14:59:13 RRSAgent has joined #hcg 14:59:13 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/12/02-hcg-irc 14:59:15 RRSAgent, make logs member 14:59:15 Zakim has joined #hcg 14:59:17 Zakim, this will be HTML_CG 14:59:17 ok, trackbot; I see HTML_CG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 1 minute 14:59:18 Meeting: Hypertext Coordination Group Teleconference 14:59:18 Date: 02 December 2011 14:59:25 zakim, code? 14:59:25 the conference code is 4824 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), ddahl1 14:59:29 HTML_CG()10:00AM has now started 14:59:36 +[IPcaller] 14:59:57 +Debbie_Dahl 14:59:58 zakim, [IPcaller] is Marc_Schroeder 14:59:58 +Marc_Schroeder; got it 15:00:23 zakim, who is here? 15:00:23 On the phone I see Marc_Schroeder, Debbie_Dahl 15:00:32 kaz has joined #hcg 15:00:39 zakim, call kazuyuki-617 15:00:39 ok, kaz; the call is being made 15:00:41 +Kazuyuki 15:02:34 +Bert 15:02:35 Bert has joined #hcg 15:03:29 janina has joined #hcg 15:03:45 +??P17 15:03:52 zakim, ??P17 is Janina 15:03:52 +Janina; got it 15:06:31 chair: Debbie 15:06:38 scribe:ddahl1 15:06:46 topic: actions 15:07:11 action-70? 15:07:12 ACTION-70 -- Chris Lilley to take the web on tv need for certification to w3m -- due 2011-11-25 -- OPEN 15:07:12 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/70 15:07:25 plh has joined #hcg 15:07:37 +Plh 15:07:39 debbie: Chris isn't here to update, so we can wait on that 15:08:03 action-71? 15:08:03 ACTION-71 -- Deborah Dahl to organise HCG discussion of media handling once group is public -- due 2012-01-06 -- OPEN 15:08:03 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/71 15:08:13 action-72? 15:08:13 ACTION-72 -- Deborah Dahl to organise a discovery session after hcg is public -- due 2012-01-06 -- OPEN 15:08:13 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/72 15:09:22 topic: EmotionML 15:10:20 philippe: there are a wide range of solutions, most draconian approach is everything is in a Recommendation, more lightweight is a public wiki, there are solutions in between. 15:10:47 ...depending on how much process you want, XPointer is an example of a lightweight process 15:10:58 +Doug_Schepers 15:11:24 ...to register you need a pointer to a specification 15:12:00 ...the less resources you have the more lightweight the process 15:13:45 marc: requirements are that we need vocabularies of emotions. ideally we would make them part of the the specification, but there is no agreement 15:14:06 ...we wanted to give people a choice among well-defined vocabularies 15:14:29 ...we have an XML format for describing vocabularies 15:15:52 ...we want to group a selection of vocabularies in a central place, but people are free to point to outside vocabularies. 15:16:05 plh: that makes sense 15:16:38 marc: we want to maintain snippets of XML, because the atomic entity in our registry is the vocabulary. 15:17:13 ...we have looked at a number of options, IANA was very tedious, not a lightweight solution. 15:17:27 ...can we put an XML representation in a wiki? 15:17:46 plh: you can put pointers to the XML file 15:17:56 marc: we would also like to have control 15:18:16 plh: if the wiki is public you don't have control 15:18:56 ...in HTML5 the wiki can have a status, that is when the WG approves or not. 15:19:32 marc: we've decided to take the human description and put it in a document. 15:20:20 ...we originally tried to create a Note, but there was an objection, so we created a WD, but with no expectation that it would become a Recommendation 15:20:44 ...we need a lightweight process for an irregularly updated item, 15:20:57 ...but the Note is supposed to be final 15:21:53 see the second link in this message: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-html-cg/2011OctDec/0022.html 15:22:57 kaz: there are so many possible solutions and we want to find the best. 15:24:17 marc: which of the two seems appropriate? 15:24:18 q+ 15:24:38 plh: who will be in charge of maintaining the Note in five years? 15:25:04 ...I would suggest going for the wiki or the XPointer registry 15:25:27 ...should think about this for the long term 15:26:15 doug: should consider who is the community who is going to be suggesting changes. 15:27:11 ...if you think there are going to be 20-30 items added over the next five years, then that would point to a registry, if it's less, you probably just need a document. 15:27:49 marc: probably will be the latter. we just need something that can be updated if necessary. 15:28:04 plh: the wiki would be the most lightweight. 15:28:27 marc: we had a wiki in the Emotion XG, but it was totally spammed. 15:28:40 plh: we got better at that 15:29:07 doug: can make it writable only by WG or someone with a W3C account 15:29:36 s/who is going to be suggesting changes./who is going to be suggesting changes, whether a small community or a widely diverse and unknown set of people/ 15:29:37 marc: can we add an XML link to the wiki 15:29:52 q+ to ask about EmotionML 15:30:15 plh: if an XML can't be uploaded we should ask why. 15:30:57 marc: one issue that confused us was the choice between a dated and an undated URI, in the case of a wiki it would simply be the link 15:31:15 ...are there other repercussions? a link to a wiki can't be normative 15:31:31 plh: in HTML5 the wiki is normative 15:31:38 marc: didn't know that 15:32:07 plh: look at the definition of the meta-element 15:32:45 marc: we would move everything from the current WD to the wiki 15:33:21 ...is it correct that we have control over who has write permission? 15:34:05 plh: the WG can be in charge, but think about what happens in 5 years 15:34:22 ...you can lock the page 15:34:52 marc: the thing to do is to try out the wiki 15:35:23 q- 15:35:42 kaz: there is no essential difference between a Note and a wiki 15:37:19 kaz: the definition of the vocabulary set is defined by XML notation, so maybe we should use XPath, not HTML 15:38:10 marc: we need to be able to point to a permanent XML in the wiki 15:39:21 marc: other people should be able to point to a full URI, not just an identifier 15:40:34 ...we can't draw up the ultimate list of vocabularies, so it must always be possible to point outside of the W3C, so that's why we need a URI 15:41:43 debbie: is the write-restricted wiki the way to go? 15:42:11 marc: we need to verify that there isn't any way for it to be harmed, and that we can point to XML 15:42:22 ...but it looks promising 15:43:48 plh: just try to put XML on a public wiki 15:43:54 ...to see if that works 15:44:10 http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/semantics.html#other-metadata-names 15:44:19 http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/semantics.html#other-pragma-directives 15:45:02 plh: these are some examples from HTML5 15:45:50 ...the wiki themselves document the restrictions 15:46:12 http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/links.html#other-link-types 15:46:14 s/themselves/itself 15:46:54 marc: it's reassuring that I don't have write permission. 15:50:11 doug: at TPAC we were talking about the sarcasm element, and we came up with two good use cases for this, e.g. accessibility, and for non-native speakers 15:51:00 s/between a Note and a wiki/between a Note and a wiki, so fine to use a wiki/ 15:51:36 ...if there were some way to annotate tones in written speech or visual display, or have some kind of markup, but some people may not understand a tone. that would be a place where a registry might be useful. 15:52:12 marc: this goes in the same direction that we've been thinking. 15:52:43 doug: machine could be detecting emotion and outputting HTML 15:53:10 marc: we had a comment from the accessibility WG, but out of scope for current work 15:53:58 s/the definition of the vocabulary set is defined by XML notation, so/the definition of the vocabulary set in the current vocabulary WD is defined by XML notation, but being referenced to using HTML fragment notation. / 15:54:00 doug: definite use cases for people in different cultures 15:54:45 marc: do you see how we're starting to come up with a vocabulary, and it's not trivial 15:55:22 doug: if you had a core set of critical information that you could put into tones, that could get traction. 15:55:42 marc: that's on the horizon. 15:57:29 doug: if we had a tone attribute and it represented sarcasm, you could style it as appropriate. 15:59:09 q+ 16:00:53 kaz: in SSML 1.0 we tried to extend speech synthesis to various languages, like Chinese or Japanese. EmotionML might need some internationalization variants 16:01:15 -Doug_Schepers 16:01:17 -Plh 16:01:21 -Bert 16:01:22 -Janina 16:01:23 janina has left #hcg 16:01:24 -Debbie_Dahl 16:01:28 kaz: e.g., text level vs. actual intention :) 16:01:30 -Marc_Schroeder 16:01:34 rrsagent, make logs public 16:01:44 -Kazuyuki 16:01:46 HTML_CG()10:00AM has ended 16:01:46 rrsagent, format minutes 16:01:46 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/12/02-hcg-minutes.html ddahl1 16:01:50 Attendees were Debbie_Dahl, Marc_Schroeder, Kazuyuki, Bert, Janina, Plh, Doug_Schepers 16:02:20 s/intention/intention based on the cultures and countries/ 16:05:47 regrets:Steven_Pemberton 16:06:04 rrsagent, format minutes 16:06:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/12/02-hcg-minutes.html ddahl1 16:07:15 plh has left #hcg 16:12:26 ddahl1 has left #hcg 16:50:41 Bert has left #hcg 17:59:56 Zakim has left #hcg