14:52:36 RRSAgent has joined #dap 14:52:36 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/01/18-dap-irc 14:52:38 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:52:38 Zakim has joined #dap 14:52:40 Zakim, this will be DAP 14:52:40 ok, trackbot; I see UW_DAP()10:00AM scheduled to start in 8 minutes 14:52:41 Meeting: Device APIs Working Group Teleconference 14:52:41 Date: 18 January 2012 14:55:02 fjh has joined #dap 14:55:25 trackbot, start telecconference 14:55:25 Sorry, fjh, I don't understand 'trackbot, start telecconference'. Please refer to http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc for help 14:55:34 trackbot, start 14:55:34 Sorry, fjh, I don't understand 'trackbot, start'. Please refer to http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc for help 14:56:32 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2012Jan/0015.html 14:56:55 UW_DAP()10:00AM has now started 14:57:02 + +1.206.973.aaaa 14:57:07 Chair: Robin_Berjon, Frederick_Hirsch 14:57:23 Present+ Ernesto_Jimenez 14:58:31 Regrets+ Claes_Nilsson, Niklas_Widell, Dave_Raggett 14:58:38 rrsagent, generate minutes 14:58:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/01/18-dap-minutes.html fjh 14:58:55 zakim, who is here? 14:58:55 On the phone I see +1.206.973.aaaa 14:58:57 On IRC I see fjh, Zakim, RRSAgent, ernesto_jimenez, darobin, richt, slightlyoff, Josh_Soref, lgombos, ilkka, rektide, trackbot, mounir, dom 14:59:35 Present+ Robin_Berjon, Frederick_Hirsch 14:59:50 s/trackbot, start telecconference// 15:00:04 s/trackbot, start// 15:00:18 +??P9 15:00:18 glenn has joined #dap 15:00:20 Zakim, ??P9 is me 15:00:20 +dom; got it 15:00:28 s|Sorry, fjh, I don't understand 'trackbot, start telecconference'. Please refer to http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc for help|| 15:00:34 soonho has joined #dap 15:00:42 s|Sorry, member:fjh, I don't understand 'member:trackbot, start'. Please refer to http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc for help|| 15:00:56 + + 15:00:57 Present+ Dominique Hazael-Massieux 15:00:59 soonho has joined #dap 15:01:00 zakim, aaaa is me 15:01:00 +ernesto_jimenez; got it 15:01:17 +GlennAdams 15:02:00 Present+ Soonho_Lee 15:02:07 +[IPcaller] 15:02:12 +[Microsoft] 15:02:17 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 15:02:17 +fjh; got it 15:02:21 zakim, who is here? 15:02:21 On the phone I see ernesto_jimenez, dom, +, GlennAdams, fjh, [Microsoft] 15:02:23 On IRC I see soonho, glenn, fjh, Zakim, RRSAgent, ernesto_jimenez, darobin, richt, slightlyoff, Josh_Soref, lgombos, ilkka, rektide, trackbot, mounir, dom 15:02:49 zakim, aabb is soonho 15:02:49 +soonho; got it 15:03:12 Travis has joined #dap 15:03:26 Present+ Travis_Leithead 15:03:57 zakim, who's noisy? 15:04:07 glenn, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: ernesto_jimenez (5%), dom (54%) 15:04:20 zakim, mute dom 15:04:21 dom should now be muted 15:04:27 zakim, who is here? 15:04:27 On the phone I see ernesto_jimenez, dom (muted), soonho, GlennAdams, fjh, [Microsoft] 15:04:29 On IRC I see Travis, soonho, glenn, fjh, Zakim, RRSAgent, ernesto_jimenez, darobin, richt, slightlyoff, Josh_Soref, lgombos, ilkka, rektide, trackbot, mounir, dom 15:05:02 zakim, unmute dom 15:05:09 dom should no longer be muted 15:05:28 Zakim, [Microsoft] is Travis 15:05:37 +Travis; got it 15:05:43 + + 15:05:52 Zakim, aacc is me 15:05:52 +darobin; got it 15:06:02 -darobin 15:07:02 +darobin 15:07:14 Topic: Administrative 15:07:21 someone else 15:07:30 scribe: Travis 15:07:33 s/someone else// 15:07:45 fjh: Any announcements? 15:07:50 [none] 15:08:12 fjh: Approve last teleconference minutes 15:08:28 Topic: Approve last Teleconference minutes 15:08:28 Approve minutes from 4 January 2012 15:08:29 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2012Jan/att-0007/minutes-2012-01-04.html 15:08:36 proposed RESOLUTION: Minutes from 4 January 2012 are approved. 15:08:52 RESOLUTION: Minutes from 4 January 2012 are approved. 15:09:08 +Josh_Soref 15:09:18 Topic: March F2F 15:09:25 Status of visa invitation letters, venue? 15:09:25 WebIntents task force meeting at DAP F2F, http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2012Jan/0011.html 15:09:40 + +1.781.534.aadd 15:09:54 fjh: Still need to get the Visa stuff straightened out... 15:10:02 ... and about the passports. 15:10:13 ... I expect to have a lot of folks calling in. 15:10:18 Topic: Vibration API 15:10:27 Response from Robin re invalid parameter handling via WebIDL: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2012Jan/0012.html 15:10:27 Plans to bring Vibration API to Last Call? 15:10:27 fjh: Do we want to bring this to Last Call? 15:10:35 +richt 15:10:45 Present+ Rich_Tibbett 15:10:58 darobin: Suggest putting out CFC for last call. 15:11:01 ... I'll do it. 15:11:06 ACTION: Robin to put out a CfC for Vibration, ending next week 15:11:07 Created ACTION-498 - Put out a CfC for Vibration, ending next week [on Robin Berjon - due 2012-01-25]. 15:11:16 Topic: Battery API status 15:11:25 Status of Last Call comments (including proposal for changes from Anne) : http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2012Jan/0014.html 15:11:47 fjh: Looking over list for status. 15:11:49 LC-2574 (Additional proposal to consider) "events need to be queued using the task queue defined in HTML5 15:12:02 ... AVK had a suggestion on event Queueing 15:12:09 LC-2577 (Proposal needed), no way to distinguish whether battery present 15:12:14 zakim, who is here? 15:12:14 On the phone I see ernesto_jimenez, dom, soonho, GlennAdams, fjh, Travis, darobin, Josh_Soref, +1.781.534.aadd, richt 15:12:15 ... another issue was detecting if battery was present. 15:12:17 On IRC I see Travis, soonho, glenn, fjh, Zakim, RRSAgent, ernesto_jimenez, darobin, richt, slightlyoff, Josh_Soref, lgombos, ilkka, rektide, trackbot, mounir, dom 15:12:26 ... I think we should resolve that issue on the list. 15:12:49 Action: fjh to send closure notice on battery issue. 15:12:50 Created ACTION-499 - Send closure notice on battery issue. [on Frederick Hirsch - due 2012-01-25]. 15:13:06 Topic: Device Status TF 15:13:20 fjh: I'm a little confused about the Network information API...? 15:13:37 fjh: I'm a little confused about the Bearer type. 15:13:46 ... Seems like we should provide that. 15:14:06 darobin: current feedback is that there are a few use-cases where it might be useful, but are better addressed by a new proposal. 15:14:20 timeless has joined #dap 15:14:33 ... the new proposal has fewer fingerprinting issues. I understand we'd adopt the newer model (not that much more complex). 15:14:42 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:14:42 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/01/18-dap-minutes.html timeless 15:14:47 ... There were some examples of the API being used in poor ways (in the wild). 15:15:05 ... General consensus seems to be dropping the old API and adopting the new one. 15:15:18 ... And also we now have a volunteer to edit the new version. 15:15:31 fjh: Web page looks outdated... 15:15:54 darobin: Next step is for munir to upload the new draft. 15:16:05 s/munir/mounir/ 15:16:06 ACTION: Mounir to upload a new draft of Network Information API 15:16:06 Sorry, couldn't find user - Mounir 15:16:39 Topic: Media Capture TF 15:17:32 Travis has updated the scenarios document and has additional feedback 15:17:42 poll for teleconference is out 15:17:58 timeless: no but there are discussions about this 15:18:16 Topic: Web Intents 15:18:42 close ACTION-498 15:18:42 ACTION-498 Put out a CfC for Vibration, ending next week closed 15:18:50 s/this/mozilla joining dap/ 15:19:04 fjh: Work continues in that TF. No updates to discuss at the moment. 15:19:42 q+ 15:19:46 darobin: For minimization, I'm going to take over for dan Applequist; expand it to cover API design and privacy. 15:20:04 ... looking for feedback/input from folks here as well. 15:20:06 ack glenn 15:20:26 glenn: Congratulations on joining the TAG, darobin 15:20:39 ... Am willing to help on the minimization work if needed. 15:20:45 darobin: Thanks! 15:21:16 ... We should figure out the priority action items and develop a plan to move them forward. 15:21:20 Please review your actions at http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/users/my 15:22:01 i/take over/Topic: darobin - something/ 15:22:08 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:22:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/01/18-dap-minutes.html timeless 15:22:26 The poll for Media Capture TF (select a time to have a telecom): > http://www.doodle.com/ymg3facibzaeg2bt 15:22:39 [you can also use https://www.w3.org/Member/Mail/AuditForm to see what you're subscribed to] 15:22:53 (Yeah the minutes will need cleaning up...) 15:23:30 q? 15:23:30 fjh: Anyone else? 15:23:41 fjh: Adjourning. 15:23:45 -dom 15:23:48 - +1.781.534.aadd 15:23:50 -ernesto_jimenez 15:23:52 -fjh 15:23:52 -soonho 15:23:53 -darobin 15:23:55 -GlennAdams 15:23:57 -Travis 15:24:05 -richt 15:24:25 trackbot, end meeting 15:24:25 Sorry, timeless, I don't understand 'trackbot, end meeting '. Please refer to http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc for help 15:25:15 trackbot, end meeting 15:25:15 Zakim, list attendees 15:25:15 As of this point the attendees have been +1.206.973.aaaa, dom, +, ernesto_jimenez, GlennAdams, fjh, soonho, Travis, +, darobin, Josh_Soref, 15:25:18 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:25:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/01/18-dap-minutes.html trackbot