14:51:51 RRSAgent has joined #prov 14:51:51 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/03/29-prov-irc 14:51:53 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:51:53 Zakim has joined #prov 14:51:55 Zakim, this will be 14:51:55 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 14:51:56 Meeting: Provenance Working Group Teleconference 14:51:56 Date: 29 March 2012 14:51:59 Zakim, this will be PROV 14:51:59 ok, pgroth; I see SW_(PROV)11:00AM scheduled to start in 9 minutes 14:52:17 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2012.03.29 14:52:29 Chair: Paul Groth 14:52:47 Scribe: Daniel Garijo 14:52:58 Regrets: Simon Miles 14:53:05 rrsagent, make logs public 14:53:39 jun has joined #prov 14:54:39 SW_(PROV)11:00AM has now started 14:54:46 +[IPcaller] 14:54:48 dgarijo has joined #prov 14:55:45 +??P15 14:55:57 Zakim, ??P15 is me 14:55:57 +dgarijo; got it 14:56:08 scribe: dgarijo 14:56:27 + +329331aaaa 14:56:58 +Luc 14:57:29 Zakim, +329331aaaa is me 14:57:29 +Tom_De_Nies; got it 14:59:45 tlebo has joined #prov 14:59:59 Curt has joined #prov 15:00:01 +tlebo 15:00:06 Paolo has joined #prov 15:00:27 +Curt_Tilmes 15:01:18 SamCoppens has joined #prov 15:01:31 Zakim, Tom_De_Nies is with SamCoppens 15:01:47 sorry, Tom_De_Nies, I do not recognize a party named 'SamCoppens' 15:01:53 +??P50 15:01:56 +??P43 15:01:56 Zakim, ??P50 is me 15:02:02 zakim, ??P43 is me 15:02:20 +jcheney; got it 15:02:29 +jun; got it 15:02:38 +[IPcaller.a] 15:02:56 zakim, [IPcaller.a] is me 15:03:08 +??P49 15:03:10 +Paolo; got it 15:03:12 q? 15:03:19 Zakim, who is on the call? 15:03:19 On the phone I see [IPcaller], dgarijo, Tom_De_Nies, Luc, tlebo, Curt_Tilmes, jcheney, jun, Paolo, ??P49 15:03:28 Zakim, [IPcaller] is me 15:03:30 +pgroth; got it 15:03:49 yes 15:03:58 StephenCresswell has joined #prov 15:04:07 Minutes last telco: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/meeting/2012-03-22 15:04:15 +1 15:04:21 +1 15:04:23 +1 15:04:24 +1 15:04:28 +1 15:04:30 GK1 has joined #prov 15:04:33 +1 15:05:01 +??P53 15:05:06 Approved: Minutes of the March 22 2012 Telecon 15:05:15 GK has joined #prov 15:05:24 pgroth: open actions 15:05:32 ... there is still 1 open, on me 15:05:48 ... I think the action is done (new version of the paq) 15:05:58 ... next topic: reminder about the scribes 15:06:27 +OpenLink_Software 15:06:28 ... welcome to Tom De Nies 15:06:35 Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me 15:06:35 +MacTed; got it 15:06:37 Zakim, mute me 15:06:37 MacTed should now be muted 15:06:43 tom: colleague of SamCoppens 15:07:05 ... work in enrichment of news and provenance assessment of news. Very happy to be here 15:07:12 q? 15:07:19 paul: questions? 15:07:23 Topic: PROV-DM 15:07:35 +??P16 15:07:36 pgroth: stauts update? 15:07:39 http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/ProvDMWorkingDraft5 15:08:11 Zakim, ??P16 is me 15:08:11 +GK; got it 15:08:20 it would be VERY helpful if links to relevant docs can always be included in (added to) the Agenda 15:08:22 luc:We've been working quite hard on the model. The documents are ready today (deadline is monday). In the wikipage there is a to do list and most of the items are covered. 15:08:31 "align collection productions [PM]" done, actually 15:08:40 ... invalidation will not be covered. It will be written and merged separately. 15:08:49 +??P10 15:08:55 zednik has joined #prov 15:09:03 ... for provn we've done checks for everything except collections 15:09:09 @Luc collections productions done this morning 15:09:14 sorry, previous meeting ran late. 15:09:16 ... constraints part has not been started. 15:09:24 +sandro 15:09:33 ... will try to have it for monday, although we are not sure. 15:09:38 q? 15:09:43 pgroth: questions? 15:09:45 q+ 15:09:54 ack tlebo 15:10:00 :collection (paolo) -- fix the constraints to allow for multiple contained() assertions" --> please see my mail this morning re: this 15:10:11 tlebo: curious about the "finished today but still something to do for monday" 15:10:16 (have to go, sorry in between trains) 15:10:25 -Paolo 15:10:27 luc: part 2 is the one we are going to start tomorrow. 15:10:33 q? 15:10:53 Zakim, mute me 15:10:53 Tom_De_Nies should now be muted 15:10:56 (DM and N are finished today, CONSTRAINTS is for Monday.) 15:11:05 luc: we have identified a number of questions for reviewers: 15:11:24 ... can the doc be released as a fwd? 15:11:29 ... blockers? 15:12:16 ... reviewers with pending issues please confirm if they can be clsoed 15:12:25 s/clsoed/closed 15:12:37 -??P53 15:12:51 ... typos gramatical issues can be submitted in issues 331, 332 and 333 15:12:56 q? 15:13:09 q? 15:13:12 +??P22 15:13:39 paul: reviewers for provd and provn can start reviewing now? 15:13:44 stainPhone has joined #prov 15:14:00 Paolo has joined #prov 15:14:09 luc: they could. But there are a few tweaks we'll have to do once we reach the constraints on part to. Up to the reviewers. 15:14:15 Monday is fine :-) 15:14:17 -??P22 15:14:30 zakim, ??P22 is me 15:14:31 I already had ??P22 as ??P22, Paolo 15:14:41 pgroth: reviewers were: Tim, khalid, curt, jun and... 15:15:14 luc: if you are in agreement the we can send a notification on monday 15:15:33 I'm not seeing the document URIs at the page posted previuously 15:15:33 I can't really do it until next week anyway 15:15:34 pgroth: ok, so wait till monday to begin the review. 15:15:36 q? 15:15:54 http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2012.03.29#PROV-O 15:15:55 Topic: PROV-o 15:16:12 pgroth has left #prov 15:16:17 tlebo: different parts of the team working on different parts of the doc. 15:16:19 pgroth has joined #prov 15:16:34 ... some questions to the reviewers are on the link posted in the irc 15:16:45 ... will be ready for review by monday 15:17:01 +??P22 15:17:06 where is the prov-o.html document? 15:17:10 +??P24 15:17:15 tlebo: the organization scheme has changed 15:17:23 @Luc: in aquarius :( 15:17:34 thanks 15:18:09 q? 15:18:12 tlebo: is it enough to understand everything, are the cross references useful? 15:18:36 tlebo: please start to be familiar with the ontology. 15:18:43 ... should we add more examples. 15:19:13 pgroth: would you move this to the w3c site (what people are supposed to review). 15:19:19 q? 15:19:29 tlebo: yes, it will be a save as in mercurial 15:19:53 pgroth: could anybody else volunteer to review? 15:20:11 I will review it also 15:20:18 Zakim, unmute me 15:20:18 MacTed should no longer be muted 15:20:20 (I may, but reluctant to over-commit right now) 15:20:34 luc: macTed? 15:20:43 macTed: I'll try to have a look 15:20:49 Zakim, mute me 15:20:49 MacTed should now be muted 15:20:50 @paul, could you remind us the timing for review 15:21:05 paul: so sam an macTed as new reviewers. 15:21:28 april 9th 15:21:35 pgroth: monday is the release, April 9th is the due date for the reviews. 15:21:38 -??P22 15:21:49 q? 15:22:09 q+ 15:22:17 ... will try to reach consensus on 12 or 19th depending on the feedback. On monday we'll send an email to remember everyone 15:22:17 ack GK 15:22:34 they will be emailed on Monday 15:22:38 GK: Can I ask for confirmation of the URIs of the docs to be reviewed. 15:22:54 pgroth: will send them on monday, when they are ready to be released. 15:22:59 q? 15:23:05 Topic: Prov-Primer 15:23:35 pgroth: simon couldn't be here, but sent an update: Comments by Stian and Paolo are addrssed. 15:23:45 -??P24 15:23:47 ... he will have the rest by monday (examples) 15:23:57 ... he might be postponing collections. 15:24:14 +??P22 15:24:43 q? 15:24:48 ... questions for the reviewers: The primer doesn't talk that mucho about qualified involvement. What is the opinion of the reviewers about that? Can that be left for a later draft? 15:24:51 q+ 15:24:53 ... blocking issues? 15:24:56 ack Luc 15:25:21 luc: how do we talk about roles withouth qE? 15:25:34 s/qE/qI 15:25:46 yes 15:25:50 time can be mentioned wirh location and custom attributes 15:25:53 q? 15:26:11 +1 15:26:12 paul: that might be the question he's asking to the reviewers. 15:26:14 +1 15:26:37 ... so sounds reasonable to delay the discussion about collections in the primer. 15:27:05 luc: agrees. 15:27:17 pgroth: I will send an email to Simon. 15:27:19 q? 15:27:26 Topic: PAQ 15:27:29 and I am Stephan are doing the prov-o mapping of collections. 15:27:40 sure 15:28:02 GK: I made a past to the doc simplifying sections. 15:28:20 ... still to discuss some of the changes with paul. 15:28:26 updated version is here: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/2b3bd4e1beb1/paq/working/prov-aq.html 15:28:44 ... there are still issues to resolve in the doc. 15:29:31 ... unify the namespace. Added an appendix. Issues like 70, 211 have been addressed. 233, 76 too. 15:30:16 ... should we be changing the prov:entity uri with sime other thing? 15:30:32 paul: we need to follow up some of these issues. 15:30:39 Zakim, who's noisy? 15:30:50 MacTed, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: GK (50%) 15:30:59 ... how to use sparql and linked data. 15:31:05 mute would be appreciated on clacky keyboard 15:31:05 ... with prov. 15:31:15 Paolo has joined #prov 15:31:36 ... people wanted to retrieve the prov of entities and activities 15:31:37 Zakim, mute GK 15:31:37 GK should now be muted 15:31:51 @graham, sorry, I couldn't hear :( 15:31:56 +??P0 15:32:03 Zakim, unmute me 15:32:03 MacTed should no longer be muted 15:32:09 q? 15:32:11 akim, ??P0 is me 15:32:11 q+ 15:32:18 paul: what do the gorup thinks about that? 15:32:21 -GK 15:32:21 provElement or similar? 15:32:24 zakim, ??P0 is me 15:32:24 +Paolo; got it 15:32:41 +??P2 15:32:43 MacTed: distinction between entity and activity is artificial. 15:32:47 zakim, ??p2 is me 15:32:47 +GK; got it 15:33:01 ... we're building ourselves problems. 15:33:02 Tom_De_Nies has joined #prov 15:33:20 q+ 15:33:29 ack MacTed 15:33:32 ack Luc 15:34:12 luc: paul mentioned activities and entities. There are a lot of terms with ids (nearly all of them). I don't think it is artificial 15:34:15 q? 15:35:19 MacTed: however it is a redefined type. Entitiy has a common usage in the world, and we are using it in a total different way. The struggle to keep that in a different way is the thing that I don't like 15:35:20 q? 15:35:27 but this would be teh case for any word we use, wouldn't it? 15:35:28 q? 15:35:47 q+ to ask if any alternative terms have been suggested? 15:36:33 the concept represented by our term entity is inherently complex 15:36:33 pgroth: for the paq we need a term that represents everything with an identity in the model. Maybe provenance element, or ideantifiable. 15:36:42 "about" ? ;) 15:36:43 Ah... 15:37:16 MacTed: it continues to be confusing for us all. 15:37:22 q? 15:37:25 ack GK 15:37:25 GK, you wanted to ask if any alternative terms have been suggested? 15:37:43 q? 15:37:48 GK: has an alternative name been suggested? 15:38:04 pgroth: maybe we should go back to the paq itself 15:38:28 ... we will release it next week for people to look at it 15:38:28 q? 15:38:32 @GK: I agree that one can always propose better names, but for now, we don't have any other suggestion 15:38:41 q? 15:38:46 q+ 15:38:47 @Luc hence my Q :) 15:39:07 luc: what is your timetable. Synchronized release? 15:39:14 pgroth: I don't think so. 15:39:52 we could release it shortly afterwads 15:39:53 ... it is almost there, but almost everyone is commmitted to reviewing something. And also, it is somehow separate. 15:40:04 Not so much "separate" as "orthogonal" ? 15:40:22 ... next week we'll have something when people have time to review 15:40:55 GK: I may be travelling next week. Limited internet connection access. 15:41:23 Topic: Namespace Unification 15:41:40 http://www.w3.org/ns/prov# 15:41:43 pgroth: last week we talked about the ns unification. The use of the hash 15:42:02 ... is this use violated in rdf/xml serializations? 15:42:20 ... sandro contacted the xml working group 15:42:24 q? 15:42:27 ack Luc 15:42:50 .... they encouraged us to have a common namespace 15:42:59 ... the one proposed is fine with xml 15:43:13 ... it doesn't really matter what you have. 15:43:31 I'm happy with that resolution. 15:43:44 Propose that we use http://www.w3.org/ns/prov# as the common namespace for all prov specs 15:43:52 +1 15:43:52 +1 15:43:54 +1 15:43:55 +1 15:43:58 -??P22 15:44:00 +1 15:44:04 +1 15:44:06 +1 15:44:07 +1 15:44:09 +1 15:44:12 +1 15:44:12 +0 15:44:26 +1 15:44:35 Accepted: use http://www.w3.org/ns/prov# as the common namespace for all prov specs 15:44:42 Close ISSUE-224 http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/track/issues/224 15:44:45 pgroth: we can close issue 224 15:45:27 ... provide an html index to link all the docs toghether. 15:45:45 ... are there volunteers for this? 15:45:47 q? 15:45:59 q? 15:46:26 ... I'll go ahead and start doing it after monday 15:46:52 ... I'll need some help 15:46:55 q? 15:47:10 q+ 15:47:17 ack Luc 15:47:32 luc: regarding collections: 3 relations are being proposed. 15:47:46 Topic: Collections 15:48:03 ... do we want to have the same form (in the past) as the o ther properties? 15:48:17 q? 15:48:21 it would be nice to have some input 15:48:32 What's the anticip[ated context of use? 15:49:06 q+ 15:49:14 ack Paolo 15:49:46 paolo: any time you want to track the prov of the collection. 15:49:51 do we have a link to the proposal? 15:50:11 SO, if it's for tracking provenance of collections as well as members, I think using the same form is appropriate. 15:50:50 ... for workflows is more important (to know if an element of the collection belonged to an execution, etc) 15:50:55 q? 15:51:47 paul: I want to come back about the name in the PAQ for entity URI 15:52:29 q? 15:52:30 q+ 15:52:31 ... any suggestions would be helpful 15:52:42 luc: why not resource? 15:53:00 - Provenance element? provenance resource? 15:53:30 gk: It was because we wanted to have a way of talking about the views. 15:54:02 paul: the scruffyness of the dm allows us to refer to resource. 15:54:30 gk: I'm trying to see what are the implications about this. I'm not sure 15:54:48 ... I would have to check the rest of the document. Maybe works. 15:54:58 luc: It is a reasonable suggestions 15:55:50 pgroth: the distinction between entity/process is more a dm problem. 15:56:12 q+ 15:56:17 ... you could raise an issue, MacTed, and propose other names. 15:56:24 ack Luc 15:56:31 Luc: do you have suggestions for other names? 15:56:59 we went through other terms people didn't like.... They don't like entity either, but it was left standing after other terms were eliminated. 15:57:01 ... that was the best one we came up with. We used to have Bob (and we don't want to go back there). 15:57:09 +1 curt 15:57:21 ... the only way to move forward is through new proposals 15:57:25 q+ to say I think I can see a way to revising PAQ 1.2 to remove "entity" and just talk about "resource" without losing the essence of the material 15:57:44 MacTed: I don't think we are the first people to look at these questions. 15:58:09 pgroth: the conclusion is: If you have a better name for consideration, feel free to propose it. 15:58:18 ack GK 15:58:18 GK, you wanted to say I think I can see a way to revising PAQ 1.2 to remove "entity" and just talk about "resource" without losing the essence of the material 15:58:46 GK: we can eliminate the term entity without loosing much in the doc. 15:59:29 q? 15:59:36 pgroth: good bye everyone 15:59:39 -Curt_Tilmes 15:59:44 -tlebo 15:59:44 ... and good luck for monday 15:59:47 -pgroth 15:59:49 -jcheney 15:59:52 -Luc 15:59:55 -jun 15:59:57 -GK 16:00:00 -dgarijo 16:00:03 -Paolo 16:00:04 daniel I'll do the minutes 16:00:05 -MacTed 16:00:07 -sandro 16:00:09 -??P10 16:00:09 ok, thanks! 16:00:12 bye! 16:00:17 -Tom_De_Nies 16:00:27 bye! 16:00:47 rrsagent, set log public 16:00:53 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:00:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/03/29-prov-minutes.html pgroth 16:00:58 trackbot, end telcon 16:00:58 Zakim, list attendees 16:01:06 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:01:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/03/29-prov-minutes.html trackbot 16:01:07 RRSAgent, bye 16:01:07 I see no action items 16:01:08 @Paul: would you like me take to a pass at this while it's fresh in my mind (s/entity/resource/)