[Odrl-version2] Teleconference

Renato Iannella renato at odrl.net
Tue Dec 2 11:51:24 EST 2008

Dear all - the planned ODRL V2 Teleconference has been moved to Tues  
27 Jan 2009 at UTC09:00 [1] to followup the Actions from the Poznan  
Meeting [2]

1 - Final Draft Spec (Renato)
2 - First Draft of Core Profile Profile (Susanne)
3 - XML Schema (Alapan)
4 - OMA DRM Liaison (Susanne)
5 - AOB

Please email me your Skype ID to participate.


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

[1] <http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=01&day=27&year=2009&hour=09&min=0&sec=0&p1=0 
[2] <http://odrl.net/pipermail/odrl-version2_odrl.net/2008-December/000000.html 

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