14:39:16 RRSAgent has joined #prov 14:39:16 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/09/29-prov-irc 14:39:18 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:39:18 Zakim has joined #prov 14:39:20 Zakim, this will be 14:39:20 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 14:39:21 Meeting: Provenance Working Group Teleconference 14:39:21 Date: 29 September 2011 14:39:26 Zakim, this will be PROV 14:39:26 ok, Luc; I see SW_(PROV)11:00AM scheduled to start in 21 minutes 14:39:39 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2011.09.29 14:39:48 Chair: Luc Moreau 14:39:58 Scribe: Yogesh Simmhan 14:40:36 rrsagent, make logs public 14:41:48 Vinh has joined #prov 14:44:32 pgroth has joined #prov 14:56:06 Yogesh has joined #prov 14:56:12 SW_(PROV)11:00AM has now started 14:56:17 +Vinh 14:56:20 ericstephan has joined #prov 14:56:26 +Yogesh 14:56:27 Curt has joined #prov 14:57:14 dgarijo has joined #prov 14:57:19 Hi Yogesh, everything setup for you 14:57:27 Thanks Luc 14:57:42 +Curt_Tilmes 14:57:55 +??P11 14:58:16 + +44.238.059.aaaa 14:58:28 Zakim, ??P11 is me 14:58:28 +dgarijo; got it 14:58:30 zakim, +44.238.059.aaaa is me 14:58:30 +Luc; got it 14:58:39 Hi everyone 14:58:58 + +1.509.967.aabb 15:00:01 smiles has joined #prov 15:00:19 +??P8 15:01:09 +??P4 15:01:48 satya has joined #prov 15:02:06 StephenCresswell has joined #prov 15:02:07 + +1.315.330.aacc 15:02:24 Paolo has joined #prov 15:02:35 Luc: admin issues, release of 1st public working draft, hearing from eric about connection task force report, Simon give primer, and satya formal doc 15:02:36 tlebo has joined #prov 15:02:47 Luc: any other issues? No. 15:02:49 PROPOSED to accept the minutes of Sep 22 telecon 15:02:58 +Satya_Sahoo 15:02:59 http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/meeting/2011-09-22 15:03:04 +1 15:03:07 GK has joined #prov 15:03:09 +1 15:03:10 +1 15:03:11 +1 15:03:12 +q 15:03:14 -q 15:03:15 +1 15:03:16 +1 15:03:23 +1 15:03:32 khalidbelhajjame has joined #prov 15:03:44 ACCEPTED: minutes of Sep 22 telecon 15:03:53 http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/track/actions/open 15:04:16 +??P46 15:04:16 Luc: action assigned to satya on doing named graph e.g. 15:04:28 zakin, ??P46 is me 15:04:35 satya: paolo closed it last week. 15:04:49 i think that action was closed 15:04:53 TOPIC: First Public Working Drafts 15:05:22 luc: data model doc to be released this week as FPWD 15:05:28 q? 15:05:30 q+ 15:05:35 luc: feedback from participants and is it ok to release? 15:05:54 +??P10 15:05:56 +Sandro 15:05:59 satya: has been raising issues. Do we address issues and continue working on doc after its released? 15:06:08 zakim, ??P10 is me 15:06:10 @Luc: I do *not* regard my comments today as blockers for release as FPWD 15:06:16 +khalidbelhajjame; got it 15:06:30 luc: first draft that is publicly released. Keep working on doc. To decide if there is anything blocking release. 15:06:47 jcheney has joined #prov 15:06:57 satya: is ok with releasing it. 15:07:21 luc: keep adding comments so readers know it is a work in progress. 15:07:23 q? 15:07:29 ack satya 15:07:29 +??P15 15:07:36 zakim, ??P15 is me 15:07:36 +jcheney; got it 15:07:39 I take a similar position to Graham - none of my comments blockers 15:07:46 +Yolanda 15:08:17 luc: need to vote formally on release. this is the first docs being released by group. Need to contact W3C director and point to the resolution. 15:08:25 proposed: release the data model document as a FPWD 15:08:40 +1 (W3C) 15:08:58 +1 (PNNL) 15:08:58 +1 (IE) 15:08:59 +1 (University of Manchester) 15:08:59 +1 (IE) 15:09:00 +1 (IE) 15:09:02 +1 (VUA) 15:09:02 +1 (Oxford U) 15:09:03 +1 (NASA) 15:09:09 +1 (U Edinburgh) 15:09:16 Hi everybody I'm on IRC but not phone - call overlap 15:09:26 sandro: please add affiliation in parantheses after +1. Invited experts to say IE 15:09:28 +1 15:09:38 Yolanda: +1 (IE) 15:09:42 (UPM) 15:10:11 yea, sorry about that :( 15:10:23 ACCEPTED: release the data model document as a FPWD 15:10:41 +??P25 15:10:49 cool 15:10:56 sandro: need to send email to a list of people about this. will send link. 15:11:15 q+, to say: need to use ReSpect features to generate the HTML 15:11:16 sandro: editors need to check all links are good, valid CSS/html, etc. 15:11:20 q? 15:11:53 GK: need to use ReSpect features to generate the HTML. If so, output should be compliant (but not broken links) 15:12:00 q? 15:12:27 luc: editors of other two docs, whats the timetable? 15:12:51 GK: Paul will make a call 15:12:56 Here are the full publication rules for a First Public Working Draft: http://www.w3.org/2005/07/pubrules?year=2011&uimode=filter&filter=Filter+pubrules&filterValues=form&docstatus=fpwd-wd-tr&patpol=w3c&rectrack=yes&normative=yes&prevrec=none#docreqs 15:13:02 s/ReSpect/ReSpec/ 15:13:11 i think we need some more time before the paq is ready 15:13:20 maybe 1 week or so 15:13:28 Luc: issue with entities that was postponed. has dustr settled? 15:13:56 Luc, the steps for publication approval are: http://services.w3.org/xslt?xmlfile=http://www.w3.org/2005/08/01-transitions.html&xslfile=http://www.w3.org/2005/08/transitions.xsl&docstatus=fpwd-wd-tr 15:14:10 Thanks Sandro 15:14:11 GK: has enough info to draft the changes to entities. Will be away for 2 weeks after this week. Did not expect to do substantial work on it after this point. 15:14:34 GK: the doc can go out without the extra drafting, but will defer to Paul's call 15:14:46 luc: will talk 1:1 with Paul to understand issue. 15:15:06 thanks 15:15:37 satya: formal model substantial work done , thanks to stian, khalid, daniel. 15:15:51 satya: will have a call nect Monday, but will be able to release before that 15:16:02 jorn has joined #prov 15:16:10 satya: will send mail to luc, paul and sandro to see if its ready to release 15:16:16 luc: decision has to be made by group 15:16:34 luc: WG should have time to go through it before decision is made 15:16:45 q? 15:16:47 satya: wull send link to WG and we can vote on next week's call 15:16:48 q+ to ask whether we should go for 15:17:00 @pgroth - I wanted to draft a section discussing contexts and Entities, and the that provenance assertions *could* be applicable to multiple Entities. Setting this out would make it easier to address some of the issues about contexts and anchors. 15:17:12 ack pgroth 15:17:12 pgroth, you wanted to ask whether we should go for 15:17:21 paul, what did you want say? 15:17:28 I'm not on the phone, but just wanted to ask whether we should wait for the ontology before releasing the conceptual model 15:17:32 + +1.512.524.aadd 15:17:53 I don't think we should wait 15:17:57 q? 15:18:03 depends how long it takes to agree the formal model... 15:18:04 me neither. The ontology has to be still tested 15:18:18 That's a good question: AFAICT, developers (@stain?) are working from the ontology doc. 15:18:26 don't wait 15:18:32 luc: doesnt see a sense that we should wait 15:18:44 ok 15:18:50 comments on the conceptual model from the public will facilitate the OWL development. 15:19:09 seems like there is consensus to release on the irc 15:19:13 GK: unclear about this. Stian has been doing prototyping based on ontology, not conceptual. There may be complementary info. But should not unecessarily hold things up. 15:19:30 luc: stian was implementing in OWL to inform the OWL design 15:19:38 luc: stian, do you have comments? 15:19:56 who is here? 15:19:59 zakim, who is here? 15:19:59 On the phone I see Vinh, Yogesh, Curt_Tilmes, dgarijo, Luc, +1.509.967.aabb, ??P8, ??P4, +1.315.330.aacc, Satya_Sahoo, ??P46, khalidbelhajjame, Sandro, jcheney, Yolanda, ??P25, 15:20:03 ... +1.512.524.aadd 15:20:04 On IRC I see jorn, jcheney, khalidbelhajjame, GK, tlebo, Paolo, StephenCresswell, satya, smiles, dgarijo, Curt, ericstephan, Yogesh, pgroth, Vinh, Zakim, RRSAgent, Luc, trackbot, 15:20:06 ... stain, sandro 15:20:36 luc: will take a few days before it is released. there will be an announcement that other docs will follow. we can proceed wth conceptual model and OWL spec will be ready soon 15:20:42 @GK: @stain used the ontology to test it, yes. But he made also based on the definitions of the conceptual model, to help us improve it :) 15:20:44 Topic: Connection Task Force 15:21:04 http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Connection_Task_Force_Informal_Report 15:21:21 ericstephan: 1st F2F meeting had preliminary thoughts. 15:21:52 ericstephan: several suggestions on other communities, standards bodies inside W3C and other special interest areas 15:22:31 ...Agreed that will develop a report and provide connections. 15:22:32 ...Link is available online that shows the degrees of connections. 15:22:38 q? 15:22:40 ...Please thae a look and give feedback. 15:22:54 s/thae/take/ 15:23:21 luc: Nice to see potential impact on other commnities. What was rationale? 15:23:56 ericstephan: "Connectivity Approaches to Community " summarizes ratonale. 1 star means we know them, but they dont know us. 15:24:20 ...4 stars means we know a name/person who writes a section for us. 15:24:23 q? 15:24:23 q+ to ask if you are looking for additional help to build more definite links with lower star ratings; more generally, what are the specific actions you asosciate with different ratings? 15:24:28 ack gk 15:24:28 GK, you wanted to ask if you are looking for additional help to build more definite links with lower star ratings; more generally, what are the specific actions you asosciate with 15:24:31 ... different ratings? 15:25:05 GK: are you looking to strengthen the connections for low stars? 15:25:21 q+ 15:25:57 -??P25 15:26:11 ericstephan: stars are access to community. Completed the report after F2F but this is living doc that will add connections and increase stars. 15:26:28 +??P25 15:26:32 zakim, ??p25 is me 15:26:32 +jorn; got it 15:26:51 q? 15:26:55 Kai has been collaborating to get info 15:28:12 eGovenment group has an interest in provenance. 15:28:55 stephen: have been on their conference call. They are interested in recommending an approach. 15:29:56 ack smiles 15:30:05 -Yogesh 15:30:14 +Yogesh 15:31:50 q? 15:32:13 +??P40 15:32:31 zakim, ??P40 is me 15:32:31 +Paolo; got it 15:32:39 Yogesh has joined #prov 15:32:58 - +1.512.524.aadd 15:33:23 sorry, my IRC has been giving problems 15:33:54 q? 15:34:12 Topic: primer 15:34:32 Simon: put the skeleton together 15:34:37 http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/primer/Primer.html 15:34:53 looking for comments. Yolanda will coedit the primer. Will be talking tomorrow. 15:35:11 ...Yolanda suggested starting points for people from different perspectives. 15:35:36 ...Others can volunteer next week to contribute to primer. 15:35:47 ...Will set out well defined actvities for them. 15:36:05 @smiles: might want to copy overview diagram from the model doc? I think it bears repeating :) 15:36:06 ..Expect a primer by end of Oct as a draft for WG to consider. 15:36:12 q? 15:36:16 Luc: Will have primer agenda for next week. 15:36:39 Simaon: May not be able to make it next week. Will check if Yolanda can make it. Will send email. 15:36:39 q? 15:36:50 Yolanda: will be able to join next week. 15:36:56 topic: formal model document 15:37:04 I guess the current structure of the Primer is initial version - so will comment later 15:37:59 satya: had feedback. Luc raised an issue. satya has 2 sections to look into: extension section and formal semantics 15:38:23 ...will send email on Monday for WG to review 15:38:26 q? 15:39:36 satya: Will try to release a first version that may change based on feedback 15:40:13 +q 15:40:30 ...Discusssions on provenance container and entity and subclasses has led to changes. But cant provide a timeline for fixed ontology till a formal conceptual model is in place. 15:40:33 ack d 15:40:34 q+ to ask if there's a criterion for deciding what subclasses to define 15:40:56 Daniel: Converging to stablility. Testing usecases. 15:41:00 ack gk 15:41:00 GK, you wanted to ask if there's a criterion for deciding what subclasses to define 15:41:55 -jorn 15:42:05 +??P25 15:42:21 yogesh, are you still here? 15:42:32 satya: agrees with GK. If we do not assert subclass of relationship, then we have limit entailments. Tradeoff. 15:42:45 q? 15:42:46 ...We can keep all of them for now without asserting subclass of relationship. 15:43:40 satya: Have been discussing the use of roles. Associating qualifiers wth relationships, or with Process executions was discussed. 15:44:32 ...For now, agreed to use roles until there are clear cases highlighting its shortcomings. 15:44:54 ...Similarly, time of process start and stop are assertions or qualifiers on the process entities, not relationships. 15:45:29 luc: Someone mentioned usecases being built. Is there a catalog? All cant go into fomal doc but may be useful to test interop. 15:45:47 sayta: Using crime scene scenario and the one stain has done. 15:45:51 +q 15:46:18 Luc: Is there something even smaller? Entity between two process executions with roles 15:46:35 q? 15:46:36 http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/file/tip/ontology/components is collecting the individual OWL axioms and collects examples 15:46:40 ack tl 15:46:43 Stian has already encode the workflow provenance example. 15:46:43 satya: Corolla car example would be useful 15:46:48 It is in the mercurial 15:47:02 q? 15:47:33 Luc: can you put this link in the top level page? 15:47:37 I can see the readme 15:47:40 q? 15:48:12 Luc: postponed discussions on accounts? 15:48:36 satya: Still some discussion between account, provenance collections and containers. 15:48:50 ...Can definitely model container right now. Are accounts distinct? 15:48:56 Luc: Yes, in the conceptual model. 15:49:28 Accounts can be nested, for example 15:49:38 I saw accounts as something more specific than a prov container. 15:49:43 satya: can we rename container as something else? 15:50:03 so a container could, for instance, contain several accounts 15:50:21 Luc: named graphs are scoping construct for triples with metadata associated. But construct is not there is OWL. 15:50:26 named graphs can be described in OWL using http://www.w3.org/ns/sparql-service-description# 15:50:35 I would suggest to keep them separate, while ProvenanceContainer is a (Random) bundle of assertions, accounts should be used when there is scoping. So, although structurally they are similar, semantically they are not. 15:50:43 ...How can we express accounts without named graphs in OWL? 15:50:52 satya: we'll need a class for that in OWL. 15:50:54 @khalid: +1 15:51:11 ...Containers are similar to scoping in named graphs. 15:51:34 @khalid: but they are not disjoint. A container can be an account. 15:51:40 I think it will depend very much on how the RDF group introduce named graphs... 15:51:42 ...Containers bundle assertions and we can associate metadata with the cotainers. 15:51:48 @daniel, yes 15:51:56 q+ 15:52:10 q? 15:52:13 Luc: How will container class be instantiated into named graphs in RDF? 15:52:15 http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-service-description describes named graphs 15:52:18 ... is as literals, then they can appear ibn OWL datatype properties, but the embedded RDF semantics may be opaque 15:52:38 naming named graphs within a SPARQL endpoint (an approach): https://github.com/timrdf/csv2rdf4lod-automation/wiki/Naming-sparql-service-description%27s-sd%3ANamedGraph 15:52:46 we can allways avoid usinog named graphs in owl: create class account and a relationship of containment to each of the other concepts. 15:53:00 ... if datasets (ala SPARQL) then I'm not sure how that would carry over. 15:53:29 +q 15:53:32 q? 15:53:33 satya: no construct for provenance assertion in model. Should we model it in ontology? 15:53:40 ack tl 15:54:01 Ok, I see your point Satya. In that case, we can just explain that in the HTML document without adding explicit classes in the OWL ontology 15:54:03 Yes: "Provenance assertion" is an ASN construct; representation in RDF is just an RDF assertion, I think. 15:54:10 tlebo: Variety of work is in draft, like sparql endpoint 15:54:21 ...We can extend this vocabulary. 15:54:46 Luc: will you have a proposal on accounts and containers by the time the doc is released as FPWD? 15:54:54 @Khalid, GK: +1 15:54:55 q? 15:55:01 tleb: Will have a first draft on it. 15:55:02 ack dg 15:55:22 daniel: make prov:Account (don't use named graphs) 15:55:46 q? 15:55:57 Daniel: Named graphs are not yet standarized. Not helpful to reply on it. 15:56:06 sd:NamedGraph will need to be a subclass prov:Account - since accounts can be sitting elsewhere. 15:56:10 q+ 15:56:52 Ah... with named graphs, can use owl:import? 15:56:55 q+ 15:57:00 q- 15:57:01 ack tl 15:57:21 satya: defers to ntology telecon, but what does sitting "elsewhere" mean? 15:57:33 -??P25 15:57:50 q? 15:57:55 ack saty 15:57:58 satya: can you capture your question? 15:58:57 Luc: Will be good to see a proposal for named graphs and go to RDF group and ask if they can support this 15:59:08 q? 15:59:28 -Satya_Sahoo 15:59:28 list attendees 15:59:29 - +1.315.330.aacc 15:59:29 -Yolanda 15:59:30 -??P46 15:59:31 -dgarijo 15:59:32 -Paolo 15:59:32 - +1.509.967.aabb 15:59:33 -jcheney 15:59:40 Tm, What is the construct that we can use for set of provenance assertions other than named graphs 15:59:42 yogesh, i ll do the necessary incantations from here 15:59:47 thanks luc 15:59:49 s/Tm/tim 15:59:51 -Vinh 15:59:53 -Curt_Tilmes 15:59:55 -Sandro 15:59:56 -khalidbelhajjame 15:59:59 -??P8 16:00:00 -Luc 16:00:01 rrsagent, set log public 16:00:07 thanks for scribing, yogesh 16:00:14 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:00:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/09/29-prov-minutes.html Luc 16:00:14 zakim, part 16:00:17 Yogesh has left #prov 16:00:19 -??P4 16:00:25 leaving. As of this point the attendees were Vinh, Yogesh, Curt_Tilmes, dgarijo, Luc, +1.509.967.aabb, +1.315.330.aacc, Satya_Sahoo, Sandro, khalidbelhajjame, jcheney, Yolanda, 16:00:28 Zakim has left #prov 16:00:30 ... +1.512.524.aadd, jorn, Paolo 16:00:30 trackbot, end telcon 16:00:46 GK has left #prov 16:03:33 uhm.. I'm in a wrong time zone :-(( 16:03:42 d'oh! 16:03:44 that's what insurance company does to your head 16:03:53 I've spent the morning on the phone with them.. 16:04:10 ok, I hope everyting was decided now then :) 16:19:41 trackbot has joined #prov 17:01:33 khalidbelhajjame has joined #prov 18:01:32 MacTed has joined #prov