 15:16:40 … need to define how clearKey is initialized or any media format is supported 15:17:03 … propose some draft language based on some email traffic to be sent to general rflector 15:17:07 q+ 15:17:16 johnsim: need to add language for other formats 15:17:19 ack d 15:17:41 + +1.650.253.aahh 15:17:45 ddorwin: for ClearKey specific stuff, and ISO, nothing to define just a keyid 15:17:53 … for other containers need to define 15:18:06 … this is part#1 of the bug, part#2 is the license 15:18:18 … this is the harder part, need to define key/keyid pairing 15:18:35 johnsim: there have been some proposals out there 15:18:42 strobe has joined #html-media 15:18:48 markw has joined #html-media 15:18:55 q+ 15:19:01 johnsim: do you mean a defined data structure like a license being passed down? 15:19:05 ddorwin: yes 15:19:31 … in the old version for WebM has a simple definition but this has been removed 15:19:39 … need a license to provide more than one key 15:20:09 markw: need to say how do we support more than one key at a time? 15:20:34 ddorwin: want clearKey to be as capable as other CDMs to use for prototyping 15:20:40 … maybe use JSON or something 15:21:15 johnsim: we are talking about the analog to a license for clearKey, requirement is that is be capable of communicating more than one key/keyID pair 15:21:21 … I am a little hazy on that 15:21:27 q- 15:21:31 … init data would have to report more than one 15:21:45 ddorwin: nothing that says you have to have more than one keyid 15:22:10 s/have to have/can't have/ 15:22:16 johnsim: keyed is really a meta keyed which tells the server to deliver more than one key at once 15:22:49 s/meta keyed/meta-key/ 15:23:15 ddorwin: might need to be base64-encoded JSON but moves a little away from original spirit 15:23:31 johnsim: some work on this in the webCrypto group 15:23:51 where the spirit was to be able to easily specify a key in JS 15:24:04 markw: you mean how keys are encoded? we just specify an arrayBuffer of the raw bytes at this point 15:24:24 johnsim: so this action item is still open. Need to propose license structure for clearKey 15:24:36 johnsim: should we move on? 15:25:02 johnsim: jumping to switching decoders bug #19156 15:25:17 … has been some discussion but no replies yet 15:25:37 ddorwin: unlike clearKey some CDMs will include decoders and/or rendering pipelines 15:25:50 … this means you may be picking a decoder by picking a CDM 15:26:14 … this may cause a switch in the decoder being used 15:26:22 … what should we do in that case? 15:26:29 … should we spec it away? 15:26:40 q+ 15:26:40 aaron: should not spec it away at this point 15:26:57 q+ 15:27:00 … could be implementation 15:27:21 johnsim: could have portions encrypted and some not 15:27:32 aaron: thinking of the case where content comes from multiple files 15:27:48 johnsim: the metadata would be from different files in this case? 15:28:14 aaron: starting with unencrypted file and moving to encrypted file, should not cause decoding to stop 15:28:38 ddorwin: need to specify the decoder up front 15:28:49 … how does media source handle this? 15:29:01 … currently only one key system allowed er media element 15:29:09 q- 15:29:09 s/er media/per media/ 15:29:28 markw: currently decoder is not allowed to change 15:29:43 .. prefer not to prevent it for now if possible 15:30:13 markw: will comment on the bug 15:30:46 s:/markw: will comment/aaron: will comment/ 15:31:35 aaron: as long as you are only switching during media segment boundaries, should avoid this problem 15:32:08 aaron: could have the CDM disable encryption when clear frames comes through 15:32:23 markw: you need the CDM to be able to handle this already 15:33:50 this is an issue for ad-insertion 15:34:11 my point was just that (i) the CDM should be able to cope with unencrypted samples and (ii) the first encrypted sample and all subsequent samples must not depend on any samples before the first encrypted sample 15:35:12 johnsim: so we will add comments to the thread on this? 15:35:31 ddorwin: will reply with what I heard 15:35:41 johnsim: moving to bug#19208 15:36:01 … based on the container guideline bug 15:36:21 … came across a case where the keyMessage event might not be needed 15:36:31 … David pointed out this contradicts the spec 15:36:58 … bug is -- if a session is created which activates a CDM, and key storage already has a key, no need for a keyMessage event 15:37:16 … David, what do you think? 15:37:29 ddorwin: does not violate the spirit of the spec 15:37:49 … but we might need to change the text of the algorithm (BMFF text) 15:37:59 johnsim: you don't disagree then 15:38:12 ddorwin: don't have any objections, but would like feedback and thought 15:38:34 ddorwin: calling createSession would not cause a message to the app, which is a little strange 15:39:05 johnsim: had discussions about the event corresponding to a key successfully being extracted 15:39:24 … is the a need for that event (e.g. a null-key messages) 15:39:42 ddorwin: we have KEYERROR we could add a HAVE_A_KEY_ERROR 15:40:08 … createSession could return a reference to an existing session - need to think about that more 15:40:21 … would not matter so much whether you got another message then 15:40:33 johnsim: any other thoughts on this issue? 15:40:53 johnsim: going back to the list of open bugs 15:40:55 s/HAVE_A_KEY_ERROR/ALREADY_HAVE_A_LICENSE_ERROR/ 15:41:25 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=18531 15:41:44 johnsim: renaming addKey 15:41:51 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2012Sep/0045.html 15:42:03 glenn has joined #html-media 15:42:22 markw: there was a couple of suggestions -- update() was the only one commented on 15:42:41 markw: would suggest we go with that 15:42:51 I like update() 15:43:17 ddorwin: only concern is that in the general case we are adding a license 15:43:53 johnsim: you are really adding things -- more than an update 15:44:32 markw: update() means providing more information 15:44:48 http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/update 15:44:55 johnsim; connotation of providing entirely different information and adding values 15:45:15 http://mw1.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/update 15:45:17 johnsim: there are quite a few open bugs 15:45:24 transitive verb: to bring up to date 15:45:42 -BobLund 15:45:42 johnsim: what is the status for the open bugs? 15:46:52 http://tinyurl.com/7tfambo 15:46:55 I did not get to the example I was to do. 15:47:43 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=16540 15:48:29 johnsim: are folks attending the TPAC meeting? 15:48:37 ddorwin: yes I will be 15:48:45 I am not going at this point 15:48:47 -Aaron_Colwell 15:49:19 johnsim: encourage everyone on the call with open bugs to resolve or start a thread on these bugs ASAP 15:49:31 … want to reach closure at TPAC or before if possible 15:49:38 ddorwin: many are editorial 15:49:42 +Aaron_Colwell 15:50:16 johnsim: would be great to pull out the substantial bugs 15:50:27 … design questions, etc 15:50:47 … any that sit at the top of the list as needs resolving? 15:51:01 ddorwin: the clearKey bug must be resolved 15:51:04 we don't have to close every bug - we need to ensure the document covers the desired scope before we ask for FPWD 15:51:27 ddorwin: needKey is another one 15:51:38 johnsim: which is the needKey? 15:52:24 ddorwin: will try to get the other bug I need to file out 15:52:29 … and send an email 15:53:10 ddorwin: no major changes to the spec in these bugs 15:53:29 johnsim: concern about the specs fitting together? 15:53:45 s/aaron:/Aaron_Colwell:/ 15:54:16 ddorwin: MSE is another source for the URL should work together, might need to discuss advanced use cases 15:54:28 … new segments from other key systems, etc. 15:54:59 markw: will scribe for next meeting 15:55:16 ddorwin: TPAC is on the 29th 15:55:30 johnsim: next EME call will be the last one before the TPAC 15:55:54 johnsim: would like to discuss how we can use the TPAC to advance the spec on the next call 15:56:12 johnsim: would like to resolve as many bugs as possible before than as well 15:56:34 johnsim: David the issues you raised we should really resolve 15:56:53 johnsim: raises our chances of coming out with a good draft 15:57:34 Zakim, who is here? 15:57:34 On the phone I see ddorwin, +1.408.536.aacc, [Microsoft], Matt (muted), pal, +1.720.934.aaee, +1.858.677.aaff, +1.415.867.aagg, +1.650.253.aahh, Aaron_Colwell 15:57:37 On IRC I see glenn, markw, strobe, Zakim, RRSAgent, joesteele, pal, ddorwin, MikeSmith, johnsim-msft, adrianba, trackbot, matt 15:57:46 - +1.858.677.aaff 15:57:50 johnsim: pretty much done 15:57:50 -Aaron_Colwell 15:57:52 zakim, drop me 15:57:52 Matt is being disconnected 15:57:52 bye all 15:57:58 -Matt 15:57:59 - +1.415.867.aagg 15:58:04 -[Microsoft] 15:58:11 zakim, list participants 15:58:11 - +1.408.536.aacc 15:58:14 - +1.720.934.aaee 15:58:15 -pal 15:58:19 - +1.650.253.aahh 15:58:20 rrsagent, please draft minutes 15:58:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/10/02-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 15:58:31 As of this point the attendees have been +1.415.867.aaaa, +1.425.202.aabb, +1.408.536.aacc, [Microsoft], Matt, +1.650.458.aadd, +1.720.934.aaee, +1.858.677.aaff, pal, ddorwin, 15:58:38 ... Aaron_Colwell, BobLund, +1.415.867.aagg, +1.650.253.aahh 15:58:45 zakim, excuse us 15:58:45 leaving. As of this point the attendees were +1.415.867.aaaa, +1.425.202.aabb, +1.408.536.aacc, [Microsoft], Matt, +1.650.458.aadd, +1.720.934.aaee, +1.858.677.aaff, pal, ddorwin, 15:58:45 Zakim has left #html-media 15:58:49 ... Aaron_Colwell, BobLund, +1.415.867.aagg, +1.650.253.aahh 15:58:52 rrsagent, excuse us 15:58:52 I see no action items