User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Teleconference

05 Apr 2012

See also: IRC log


Jeanne, Kelly, Simon, Greg, Kim, Jim, Jan
jimallan, KellyFord


<trackbot> Date: 05 April 2012

@@ in editor's draft - Agenda (see mail to be sent from Jim on items

of focus for this week)

current draft: http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/2012/ED-UAAG20-20120328/

current draft: http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/2012/ED-UAAG20-20120328/

face to face scheduling

F2F will happen in Austin on June 4 & 5

arrangements to follow shortly.

zakim: close item 2

Action-646 write examples for 321


<Greg> Here's the draft:

<Greg> Ryan uses a mouse, but his hand tremor makes him more likely to accidentally miss his intended target. Cancel and Submit (or OK) buttons are often next to each other, and Ryan has found that submitting a form inappropriately can cause serious complications, so he sets a browser option to always request confirmation of form submissions. As a result, when he clicks on a submit button the...

<Greg> ...browser presents a message box asking “Are you sure you want to submit this form?” with buttons to Submit and Cancel.

<Greg> Ryan uses a mouse but his hand tremor makes him more likely to accidentally miss his intended target. Cancel and Submit (or OK) buttons are often next to each other, and Ryan has found that submitting a form inappropriately can cause serious complications, so he sets a browser option to always request confirmation of form submissions. As a result, when he clicks on a submit button the...

<Greg> ...browser presents a message box asking “Are you sure you want to submit this form?” with buttons for Submit and Cancel.

<scribe> scribe: jallan

all discussion of the wording.

sh: if user has trouble with form buttons won't the have trouble with the dialog.

gl: could use css to separate buttons further

js: why not a setting in the UA for larger buttons, or more space.

gl: that would be bad for dexterity issues.

<Greg> That is, we don't want to always require larger, more widely spaced buttons.

js: they wouldn't be asking for the confirmation.

<Greg> We discussed whether confirmation is the best that can be done for people who inadvertently click buttons, and ideas for additional features that could help.

<jeanne> As a result, when he clicks on a submit button the browser presents a message box asking "Are you sure you want to submit this form?" with larger, well-spaced buttons for Submit and Cancel.


1.2.1 Repair Missing Alternatives

1.2.2 Repair Empty Alternatives



Write an SC to substitute for 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 that gives the user the

ability to request the meta data available for an object,

<Greg> What is the difference between "Browse and Render" and this proposal?

see minutes: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ua/2012JanMar/0050.html

<sharper> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ua/2012JanMar/0039.html

1.8.5 action-491

jr: any view port state allowed by the content or web application.

<Jan> 1.8.5 Viewport History:For user agents that implement a viewport history mechanism (e.g. "back" button), the user can return to any state in the viewport history that is allowed by the content, restoring the prior point of regard, input focus and selection.(Level A)

gl: feels that there is existing somewhere

kf+ +1

no objections

Resolved: add 1.8.5 Viewport History:For user agents that implement a viewport history mechanism (e.g. "back" button), the user can return to any state in the viewport history that is allowed by the content, restoring the prior point of regard, input focus and selection.(Level A) to document

close action-637

<trackbot> ACTION-637 Craft 1.8.5 closed

close action-491

<trackbot> ACTION-491 Rewrite 1.8.5 to include exception for financial or other web application criteria (can't go back or charge credit card twice) closed

<jeanne> action-639?

<trackbot> ACTION-639 -- Jan Richards to propose how to explain that 1.10.2 outline view should be operable -- due 2011-11-10 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/tracker/actions/639

jan will review Action-639

Action-467 on 1.11.1 and 1.11.2

js: could move 1.11.1 to AA

1.11.1 Access Relationships: The user can access explicitly-defined relationships based on the user's position in content (e.g. show form control's label, show label's form control, show a cell's table headers). (Level A)

ja: should be A.

js: not done well today.

sh: this should stay A, unless covered else where. visually proximity defines relation.
... if relationship is explicity defined then user should be able to access it.


discussion about position in content

<jeanne> Intent of Success Criterion 1.11.1:

<jeanne> Some users have difficulty perceiving, remembering, or understanding the relationships between elements and their contexts. HTML controls and elements are sometimes grouped together to make up a composite control; certain elements relate to others in a recognizable manner, such as relationships with 'id' attributes and child elements. This is the case with Ajax widgets and with form elements. By

<jeanne> making sure the user can be informed about these relationships means that, say, visually disabled users can better understand these relationships even if the elements are not adjacent on the screen or the DOM.

<jeanne> Examples of Success Criterion 1.11.1: John has low vision and uses a screen magnifier to access his Browser. When interacting with tables and spreadsheets John has to move the viewport of the magnifier to understand the row and column titles of the cell with which he is interacting. This takes additional time and effort and is therefore frustrating. John has just purchased a new Browser because it

<jeanne> presents the row and column titles when he hovers over a cell - this makes him much more productive at his accounting job.

<jeanne> Related Resources for Success Criterion 1.11.1: WAI-ARIA

<jeanne> UAAG 2.7.3 Location in Hierarchy

jr: person on form control, they can find the label. if in a table cell, they can find headers.
... in 1.2.3 we have mission associations (artificial intelligence...difficult to do)
... not cover elsewhere
... what does this mean in operationally
... what about summary, or adjacent cells, testing gets tricky

ja: do we need to reword to make it more testable.

jr: what does "user can access" mean.
... with AT only or programmatically
... AT DOM navigation. surfacing it to every user (hover over cell). intermediate possibility...firebug to technically show all known relationships

gl: target of this SC is general user not the techy

jr: is there something implicit that the user cannot understand without the relationships.
... if the rest of the document disappeared, what else is needed (relationships) to gain meaning for a particular set of words.

js: if it stays an A, it needs to have a lower scope.

jr: this is similar to GL 2.5 (2.5.1, 2.5.2)
... there are about a dozen SC related to relationships.

<scribe> ACTION: Jim to review all SC related to relationships to simplify with Jan [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/04/05-ua-minutes.html#action01]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-722 - Review all SC related to relationships to simplify with Jan [on Jim Allan - due 2012-04-12].

jr: what about ARIA relationships, parent-child, etc. fieldset/legent, table summary and caption

2.1.8 Efficient Keyboard Access



Look at IER for the new 2.1.8 and compare with the IER for ATAG

A.3.1.3 and update as necessary.

<jeanne> action-530?

<trackbot> ACTION-530 -- Jeanne F Spellman to look at IER for the new 2.1.8 and compare with the IER for ATAG A.3.1.3 and update as necessary. -- due 2011-12-02 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/tracker/actions/530

2.1.8 Action-530

Jeanne will review

<jeanne> also needs mobile example.

<jeanne> action-518?

<trackbot> ACTION-518 -- Jim Allan to combine 2.11.2-4 (auto and executable content) into 1 sc with IER -- due 2011-12-02 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/tracker/actions/518

1.2.4 review

1.2.4 Broken Alternative Content: The user can be notified when the user agent cannot render alternative content (e.g. when captions are broken). (Level AAA)

<kford> This one is fine to me.

js: +1

ja: +1

Resolved: 1.2.4 done!


1.3.1 Highlighted Items:

The user can globally specify that the following be highlighted so that each class is uniquely distinguished. It is not the intention that all recognized enabled elements be uniquely distinguished, just that they be distinguished from disabled elements. (Level A)

jr: do we say "globally specify" anymore
... second sentence seems to contradict first.

1.3.1 Highlighted Items:

The user can globally specify that the following be highlighted so that each class is uniquely distinguished. (Level A)

(a) selection

(b) active keyboard focus (indicated by focus cursors and/or text cursors)

(c) recognized enabled elements (distinguished from disabled elements)

(d) elements with alternative content (see 1.1.2)

(e) recently visited links

The user can globally specify that the following be highlighted so that each of the following classes is uniquely distinguished: (Level A)

(a) selection

(b) active keyboard focus (indicated by focus cursors and/or text cursors)

(c) recognized enabled elements (distinguished from disabled elements)

(d) elements with alternative content (see 1.1.2)

(e) recently visited links

The user can globally specify that the following classes be highlighted so that each is uniquely distinguished: (Level A)

(a) selection

(b) active keyboard focus (indicated by focus cursors and/or text cursors)

(c) recognized enabled elements (distinguished from disabled elements)

(d) elements with alternative content (see 1.1.2)

(e) recently visited links

jr: why visited links

gl: cognitive load....too much to remember what you have visited

jr: what about links that are video controls

gl: edge case

jr: not a big issue.

The user can globally specify that the following classes be highlighted so that each is uniquely distinguished: (Level A)

(a) selection

(b) active keyboard focus (indicated by focus cursors and/or text cursors)

(c) recognized enabled elements (distinguished from disabled elements)

(d) elements with alternative content (see 1.1.2)

(e) recently visited links

kf: +1

sh: +1

Resolved: 1.3.1 DONE!

greg out next week.

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Jim to review all SC related to relationships to simplify with Jan [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/04/05-ua-minutes.html#action01]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.136 (CVS log)
$Date: 2012/04/05 18:42:34 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.136  of Date: 2011/05/12 12:01:43  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

FAILED: s/explicty/explicitly/
Succeeded: s/reviw/review/
Found Scribe: jallan
Inferring ScribeNick: JAllan
Default Present: Jim_Allan, Jeanne, Greg_Lowney, Jan, sharper, Kim_Patch, [Microsoft]
Present: Jeanne Kelly Simon Greg Kim Jim Jan
Regrets: Kelly
Found Date: 05 Apr 2012
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2012/04/05-ua-minutes.html
People with action items: jim

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]