14:58:00 RRSAgent has joined #mlw-lt 14:58:00 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/09/06-mlw-lt-irc 14:58:02 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:58:02 Zakim has joined #mlw-lt 14:58:04 Zakim, this will be 14:58:04 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 14:58:05 Meeting: MultilingualWeb-LT Working Group Teleconference 14:58:05 Date: 06 September 2012 14:58:26 DomJones has joined #mlw-lt 14:58:44 Meeting: MLW-lT Phone call 6th September 2012 14:59:36 leroy has joined #mlw-lt 15:01:20 Jirka has joined #mlw-lt 15:02:38 Yves_ has joined #mlw-lt 15:03:31 dF has joined #mlw-lt 15:04:04 Scribe: Yves_ 15:04:53 Regrets: Moritz, Felix 15:05:11 Regrets: Jan 15:05:28 Hi all: I will be a bit late for the call. Apologies. 15:05:39 Pedro has joined #mlw-lt 15:05:52 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2012Sep/0023.html 15:06:04 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2012Sep/0023.html 15:06:06 Des has joined #mlw-lt 15:06:50 Dave: go through the agenda 15:06:58 Ankit has joined #mlw-lt 15:07:45 .. Pedro sent a mail about implementation, will cover that in the action items 15:07:50 Topic: approve minutes 15:07:58 http://www.w3.org/2012/08/30-mlw-lt-minutes.html 15:08:25 Dave: minutes from last meeting approved 15:08:30 Topic: Test suite development 15:08:55 Dave: anyone had any chance to look at the page? 15:09:06 .. probably not. so here is an update 15:09:22 http://phaedrus.scss.tcd.ie/its2.0/its-testsuite.html 15:09:25 .. new section in the wiki home 15:09:52 .. currently hosted at TDC, but should be moved to W3C at some point 15:10:19 .. similar to ITS 1.0 test suite 15:10:46 .. each data category has a set of conformance tests touching on each aspect of the data category 15:11:04 .. (global, local, linked, etc.) 15:11:15 http://phaedrus.scss.tcd.ie/its2.0/expected/translate/xml/Translate1-result.xml 15:11:38 .. each entry has an input file (possibly with external rules) and an output 15:12:02 .. the output shows the values of the data category per node 9including attributes) 15:12:42 .. Leroy, Dom worked hard on this: they added HTML5 examples, and cases for the 2.0 features 15:12:54 .. we should freeze the document in November 15:13:16 .. we need to make sure the output format is useable by all implementers 15:13:22 http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/wiki/Test_Suite_Development 15:13:40 .. the link above explains the test suite 15:14:02 .. we need to add tracking as a table that Dom will add soon 15:14:14 .. will be asking people to check the output 15:14:35 .. to be sure we have a 'right' golden file. 15:14:56 .. We also need to have people committing to generate those output for test conformance 15:15:10 .. we need two implementation for each feature 15:15:26 s/implementation/implementations/ 15:15:47 .. we will need also a estimated date for the output to be available 15:16:38 .. We'll work on getting this done before Prague and have a session on this during the meeting. 15:17:20 Topic: Documenting use case implementation 15:17:42 Dave: test cases is what we must do for the W3C recommendation 15:18:25 .. but real world implementations have additional, richer functionalities. 15:18:58 .. so we need to have show cases, that really demonstrate the features 15:19:22 .. we have a few commitements for this from the Web-LT partners 15:19:26 https://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/wiki/Main_Page#Deliverables.2C_WPs 15:19:37 .. see the link to deliverables above 15:20:05 .. those show how ITS works in real life scenarios 15:20:26 .. We need to record and track those demos/show cases 15:20:49 http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/wiki/Implementation_Commitments#Use_Case_Demonstrations 15:20:57 .. We do this in the page above 15:21:23 http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/wiki/Use_Case_Demonstration_Template 15:21:56 .. I've put a template for that information. See link above 15:23:02 .. For Web-LT partners those pages will be associated to our deliverables. 15:23:18 .. Would like to get feedback on this. 15:23:39 .. Do everyone get the difference between test suite and show cases. 15:23:58 Des: yes, would be happy to help to provide use cases. 15:24:44 Dave: Would be nice to also use the same terminology across use cases (call the same process with the same term for example) 15:25:11 .. This would help also documenting the work packages 15:26:03 Pedro: understand concern about having such use cases 15:26:28 .. understand we need something simple and bit bit 'sexy' 15:26:39 .. will use your template 15:27:08 .. for our show cases. All the technical stuff can be done apart. 15:27:15 .. so no problem for us 15:27:55 Dave: good. We did some work with Declan and David too, so we'll provide use cases like that too. 15:28:13 .. we need to provide business use cases 15:28:39 Pedro: Note that most demo use open-source tools 15:29:04 .. so it's actually usable by others 15:29:12 Dave: agree 15:29:26 Topic: Firm up Agenda for Prague Meeting 15:29:55 https://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/wiki/PragueSep2012#Agenda 15:30:07 Dave: Link above is the agenda for the Prague meeting 15:30:36 .. Two days only 15:30:50 .. we need to discuss the data categories, the test suites 15:31:05 .. advance the draft. we'll have another draft after Prague 15:31:20 .. we would like to have all data categories decided 15:31:48 .. work after should be improving the draft, no drastic changes 15:32:05 .. everyone there in the morning? 15:32:24 DCU will be there in the morning.. 15:32:44 .. most people should be there in the morning. 15:32:52 I'll be arriving 24th 15:33:16 Will arrive the 24th too 15:33:36 Df: looking at test suite, it's mostly processing input files 15:33:49 .. what about our case which is processing XLIFF 15:33:59 .. should it be considered as XML? 15:34:51 Dave: can we do conformance test with XLIFF? probably not if it was the only option. But may that could be an additional output format(?) 15:35:06 .. pros: useful format, save some efort 15:35:13 s/efort/efforts/ 15:35:27 .. cons: one more format to check 15:35:56 .. need also a deterministic way to test XLIFF (to allow comparison) 15:36:20 .. this need to be looked at. 15:37:05 Df: some this is something we need to discuss during the meeting 15:37:18 dave: we do have this in the Web-LT plan 15:37:39 .. having XLIFF as part of the conformance tests is another story 15:38:11 .. our current suite is geared toward same context as ITS 1.0 15:38:27 .. ITS 2.0 has different ranges of data categories 15:38:42 scribe: daveL 15:38:53 dF: asks Yves how they plan to test 15:39:23 Yves_: plans to provide tests suite output as it is for OKAPI 15:40:03 ... for other implementations have many other options, including different inline markup 15:40:24 ... for okapi have unit tests included using the test suite 15:41:28 Des: its important that implementation that just use XLIFF need to be tested for conformance 15:41:36 Yves_: agrees 15:42:02 ... may be able to develop XLIFF input for tests 15:43:02 dF: i see XLIFF test suite could then add a lot to the test suite 15:43:39 Des: it will be important to show ITS compliance of XLIFF systems 15:44:02 Pedro: for there system they are supporting XLIFF 15:44:15 Scribe: Yves_ 15:44:56 Dave: we have several use cases with XLIFF 15:45:20 .. maybe way forward could be to take scenario for those and look at possible input/output 15:46:02 dF: Tracking original may be a good way too 15:46:10 .. will discuss with LRC developers 15:46:31 action: DavidF to generate a sample for this 15:46:31 Sorry, couldn't find user - DavidF 15:46:40 action: Df to generate a sample for this 15:46:41 Created ACTION-215 - Generate a sample for this [on David Filip - due 2012-09-13]. 15:47:26 Dave: we need a way to show conformance through XLIFF basically. 15:47:40 .. back to the agenda 15:47:58 .. Morning day 1: look at the data categories 15:48:15 .. then test suite and committements 15:48:37 .. then afternoon for implementation demos 15:49:11 .. Listed in page 15:49:26 .. Pedro will also show something 15:49:51 Pedro: Could be nice to have parallel working sessions 15:50:03 for partners of working packages 15:50:18 .. maybe could have 1h or 1.5h for this 15:50:22 DCU also hopes to have a demo showing their MaTrEx MT system handling some ITS meta data segments 15:50:26 .. would help implementation. 15:50:35 Dave: actually this is in day 2. 15:50:48 yes 15:51:05 .. so day 1: also DCU MT demos, and possibly XLIFF round-rtip from David 15:51:37 Phil: also example with RDF 15:52:27 dF: could show our integration. But also maybe extraction in SOLAS project 15:53:00 Dave: even if not all the ITS functionality is there it would help people to see the round-trip. 15:53:19 .. and show the platform that support XLIFF, XML, provenance, etc. 15:54:04 dF: we don't like the way the test suite encode the disambiguation. will need to work on this. 15:54:32 Dave: would like to give everyone 30mn 15:54:45 .. then we have wrap up for Day 1. 15:55:00 .. For day 2: editorial work on the draft 15:55:16 .. then editing session and group work, possibly in parallel 15:55:28 .. implementer could have more time too. 15:55:43 .. afternoon: need to plan how to move the specification forward 15:56:03 .. TPAC meeting, and Workshop in March 15:56:23 .. we'll need to plan to see how.when to start advertising the specification 15:56:47 dF: Mid-October in LocWorld could be a good place to start 'making noise' 15:56:55 .. need to do this before it's frozen 15:57:03 Dave: good point 15:57:11 .. essentially need a marketing plan 15:57:30 dF: will have good audience in LocWorld 15:57:38 Dave: running out of time 15:57:54 .. let carry on on the mailing list. 15:58:05 .. pedro action 162? 15:58:18 Pedro: I sent an example. We can talk about it later 15:58:55 .. includes real example for readiness 15:59:29 Dave: we have simalar implementation for readiness with CMIS 15:59:48 Pedro: CMS is one example, other is HTML. 16:00:42 Dave: what about LQP? 16:00:51 Yves: ready, voting attribute added. 16:00:57 DomJones has left #mlw-lt 16:01:06 Jirka has left #mlw-lt 16:01:18 rrsagent, generate draft 16:01:18 I'm logging. I don't understand 'generate draft', Yves_. Try /msg RRSAgent help 16:01:31 :quit 16:01:49 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:01:49 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/09/06-mlw-lt-minutes.html daveL 17:15:02 Zakim has left #mlw-lt