15:04:27 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 15:04:27 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/07/26-hcls-irc 15:04:30 zakim, this is hcls 15:04:30 ok, michel; that matches SW_HCLS()11:00AM 15:06:52 BobF has joined #hcls 15:09:04 matthias_samwald has joined #hcls 15:09:37 scribenick: matthias 15:12:09 Matthias: done with prototype, wants to move to clinical decision support application 15:12:39 BobF: working on domain model for guidelines 15:12:51 scribenick: JoanneLuciano 15:12:57 moving towards thinking about implementation 15:13:00 (thanks Joanne) 15:13:17 and linking to a CDS repository 15:13:28 (clinical decision support) 15:14:04 currently focused on guidlines that are not computable -- to make to a structured format and link to a standardized representation for a DS report rule that would help the clinical guideline 15:15:07 has been looking at CDS but got sidetracked to look at provenance, which will be important for the instutions to track (for status and for tracking) 15:15:37 looking into w3c provenance working group 15:16:13 Matthias reports some overlap with HCLSIG, Joanne reports RPI expertise in the area and activity in the group. 15:16:40 Bob - how to addopt the prov model to support clinical descion support rules 15:16:48 evidence or provenance only. 15:17:39 BF wasn't going to try to model evidence at this point -- currenlty looking at two types of guidlines on PharmGKB: 15:17:50 CPIC - clinical pharmacogenetics implementation consortium 15:17:57 dutch pgx working group 15:18:46 aiming to standardize into a common model - representing content of the guidelines 15:21:25 Joanne: possibly overlap and opportunity for dovetailing with Drug Product Label and Drug Drug Interaction task group 15:22:21 Matthias: Spoke with Anita de Warrd re: work with Philips - looking to come up with a prototype for EHR where clinicans are shown relevant snipits 15:22:40 zakim, who is here? 15:22:40 On the phone I see no one 15:22:41 On IRC I see matthias_samwald, BobF, RRSAgent, Zakim, michel, JoanneLuciano, achille_zappa, MacTed, egonw, ericP 15:23:49 MS - voices concern re: scope if we get too far into provenance and evidence 15:24:01 how will info be entered and maintained 15:24:36 spreadsheets are a good way to collaborate with those users who are not computer experts 15:25:12 Bob - finish up model and take one or two guidelines, put in XML-schema that matches model and.. 15:26:44 Bob exploring representations, for example, GEM - formalizing clinical guidelines / maybe able to be reused / how to represent and serialize the guildelines and get in position to seek funding. possibly thru a repository 15:27:47 Matthias: skeptical about using GEM and others because they are not easy to use and overly complex 15:29:19 {an asside ... this just out: We are very pleased to announce Last Call on 3 documents that define the core of the PROV family of specifications. These 3 documents focus on how to model provenance information for the purposes of interchange. - PROV-DM is a data model for provenance interchange - PROV-O is an OWL2 ontology mapping of PROV-DM to RDF - PROV-N 15:30:12 bottom line - something based on a spreadsheet would be useful; BF - will think about, interesting perspective 15:30:30 http://www.snpedia.com/index.php/Criteria_syntax 15:30:56 SNPedia criteria syntax 15:32:19 HGNC nomenclature : http://www.hgvs.org/mutnomen/recs.html#general 15:35:19 http://www.w3.org/wiki/HCLSIG/CDS 15:38:03 CONTEXT: currently this discussion is focusing on the use cases described on the HCLSIG CDS web page, specifically: formalize (use case 1) and integrate (use case 2) 15:39:08 star allele nomenclature described here - http://www.nature.com/clpt/journal/v82/n3/full/6100284a.html 15:39:53 most guidelines use a combination of ways to specify criteria (e.g. *1 or *2) other guidelines will specify "if one variant allele) - which then indicates which guideline to reference 15:39:58 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiGT-vnkGcoLdFFVMEdqcFdYaDFqS0xHTnlUT0N3cEE&hl=en_US&pli=1#gid=3 15:42:49 the data will evolve... and the interpretation of phenotypes are subjective (intermediate metabolized, poor metab) based on distrib of activity that overlap 15:43:57 phenotype based classification of rules is problematic, so unless doing an enzymatic test, you're going to be starting with genotype info, so BF thinking of ways to support he phenotype based, which are being used all the time, so wants to support with genotype based. 15:44:23 want more precise guidelines 15:45:56 objectives - easily maintainable by non-computer experts 15:46:17 Michel - adventures with OMI (?) 15:46:21 OMIM 15:47:22 Michel wrote a parser for OMIM - use OMIM API to retireve OMIM records (better structured than download) - turned to RDF and can get access to SNP entries (all diseases that have links to DBSnp) 15:47:29 one example : http://bio2rdf.semanticscience.org:8009/describe/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fbio2rdf.org%2Fomim_resource%3A608547_allele_1 15:49:04 MS: how many of those entries are relevant for Pharmacogenomics? 15:49:23 Michel is composing a SPARQL query in real time to answer :-) (Michel is awesome) 15:49:45 And the answer is...... 15:50:46 genes, phenotypes, of genes or phenotypes, predicate is variant in OMIM vocab. all variants that have a DBSnp entry and count them. 15:50:57 1767 have entries 15:50:58 query: SELECT count(distinct ?a) WHERE { ?a ?b . ?b ?y . } 15:51:45 out of 23,000 (approx) 15:52:25 about 9 % coverage (roughly) 15:53:34 But the clinical reference can only be determined by PharmGKB and to see if there is an impact in pharmocogenomic or pharmocodynamic (free text in PharmGKB), can possibly annotate ourselves(?) 15:55:44 Drugbank, PharmGKB, OMIM need to be integrated to answer the questions 15:56:38 recently upgraded machine to: 192 GB RAM, so should be enough for now 16:00:03 RRSagent, please draft minutes 16:00:03 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/07/26-hcls-minutes.html matthias_samwald 16:00:06 hope to have some numbers as to the overlap between omim and pharmgkb; we'll need to examine the differences in detail - 16:00:35 RRSAgent, please make log world-readable 16:02:45 SW_HCLS()11:00AM has ended 16:02:47 Attendees were 16:03:55 Joanne, it seems you are not online in Skype? 16:33:57 matthias_samwald has left #hcls 17:30:12 Zakim has left #hcls 17:56:40 egonw has joined #HCLS