14:01:53 RRSAgent has joined #hcg 14:01:53 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/06/15-hcg-irc 14:01:56 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:01:57 Zakim has joined #hcg 14:01:59 Zakim, this will be 4824 14:01:59 ok, trackbot; I see HTML_CG()10:00AM scheduled to start 2 minutes ago 14:02:01 Meeting: Hypertext Coordination Group Teleconference 14:02:03 Date: 15 June 2012 14:02:13 zakim, who is here? 14:02:16 HTML_CG()10:00AM has not yet started, ddahl1 14:02:35 Zakim, you're wrong I am already there 14:02:37 I don't understand 'you're wrong I am already there', glazou 14:02:56 hi ddahl1 14:03:23 zakim, who is here? 14:03:24 HTML_CG()10:00AM has not yet started, ddahl1 14:03:44 zakim, this will be HTML_CG() 14:03:46 ok, ddahl1, I see HTML_CG()10:00AM already started 14:03:53 Zakim, who is here ? 14:03:53 On the phone I see ??P15, Debbie_Dahl 14:03:58 Zakim, ??P15 is me 14:03:58 +glazou; got it 14:04:56 +??P30 14:04:57 ChrisL has joined #hcg 14:05:04 zakim, I am ??P30 14:05:04 +Steven_; got it 14:06:03 +ChrisL 14:06:48 Scribe: Steven 14:07:12 Topic: Actions 14:07:16 action-4? 14:07:16 ACTION-4 -- Deborah Dahl to organize a discovery session in June -- due 2012-06-15 -- OPEN 14:07:16 https://www.w3.org/MarkUp/HCG/track/actions/4 14:07:23 -ChrisL 14:07:38 DD: Still interested? 14:07:51 +ChrisL 14:08:03 DD: I'll send a note. 14:08:23 ... in Multimodel we had a subgroup doing this, would appreciate feedback 14:08:32 ... action stays open 14:08:36 action-5? 14:08:36 ACTION-5 -- Chris Lilley to check on public-hypertext-cg posting permissions -- due 2012-04-27 -- OPEN 14:08:36 https://www.w3.org/MarkUp/HCG/track/actions/5 14:08:46 Chris: EMail sent 14:09:10 close action-5 14:09:11 ACTION-5 Check on public-hypertext-cg posting permissions closed 14:09:30 DD: We want more discussion 14:09:35 CL: SO anyone can join 14:09:40 s/SO/So/ 14:09:54 ... lots of spam being sent 14:10:04 tracker has not picked up the email, oddly 14:10:29 DD: so maybe we should cross-post to get other groups involved 14:10:56 s/EM/Em/ 14:11:08 action-6? 14:11:08 ACTION-6 -- Deborah Dahl to talk with Chris about setting up a poll -- due 2012-05-25 -- OPEN 14:11:08 https://www.w3.org/MarkUp/HCG/track/actions/6 14:11:20 DD: This is to find another time 14:11:24 ... for the call 14:11:45 close action-6 14:11:45 ACTION-6 Talk with Chris about setting up a poll closed 14:11:57 Topic: Call times 14:12:02 DD: Should we rotate times? 14:12:13 ... there are a lot of standing regrets 14:12:28 ... Paul COtton suggested roating the time 14:12:33 s/CO/Co/ 14:12:45 s/roat/rota/ 14:13:24 CL: Might mean that more people make the call at some time, it might reduce critical masses 14:13:59 DD: If it's always a bad time, you'll never make it, but if it is only occasionally a bad time, you might still come 14:14:29 ... It would be good to have Art and Paul COtton 14:14:33 s/CO/Co/ 14:14:51 ... Art said an hour earlier, but that would be 6am for Paul 14:15:43 CL: We need to ask people if they would come anyway. Some people say they will only come when there is an agenda of interest to them 14:15:57 ... some WGs don't have any calls at all 14:16:18 ... I think some may not attend whatever time it is. 14:17:47 DD: If we have no calls at all, would we benefit from an occasional call, or if there is no reason for that at all. COmpare with CHirs calls. I don't find them useful. 14:17:54 s/CH/Cha 14:18:11 ... partly because there's no predictability. 14:18:21 s/CO/Co/ 14:18:52 ACTION: Chris to make a poll asking about desirability of calls, and useful times 14:18:52 Created ACTION-7 - Make a poll asking about desirability of calls, and useful times [on Chris Lilley - due 2012-06-22]. 14:19:21 ACTION-22 due 2012-06-29 14:19:21 Sorry... changing due date on ACTION-22 failed, please let sysreq know about it 14:20:07 DD: I'll post questions that my groups have to the respective groups and cross-post 14:20:15 Topic: AOB 14:20:23 DD: Anything? 14:20:48 ... next call 29th 14:21:14 DG: Regrets, and for July 13th 14:21:27 [ADJOURN] 14:21:30 -ChrisL 14:21:32 -Steven_ 14:21:32 -glazou 14:21:33 -Debbie_Dahl 14:21:33 HTML_CG()10:00AM has ended 14:21:33 Attendees were Debbie_Dahl, glazou, Steven_, ChrisL 14:21:41 rrsagent, make minutes 14:21:41 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/06/15-hcg-minutes.html Steven_ 14:22:17 Chair: Debbie Dahl 14:22:20 rrsagent, make minutes 14:22:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/06/15-hcg-minutes.html Steven_ 14:23:04 ACTION-7 due 2012-06-29 14:23:04 ACTION-7 Make a poll asking about desirability of calls, and useful times due date now 2012-06-29 14:23:15 rrsagent, make minutes 14:23:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/06/15-hcg-minutes.html Steven_ 14:29:48 ddahl1 has left #hcg 14:39:53 Steven_ has left #hcg 15:01:31 shepazu has joined #hcg 16:08:48 shepazu has joined #hcg 16:20:52 Zakim has left #hcg