15:44:07 RRSAgent has joined #css 15:44:07 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/04/18-css-irc 15:44:21 zakim, this will be style 15:44:21 ok, plinss; I see Style_CSS FP()12:00PM scheduled to start in 16 minutes 15:44:28 rrsagent, make logs public 15:54:24 Style_CSS FP()12:00PM has now started 15:54:31 +??P2 15:54:36 Zakim, I am ??P2 15:54:36 +florianr; got it 15:54:59 glazou has joined #css 15:55:22 +plinss 15:56:28 +??P0 15:56:29 oyvind has joined #css 15:56:36 Zakim, ??P0 is me 15:56:36 +glazou; got it 15:58:23 smfr has joined #css 15:58:33 antonp has joined #css 15:58:35 +sylvaing 15:58:56 dstorey has joined #css 15:58:57 arronei has joined #css 15:59:40 +hober 15:59:48 +smfr 16:00:17 +stearns 16:00:53 +[Microsoft] 16:00:54 +[Microsoft.a] 16:01:03 zakim, microsoft has me 16:01:05 +arronei; got it 16:01:09 JohnJansen has joined #css 16:01:15 +antonp 16:02:23 good morning 16:02:39 + +1.415.308.aaaa 16:02:40 +??P62 16:02:47 bradk has joined #css 16:02:56 + +1.650.275.aabb 16:03:02 vhardy_ has joined #css 16:03:04 Zakim, aabb is me 16:03:04 +bradk; got it 16:03:35 Zakim, Microsoft has JohnJansen 16:03:35 +JohnJansen; got it 16:03:44 + +1.415.832.aacc 16:03:58 Zakim, aacc is me 16:03:58 +vhardy_; got it 16:04:07 Zakim, aaaa is krit 16:04:07 +krit; got it 16:04:27 zakim, ?P62 is fantasai 16:04:27 sorry, plinss, I do not recognize a party named '?P62' 16:04:39 zakim, P62 is fantasai 16:04:39 sorry, plinss, I do not recognize a party named 'P62' 16:04:51 zakim, who is here? 16:04:51 On the phone I see florianr, plinss, glazou, sylvaing, hober, smfr, stearns, [Microsoft], [Microsoft.a], antonp, krit, ??P62, bradk, vhardy_ 16:04:53 [Microsoft] has JohnJansen 16:04:53 On IRC I see vhardy_, bradk, JohnJansen, arronei, dstorey, antonp, oyvind, glazou, RRSAgent, Zakim, tantek, Ms2ger, ksweeney, florianr, drublic, SimonSapin, kennyluck, logbot, 16:04:53 ... paul___irish, ed, krijnh, Echoes, fantasai, stearns, shepazu, TabAtkins_, hober, Liam, isherman, kojiishi, gsnedders, danielfilho, CSSWG_LogBot, vhardy, sylvaing, plinss, 16:04:57 ... alexmog, shans, pjrm, Hixie, Bert, trackbot 16:05:24 ScribeNick: fantasai 16:05:41 Florian: Wanted to add new editors to CSS Device Adaptation 16:05:45 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-css-wg/2012AprJun/0073.html 16:05:47 nimbu has joined #css 16:06:10 Vincent: We're looking internally to see if someone might be able to join as well 16:06:21 plinss: Please take time to add agenda topics to Hamburg wiki 16:06:33 plinss: And some of those there are vague; please add more detail 16:06:49 plinss: One issue left on margin collapsing? 16:06:50 smfr has joined #css 16:06:56 antonp: I'd like to work on other 2.1 issues than that one 16:07:06 antonp: so let's postpone, and for next week I'll try to prepare some other ones 16:07:10 plinss: Ok, ping me when it's ready 16:07:14 alexmog_ has joined #css 16:07:38 zakim, microsoft has me 16:07:38 +alexmog_; got it 16:07:45 Florian: Current editor for CSS Device Adaptation is going on paternity leave, so we're proposing two new editors from Opera myself and ? 16:07:54 + +47.21.65.aadd 16:07:55 +??P80 16:08:04 Florian: We also invite people from other vendors to join, help us move this forward 16:08:08 s/?/Øyvind Stenhaug/ 16:08:16 zakim, ??P80 is me 16:08:16 +dstorey; got it 16:08:20 +??P83 16:08:37 Vincent: What's the status of this module? 16:08:51 Florian: Some open issues, and some editorial work 16:08:57 Florian: Don't think there is a public test suite 16:08:58 howcome has joined #css 16:09:07 Sylvain: We have a partial implementation, might provide feedback soon 16:09:18 Florian: Would be much appreciated 16:09:36 Florian: Noticed you only implemented part of the spec, want to know if that's because you haven't done it yet or thought better to not implement it. 16:09:41 Sylvain: Mostly we don't have it yet 16:10:03 RESOLVED: Add new editors from Opera to Device Adaptation 16:10:12 list intro: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012Apr/0278.html 16:10:13 Topic: CSS Regions 16:10:19 ED section: http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-regions/#regions-visual-formatting-details 16:10:35 stearns: Added new sections to Regions to handle auto-height regions 16:10:52 stearns: We've been validating this in code in a WebKit branch, making sure what we have there is implementable 16:11:00 stearns: would like people to take a look and give us some feedback 16:11:05 stearns: that's all 16:11:33 howcome: I went through it, and I find it hard to read/understand/comprehend that part 16:11:46 howcome: It may be right, but I find it hard to review and relate to the regions spec 16:11:57 howcome: when the #1 concern that I and others have raised is not addressed yet 16:12:07 howcome: I would have preferred if that hurdle could be passed. 16:12:15 howcome: Right now, it doesn't seem like this should be something to work on 16:12:31 stearns: It's definitely something we're working o 16:12:35 +[Microsoft.aa] 16:12:44 stearns: what you do with the regions box is not related to how you size it 16:12:53 stearns: we want the sizing algorithm independent of where the box comes from 16:13:04 stearns: I agree we need to address box generation 16:13:05 +TabAtkins 16:13:12 stearns: don't know that that issue gates auto-sizing regions 16:13:17 Katie has joined #css 16:13:18 q+ 16:13:34 ChrisL has joined #css 16:13:38 howcome: I agree they may be independent, but there's not much motivation to review the spec when this hurdle remains in the way 16:13:50 didn't we agree to address this as part of the template work in Paris? 16:13:53 Vincent: We are working on page templates, syntax for generating regions 16:14:12 Vincent: We're trying to address the big issues you and others have raised; auto-sizing was one of those issues 16:14:20 Vincent: We're not ignoring the other issues 16:14:22 zakim, who's on the call? 16:14:22 On the phone I see florianr, plinss, glazou, sylvaing, hober, smfr, stearns, [Microsoft], [Microsoft.a], antonp, krit, ??P62, bradk, vhardy_, +47.21.65.aadd, dstorey, ??P83, 16:14:25 ... [Microsoft.aa], TabAtkins 16:14:25 [Microsoft] has alexmog_ 16:14:29 +ChrisL 16:14:36 ack glazou 16:14:40 glazou: I reviewed document with a fresh eye 16:14:45 glazou: I did not find it hard to read or understand 16:14:51 glazou: I found it pretty easy to read and understand 16:14:59 glazou: The thing I originally missed, and discovered rereading it 16:15:09 glazou: Is that generating boxes is completely independent of notion of regions 16:15:16 zakim, [Microsoft.a] is Katie 16:15:16 +Katie; got it 16:15:18 glazou: Explanation in Section 7 is needed to explain how regions work 16:15:26 glazou: could be independent of generation of boxes 16:15:31 glazou: We might need for other things in CSS 16:15:40 glazou: Without that, document is not understandable as a whole 16:15:44 Zakim, ack me 16:15:44 I see no one on the speaker queue 16:16:14 arno has joined #css 16:16:29 antonp: I found it hard to get on the first read through. What could help is if someone maybe posts a summary of what's going on in Section 7, to orient the reader a bit? 16:17:11 -bradk 16:17:44 +bradk 16:18:00 stearns: maybe I'll post an outline of the section to the list 16:18:20 bradk: I thought Section 7 was easy to understand, esp with examples 16:18:31 bradk: What was hard for me, doesn't have an exact definition of "fragment" 16:18:36 bradk: There's no terminology section 16:18:45 bradk: Afraid it might mean different things in different parts of the document 16:18:53 Vincent: Referencing CSS3 Fragmentation Spec 16:19:06 stearns: I think I have a task to go through the document and make sure we have all relevant spec links 16:19:13 stearns: We should have more links to css3-break 16:19:32 bradk: Fragmentation spec talks about portions that occur between breaking opportunities, right? 16:19:48 bradk: Seemed like in some parts it meant something different, like portion of element that's within the region box or something like that 16:20:02 bradk: Want to make sure it's consistent 16:20:22 Vincent: If you have any places you notice, point us at them 16:21:02 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012Apr/0239.html 16:21:14 sylvaing: and nothing related to animations and margin-collapsing ?-) 16:21:19 Topic: Animaton-delay 16:21:35 - +47.21.65.aadd 16:21:39 sylvaing: Made a fix to clarify ... 16:21:46 sylvaing: But case that's not covered -- negative animation delays 16:21:59 Zakim, mute me 16:21:59 glazou should now be muted 16:22:08 sylvaing: If you have a 2s animation and you have a -1s delay, your animation starts in the middle 16:22:13 Zakim, unmute me 16:22:13 glazou should no longer be muted 16:22:15 sylvaing: but if you have -5s animation, what does it mean? 16:22:43 sylvaing: Implementations agree that if you have repetition of 1, and you have delay greater than duration, nothing happens 16:23:12 sylvaing: However if you have more, and you ask for a delay, then you might skip repetitions 16:23:49 Florian: Looks like you didn't test Opera. The behavior we have in Opera, we don't like it 16:24:20 smfr: Need to define what happens if fill mode is greater than duration 16:24:31 smfr: do you jump to last keyrame even though you didn't run the animation? 16:25:10 smfr: For all cases where the animation either never runs or completes instantaneously, we need to decide what fill-mode does 16:25:11 vhardy_ has joined #css 16:25:14 smfr: Also define whether event fires 16:25:21 I assume that should say "if you have fill mode and delay is greater than duration" 16:26:05 or rather "if you have fill mode and negative delay of greater magnitude than duration" 16:26:26 plinss: Any objections? 16:26:32 fantasai: i don't think it did 16:26:34 RESOLVED: Accept Sylvain's proposal 16:26:43 smfr, :/ 16:26:55 Topic: Values and Units 16:26:58 ScribeNick: tantek 16:27:08 ScribeNick: fantasai 16:27:14 ? 16:27:25 URL ? 16:27:26 TabAtkins_: Awhile back, resolved to find minimum required ranges 16:27:53 TabAtkins_: we asked arron for those numbers, but he didn't get back to us for awhile, so we made some numbers up 16:28:04 TabAtkins_: yesterday he suggested 2^27-1 for all numeric types 16:28:14 is there a URL for the current topic ? 16:28:19 TabAtkins_: He said it doesn't actually match minimums in IE in all places, but thinks it's reasonable 16:28:32 Florian: Opera used to have extremely random sizes 16:28:47 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012Apr/0403.html 16:28:49 glazou, ^ 16:29:08 Florian: We recently changed to use 32-bit, but considering moving to 24-bit representation 16:29:12 Florian: So we might go back low 16:29:16 2^24 -1 then? 16:29:20 TabAtkins_: That still seems like a large limit 16:29:21 thanks Ms2ger 16:29:32 ChrisL: Yeah 16:29:34 TabAtkins_: Should be more than needed for anything except z-index 16:30:09 fantasai: The goal here is to be conservative, so low numbers should be fine 16:30:10 and we may need something expressing MAX_RANGE_VALUE 16:30:31 TabAtkins_: Ok, we'll use 2^24-1; if anyone has another concern bring it up within the week 16:30:44 TabAtkins_: Another issue is repetitions of component values. 16:30:50 TabAtkins_: We picked 30 16:31:03 Florian: We used to have a limit of 32, but now limited only by memory 16:31:07 Florian: So we're fine either way 16:31:14 sylvaing: ??? 16:31:16 Wasn't there some talk about making z-index into a float? 16:31:28 TabAtkins_: Any time the grammar has a repetition, e.g. + or *, how many are required 16:31:35 chained lists in memory are so hard to implement ? ;-) 16:31:39 Florian: I believe IE was limited to 20 in some cases 16:31:50 TabAtkins_: calc(), I think 16:31:57 TabAtkins_: Also have a 30-term min on calc 16:32:19 TabAtkins_: So, we'll put this in, and people can object if it's too high; we'll lower it if necessary 16:32:27 -krit 16:32:31 glazou: good strategy 16:32:34 TabAtkins_: We can even do that in CR, since it won't make anyone invalid that was valid before 16:33:02 krit has joined #css 16:33:12 RESOLVED: 2^24-1 minimum for numeric types, 30-component minimum for repetitions, 30-component minimum for calc(), adjust lower if necessary later 16:33:21 glazou: Should that be tested? 16:33:33 TabAtkins_: Yes, the whole point is to allow testing 16:34:30 talk about testing this 16:34:42 q+ 16:34:51 TabAtkins_: nother issue 16:34:59 TabAtkins_: Kenny brought up the really fun situation... 16:35:15 TabAtkins_: Right now, when we have attr(), we do early syntax checking if the type and the fallback are appropriate for the place 16:35:22 TabAtkins_: I can give an example, where this is still confusing 16:35:27 box-shadow: attr(size px, inset) 5px 10px blue; 16:35:47 TabAtkins_: So, in this, whether you interpret the attr() as a pixel size or the 'inset' keyword, but you get completely different meanings out of the two 16:36:05 TabAtkins_: If you have multiple attrs(), you have to do combinatorial checking of possible values 16:36:18 TabAtkins_: We went and restricted it to say that if attr() is the sole value of the property, you can do whatever you want 16:36:43 TabAtkins_: But if you use it as a component value, the fallback has to be the same type as the declared attr type 16:37:04 fantasai: I'd like to have dbaron check on this before we close 16:37:13 ack smfr 16:37:17 smfr: Going back to ... sometime ago I proposed some text about roundtripping 16:37:41 smfr: If you supply value that's too large, it gets truncated, you write it back out it shoudl roundtrip 16:37:52 TabAtkins_: Could add some specific requirements if that's needed 16:37:58 smfr: ... z-index ... 16:38:10 TabAtkins_: Requirement is that you clamp to the nearest supported value 16:38:18 smfr: So it clamps and then roundtrips, ok that's fine 16:38:37 TabAtkins_: I don't think we have anything else right now 16:38:47 fantasai: Stay tuned, we'll have lots of issues to resolve next week! 16:38:52 Topic: Baselines of Flexbox 16:38:59 +[Microsoft.a] 16:39:04 TabAtkins_: The issue was a) we didn't define the baseline of a flexbox 16:39:17 TabAtkins_: The possibilities are either baselin of first-child, or somehow do what tables do (don't remember what they do) 16:39:36 alexmog_: We came to a conclusion for our implementation 16:39:42 PhilCupp has joined #css 16:39:43 alexmog_: Baseline of first child is baseline of flexbox 16:39:48 alexmog_: But we didn't have per-item alignment 16:39:53 alexmog_: I think what we had then is still ok 16:40:20 alexmog_: If there are items with baseline-alignment sharing baseline, reasonable for that to be baseline of flexbox. Otherwise take first one 16:41:00 RESOLVED: Baseline of flexbox is baseline of baseline-aligned boxes if any, otherwise take first child 16:41:21 TabAtkins_: Second part is, how do you determine baseline of the first child 16:41:30 TabAtkins_: Proposal is use baseline of first child's display type 16:42:09 Florian: We'd prefer not to do that, becasue if we consider things in terms of display-inside, display-outside, your display-outside would be something like flexbox-item, so you can't distinguish inline-block and block 16:42:52 TabAtkins_: So in practice, we could use the 2.1 conversion table for this 16:43:08 TabAtkins_: I don't care much either way, but several implementers said using display type makes sense to them 16:44:09 http://www.w3.org/mid/87pqbfkcex.fsf@aeneas.oslo.osa 16:44:30 fantasai: It's implementable, beacuse we can always look up the computed style, but that doesn't necessarily mean it makes sense 16:45:15 alexmog_: I think flexbox child would have it's display type, and just have an internal display-outside of flexbox-item 16:45:47 Florian: In that case, you shouldn't be using display-outside of inline/block to determine different alignments 16:45:55 alexmog_: That's what I'm saying, inline-block and block should behave the same 16:46:14 alexmog_: Related issue is that suppose you have flexbox with one item, and that's inline-block or block or table with table cell 16:46:23 alexmog_: each with different definition of baseline 16:46:38 alexmog_: no way to make us actually ignore that internal baseline entirely and say that I want the baseline of that box be the bottom of the box 16:46:42 alexmog_: Or can i? 16:47:07 fantasai: I think there were some proposals for that. Might be added to Line Layout module 16:47:48 TabAtkins_: Think we can defer that to later 16:48:55 RESOLVED: Use the table for converting display types to block-level types to determine baselines; effectively this is using display-inside 16:49:38 glazou: Announce that Backgrounds and Borders / Image Values moved to CR 16:49:55 glazou: missing announcements 16:50:11 TabAtkins_: yeah, fantasai and I were working all day on css3-values 16:50:17 TabAtkins_: will get to that 16:50:18 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/buglist.cgi?product=CSS&component=Flexbox&resolution=--- 16:50:36 TabAtkins_: I think there are less than 6 weeks of work left on Flexbox, so propose to move to LC 16:50:44 fantasai: no 16:50:52 TabAtkins_: If there are other issues to bring up, appreciate that happening now 16:51:23 that is being ready in 6 weeks 16:51:47 and there should be no open issues, so its a stable document for reviewers 16:52:28 fantasai: ... 16:52:58 TabAtkins_: I don't think there are any major issues left. 16:53:32 ChrisL: If you think you have only one week of work left, then come back in a week and ask for Last Call 16:53:41 alexmog_: I think we're done, we don't have anything else 16:53:54 I agree with fantasai that if there are pending edits, do them first before going to last call 16:54:02 fantasai: I disagree, and I would like to see the alignment issues addressed before LC 16:54:23 plinss: I agree with fantasai [...] 16:54:35 plinss: Major issues / minor issues, whatever. 16:55:08 plinss: Want to present things for people to review. 16:55:21 so defer that issue as out of scope 16:56:22 can we just accept/postpone LC? 16:57:02 .... 16:57:15 Florian: zero bugs is hard to get to 16:57:25 Florian: But you shouldn't go to LC with bugs that you aren't willing to defer to next level 16:58:07 fantasai: If you are making significant changes between LC and CR, you need to do another LC. You're not gaining anything there. 16:58:08 let's collapse the margins of the flex box spec first 16:58:23 -ChrisL 16:58:28 it's not LC, it's -w3c-LC 16:58:29 Anton: If you've got a bunch of pending edits you haven't made, then it's not really a Last Call, it's another Working Draft 16:59:40 -vhardy_ 16:59:42 glazou: Going to LC is decision of the WG. Decisions of the WG is made base don review of the members. Asking for review before transition request 16:59:45 is fair 17:00:09 sylvaing: maybe we should talk about actual issues? 17:00:42 florian: have a small question, fantasai has said several times that shouldn't go to LC until dbaron reviews. 17:00:48 TabAtkins_: AFAIK dbaron is deferring to dholbert 17:01:37 plinss: We don't have consensus to go to LC. So work on the issues, and we'll ... 17:01:54 come back to it later 17:02:25 sylvaing: There's some issues that require WG discussion, e.g. renaming everything and going to LC are incompatible 17:02:28 -glazou 17:02:30 -stearns 17:02:34 antonp: What do I need to review here? 17:02:55 antonp: Is bugzilla + current editor's draft what's needed to review this thing? 17:03:17 plinss: Everyone please review 17:03:21 -Katie 17:03:27 -[Microsoft.aa] 17:03:28 Meeting closed. 17:03:30 -TabAtkins 17:03:32 -[Microsoft.a] 17:03:33 -??P62 17:03:35 -[Microsoft] 17:03:36 -sylvaing 17:03:39 -plinss 17:03:49 -florianr 17:03:52 -hober 17:03:54 -dstorey 17:04:00 -??P83 17:04:01 -bradk 17:04:03 -smfr 17:09:02 disconnecting the lone participant, antonp, in Style_CSS FP()12:00PM 17:09:03 Style_CSS FP()12:00PM has ended 17:09:03 Attendees were florianr, plinss, glazou, sylvaing, hober, smfr, stearns, arronei, antonp, +1.415.308.aaaa, +1.650.275.aabb, bradk, JohnJansen, +1.415.832.aacc, vhardy_, krit, 17:09:03 ... alexmog_, +47.21.65.aadd, dstorey, [Microsoft], TabAtkins, ChrisL, Katie 17:19:30 oyvind has left #css 17:19:43 dstorey has joined #css 17:21:31 smfr has left #css 17:37:40 vhardy_ has joined #css 17:43:06 vhardy_ has joined #css 17:44:47 vhardy_ has joined #css 17:53:41 drublic has joined #css 18:05:48 dstorey has joined #css 18:18:33 nimbu has joined #css 18:50:40 leaverou has joined #css 18:51:19 tantek has joined #css 19:16:59 leaverou has joined #css 19:36:25 ksweeney has left #css 20:02:56 dstorey has joined #css 20:34:45 vhardy_ has joined #css 20:39:38 vhardy_ has joined #css 20:41:17 nimbu has joined #css 21:01:24 jet has joined #CSS 21:15:50 Ms2ger has joined #css 21:30:03 vhardy__ has joined #css 21:31:09 vhardy__ has joined #css 21:37:06 nimbu has joined #css 21:40:03 vhardy_ has joined #css 21:58:29 TabAtkins: Announcements posted. Edit if you have anything to add. 22:04:31 vhardy_ has joined #css 22:28:29 Zakim has left #css 22:35:39 jet has joined #CSS 22:36:29 krit has joined #css 22:46:07 glenn has joined #css 23:07:14 tantek has joined #css 23:12:42 tantek has joined #css 23:29:55 vhardy_ has joined #css 23:32:16 vhardy_ has joined #css 23:54:42 tantek has joined #css