20:00:21 RRSAgent has joined #svg 20:00:21 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/09/29-svg-irc 20:00:23 RRSAgent, make logs public 20:00:23 Zakim has joined #svg 20:00:25 Zakim, this will be GA_SVGWG 20:00:25 ok, trackbot; I see GA_SVGWG(SVG1)4:00PM scheduled to start now 20:00:26 Meeting: SVG Working Group Teleconference 20:00:26 Date: 29 September 2011 20:00:35 GA_SVGWG(SVG1)4:00PM has now started 20:00:43 + + 20:01:59 +??P0 20:02:12 Zakim, ??P0 is me 20:02:12 +ed; got it 20:02:35 Zakim, aaaa is me 20:02:35 +cyril; got it 20:06:25 +tbah 20:06:37 +Doug_Schepers 20:06:54 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-wg/2011JulSep/0150.html 20:07:32 thorton_ has joined #svg 20:07:46 ChrisL has joined #svg 20:08:20 scribeNick: ed 20:08:25 chair: ed 20:08:32 +ChrisL 20:08:45 Topic: SVG Open 20:09:27 ED: just checking when to cancel the svg telcons 20:09:43 ... since I assume ppl will attend TPAC and SVG Open 20:10:22 thu 20, 27, 3 20:11:21 CC: will be travelling on the 10 nov 20:11:43 ED: ok, will cancel the telcons thu 20, 27 sept, and 3 nov 20:12:42 ED: everyone here going to be at SVG Open? 20:12:48 CL: not me, just TPAC 20:14:04 DS: we should have a brief presentation on SVG2 for the WG panel 20:14:19 ... either from staff contact or chairs 20:14:25 CL: sounds like a good idea 20:14:41 DS: mentioning the feedback from the mailinglist etc 20:15:00 ... someone has to do the work 20:15:26 ... heycam should do it 20:16:40 ... CC are you interested in presenting the plan for SVG2? 20:16:51 cyril_ has joined #svg 20:17:36 ED: the WG panel is on the first day 20:17:50 DS: i'll put some slides together 20:19:07 ACTION: DS to prepare some slides on SVG2 for SVG Open 2011 20:19:07 Sorry, amibiguous username (more than one match) - DS 20:19:07 Try using a different identifier, such as family name or username (eg. schepers, dschulze2) 20:19:19 ACTION: schepers to prepare some slides on SVG2 for SVG Open 2011 20:19:27 Created ACTION-3132 - Prepare some slides on SVG2 for SVG Open 2011 [on Doug Schepers - due 2011-10-06]. 20:20:15 ED: we said previously that we'd have a WG meeting at the last day at SVG OPen (the workshop day) 20:20:59 CC: some of us may want to attend the workshops 20:21:45 ED: i'm assuming advanced gradients would be one of the topics 20:22:07 CL: saw some updates to the proposal, and implementation in inkscape 20:23:08 ACTION: ED to create wikipage for SVG Open 2011 F2F meeting 20:23:08 Created ACTION-3133 - Create wikipage for SVG Open 2011 F2F meeting [on Erik Dahlström - due 2011-10-06]. 20:23:26 Topic: TPAC 2011 20:23:33 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/wiki/F2F/TPAC_2011 20:24:40 ED: propose topics on the wiki, and the chairs will assemble a full agenda based on that 20:24:58 ... MS is hosting the first two days of the meeting 20:26:19 CL: is it close to the TPAC meeting location? 20:26:31 CC: i'll have a car, also have booked two different hotels 20:27:46 ... 14 minutes by car between the two places 20:27:51 http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=1065+La+Avenida+Street,+Mountain+View,+CA+94043-1421+(Microsoft+Corporation)&daddr=Santa+Clara+Marriott,+Mission+College+Boulevard,+Santa+Clara,+California,+United+States&hl=en&sll=37.38298,-122.016907&sspn=0.135037,0.235519&geocode=FT7bOgIdY1a5-CGMVRuC-aKwQw%3BFWqJOgIddtC6-CFFS3jJtG9nGQ&vpsrc=0&mra=ls&t=m&z=13 20:30:18 ED: checked with the CSS WG chairs on when to meet the FXTF, 3 nov was suggested 20:31:25 CC: any other groups meeting with SVG the other days? 20:31:51 ED: haven't yet heard, but if there are topics that involve svg the schedule is still open 20:32:08 CC: the other days, what are people doing? 20:32:13 CL: other WG meetings 20:34:14 DS: informal meetings at tpac are really valuable, and it's good to take part in other WG's meetings too 20:38:18 DS: CC, you might be interested in attending HTML, CSS and WebApps 20:39:00 http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35125/TPAC2011/registrants 20:40:13 topic: SVG2 repository setup 20:40:42 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/wiki/Svgwg.org 20:41:33 karl has joined #svg 20:42:35 ED: so, following the instructions on that page carefully you should be able to get a checkout of the svg2 repository 20:43:14 ... it's setup to automatically push to the w3c repository, but has some hooks to automatically build the publish version of the spec and so on 20:43:53 ... jwatt should send an email explaining this in more detail later, but it's already possible to start working on the spec I think 20:46:01 ... summary: don't use the dvcs.w3.org repos directly, always go via the svgwg.org repos 20:47:45 ... spec is just 1.1 Second Edition with pink background color to indicate that it's not yet been changed, when changing things we should mark the sections with another color to indicate it's ready for review 20:49:15 CC: what happens if multiple ppl push at the same time? 20:49:34 ED: i'd assume it's queued (or rejected) 20:49:39 -tbah 20:49:49 CL: building, does that require tools clientside? 20:50:14 +tbah 20:50:15 ED: it's running buildscripts on the svgwg.org server, nothing required by clients apart from the mercurial client 20:50:50 topic: SVG2 Planning 20:50:54 ED: updates? 20:52:24 ... people still welcome to add comments to the requirements page 20:53:29 ... i've not had time to start on the UC&R page yet, but will try to soon 20:53:44 CC: maybe we could use one of the meeting days at TPAC to discuss this 20:54:11 s/TPAC/SVG Open or TPAC/ 20:54:33 zakim, mute me 20:54:33 cyril should now be muted 20:54:37 ED: sure 20:55:24 Topic: Publishing SVG Integration 20:55:29 ED: status? 20:55:45 can we get a link to that spec ? 20:55:50 DS: no change, we have resolved to publish as FPWD 20:56:02 ... there has been comments on that 20:56:27 ... either process comments first, or publish it as-is and say that we have comments 20:56:37 Is it http://dev.w3.org/SVG/modules/integration/SVGIntegration.html ? 20:57:03 CL: think the second option would be better 20:57:40 DS: I could list the comments, and indicate things we want to add, or just publish it as is 20:57:58 ... just to get it out for wider review 20:58:14 ... not too much work 20:58:21 CL: would like to see it out before TPAC 20:58:35 DS: makes sense 20:59:02 ... we'll get comments again on the number of modes we have in the spec 20:59:15 ... maybe clarify what the modes are meant to be used for 20:59:23 ... points of reference for other specifications 20:59:36 zakim, unmute me 20:59:36 cyril should no longer be muted 20:59:48 ... it was discussed at the auckland f2f 21:00:01 ... i'll include links to known comments 21:01:42 RESOLUTION: publish the SVG Integration spec as FPWD with a list of known comments 21:02:47 -ChrisL 21:02:50 -ed 21:02:55 -tbah 21:03:00 -cyril 21:03:09 trackbot, end telcon 21:03:09 Zakim, list attendees 21:03:09 As of this point the attendees have been +, ed, cyril, tbah, Doug_Schepers, ChrisL 21:03:10 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 21:03:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/09/29-svg-minutes.html trackbot 21:03:11 RRSAgent, bye 21:03:11 I see 3 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2011/09/29-svg-actions.rdf : 21:03:11 ACTION: DS to prepare some slides on SVG2 for SVG Open 2011 [1] 21:03:11 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/09/29-svg-irc#T20-19-07 21:03:11 ACTION: schepers to prepare some slides on SVG2 for SVG Open 2011 [2] 21:03:11 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/09/29-svg-irc#T20-19-19 21:03:11 ACTION: ED to create wikipage for SVG Open 2011 F2F meeting [3] 21:03:11 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/09/29-svg-irc#T20-23-08 21:03:12 -Doug_Schepers 21:03:12 GA_SVGWG(SVG1)4:00PM has ended 21:03:14 Attendees were +, ed, cyril, tbah, Doug_Schepers, ChrisL 21:03:20 GA_SVGWG(SVG1)4:00PM has now started