13:48:20 RRSAgent has joined #lld 13:48:20 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/06/23-lld-irc 13:48:27 rrsagent, bookmark 13:48:27 See http://www.w3.org/2011/06/23-lld-irc#T13-48-27 13:48:36 zakim, this will be lld 13:48:36 ok, antoine; I see INC_LLDXG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 12 minutes 13:48:46 Meeting: LLD XG 13:48:53 Chair: Antoine 13:49:08 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-lld/2011Jun/0068.html 13:49:41 Previous: 2010-06-16 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/minutes/2011/06/16-lld-minutes.html 13:50:43 Regrets: Marcia, Emma, Tom, Peter, Lars, Karen, Joachim 13:50:53 rrsagent, please make record public 13:50:59 rrsagent, please draft minutes 13:50:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/06/23-lld-minutes.html antoine 13:53:40 jodi has joined #LLD 13:56:14 INC_LLDXG()10:00AM has now started 13:56:21 + +1.763.463.aaaa 13:56:46 +??P16 13:56:52 zakim, ??P16 is me 13:56:52 +antoine; got it 13:57:05 zakim, aaaa is jodi 13:57:05 +jodi; got it 13:58:39 ww has joined #lld 13:58:49 +monica 13:59:03 monica has joined #lld 13:59:20 jeff_ has joined #lld 13:59:55 +??P21 14:00:00 zakim, ??P21 is me 14:00:00 +ww; got it 14:00:06 zakim, mute 14:00:06 I don't understand 'mute', ww 14:00:11 zakim, please mute me 14:00:11 ww should now be muted 14:00:13 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/Scribing.html 14:00:25 rayd has joined #lld 14:00:44 Scribe: Monica 14:00:50 Scribenick: monica 14:01:09 +AZ 14:01:13 kai has joined #lld 14:01:17 +michaelp 14:01:19 -michaelp 14:01:33 zakim, AZ is really kai 14:01:35 +kai; got it 14:01:46 +michaelp 14:01:54 zakim, michaelp is me 14:01:54 +jeff_; got it 14:02:14 +[LC] 14:02:21 zakim, LC is rayd 14:02:21 +rayd; got it 14:02:38 zakim, mute me 14:02:38 jeff_ should now be muted 14:02:52 Topic: ADMIN 14:03:06 Antoine: any comments on the minutes? 14:03:16 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/minutes/2011/06/16-lld-minutes.html 14:03:17 PROPOSED: To accept http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/minutes/2011/06/15-lld-minutes.html 14:03:21 --accepted 14:03:28 s/PROPOSED/RESOLVED 14:03:38 kefo has joined #lld 14:03:42 +[LC] 14:03:43 zakim, LC is me 14:03:43 +kefo; got it 14:03:53 Topic: FINAL REPORT 14:03:54 zakim, mute me please 14:03:54 kefo should now be muted 14:04:17 Antoine: draft call circulated yesterday, to be sent to various lists identified 14:04:36 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-lld/2011Jun/0023.html 14:05:12 Jodi: everything fine, but links at the bottom might be better in-line, for reference 14:05:42 Antoine: agreed, good comment 14:05:56 ...can we move on to the blog? 14:06:14 ACTION: Monica to set up blog for comments on Monday [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/06/16-lld-minutes.html#action05] 14:06:16 -- DONE: http://blogs.ukoln.ac.uk/w3clld/ 14:07:05 monica: digress.it should be happening soon 14:07:32 ... hope it will be there tomorrow 14:07:39 ... there will be one day downtime 14:08:36 monica: downtime before content is put there? 14:08:45 Jodi: downtime first would be better 14:09:36 Monica: today or first thing tomorrow? 14:11:04 Antoine: Monica, Jodi, KAren and Antoine are registered as admin 14:11:15 ...do we have time to publish the content quickly? 14:11:24 s/Karen/emma/ 14:11:34 s/KAren/emma/ 14:12:10 ..the idea is to post all the sections as separate items and use feature of the blog to re-organise the content according to the structure of the report 14:12:33 s/..the/...the/ 14:13:10 ...we have been discussing between us as we answered the call for admins, but others are welcome to join 14:13:23 ...anyone interested in this effort over coming 2-3 days? 14:13:35 jodi: we should solicit other people to be involved 14:13:46 ...I'm happy to moderate comments 14:14:18 Antoine: if no-one on call would like to volunteer it might be difficult to get them later 14:14:42 ACTION: Monica to send email to ask for more volunteers otherwise we will continue on our own 14:15:12 Antoine: What should we post on this blog? 14:15:20 ...One post per section 14:15:34 ...from previous discussion these posts should link to the live version on teh wiki page 14:15:39 s/teh/the/ 14:16:09 Jodi: thinking about the versioning issue - not sure I can add more useful comments 14:16:24 Antoine: content can be updated folllowing any further observations 14:16:34 s/folllowing/following/ 14:16:54 keeping track of commentary/reviews --- discussion at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-lld/2011Jun/0045.html 14:17:07 Antoine: we need to be careful not to lose track of comments 14:17:21 ...should each section keep track of comments to it? 14:17:30 ...or should it be done on assigned reviewers page 14:17:49 ...many section editors are not here today so it may be difficult to reach consensus today 14:17:57 ...any strong preference from people here 14:18:10 Jodi: it would be better if someone was overall in charge of keeping track 14:18:12 +[LC] 14:18:18 Zakim, LC is edsu 14:18:18 +edsu; got it 14:18:19 ...not sure it matters where the comments go 14:18:33 ...as long as we can see them all in one place 14:18:47 Antoine: somewhere centralised would make it easier 14:19:00 ...we would then need a volunteer 14:19:12 ...could we rotate volunteers? 14:19:28 ...one for past emails, then rotate for two weeks 14:19:38 dvilasuero has joined #lld 14:19:44 Jodi: agree with volunteer rotation 14:20:05 Antoine: volunteer is to put the email on the wiki page and acknowledge receipt 14:20:11 Hi, sorry I am having problems with my ip caller 14:20:24 ...it is polite to send a reply to say we are considering the comments 14:20:40 ...no objection - volunteers? 14:20:46 zakim, mute me 14:20:46 monica should now be muted 14:21:03 Antoine: volunteer for past comments 14:21:14 I'll volunteer for next week. 14:21:23 I can do the ones for the two weeks after 14:21:54 Antoine: I do not think we will have hundreds 14:21:54 Too stressy in the moment, in fact I am not allowed to volunteer for anything ;-) 14:22:47 ACTION Antoine to keep track and answer comments until today 14:23:36 ACTION Jeff to keep track of further comments between June 24 and July ? 14:23:51 s/July ?/June 30 14:24:02 s/July ?/June 30 14:24:24 ACTION: Monica to keep track of comments between July 1 and July 8 14:24:41 zakim, unmute me 14:24:41 monica should no longer be muted 14:24:51 Antoine we will then seek further volunteers 14:24:56 ...in teh coming calls 14:25:00 s/teh/the/ 14:25:16 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (tbd) -- http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/ExecutiveSummary 14:25:19 -kai 14:25:25 LIBRARY LINKED DATA": SCOPE OF THIS REPORT (Karen, Peter, Tom, Gordon, Jodi) -- http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Benefits#.22Library_Linked_Data.22:_Scope_of_this_report 14:25:32 BENEFITS OF LINKED DATA (Ed, Emmanuelle, Ross) -- http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Benefits 14:25:41 Antione: Ed, anything to report on Benefits? 14:25:42 +kai 14:25:46 ...next one 14:25:54 AVAILABLE VOCABULARIES AND DATASETS (Antoine, Jeff, Marcia, William) -- http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Draft_Vocabularies_Datasets_Section 14:25:56 zakim, unmute me 14:25:56 jeff_ should no longer be muted 14:26:04 Antoine: not much to say on this either 14:26:10 digikim has joined #lld 14:26:12 RELEVANT TECHNOLOGIES (Jeff) -- http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Draft_Relevant_Technologies 14:26:14 digikim has left #lld 14:26:18 Antoine: Jeff any comments? 14:26:28 digikim_ has joined #lld 14:26:32 Jeff: some discussion off-line which has been reflected on the page 14:26:47 ...more feedback from John Phiipps, we will discuss off-line then incorporate into teh page 14:26:51 s/teh/the/ 14:27:03 Antoine: so the comments can be integrated without too much problem? 14:27:16 Jeff: yes I think so, after discussion between a couple of us 14:27:31 ACTION: Gordon to review Relevant Technologies [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/minutes/2011/06/09-lld-minutes.html#action04] -- 2011-06-16: Gordon added as reviewer 14:27:35 --continues 14:27:58 Anoine: maybe we can elaborate on one of the calls 14:28:06 IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES AND BARRIERS TO ADOPTION (Karen, Peter, Tom, Gordon, Jodi) -- http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Draft_issues_page 14:28:13 ACTION: Karen and Antoine to relate Library Data Resources and Library Standards and Linked data [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/06/16-lld-minutes.html#action12] 14:28:15 --continues 14:28:27 zakim, mute me 14:28:27 jeff_ should now be muted 14:28:36 Jodi: nothing ot add today on this section 14:28:43 RECOMMENDATIONS AND NEXT STEPS (Karen, Peter, Tom, Gordon, Jodi) -- http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Draft_recommendations_page 14:28:46 --continues 14:28:52 sot/to/ 14:29:03 s/ot/to/ 14:29:21 LIBRARY LINKED DATA: VOCABULARIES AND DATASETS - SEPARATE DELIVERABLE (Antoine, Jeff, Marcia, William) -- http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Vocabulary_and_Dataset 14:29:30 zakim, unmute me 14:29:30 jeff_ should no longer be muted 14:29:31 Antoine: comments received but not looked at yet 14:29:42 Jeff: not looked in detail yet either 14:29:51 Antoine: we need some time to digest the comments 14:29:51 zakim, mute me 14:29:51 jeff_ should now be muted 14:30:03 USE CASES (Daniel) - SEPARATE DELIVERABLE -- http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/UseCaseReport 14:30:10 ACTION: Jodi to review http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/UseCaseReport for next week [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/minutes/2011/05/19-lld-minutes.html#action14] 14:30:12 --done 14:30:24 Antoine: how are things going there? 14:30:42 Jodi: some use cases are still being worked on, or waiting from response 14:31:04 Antoine: do we need to ask people to contribute stuff? Daniel had sent some emails to ask for input 14:31:14 ...Daniel maybe send some reminders 14:31:23 daniel, are you here? 14:31:28 Yes 14:31:49 can you send reminders to the people who have not answered your request for contribution? 14:31:54 I am here, I am waiting for an answer from Jodi and Uldis and Gordon/Karen 14:32:00 we need to make progress on this 14:32:03 yes, I will do 14:32:20 I have sent emails yesterday regarding this 14:32:31 Antoine: we will check again on progress on this next week 14:32:34 tbaker has joined #lld 14:32:39 and I still need to finish some individual use cases 14:32:47 ...it would be apity to end up with an incomplete deliverable given the work done on this document already 14:32:53 but there is not much left to do 14:32:56 s/apity/a pity/ 14:33:08 (joining irc-only, from Beijing) 14:33:10 Antoine: that completes the deliverables. Any other business? 14:33:37 there are just some parragraphs of two clusters + 10 individual uc short summaries 14:33:54 ...this call was expected to be short, we are entering summer period, we would expect calls to get shorter. 14:34:09 ...meeting is adjourned. 14:34:10 It will not end up incomplete for sure 14:34:12 -kefo 14:34:13 -jeff_ 14:34:15 jeff_ has left #lld 14:34:16 -rayd 14:34:17 -jodi 14:34:20 ok, daniel! 14:34:23 jodi has left #LLD 14:34:25 -kai 14:34:26 zakim, who is here? 14:34:32 -edsu 14:34:37 rrsagent, please draft minutes 14:34:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/06/23-lld-minutes.html antoine 14:34:38 -ww 14:34:40 On the phone I see antoine, monica 14:34:44 On IRC I see tbaker, dvilasuero, kai, rayd, monica, ww, RRSAgent, Zakim, antoine, rsinger, edsu 14:35:18 ACTION: Antoine to keep track and answer comments until today 14:35:32 ACTION: Jeff to keep track of further comments between June 24 and June 30 14:35:42 rrsagent, please draft minutes 14:35:42 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/06/23-lld-minutes.html antoine 14:36:04 hi, antoine - just got back from dinner... 14:36:14 ACTION: Monica to set up blog for comments on Monday [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/06/16-lld-minutes.html#action05] 14:36:16 --DONE 14:36:20 rrsagent, please draft minutes 14:36:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/06/23-lld-minutes.html antoine 14:38:33 zakim, please list attendees 14:38:33 As of this point the attendees have been +1.763.463.aaaa, antoine, jodi, monica, ww, kai, jeff_, rayd, kefo, edsu 14:39:15 rrsagent, please draft minutes 14:39:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/06/23-lld-minutes.html antoine 14:39:41 short call? 14:40:39 yes! 14:40:42 -monica 14:40:44 (hi Tom!) 14:41:03 yes, many regrets, and we did not have time to really read the reviews 14:41:21 I think also the end of June is a terrible period for people to do "side" work 14:41:31 how are you in China? 14:41:45 -antoine 14:41:46 INC_LLDXG()10:00AM has ended 14:41:48 Attendees were +1.763.463.aaaa, antoine, jodi, monica, ww, kai, jeff_, rayd, kefo, edsu 14:42:00 zakim, bye 14:42:00 Zakim has left #lld 14:42:05 rrsagent, bye 14:42:05 I see 9 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2011/06/23-lld-actions.rdf : 14:42:05 ACTION: Monica to set up blog for comments on Monday [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/06/16-lld-minutes.html#action05] [1] 14:42:05 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/06/23-lld-irc#T14-06-14 14:42:05 ACTION: Monica to send email to ask for more volunteers otherwise we will continue on our own [2] 14:42:05 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/06/23-lld-irc#T14-14-42 14:42:05 ACTION: Monica to keep track of comments between July 1 and July 8 [3] 14:42:05 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/06/23-lld-irc#T14-24-24 14:42:05 ACTION: Gordon to review Relevant Technologies [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/minutes/2011/06/09-lld-minutes.html#action04] -- 2011-06-16: Gordon added as reviewer [4] 14:42:05 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/06/23-lld-irc#T14-27-31 14:42:05 ACTION: Karen and Antoine to relate Library Data Resources and Library Standards and Linked data [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/06/16-lld-minutes.html#action12] [5] 14:42:05 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/06/23-lld-irc#T14-28-13 14:42:05 ACTION: Jodi to review http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/UseCaseReport for next week [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/minutes/2011/05/19-lld-minutes.html#action14] [6] 14:42:05 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/06/23-lld-irc#T14-30-10 14:42:05 ACTION: Antoine to keep track and answer comments until today [7] 14:42:05 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/06/23-lld-irc#T14-35-18 14:42:05 ACTION: Jeff to keep track of further comments between June 24 and June 30 [8] 14:42:05 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/06/23-lld-irc#T14-35-32 14:42:05 ACTION: Monica to set up blog for comments on Monday [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/06/16-lld-minutes.html#action05] [9] 14:42:05 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/06/23-lld-irc#T14-36-14 14:42:10 ok, just got back from dinner