21:37:06 RRSAgent has joined #jquery 21:37:06 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/11/02-jquery-irc 21:37:31 pi: we're going to talk about the jQuery Standards Group 21:37:32 jrossi2 has joined #jquery 21:37:32 scribenick: darobin 21:37:40 ... how we're going to help improve specifications 21:37:52 ... things that developers want in the platform that we don't see being actively developed 21:37:57 lgombos has joined #jquery 21:37:58 ... how to get better involvement from authors 21:38:20 yk: I don't like the fact that we use "author", most people are really developers 21:38:29 ... it's a pet peeve but I won't fight too much on it 21:38:35 vhardy has joined #jquery 21:38:43 ... bunch of us were complaining about the standards process at the jq meetup 21:38:50 ... why don't we formalise that? 21:39:01 ... should sollicit from webdevs what they feel should change 21:39:17 ... mostly the higher tier, who have a sense of the failures of the platform 21:39:32 ... know how we can make sites 10x faster if we fix document fragments 21:39:40 .... people engaged in papering over issues 21:39:49 ... process designed for browser vendors 21:39:56 ... we wanted to create a forum for that 21:40:05 pi: we want to represent the community 21:40:10 ... help them get engaged 21:40:18 ... help vendors prioritise properly 21:40:23 heycam has joined #jquery 21:40:23 ... match the pain points from devs 21:40:34 ... keen to see jq adopt the new standards 21:40:51 yk: eg RAF, we can really help make half the websites adopt it 21:40:57 pi: feature detection 21:41:07 .... current BP in defensive xbrowser dev 21:41:19 ... we need robust feature detection 21:41:25 ... they can be slow though 21:41:31 ... sometimes it can be hard to do, unclear 21:41:42 ... e.g. fixed has a different behaviour on mobile 21:41:53 ... when it fails people have to resort to UA sniffing 21:42:00 https://github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/master/src/support.js 21:42:24 yk shows some of the stuff that jq does 21:42:42 .... some of the tests can be quite complex 21:42:58 ... we want the spec making process to take feature detect into account 21:43:06 ... would make startup a lot faster 21:43:17 pi: false positives are a problem 21:43:36 ... FX half-implemented transforms, and broke feat detect 21:43:43 ... Chrome has done similar stuff 21:43:59 ... then you have the issue of exceptions on common feat detect vectors 21:44:05 ... FD has a good reputation 21:44:28 ... but when done poorly it's as bad as UA sniffing 21:44:51 yk: historical note, hasFeature failed 21:45:01 ... we should learn something about the past ten years 21:45:07 can someone place a url to the slide deck in IRC? 21:45:42 hober has joined #jquery 21:45:43 robin: what we can do in specs is that have a checklist. There is a limit over what the browsers do. 21:46:03 yk: the spec. could say that an implementation should not claim it implements something unless... 21:46:19 robin: what has an effect is if we design an API in a way that people do not get it wrong. 21:46:41 yk: I think that browsers should not expose a property if they do not implement it. 21:46:52 chris: how many browsers do you think there are? 21:47:03 yk: there are many but only few that people care about 21:47:09 ... opera is the bottom line 21:47:17 ... there's no one who can address below opera 21:47:28 ... a lot of people try to make browsers, few succeed 21:47:49 pi: being able to define what feat detect strategy in the spec would be ideal 21:48:22 ... so that it won't false positive 21:48:36 robin: could we collaborate on a best practices document for specification writers? (on things like feature detection in specs) 21:48:54 heycam: webidl could do that 21:49:02 ... don't know if we need to do that in the spec 21:49:13 ... not sure if editors are more informed 21:49:24 yk: it should be a spec failure to do it wrong 21:49:40 [scribe lost in fast discussion] 21:49:49 yk: I think that browsers are responsive to bugs 21:49:59 js: I think I'm with you 21:50:07 ernesto_jimenez has joined #jquery 21:50:08 ... for functions it's easy, for events it's harder 21:50:09 ... and that browser vendors think that a violation of the spec is a bug 21:50:17 yk: yes, we need something for events 21:50:42 nm: there are certain things where you need total buy-in, but in this case even partial buy-in is already a win 21:51:08 ... if it becomes part of the folklore it will become self-sustaining 21:51:39 james: one problem with things like hasFeature is that there's an incentive for vendors to do it wrong 21:51:52 yk: but the disincentive is that you break a lot of sites 21:52:16 js: it is a real problem, we've seen browsers implement new features by just passing feat detect 21:52:23 ... since it's new, not breaking the web doesn't apply 21:52:40 yk: the solution to that is using modernizr deep testing 21:52:44 q+ shepazu 21:52:48 js: so html5test doesn't do that 21:53:08 q? 21:53:15 james: feel bad about using a real example 21:53:27 Zakim has joined #jquery 21:53:39 q+ shepazu 21:53:42 yk: we're all on the same side 21:53:43 q+ 21:54:11 yk: the competitors to the web platform don't have this problem, can we agree to fix this? 21:54:16 js: I think we had 21:54:40 the problem is partial implementation 21:54:59 ds: in d3ev we tried to go to fine grained feat detect but it wasn't very popular 21:55:08 ack shepazu 21:55:15 js: I think that putting this stuff in the spec will take us already far 21:55:24 ... I do really like that idea 21:55:26 q- 21:55:48 pi: specs don't capture enough of the rationale 21:55:58 ... devs are reverse engineering what a feature affords us 21:56:07 ... because they don't read the standards lists 21:56:19 It's not perfect, but this was somewhat on that idea of sub feature / behavioral detection: http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/DOM-Level-3-Events/html/DOM3-Events.html#extended-feature-string 21:56:23 ... leaving out the UCs means that devs miss great features 21:56:30 ... more complex examples help a lot 21:56:42 ... written UCs would help 21:57:30 ... (shows F:D&S) 21:57:38 http://dev.w3.org/2009/dap/file-system/file-dir-sys.html#use-cases 21:57:50 robin: we should get devs to send us UCs so that we can paste them into the specs 21:58:17 yk: the discussion over the hidden attribute should be summarised in the spec because it makes sense to understand what it's good for 21:58:27 ds: if only so taht people stop asking the same question 21:58:59 pi: we asked on twitter what bugs people wanted fixed 21:59:10 ... got 300 devs, some terrible, some really good 21:59:32 yk: (list on screen) 21:59:37 http://paulirish.com/2011/what-feature-would-improve-the-web/ 21:59:47 ... a lot of big features like appcache 22:00:04 ... get into the spec and implemented before devs have had a chance to figure out that it's broken 22:00:18 ... that feedback should happen earlier and better 22:00:48 chris: you seem like that prime candidates for test writing, we're trying to do more and more tests 22:01:22 js: I'm not actually sure that this solution is fixing the problem 22:01:49 yk: if there's no adoption, if people have events to discuss the issues, it should be considered feedback 22:02:22 .... also, there's often a lot of pushback when the feature has already been implemented 22:02:37 yk: it would be great if there were a forum for developers to say when something is broken 22:02:57 s/forum/W3C forum/ 22:03:05 ... don't specs need multiple implementations 22:03:19 js: yes, but if the implementation has shipped too long ago, it's hard or impossible to ship 22:03:36 yk: if would be good if devs could play with the feature before it goes to W3C 22:03:53 james: being in a spec isn't fatal 22:04:05 ... what's fatal is when people depend on that feature 22:04:17 ... we could maybe change appcache because no one is using it 22:04:31 yk: qSA is a great example of something that's broken 22:05:14 js: I agree, we need input from implementers and authors 22:05:17 q+ 22:05:27 ... maybe we're trying in the wrong way 22:05:56 noah has joined #jquery 22:05:58 q? 22:06:01 q+ 22:06:23 shepazu has joined #jquery 22:06:28 q? 22:06:49 ds: we need to move on, great discussion we should cover more ground 22:06:51 Suresh has joined #jquery 22:06:52 ack tobie 22:06:57 q+ 22:07:20 tobie: the problem boils down to the fact that devs want to use stuff before they go mainstream, but once they use it vendors can't change it 22:07:25 q- 22:07:26 ... we need to find a way to fix this 22:07:39 ack noah 22:07:41 nm: my point is similar, hard to hit sweet spot 22:07:55 ... seems like appcache might be okay there 22:08:03 dowan_ has joined #jquery 22:08:20 ... in Geo that wasn't the case, when the spec went out for comments there were already too many sites using the stuff 22:08:34 ... I wasn't wrong tecnically, but they couldn't change 22:08:39 yk: same with qSA 22:09:05 ds: the tail is wagging the dog here, content is easier to change 22:09:37 nm: I think it would be good if the community would push us to a better situation 22:09:44 q? 22:09:50 yk: I think that we should use vendor prefixes properly, make a better contract 22:10:14 js: we need devs involved earlier, how to do it is a harder problem 22:10:32 Would having JQuery submit test cases help? 22:10:38 ACTION: Robin to coordinate with pi and yk to get a BP document about feature detection 22:11:08 yk: try to get a group together around this 22:11:22 chris: write tests 22:11:35 tobie: this can't just be about devs, but also vendors and many others 22:12:13 yk: I would be submitting test for things that we can't do but should 22:12:32 ACTION: Robin to look into creating a CG for library developers, browsers, editors to communicate 22:12:51 pi: we're coordinating with other libraries to move forward 22:12:59 ... we have a mailing list 22:13:06 ... we have GH issue tracker 22:13:08 My particular point was: yes, having good implementations ahead of frozen specs is very important, but conversely it is very desirable to publish reasonably good drafts of specifications\ for community comment >before< the code is de facto frozen by too widespread adoption of the early implementations. 22:13:40 (showing examples from the issue tracker) 22:13:55 darobin: +1 22:14:25 pi: scaling the group, need to identify champions for specific features 22:14:40 ACTION: Robin to look into using GH for spec development 22:14:57 yk: the ML has evolved into a safer place for devs to make feature proposals 22:15:11 Please support this group… need 4 others http://www.w3.org/community/groups/proposed/#scriptlib 22:15:13 Dumb question: which ML? 22:15:14 ... people find it hard to go to public-webapps because they're afraid to look stupid there 22:15:43 tobie has joined #jquery 22:16:12 pi: we want to show the voice of the devs 22:16:22 ... reviewing and submitting test cases 22:16:25 https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/jquery-standards 22:16:42 ... I don't think devs realise that tests are written in the language of web devs, when specs aren't 22:16:54 yk: getting specs to link to tests 22:17:17 js: implementing a feature is 50% writing tests — if the tests are already there we get there faster 22:17:46 ??: how do we get the feedback from non-English speakers 22:18:02 ... but some features like bidi needs to be from native devs of those languages 22:18:15 ds: having them write tests would already help a lot 22:18:22 s/??/rn/ 22:18:24 james: very much in favour of tests 22:18:37 ... they should be in the w3c framework 22:18:57 (global agreement to move in that direction) 22:19:19 Tnx (oooh...#! URI!) 22:19:35 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/wiki/Testing 22:19:51 has all the info you need to submit tests to the HTML WG 22:19:55 pi: one of the things that's kind of blocked devs is that lists are overwhelming 22:20:05 js: too many emails, or too high requirements? 22:20:07 all: both 22:20:24 (we need to make it clear that tests are welcome from everyone, and have a review process) 22:20:32 q? 22:20:32 yk: it's easy to bring up ideas but then it devolves into implementation discussions, devs lose track/interest 22:20:34 q+ 22:20:45 pi: call for ideas 22:20:53 ds: I have a proposal 22:21:08 ... having advocates who can go out there in the community and help drive the ideas they get there 22:21:17 [so more like ambassadors] 22:21:34 ... it may seem silly but I see no other way 22:21:55 rn: the vendors already have dev events where they get feedback 22:22:09 something like Chrome DevRel for W3C 22:22:12 ... can't we have that for W3C? 22:22:21 ds: W3C Conf! 22:22:37 ... first year we're doing it we're still learning 22:22:40 http://www.w3.org/conf/, discount code "tpac" 22:22:52 ... next year will be more about feedback 22:23:22 ... we can also have smaller things 22:23:23 dowan_ has joined #jquery 22:23:35 chris: there's a lot of devs 22:23:37 ack shepazu 22:23:38 ... millions! 22:23:52 ... I'd love to say that I listen to all bugs from devs 22:24:08 ... I thikn that participating in the w3c public lists is good because it gets back to it 22:24:18 yk: I thikn that devs of popular libs have super useful information 22:25:06 ??: it could be useful to organise money for great demos, would help everyone 22:25:23 s/??/henri/ 22:25:23 https://docs.google.com/present/view?id=ajdqczcmx5pv_148ggbxbfg2&pli=1 22:25:41 awwwwwwww 22:25:43 rrsagent, make logs public 22:26:12 Meeting: What jquery and js developers want from web stds. 22:26:12 http://bit.ly/jqueryw3cpres is the URL :) 22:26:28 Chair: shepazu, yk, pi 22:26:42 Meeting: jQuery Standards breakout session 22:26:48 rrsagent, draft minutes 22:26:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/11/02-jquery-minutes.html npdoty 22:27:07 dowan has joined #jquery 22:28:25 s/chris/kris/g 22:28:33 rrsagent, make minutes 22:28:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/11/02-jquery-minutes.html myakura 22:31:55 kensaku has joined #jquery 22:39:40 ernesto_jimenez has joined #jquery 22:40:26 krisk has joined #jquery 22:40:50 krisk has joined #jquery 22:41:50 evanli has joined #jquery 22:44:13 jrossi2 has joined #jquery 22:44:59 npdoty has joined #jquery 22:46:39 myakura has joined #jquery 22:47:00 si-wei has joined #jquery 22:47:22 si-wei has left #jquery 22:55:08 q+ 22:55:25 q- 23:31:48 myakura has left #jquery 23:38:46 noah has joined #jquery 23:54:23 kensaku has joined #jquery 23:57:49 darobin has joined #jquery