[Odrl-version2] Teleconf Notes

Renato Iannella renato at odrl.net
Thu May 28 14:10:07 EST 2009

ODRL Teleconference 26-May-2009 [07:30UTC - 09:00UTC]

Agenda [1]

Attendees: Renato Iannella, Suzanne Guth, Rudiger Grimm, Helge  
Hundacker, Daniel Pahler, Jaime Delgado

0 - Actions from last meeting [2]
   - All covered in the agenda items

1 - ODRL V2 Model - Draft Spec [3] (Renato)
   - No changes since last call

2 - ODRL V2 Core Metadata [4] (Susanne)
   - Changes documented here <http://odrl.net/pipermail/odrl-version2_odrl.net/2009-May/000041.html 
   - "View" is for advertisement (for example)
   - "Display" is for devices
   - Where to put all the "security" aspects (digest, keyinfo etc)?
   - ...We  refer to XML Signature/Encryption specs
   - Export is this the same as Copy + Format change
   - Add a "delete" Duty
   - OMA contentAccessGranted is same as Relax
   - We need to develop an OMA DRM REL to ODRL 2.0 Mapping Document
   - Where to put the UID for the values of constraints (etc)?
   - Are there more Roles than assigner/assignee? (issuer?)

3 - XML Schema (Alapan)
   - No action

4 - OMA DRM Liaison (Susanne/Renato)
   - OMA DRM Chair has been contacted and followup underway to further  
the relationship

5 - VG+ODRL Workshop [5] (Rudiger)
   - Rosenblatt as the Keynote Speaker - 2 Talks (VG+ODRL and IFIP)
   - 13 papers submitted. 8-10 papers accepted.
   - Informal dinner on Monday night, and formal dinner in Tues night.
   - All going OK...Registration open soon
   - Need to promote to get attendance up

6 - AOB
   - Found a student to do ODRL/RDF translation

7 - Next Teleconference
   - 30 June 2009 (07:00UTC, 09:00 Frankfurt, 17:00 Brisbane)

[1] <http://odrl.net/pipermail/odrl-version2_odrl.net/2009-May/000039.html 
[2] <http://odrl.net/pipermail/odrl-version2_odrl.net/2009-March/000027.html
[3] <http://odrl.net/2.0/DS-ODRL-Model.html>
[4] <http://odrl.net/2.0/WD-ODRL-Core-Metadata.html>
[5] <http://virtualgoods.org/2009/>

Cheers...  Renato Iannella


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

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