betehess' proposed set of Technical Reports that defines the Linked Data Platform * Linked Data Model * subset of RDF restricted to HTTP URIs that you can dereference * every document under a base URI (the URI being accessed) * allows us neat improvements, eg. * clean/clear definition for named-graphs * Named Graph = Subject URI * make replication easy * relative URIs are allowed and even encouraged * Linked Data Protocol * read / write / update * delete? * PATCH / POST SPARQL UPDATE * is full SPARQL central? * we can maybe identify a subset of SPARQL for WebData: Web SPARQL? * IBM's pagination proposal * gather use-cases * does it need a special API? * balance simplicity / expresivity with SPARQL * collections * special kind of resource * simple folder (ends with trailing slash) * Linked Data API * object web mapping + knowledge base * discovering (cf. Tim's KB idea) * immutable vs mutable * Linked Data test suite * for conformance * defined using EARL * Linked Data Platform Primer * serves as introduction to the Linked Data platform * entry point for the other specifications * relation to Semantic Web * should this be in scope? * make the scope broader so that you can build any application (not just RDF) * how to really use HTTP? * WebACLs * ok if everything well-defined as web resources * itself defined using Linked Data * WebID * related to WebACLs * relies heavily on Linked Data * Linked Data Outreach * most likely a NOTE, or whitepaper * for developpers * for decision-maker / management Tutorials and White Papers * WebData use-cases * more than one * WebData patterns * mentionned several times, not sure what this includes Also I believe that a new name is needed to speak about the technology, different from what we want to achieve * proposed names * shouldn't be Linked Data in my opinion * WebData * Linked Data Platform * Semantic Web hijacked by logicians * Web of Data / Linked Data is the thing you build, not the technology *, well...