14:37:16 RRSAgent has joined #gld 14:37:16 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/02/23-gld-irc 14:37:18 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:37:18 Zakim has joined #gld 14:37:20 Zakim, this will be GLD 14:37:20 ok, trackbot; I see T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 23 minutes 14:37:21 Meeting: Government Linked Data Working Group Teleconference 14:37:21 Date: 23 February 2012 14:41:47 HadleyBeeman has joined #gld 14:53:12 hello everyone 14:53:18 Hi bhyland! 14:53:29 @Sandro, yes, please fix my typo on date … sorry 14:53:38 I've missed you all. Someone's been scheduling Open Data Institute planning meetings at the same time as our telecons… Sorry. 14:54:41 T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM has now started 14:54:48 +bhyland 14:55:52 + +1.440.389.aaaa 14:56:13 gatemezi has joined #gld 14:56:27 zakim, aaaa is HadleyBeeman 14:56:27 +HadleyBeeman; got it 14:56:59 BenediktKaempgen has joined #gld 14:57:16 George has joined #gld 14:57:29 dvilasuero has joined #gld 14:57:45 boris has joined #gld 14:57:51 zakim, code? 14:57:51 the conference code is 45394 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), boris 14:58:00 DaveReynolds has joined #gld 14:58:16 +boris 14:58:21 +Sandro 14:58:21 Mike_Pendleton has joined #gld 14:58:45 +Mike_P 14:58:52 olyerickson has joined #gld 14:59:21 PhilA2 has joined #gld 14:59:38 Scribe:Ghislain Atemezing 14:59:39 zakim, dvilasuero is with me 14:59:40 +George_Thomas 14:59:40 +dvilasuero; got it 14:59:50 + +1.757.604.aabb 14:59:53 ScribeNick:gatemezi 15:00:04 +[IPcaller] 15:00:07 Chair:Bernadette Hyland 15:00:08 \me thanks boris 15:00:10 danbri has joined #gld 15:00:17 zakim, +IPcaller is me 15:00:17 sorry, DaveReynolds, I do not recognize a party named '+IPcaller' 15:00:19 +raphael 15:00:30 zakim, IPcaller is me 15:00:30 +DaveReynolds; got it 15:00:40 +??P57 15:00:56 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20120222 15:01:02 Deirdre has joined #gld 15:01:20 zakim, ??P57 is me. 15:01:20 +olyerickson; got it 15:01:46 Zakim, who is here? 15:01:46 On the phone I see bhyland, HadleyBeeman, boris, Sandro, Mike_P, George_Thomas, +1.757.604.aabb, DaveReynolds, raphael, olyerickson 15:01:54 boris has boris, dvilasuero 15:01:56 On IRC I see Deirdre, danbri, PhilA2, olyerickson, Mike_Pendleton, DaveReynolds, boris, dvilasuero, George, BenediktKaempgen, gatemezi, HadleyBeeman, Zakim, RRSAgent, MacTed, 15:01:58 ... bhyland, trackbot, sandro 15:02:02 GeraldSteeman has joined #gld 15:02:06 + +49.721.aacc 15:02:25 zakim, mute me. 15:02:25 olyerickson should now be muted 15:02:49 +DeirdreLee 15:03:06 typing "bh works nices 15:03:25 +1 to good group ;) 15:03:31 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20120223 15:03:34 Zakim, who is here? 15:03:34 On the phone I see bhyland, HadleyBeeman, boris, Sandro, Mike_P, George_Thomas, +1.757.604.aabb, DaveReynolds, raphael, olyerickson (muted), +49.721.aacc, DeirdreLee 15:03:37 boris has boris, dvilasuero 15:03:37 On IRC I see GeraldSteeman, Deirdre, danbri, PhilA2, olyerickson, Mike_Pendleton, DaveReynolds, boris, dvilasuero, George, BenediktKaempgen, gatemezi, HadleyBeeman, Zakim, 15:03:38 ... RRSAgent, MacTed, bhyland, trackbot, sandro 15:03:41 and "bh" without the tab also works. :-) 15:03:54 bhyland: We have to begin..welcome everything 15:03:56 zakim, aacc is BenediktKaempgen 15:04:00 Zakim, who is here? 15:04:04 +BenediktKaempgen; got it 15:04:10 zakim, code? 15:04:12 unmute me. 15:04:14 On the phone I see bhyland, HadleyBeeman, boris, Sandro, Mike_P, George_Thomas, +1.757.604.aabb, DaveReynolds, raphael, olyerickson (muted), BenediktKaempgen, DeirdreLee 15:04:17 boris has boris, dvilasuero 15:04:20 zakim, unmute me. 15:04:23 the conference code is 45394 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), PhilA2 15:04:27 On IRC I see GeraldSteeman, Deirdre, danbri, PhilA2, olyerickson, Mike_Pendleton, DaveReynolds, boris, dvilasuero, George, BenediktKaempgen, gatemezi, HadleyBeeman, Zakim, 15:04:33 ... RRSAgent, MacTed, bhyland, trackbot, sandro 15:04:35 olyerickson should no longer be muted 15:04:48 zakim aabb is gatemezi 15:05:11 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:05:18 On the phone I see bhyland, HadleyBeeman, boris, Sandro, Mike_P, George_Thomas, +1.757.604.aabb, DaveReynolds, raphael, olyerickson, BenediktKaempgen, DeirdreLee 15:05:20 BenediktKaempgen to begin the first part of the agenda 15:05:21 boris has boris, dvilasuero 15:05:25 +[IPcaller] 15:05:27 zakim, IPCaller is me 15:05:37 +PhilA2; got it 15:05:38 zakim, gatemezi is GeraldSteeman 15:05:43 Zakim, aabb is me. 15:05:46 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:05:47 zakim, who is on the call? 15:05:47 sorry, bhyland, I do not recognize a party named 'gatemezi' 15:05:51 +GeraldSteeman; got it 15:05:59 On the phone I see bhyland, HadleyBeeman, boris, Sandro, Mike_P, George_Thomas, GeraldSteeman, DaveReynolds, raphael, olyerickson, BenediktKaempgen, DeirdreLee, PhilA2 15:06:04 boris has boris, dvilasuero 15:06:07 On the phone I see bhyland, HadleyBeeman, boris, Sandro, Mike_P, George_Thomas, GeraldSteeman, DaveReynolds, raphael, olyerickson, BenediktKaempgen, DeirdreLee, PhilA2 15:06:09 boris has boris, dvilasuero 15:06:16 tinagheen has joined #gld 15:06:51 Request to approve last week's minutes, see http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2012-02-16 15:07:01 Topic: last week minutes 15:07:22 +[LC] 15:07:25 +1 to minutes 15:07:27 Zakim, [LC] is me 15:07:29 bhyland: discussed a lot BP documents 15:07:30 +1 15:07:31 +1 minutes 15:07:32 +1 15:07:33 -q 15:07:34 +1 15:07:52 q? 15:07:59 RESOLUTION: the last minutes is approved 15:08:00 +tinagheen; got it 15:08:28 Topic: Discussion about DQ use-case 15:09:00 http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Data_Cube_Vocabulary 15:09:13 Topic: RDF Data Cube Use Case proposed by Benedikt 15:09:34 +1 to hearing BenediktKaempgen... 15:09:51 BenediktKaempgen: 2 products..for rdf DQ vocab 15:10:06 ...want to make sure that it covers all the use cases 15:10:15 http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/data-cube-ucr/index.html 15:10:22 ....for relevant scenario ... 15:11:20 BenediktKaempgen: the doc has an introduction before a complete scenario 15:11:26 Abstract from Use Case doc: "Many national, regional and local governments, as well as other organizations inside and outside of the public sector, create statistics. There is a need to publish those statistics in a standardized, machine-readable way on the web, so that statistics can be freely integrated and reused in consuming applications. This document is a collection of use cases for a standard vocabulary to publish statistics as Linked Data. 15:11:45 ..don't have at the moment concret links to the use of those scenario 15:12:30 BenediktKaempgen: use case docs has 10..divided en two groups: to publish and consump data published 15:12:57 ...the requirement depend on the use case... 15:13:25 ...of course you have to use LD, the data should be published in a general way 15:13:51 ...giving freedom for the consumption.. like modeling quantitive oobservation.. 15:14:25 ...the 2nd use case deals with excel files, their transformation 15:14:39 + + 15:14:48 ...the 3rth UC: base the modeling on SDMX... 15:15:22 Biplav has joined #gld 15:15:35 zakim, aadd is biplav 15:15:35 +biplav; got it 15:15:40 zakim, who is on the call? 15:15:40 On the phone I see bhyland, HadleyBeeman, boris, Sandro, Mike_P, George_Thomas, GeraldSteeman, DaveReynolds, raphael, olyerickson, BenediktKaempgen, DeirdreLee, PhilA2, tinagheen, 15:15:42 ..4UC: publishing aggregation value; also at the granular level; measurement 15:15:44 ... biplav 15:15:44 boris has boris, dvilasuero 15:15:48 q? 15:16:09 rreck has joined #GLD 15:16:19 Biplav: I am on the call, mute 15:16:25 ...5UC: not sure about this, is about registering for other platform 15:17:04 +rreck 15:17:07 ...UC 6: regarding versioning...stats about other stats 15:17:24 zakim, mute me 15:17:24 rreck should now be muted 15:17:51 ...want to make sure that data can be used by "normal" tools... 15:18:27 q+ to ask about qb explanation and categories of UC 15:18:48 ...visualize data set in expressive way ...for analysis 15:19:35 ...provide ways to analyse data with intelligent methods 15:20:22 ...problem could occur with large data set...tools can't know for eg aggregation function... 15:21:20 q+ 15:21:37 ...last UC: specific stats are required in specifics formats...find way to transforme DQ data to those formats 15:21:48 ...would be happy to receive feedbacks.. 15:22:00 wow indeed - very comprehensive and exciting set of uc's :0 15:22:09 +1 to awesome 15:22:14 bhyland: thanks for the information in 16 min. 15:22:14 ack me 15:22:14 DaveReynolds, you wanted to ask about qb explanation and categories of UC 15:22:19 ack DeirdreLee 15:22:30 +1 to bhyland's thanks for the great work on this 15:22:52 +1 DaveReynolds … I had the same question 15:23:06 +1 to DaveReynolds's point about mixing up UC with solution 15:23:41 DaveReynolds: wondering how we have UC in the same document? 15:23:43 I don't agree 15:23:56 looks like 41# puts up your hand and adds you to speaker queue :) 15:24:01 q+ 15:24:04 Possible solution is to call it "best practices for DataCube Use" rather than Use Cases ... 15:24:40 q? 15:25:42 DaveReynolds: The proposed Use Case doc combines use case definition but also pre-supposes an outcome/approach 15:25:56 DaveReynolds: technical UC dealing with design decision.. 15:26:00 I agree with DaveReynolds interpretation 15:26:31 ** I think it's one of approach to BP 15:26:44 q? 15:26:55 +1 to general use case definition but would like to see solutions separated. 15:27:09 ack bhyland 15:27:50 q+ 15:28:14 danbri has joined #gld 15:28:52 bhyland: Could we consider a doc for UCs and another like "BP for DQ" ? 15:29:56 Benedikt: The use of XMBL is mandated by US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), for final publishing purposes. 15:30:31 Bhyland asked whether that is used extensively elsewhere, e.g., EU, Asia, Australia, etc? 15:30:36 s/XBML/XBRL 15:31:23 q+ 15:31:36 q+ 15:32:55 There is an EU branch of XBRL too btw. They've been involved in the ISA programme stuff I'm doing 15:32:59 http://www2.xbrl.org//eu/ 15:33:15 olyerickson: we could consider a check-list for guiding the user in taking the decision..particularly in BP docs 15:34:55 olyerickson: We need to remember who our constituents or consumers are … we shouldn't be focusing on application of a specific vocab to a problem … rather, how to make a decision, what criteria to apply … should highlight what is important, e.g. how to properly design URLs and define a URI policy... 15:36:01 benedikt: Liaised with Richard Cyganiak and his advice was that people in gov't are considering the application of these vocabs. 15:36:09 q? 15:36:16 ack olyerickson 15:36:51 Zakim, who is here? 15:36:51 On the phone I see bhyland, HadleyBeeman, boris, Sandro, Mike_P, George_Thomas, GeraldSteeman, DaveReynolds, raphael, olyerickson, BenediktKaempgen, DeirdreLee, PhilA2, tinagheen, 15:36:54 ... biplav, rreck (muted) 15:36:54 boris has boris, dvilasuero 15:36:54 On IRC I see danbri, rreck, Biplav, tinagheen, GeraldSteeman, Deirdre, PhilA2, olyerickson, Mike_Pendleton, DaveReynolds, boris, dvilasuero, BenediktKaempgen, gatemezi, 15:36:57 ... HadleyBeeman, Zakim, RRSAgent, MacTed, bhyland, trackbot, sandro 15:37:00 +1 checklist (to me it sounds like the right approach to a govt problem) 15:38:00 +1 to moving on ;) 15:38:09 q? 15:39:01 ack me 15:39:17 Biplav: propose to add for each UC the benefit of using DQ 15:39:24 Propose: Putting Use Case & Req's for Data Cube Vocab on agenda for a week *after* we get through getting the stuff that is core to our Charter/Schedule addressed. 15:40:45 DaveReynolds: Use Case doc is about setting the context and explains solutions .. this should follow a separate Best Practice doc either part of the main BP doc or separate BP doc specific to the Data Cube 15:41:04 I like having the problem of too much good quality information to separate out :-) 15:41:31 George has joined #gld 15:41:35 q? 15:41:42 ack me 15:41:42 boris: thanks for the others...more precision for the UC 3 regarding the SDMX vocab which is not entirely covered 15:41:42 ack Biplav 15:41:45 ack boris 15:42:26 Thanks Benedikt! 15:43:53 thanks benedikt, very good work! 15:45:16 bhyland: sugestions for publishing FPWD ? Any formal procedure at W3C 15:46:49 The short name on the docs now look pretty good to me 15:46:50 bhyland: there is a formal procedure for publishing FPWD... 15:47:03 The editors have put them on in allc ases 15:47:09 Topic: DCAT 15:47:47 I admit I've not given it the time I had hoped 15:47:54 https://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/products/2 15:48:21 Currently swamped by ISA Programme stuff that is more than filling my time so I've been a bit negligent on DCAT 15:48:48 bhyland: RESOLUTION: posponed DCAT discussion to march, 8. 15:49:09 Topic Org Ontology is now in Mercurial, see http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/org/index.html 15:49:13 http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/org/index.html 15:49:20 bvila: transform the ORG for reviewing process... 15:49:45 Approved: Org Ontology will have an email sent to Thomas Roessler @ W3C to move to public review of FPWD 15:50:38 PROPOSED: Publish the Org Ontology Specification as a FPWD 15:50:42 +1 15:50:45 +1 (W3C) 15:50:47 +1 15:50:52 +1 (LinkedGov) 15:50:54 +1 (invited expert) 15:50:58 +1 rrecktek 15:50:58 +1 (UPM) 15:50:59 +1 (Library of Congress) 15:51:01 +1 (HHS) 15:51:04 +1 (UPM) 15:51:08 +1 15:51:09 +1 (DERI) 15:51:10 +1 (RPI) 15:51:11 +1 (IBM) 15:51:15 +1 (FZI) 15:51:21 +1 (NASA) 15:51:31 RESOLVED: Publish the Org Ontology Specification as a FPWD 15:51:41 :-) 15:51:45 :) 15:52:06 Topic: People Vocab, see https://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/products/4 15:52:43 \me thanks Dani 15:53:06 Thanks especially to Dani 15:53:37 RE: People Vocab, discussion post-poned to 8-Mar-2012 until MHausenblas 15:54:22 Proposed: discussion of People Vocab post-poned 15:54:29 q? 15:54:57 Topic: Best Practices https://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/products/1 15:55:22 Topic: BP prep for FPWD, see https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/bp/index.html 15:56:14 bhyland: there is a lot of content, many people involved..the editors working a lot to clean up all the content 15:57:09 bhyland: The document is not ready at the moment even for internal revision 15:57:35 -boris 15:57:37 Propose: Separate working note for Linked Data Glossary 15:57:47 q? 15:57:54 Q: Note that this ED doesn't reflect the current state of the work that's been done 15:58:31 +boris 15:58:47 ACTION: bhyland to produce a Linked Data Glossary from existing content in wiki & books. 15:58:47 Created ACTION-54 - Produce a Linked Data Glossary from existing content in wiki & books. [on Bernadette Hyland - due 2012-03-01]. 15:59:06 Zakim, who is here? 15:59:07 On the phone I see bhyland, HadleyBeeman, Sandro, Mike_P, George_Thomas, GeraldSteeman, DaveReynolds, raphael, olyerickson, BenediktKaempgen, DeirdreLee, PhilA2, tinagheen, biplav, 15:59:12 ... rreck (muted), boris 15:59:16 On IRC I see George, danbri, rreck, Biplav, tinagheen, GeraldSteeman, Deirdre, PhilA2, olyerickson, Mike_Pendleton, DaveReynolds, boris, dvilasuero, BenediktKaempgen, gatemezi, 15:59:22 ... Zakim, RRSAgent, MacTed, bhyland, trackbot, sandro 15:59:24 -HadleyBeeman 15:59:37 zakim, dvilasuero is with me 15:59:39 +dvilasuero; got it 16:00:33 Observation: The BP ED doesn't include any of the URI Construction work to-date: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/223_Best_Practices_URI_Construction 16:00:37 bhyhand: consider procurement for a different working group note? 16:01:14 *Stunned* that W3C really thinks it can do REC for procurement. NOT at all happy with this. 16:01:17 So URI Construction people need an action to update the ED in Hg... 16:01:31 Zakim, who is here? 16:01:50 Topic: Community Directory, see new stats http://dir.w3.org/rdf/2012/directory/statistics.xhtml?view 16:01:55 DaveReynolds, W3C does this with WCAG, right? 16:01:56 there are 66 organizations that have been listed. 16:02:09 On the phone I see bhyland, Sandro, Mike_P, George_Thomas, GeraldSteeman, DaveReynolds, raphael, olyerickson, BenediktKaempgen, DeirdreLee, PhilA2, tinagheen, biplav, rreck 16:02:13 ... (muted), boris 16:02:15 boris has boris, dvilasuero 16:02:22 sandro, very different case, that's an area that W3C is qualified to recommend on 16:02:24 Zakim, who is here? 16:02:50 q? 16:02:51 DaveReynolds, you don't think we are qualified to say what is a Linked Data system....? 16:03:01 sandro, yes 16:03:07 On IRC I see George, danbri, rreck, Biplav, tinagheen, GeraldSteeman, Deirdre, PhilA2, olyerickson, Mike_Pendleton, DaveReynolds, boris, dvilasuero, BenediktKaempgen, gatemezi, 16:03:11 q+ 16:03:12 sorry, lost in double negative, DaveReynolds :-) 16:03:13 ... Zakim, RRSAgent, MacTed, bhyland, trackbot, sandro 16:03:21 On the phone I see bhyland, Sandro, Mike_P, George_Thomas, GeraldSteeman, DaveReynolds, raphael, olyerickson, BenediktKaempgen, DeirdreLee, PhilA2, tinagheen, biplav, rreck 16:03:27 Announcements: 16:03:32 ... (muted), boris 16:03:38 boris has boris, dvilasuero 16:03:40 Biplav: described conference ... 16:03:54 Biplav: organize a Workshop in LD 16:03:55 sandro, W3C not qualified to recommend how to buy linked data solutions 16:04:19 For clarification please, has Community Directory been released to the public? 16:04:41 DaveReynolds, not "how to buy", but "what is a linked data server" or a "linked data storage system", or something like that. That could be where Bernadette and I are disagreeing, too. 16:04:46 @tinagheen, not officially because we haven't made time to discuss in the WG. 16:05:05 On IRC I see George, danbri, rreck, Biplav, tinagheen, GeraldSteeman, Deirdre, PhilA2, olyerickson, Mike_Pendleton, DaveReynolds, boris, dvilasuero, BenediktKaempgen, gatemezi, 16:05:07 thanks, bye 16:05:08 ... Zakim, RRSAgent, MacTed, bhyland, trackbot, sandro 16:05:11 Thanks! Bye 16:05:14 bhyland: thanks everyone 16:05:18 RRSAgent, set logs world-visible 16:05:23 sandro, so why call it "procurement" and prejudge the nature of the solution? 16:05:25 @ghislain, I'll hang out here to ensure the minutes get created OK. 16:05:44 zakim, who is on the call? 16:05:46 thanks everyone. Great work on vocabs & use cases .. thank you. 16:05:51 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:05:54 AAAI 12 workshop on Semantic Cities: http://research.ihost.com/semanticcities12/index.html http://research.ihost.com/semanticcities12/index.html AAAI 12 workshop on Semantic Cities - 16:06:02 @Biplav, thank you! 16:06:11 RRSAgent, generate minutes 16:06:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/02/23-gld-minutes.html gatemezi 16:06:34 @Biplav, I'll ping you about addressing the organizational representation of a multi-national in the Community Directory … you'll have some good ideas I bet 16:06:35 -Mike_P 16:06:38 -olyerickson 16:06:42 -PhilA2 16:06:46 -bhyland 16:06:48 -DeirdreLee 16:06:50 -Sandro 16:06:57 -tinagheen 16:06:58 -BenediktKaempgen 16:07:04 gatemezi: are you going to do the Common Scribe processing? 16:07:06 -GeraldSteeman 16:07:10 -rreck 16:07:14 -DaveReynolds 16:07:16 i.e. get this onto the wiki? 16:07:22 DaveReynolds, the charter text is: "Specific products and services involved in governments publishing linked data will be defined, suitable for use during government procurement." That's okay, yes? That emphasis is because that's what John Sheridan and others were telling me they needed. 16:07:43 -George_Thomas 16:07:48 On the phone I see raphael, biplav, boris 16:07:50 boris has boris, dvilasuero 16:07:58 On the phone I see raphael, biplav, boris 16:08:05 boris has boris, dvilasuero 16:08:18 -raphael 16:08:22 ( see http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/charter for more of the context. ) 16:08:25 @bhyland: I may need your help for the final process of the minutes :-) TIA 16:08:48 OK, would you like to take over now? 16:08:55 It will take me a couple minutes & we'll be done... 16:09:00 -biplav 16:09:12 RRSAgent, set logs world-visible 16:09:19 bhyland: I'm happy to handle common scribe - I'm starting to get sued to it I think 16:09:20 RRSAgent, generate minutes 16:09:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/02/23-gld-minutes.html bhyland 16:09:22 sandro, I don't like that but I guess I can't object. However, the document will need to be extraordinarily careful to not suggest that its breakdown of approaches is complete, and not to include things like criteria for judging suppliers. The original WIki pages failed on those. 16:09:47 @PhilA, thanks, I'm almost done ... 16:10:27 @bhyland: I have already generated the minutes 16:10:38 -boris 16:10:39 OK, no harm in doing it twice, thanks. 16:10:40 T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM has ended 16:10:42 Attendees were bhyland, +1.440.389.aaaa, HadleyBeeman, boris, Sandro, Mike_P, George_Thomas, dvilasuero, +1.757.604.aabb, raphael, DaveReynolds, olyerickson, +49.721.aacc, 16:10:45 ... DeirdreLee, BenediktKaempgen, PhilA2, GeraldSteeman, tinagheen, +, biplav, rreck 16:10:46 DaveReynolds, I see your point, indeed. I wonder if we should take this email to make the point to a wider audience, or next meeting's agenda..... 16:11:11 (or maybe to Bernadette, first. 16:11:13 ) 16:12:35 sandro, depends where we are with draft, if there's a proposed first draft to look at then comment on that by email + schedule time at meeting 16:12:54 yeah, I'm not sure where we are on that draft. 16:13:06 Minutes published here, http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2012-02-23 16:13:09 Thanks Ghislain. 16:13:21 Have a good rest of the week all. 16:14:15 sandro, otherwise could raise question of goals and scope for the document on email list. I'm not a good person to do that since I missed the start of the WG and the f2f so not clear on how the goals/scope has been framed so far. 16:14:22 OK, talk to you tomorrow bhyland 16:14:28 @George, I propose that we make the next two WG meetings 90 minutes to cover everything we need to cover with the FPWD prep 16:14:36 PhilA2 has left #gld 16:14:38 @PhilA2, thanks 16:15:08 bhyland, I agree re 90mins 16:16:31 yes, it is just too rushed. We didn't get to cover some progress that I think people would have liked ... 16:16:35 BFN 16:16:59 *nod* 16:17:02 agree too 16:18:45 DaveReynolds has left #gld 16:25:27 @bhyland: I am cleaning the minutes. thanks.. 16:41:33 @bhyland: done...http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2012-02-23 18:37:32 Zakim has left #gld 19:48:02 danbri has joined #gld 19:48:25 danbri_ has joined #gld 20:37:59 bhyland has joined #gld